Show Type: Championship
Venue: Bingley Hall, Stafford Showground, Weston Road, Stafford ST18 0BD
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Entries: 128 dogs making 157 entries
I did feel like all my Christmases had come at once – albeit a little early in the month. Thank you to all the sporting exhibitors who had entered and travelled at this wintry and busy time of the year. Following the change of venue since I accepted the appointment I really did value everyone who gave me the pleasure of examining your lovely Borders. Thanks go to my stewards Trish and Bill who were appreciated by exhibitors for keeping order with tact and good humour. As is the custom I will make a few remarks. The standard is the standard and we are all looking for exhibits that could basically do the job they were bred for and this means a combination of breed point essentials and true soundness that comes from good construction. Accordingly however smart the “cookie-cutter” outline may appear to be they must still move with the purpose and ground covering economy that comes from a well-knit and correctly shaped frame. Front movement is not generally as positive as I would like. Temperament is also vital. There were some that just lacked confidence, this is not a showy thing, I have known some lovely dour winning Borders in my time, but they must have a robust enough nature through socialisation etc to withstand being examined on the table. I should just add that I have no problem with the busy ones that like to take an active interest in the proceedings! Back to the time of year and I congratulate exhibitors on their presentation of proper double coats with plenty of undercoat as well as dense, harsh topcoat. It really demonstrated that there is no need to rip it all out for the sake of trying to obtain ultra clean outlines. Bone was on the whole ok – I do like to see quality of bone going all the way down to good, well padded feet. Weak pasterns and poor, thin open feet could not work a day without either damage or tiredness. As always quality and type was a little patchy and it would be difficult to make matching line-ups all through but to me the main thing is that all my principals shouted Border and met the standard as closely as possible and offer good things for the future of the breed.
Best Of Breed: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
DCC: TG3, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
RDCC: Dandyhow Postman Pat
RBCC: CH Bohamer York'ist Celeste By Tythrop
Best Puppy: Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow
Best Veteran: Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox
Special Beginners in Breed: Roseghyll Tipsy Queen
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Itsaso Hoist The Colours (Mrs L Wain)
1 built on well proportioned lines and moderate all through, of good size and strength for his age. Narrow in body and well ribbed into good loin. Correct straight bone, not quite the fill in between the forelegs but has plenty of time to mature of course, shapely hindquarters. Fair head and expression with good big teeth. With normal development should continue well
2nd - Itsaso On Stranger Tides (Miss D R L Davies)
Litter brother to 1 and unsurprisingly similar remarks apply. Nice type, handles well, appealing head and expression, presented in lovely coat. Scored over 3 on length of bone but preferred feet of 3. Moved okay but with the benefit of time needs to tighten and firm up all through
3rd - Thistlemead Fortitude (Mrs P M Heeley)
Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st - Brumberhill Beswick (Mr S A Mcpherson)
1 beautifully constructed, smart youngster, good for size, has all points covered but not too forward for his age. Good skull and expression. Nice body lines with ribs carried back well. Good angulation fore and aft. Self-assured and moved soundly holding his shape well. Not in his best jacket but outweighed by his many virtues. Should continue to progress well BPD
2nd - Chorbeck Phoenix Knight (Mrs H Haughton)
Scopier than 1 but balanced in height to length ratios, readily spanned, typical head well set on good length of neck into good shoulders and through to firm topline. Good front assembly is balanced behind. Put down in excellent coat and condition. Lots to like.
3rd - Chesterton Viva Las Vegas (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
Res - Thornheswin Whipper In (Mr C Dixon)
VHC - Thistlemead Fortitude (Mrs P M Heeley)
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW (Mr S A Mcpherson)
In my book, I wrote ticks all the boxes and really does exemplify the standard. Gorgeous, well-made young dog of type and quality. Lovely head and expression, masculine without any coarseness. Body and angulation in total balance. Stands on super legs and feet with the best of fronts. Well ribbed back with good underline. Moves with that highly desirable, long, easy stride with the forelegs thrown low over the ground and the hind legs coming under the body to give well controlled propulsion with economy. Really uses his correct well-set tail and carries himself beautifully. Gave me goosebumps and was to be my yardstick all day. Hats off – a totally deserved CC, BOB and TG3
2nd - Mansergh Last Hurrah (Mrs V Woolrich)
slightly differing type, honest masculine dog, workmanlike and the more I assessed him the more I liked him, does not carry excessive whisker but therefore decent skull and foreface readily established and pleasing well shaped eye gave appealing expression. Stands well with good bone and tight feet, well made frame generally, well bodied, spannable, good in rib, strong loin, balanced in angulation he uses what he’s got
3rd - Borderrush Brugal Rum For Twizzlemere (Mr V J & Mrs M Pearce)
Res - Manorcroft True Statesman At Martifers (Mr M & Mrs J Sharp)
VHC - Chmod Baxter (Mrs T & Mr S Armstrong-Godwin)
Entries: 8 Absentees: 2
1st - Otterbobs Quiggins (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
Most typical for size and shape. Readily spanned and in super nick. Fit with good muscle tone in the right places and presented in admirable coat and good thick pliable skin. Correctly developed in front and forechest and stands balanced with front feet positioned correctly under his body and with quality bone all the way down to those well padded and well shaped feet. Sound on the move. I liked his head a great deal although could have slightly less stop maybe but nevertheless scored in ear, eye and expression.
2nd - Thornheswin Hellfire In Borderfox (Miss A & Miss E Dixon)
Another smashing example, typy and well proportioned, good headpiece with very typical expression, well-made all through and readily spanned he was good to go over. Relaxed tends to stand with feet at “10 to 2” but dropped onto front perked up nicely with feet facing forward naturally, elbows well placed and fore legs straight with good pasterns. Exhibited to advantage in full double coat. Sound mover. Much to recommend.
3rd - Cedarhill The Wish (Mr B. l. & Mrs M. Regeer)
Res - Arunmere Bullet Proof (Miss J Windsor-Hichens)
VHC - Borderrush Brugal Rum For Twizzlemere (Mr V J & Mrs M Pearce)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st - Jordith Roll Up And Shine JW (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Sadly not the most positive of movement from exhibits in this class. 1 Lovely shaped eye and keen expression. Good ear placement. So attentive and looking for instructions the whole time from sympathetic and clever handler, smart and typical with good general outline produced to ensure nice head carriage on good moderate length of neck. In super condition, good quality bone, well proportioned. Picture finished with good shaped, well set tail.
2nd - Cedarhill Make A Wish For Roxellia (Mrs C M & Mr M D Peffers)
Preferred head and expression of 1 and not quite the desired fill in between the forelegs but shapely profile, narrow build, spannable, good rear assembly and tail, and presented in excellent condition
3rd - Kewhaigh Innocent Man JW (Mrs N A Cummins)
Res - Umbala Marula (Mr & Mrs G J Fordham & Mrs G Cove-Print)
VHC - Chmod Baxter (Mrs T & Mr S Armstrong-Godwin)
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Pipruda Dark Rum at Beckholm JW (Mrs A Sutton)
stood alone but not disgraced. Workman-like, neat sort. Narrow and spannable. Good head pattern, good v-shaped ears falling close to cheek, and liked his keen expression. Moved okay. Coat past its best but sufficient to ascertain the texture. Stands fairly balanced with good tail well set on muscular, shapely quarters.
Entries: 12 Absentees: 3
1st - Dandyhow Postman Pat (Mrs K M Irving)
Lovely old school, (and nothing wrong with that) very typical, masculine dog. Everything in the right place and moves accordingly. I rate his head and expression highly. Correct for size and bone and good front angulation with feet placed nicely under his body. Scores in coat and pelt. Good shapely tail and well made rear assembly. Good to handle and has all essentials I am looking for. Could not be denied RCC
2nd - Alcumlow Painter Man On Hobhill (Mrs S Pickerin)
Not an easy decision as this one appeals too. Scopey, classy individual. Just wish his handler would stand away to allow him to use his well made fore assembly freely but he is well made here with good upper arm and well laid shoulder, good for bone, easily spanned, narrow body of correct depth, well ribbed back, free, active mover
3rd - Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Res - Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
VHC - Chorbeck Curtain Call (Mrs H Haughton)
Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st - CH Otterbobs Tolson (Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin)
Upstanding and full of quality. Have reported fully before and felt he was really on his toes, fully using his feet with placement on point. Good thick, pliable skin and in gorgeous double coat with hardly a hair out of place. So much to like all through but on the go-round preferred the overall tail carriage of my two top male winners.
2nd - Int CH / Ir CH Benattivo Woody At Ploughdown (Mr E & Dr M Armstrong)
Handy and pleasing masculine dog who scores in head with well proportioned skull and foreface with good shaped eye and typical expression, alert and appealing. Good for bone, size and make and shape generally. Meets the standard well. Stands over the ground balanced on neat well padded feet just preferred the underline of 1, but sound, stylish mover using himself well and knows his worth.
3rd - Mansergh History of Art (Miss D Wills)
Res - Digmoor Turn The Page (Mr M P & Mrs S V Regan)
VHC - Ch Achouffe McKay's Fable of Redesholt (Mrs S McKay)
Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM (Mrs H Haughton)
Three very likable veterans exhibited in enviable, full, harsh, weatherproof jackets with plenty of undercoat. 1 a true Border in fine form, of good type, well made and stands balanced with pleasing outline. Wears his age lightly and moves like he should.
2nd - Kentixen Mint Imperial At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Has all the essentials in all the right places and handles well. Handsome and masculine but not overdone. Nicely presented just felt he might have preferred to be doing something else.
3rd - Sadira Reggie At Jasueter (Mr P J, Mrs S J, Miss J S Binden)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st - Mansergh Last Hurrah (Mrs V Woolrich)
2nd - Chesterton Vancouver (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
Feels, quite rightly, very much a puppy. Nicely made and with normal luck has all the essentials to progress well. Just right for bone. In good fettle. Nice underline and top line. Not over confident on the table but much happier on the move which was very much on the right lines.
3rd - Arunmere Bullet Proof (Miss J Windsor-Hichens)
Res - Cedarhill Make A Wish For Roxellia (Mrs C M & Mr M D Peffers)
VHC - Chmod Baxter (Mrs T & Mr S Armstrong-Godwin)
Entries: 7 Absentees: 0
1st - Mansergh Last Hurrah (Mrs V Woolrich)
2nd - Kewhaigh Innocent Man JW (Mrs N A Cummins)
Headpiece satisfactory. Reasonable make and shape, well ribbed back. Moved out better here.
3rd - Itsaso On Stranger Tides (Miss D R L Davies)
Res - Arunmere Bullet Proof (Miss J Windsor-Hichens)
VHC - Borderrush Brugal Rum For Twizzlemere (Mr V J & Mrs M Pearce)
Entries: 9 Absentees: 2
1st - Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow (Mrs K M Irving)
From a class of individuals showing plenty of potential it was easy to fall for this precocious, busy juvenile. Certainly does not lack confidence. Just right for her age and while she may be young and therefore her performance understandably not completely polished, her type and style is undeniable. Head and expression engaging, she flows from neck into shoulder through to an excellent topline. Both front and rear assembly are well formed and balanced. On the move she may be a little puppyish but she holds her outline and steps out with her feet placed correctly. I think with normal development she is one to watch. BP
2nd - Ragatam Sky Lark (Miss T J Peacock)
Nicely made all through, lovely outline, really narrow and stands balanced on very good legs and feet, nice neck, attractive head, typical expression, correct body shape with ribs carried back, correct angulation, moved satisfactorily for her age. I liked her immensely and would expect her to continue to develop very well.
3rd - Howthwaite Molly Malone (Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett)
Res - Botterox Astri (Miss S L Hillman)
VHC - Itsaso A Beacon Of Hope (Mrs L Wain)
Entries: 10 Absentees: 1
1st - Tiny Tia Clootie Dumpling (Miss M Burrows)
Sweet and feminine exhibit who showed well, true type, quickly caught my eye, pretty head of good pattern with expressive well shaped eyes, nicely constructed with lovely body lines, good in neck and shoulder, stands over her front well and liked her shapely quarters with good tail. All were puppyish on the move but travelled easily keeping her topline.
2nd - Brumberhill Best China (Mr S A Mcpherson)
Classy and not dissimilar. Has all the essentials and in all the right places. Free from exaggeration and of good size and excellent type as one would expect from this kennel. It was a close up decision and just preferred front of winner but would expect her to continue to tighten here with normal development.
3rd - Thornheswin Forever Blue (Mr C Foreman)
Res - Tarkaswell Time Traveller JW (Mrs C E Sansom)
VHC - Thistlemead Fortuity (Mrs P M Heely)
Entries: 13 Absentees: 3
1st - Ragatam Daydreamer JW (Miss T J Peacock)
This was a pleasing class with some nice exhibits. Will not be surprised if they trouble the best on their day. 1 a lovely bitch to go over who scored highly in most departments. Attractive and correct head with most typical expression carried well on good neck. Good shoulders and forehand generally. Everything flows as it should. Excellent body shape, narrow with strength where required. Stands really balanced with well let down hocks and nothing overdone.
2nd - Flegato Force Of Nature (Mrs M Fleming)
Typical and quite finished, lovely characteristic head and expression, well bodied and nicely ribbed back with good topline and underline. Shapely rear assembly. Carries herself beautifully. Excellent coat and pelt. Preferred forehand of 1 but liked her a lot.
3rd - Mansergh Final Fling (Miss A Roslin Williams)
Res - Lotts Beauty In Thornheswin (Mr J C Dixon)
VHC - Earthtaw Peony (E.Larner, J.Phillips & R.Larner)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Remony Rose Gold JW (Mrs A E Gregory)
Very typical and nicely made and good to go over from nose to tail. Feminine with pleasing head properties and dark expressive eyes. Very pleasing outline. Stands balanced on good legs and feet, spannable, and well ribbed back. Shown in good double coat with thick pliable skin. Travelled well on the move and by no means discounted in the challenge.
2nd - Louajak Blue Fizz (Miss C Gwilliam)
Appealing B/T with much to like. Lithe and fit and comes to hand easily. Pretty with good head and expression. Satisfactory make and shape. Preferred the outlook and overall balance and finish of 1 but this individual has many qualities to be appreciated.
3rd - Carrock Complicated JW (Ms J Fawcett)
Entries: 8 Absentees: 1
1st - Louajak Blue Fizz (Miss C Gwilliam)
2nd - Raedwulf Moondance JW (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
Lots to like, very sound and forward going. Lovely head with correct expression. In excellent coat and pelt. Lost out slightly in front and proportions to winner
3rd - Jordith Serenella (Mrs L.M. & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Res - Pipruda Pink Gin (Mr H S & Miss A Speake)
VHC - Foxy Fell At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Caught In A Pickle (Mr C Foreman & Miss L Keenan)
Lovely head with very good expression. Nice neck and shoulder and upper arm. Bone okay. In excellent coat and pelt.
2nd - Keebank Platinum Queen (Mrs L Keeffe)
Rangier type. Good straight bone. Narrow and spannable. Not quite as developed in foreface as 1 and could be a tad neater in ear but expression still pleasing. Okay for make and shape.
3rd - Roseghyll Lady Solitaire (Mrs A Johnson)
Entries: 14 Absentees: 3
1st - Alcumlow Monet's Garden (Mr P, Mrs B & Miss R Barber)
Smashing final five in this class. Very pleased with them all. 1 feminine and top class, has all the attributes of her mother who I loved but I think is even better. All Border of wonderful type and shapely in profile. Presented in good order. Excellent head properties and very appealing expression. Collected she stands beautifully balanced on good legs and feet with feet in the right place. Well bodied, light and readily spannable, good in neck and shoulder, muscular rear assembly with good second thigh and let down correctly without exaggeration to complement her forehand. Settled quickly and moved truly with good ground covering action keeping her lovely outline. Could not be denied the CC today
2nd - Howthwaite Gaan Divilish (Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett)
Stylish and typical. In fabulous coat and pelt, just preferred head of 1 but beautifully proportioned and comes to hand well, shapely and of the highest quality. Handles well and very likely to make her mark methinks.
3rd - Liatch Tenacious JW (Malcolm, Glen & Knowles)
Res - Brankell Angeleyes At Nantcoch (Mrs J M Phillips)
VHC - Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm (Mrs C Swain)
Entries: 10 Absentees: 3
Battle of the blues – I enjoyed sorting this quality quartet.
1st - CH Bohamer York'ist Celeste By Tythrop (Mrs J L Lee)
Top flight individual, lithe, flexible and comes to hand well. Looks like she could get anywhere and readily do a days work. Well proportioned, with good angulation throughout. Nothing overdone, stands on good legs and feet, well ribbed back, firm top line and pleasing underline. Beautifully presented and conditioned and carries herself and travels with all the characteristic accuracy and purpose I like to see RCC
2nd - CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky (Mr R J & Mrs E A Barrett)
Beautifully headed bitch from the top drawer. In best of harsh coats and thick pelts. Free active mover and very close up in most respects. I was very lucky to run the rule over so many superior bitches today and there was a degree of hair splitting to be done that’s for sure.
3rd - CH Mansergh Paint The Dream (Miss A Roslin Williams)
Res - Emblehope Let's Dance At Redesholt (Mrs S McKay)
VHC - Carrock Curiosity JW (Ms J Fawcett)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe)
in excellent nick, stands balanced and is full of quality. Eye could perhaps be a fraction less round but did not detract from pleasing expression and in most respects everything falls easily into place all through. Went well. BV
2nd - Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
13+ years but in fine form. Good skull and foreface, expression very typical, moved well and covered the ground efficiently
Entries: 6 Absentees: 0
1st - Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm (Mrs C Swain)
By no means disgraced in earlier class. Inclined to do a rocking horse impression but on inspection was made well with good frame and could readily stand with her feet correctly placed when she wanted. Lovely head and expression and presented in good coat and pelt.
2nd - Ir CH Nottorg Nekesa CW24 (Mrs A Taylor)
not a flashy one but a good sort and very workmanlike. I liked the way she looked at me.
3rd - Jordith Serenella (Mrs L.M. & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Res - Pipruda Pink Gin (Mr H S & Miss A Speake)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Roseghyll Tipsy Queen (Mrs A Johnson)
lovely skull and foreface with good shaped eye. Felt a little tense so perhaps does not present as well as might otherwise be possible which is a shame as does have some appealing qualities.
2nd - Pipruda Pink Gin (Mr H S & Miss A Speake)
Workmanlike. A little plain but proper Border . Unfortunately was also doing herself few favours. I think the hall was perhaps quite cold for some.
3rd - Foxwater Miss Adventure At Dejurra (Mrs A E Pitt)