Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm


Name:Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm 
Owner(s): Mrs C Swain  
Breeder:Miss A J Hall 
SLEM Status / Test:HClear 

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Name History

This panel shows any name changes that we have been advised for this dog.

DateNew Name
09-12-2022Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm

Ancestors of Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm

CH Brumberhill Backatcha (D) (Slem: HClear)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Tythrop Timepiece (D) (Slem: Clear)
Wintergarden Fly High By Plushcourt (D) (Slem: Clear)
Tythrop Time Flies (B)
Brumberhill Bang Tidy (B) (Slem: Clear)
Nor / Du CH/CH Toftahill Game On (D)
Brumberhill Beguiling (B) (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush Magic Bean (B) (Slem: Clear)
Colour: Grizzle
Bordergold Rudolph At Beckholm (D) (Slem: Clear)
CH Dandyhow Dr Walter JW (D) (Slem: Clear)
Bordergold Pandora (B) (Slem: Clear)
Cheynonis Barley Sugar (B) (Slem: HClear)
Maisies Best (D) (Slem: Clear)
Cheynoni's Poppin Candy (B) (Slem: Clear)

Progeny of Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm - 0 records

No progeny on record

Siblings of Borderrush Clementine For Ardenholm

Same Sire and Dam Siblings - 5 records

Known AsDate 
Borderrush Huckleberry Fin (D) (Slem: HClear)15-07-2022Same Litter
Borderrush Kiwi (B) (Slem: HClear)15-07-2022Same Litter
Borderrush Mulberry (B) (Slem: HClear)15-07-2022Same Litter
Borderrush Rambutan JW (B) (Slem: HClear)15-07-2022Same Litter
Borderrush Stan The Man (D) (Slem: HClear)15-07-2022Same Litter

Same Dam Siblings - 7 records

Known AsDateSire
Borderrush Bean And Gone (B) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush Bean There (B) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush Boba Fett (D) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush CHewbacca (D) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush Full Of Beans (B) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush Obi Wan (D) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)
Borderrush Sky Walker (D) (Slem: HClear)30-12-2023Redesholt Han Solo (Slem: Clear)

Same Sire Siblings - 86 records

Known AsDateDam
Howthwaite Sylvester (D) (Slem: HClear)31-12-2019Howthwaite Gold Dust (Slem: Clear)
CH Howthwaite's Resolution (B) (Slem: HClear)31-12-2019Howthwaite Gold Dust (Slem: Clear)
Howthwaite Times Gone By (B) (Slem: HClear)31-12-2019Howthwaite Gold Dust (Slem: Clear)
Ravenside Sabor A Mi (B) (Slem: HClear)16-02-2020CH Ravenside Calima (Slem: Clear)
Ravenside Cala Bandida (B) (Slem: HClear)16-02-2020CH Ravenside Calima (Slem: Clear)
Ravenside Piri Piri (B) (Slem: HClear)16-02-2020CH Ravenside Calima (Slem: Clear)
Otterwood Selene (B) (Slem: Clear)11-03-2020Fisherbloom Diaboli At Otterwood JW (Slem: Clear)
Otterwood Eris (B) (Slem: HClear)11-03-2020Fisherbloom Diaboli At Otterwood JW (Slem: Clear)
Otterwood Aura At Borderrush (B) (Slem: HClear)11-03-2020Fisherbloom Diaboli At Otterwood JW (Slem: Clear)
Finn Bluebell (D) (Slem: Clear)23-04-2020Lulu Pink Oaks
Otterwood Carolina By Brumberhill (B) (Slem: HClear)04-07-2020Otterwood Domina Candesco JW (Slem: Clear)
Rother Valley Dutchess (B) (Slem: Clear)18-10-2020Dutchess Of Kelk
Foxfactor Happy Go Lucky JW (B) (Slem: HClear)28-11-2020Foxfactor Fancy Free (Slem: Clear)
Sui CH, CH Awbrooksky Never Back Down JW WW23 (D) (Slem: HClear)19-02-2021Awbrooksky Margot Robbie JW (Slem: HClear)
Awbrooksky Pretty Pronto (B) (Slem: HClear)19-02-2021Awbrooksky Margot Robbie JW (Slem: HClear)
Awbrooksky CHange Of Heart (B) (Slem: HClear)19-02-2021Awbrooksky Margot Robbie JW (Slem: HClear)
Awbrooksky Break My Stride (B) (Slem: HClear)19-02-2021Awbrooksky Margot Robbie JW (Slem: HClear)
Awbrooksky Boris The Bold (D) (Slem: HClear)19-02-2021Awbrooksky Margot Robbie JW (Slem: HClear)
Awbrooksky Breathe A Sigh (B) (Slem: HClear)19-02-2021Awbrooksky Margot Robbie JW (Slem: HClear)
Comalegy The Outbacker (D) (Slem: HClear)04-04-2021Etterbern The Dame (Slem: HClear)
Manorcroft Mutual Regard (B) (Slem: HClear)28-04-2021Manorcroft Wotadilemma (Slem: HClear)
Manorcroft Mr Brightside (D) (Slem: Clear)28-04-2021Manorcroft Wotadilemma (Slem: HClear)
Kentwone Monstro (D) (Slem: HClear)04-05-2021Pebbledyke Athena (Slem: Clear)
Otterbuck Chicago (B) (Slem: HClear)09-06-2021Otterbuck Hilda (Slem: Clear)
Otterbuck Austin (D) (Slem: HClear)09-06-2021Otterbuck Hilda (Slem: Clear)
Otterbuck Los Angeles (B) (Slem: HClear)09-06-2021Otterbuck Hilda (Slem: Clear)
Otterbuck New York (D) (Slem: HClear)09-06-2021Otterbuck Hilda (Slem: Clear)
Tythrop Tenacity By Brumberhill (B) (Slem: HClear)17-07-2021Bon Appetit By Tythrop (Slem: Clear)
Tythrop Tasteful (D) (Slem: HClear)17-07-2021Bon Appetit By Tythrop (Slem: Clear)
Tythrop Trueshan (D) (Slem: HClear)17-07-2021Bon Appetit By Tythrop (Slem: Clear)
Lairehope Mingle Of Tentsy (B) (Slem: HClear)22-07-2021Glenbucket Sandys Glinty at Lairehope (Slem: Clear)
Lairehope New Beginning For Tyneaster (B) (Slem: HClear)22-07-2021Glenbucket Sandys Glinty at Lairehope (Slem: Clear)
Lairehope Bijou (D) (Slem: HClear)22-07-2021Glenbucket Sandys Glinty at Lairehope (Slem: Clear)
Lairehope Jade (B) (Slem: HClear)22-07-2021Glenbucket Sandys Glinty at Lairehope (Slem: Clear)
Oxbeck Dawn Run (B) (Slem: Clear)20-08-2021Siobhan's Ava Rose Of Oxbeck (Slem: Clear)
Oxbeck Rags to Riches (B) (Slem: Clear)20-08-2021Siobhan's Ava Rose Of Oxbeck (Slem: Clear)
Oxbeck Traveler (D) (Slem: HClear)20-08-2021Siobhan's Ava Rose Of Oxbeck (Slem: Clear)
Oxbeck Man O’War (D) (Slem: HClear)20-08-2021Siobhan's Ava Rose Of Oxbeck (Slem: Clear)
Hightarn Nightfall At Roseghyll (D) (Slem: HClear)03-11-2021Hightarn Nighthawk (Slem: HClear)
Hightarn Nightingale At Nottorg (B) (Slem: HClear)03-11-2021Hightarn Nighthawk (Slem: HClear)
Hightarn Nightcap () (Slem: HClear)03-11-2021Hightarn Nighthawk (Slem: HClear)
Hightarn Night Owl (B) (Slem: HClear)03-11-2021Hightarn Nighthawk (Slem: HClear)
Decent Fiery Lucifer To Lessien (B)07-12-2021Zussuri Fiery Lucifer
Duke of York Fiery Lucifer To Stowthorney (D) (Slem: Clear)07-12-2021Zussuri Fiery Lucifer
Lynsett The Huntsman (D) (Slem: HClear)26-01-2022Lynsett Miss Marple (Slem: Clear)
Lynsett Miss Molly (B) (Slem: HClear)26-01-2022Lynsett Miss Marple (Slem: Clear)
Lynsett Miss Hazel (B) (Slem: HClear)26-01-2022Lynsett Miss Marple (Slem: Clear)
Lynsett Miss Clover (B) (Slem: HClear)26-01-2022Lynsett Miss Marple (Slem: Clear)
Lynsett Gorse (D) (Slem: HClear)26-01-2022Lynsett Miss Marple (Slem: Clear)
Lynsett Miss Lily (B) (Slem: HClear)26-01-2022Lynsett Miss Marple (Slem: Clear)
Jackofox Sweet Allison (B)31-01-2022Little Olive (Slem: Carrier)
Arunmere No Fox Given (D) (Slem: HClear)09-03-2022Reedbeck Kittyhawk Of Arunmere (Slem: HClear)
Arunmere For Fox Sake (D) (Slem: HClear)09-03-2022Reedbeck Kittyhawk Of Arunmere (Slem: HClear)
Bordeian Lorna De Carracou (B) (Slem: HClear)01-05-2022Maytime Golden Girl At Bordian (Slem: Clear)
Realydorn Lilac (B) (Slem: HClear)06-05-2022Carrock Coincidence (Slem: Clear)
Dassett Igglepiggle JW (D) (Slem: HClear)07-05-2022Dottie Pip by Dassett (Slem: HClear)
Dassett Upsy Daisy JW (B) (Slem: HClear)07-05-2022Dottie Pip by Dassett (Slem: HClear)
Stowthorney My Hero (D) (Slem: HClear)22-05-2022Byrewick Valentine (Slem: Clear)
Stowthorney Best of You (D) (Slem: HClear)22-05-2022Byrewick Valentine (Slem: Clear)
CH Stowthorney These Days JW (B) (Slem: HClear)22-05-2022Byrewick Valentine (Slem: Clear)
Stowthorney All My Life (B) (Slem: HClear)22-05-2022Byrewick Valentine (Slem: Clear)
Stowthorney Breakout (D) (Slem: HClear)22-05-2022Byrewick Valentine (Slem: Clear)
Stowthorney Cloudspotter (B) (Slem: HClear)22-05-2022Byrewick Valentine (Slem: Clear)
Goxfell Gotcha (D) (Slem: HClear)09-06-2022Goxfell Reivers Rose (Slem: Clear)
Remony Single Edition (D) (Slem: HClear)08-08-2022Remony Cider Sparkle (Slem: HClear)
Bealhollow Peter Pan (D) (Slem: HClear)23-01-2023Kenxtwen Diamond Delight Of Bealhollow (Slem: HClear)
CH Remony Rose Gold JW (B) (Slem: HClear)16-04-2023Remony Cider Sparkle (Slem: HClear)
Remony Barley Bannock (B) (Slem: HClear)16-04-2023Remony Cider Sparkle (Slem: HClear)
Remony Level Best (D) (Slem: HClear)16-04-2023Remony Cider Sparkle (Slem: HClear)
Fehmarn Moore Love (D) (Slem: HClear)04-08-2023Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Slem: HClear)
Fehmarn Olewen (D) (Slem: HClear)04-08-2023Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Slem: HClear)
Fehmarn Reiver's Clan (D) (Slem: HClear)04-08-2023Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Slem: HClear)
Fehmarn Blaenor (D) (Slem: HClear)04-08-2023Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Slem: HClear)
Fehmarn Moelwynateb (B) (Slem: HClear)04-08-2023Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Slem: HClear)
Fehmarn Carreg Ateb (B) (Slem: HClear)04-08-2023Fehmarn Moelwyncoch (Slem: HClear)
Arnac Back To Black (B) (Slem: HClear)12-08-2023Fisherbloom Boho Rhapsody (Slem: HClear)
Arnac Back Track (B) (Slem: HClear)12-08-2023Fisherbloom Boho Rhapsody (Slem: HClear)
Comberdown Nina (B) (Slem: HClear)06-01-2024Ir CH Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (Slem: HClear)
Comberdown Witch's Promise (B) (Slem: HClear)06-01-2024Ir CH Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (Slem: HClear)
Comberdown Roisin Dubh (B) (Slem: HClear)06-01-2024Ir CH Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (Slem: HClear)
Comberdown Nice One Cyril (D) (Slem: HClear)06-01-2024Ir CH Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (Slem: HClear)
Comberdown Forester (D) (Slem: HClear)06-01-2024Ir CH Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (Slem: HClear)
Comberdown Likely Lad (D) (Slem: HClear)06-01-2024Ir CH Nurisha Run for Home to Comberdown (Slem: HClear)
Normbar The Woodsman At Fairhambrook (D) (Slem: HClear)04-09-2024Normbar Maggie May (Slem: HClear)
Normbar Fancy Nancy (B) (Slem: HClear)04-09-2024Normbar Maggie May (Slem: HClear)
Normbar Scooter Boy (D) (Slem: HClear)04-09-2024Normbar Maggie May (Slem: HClear)