Show Type: Breed
Venue: Steventon Village Hall, The Green, Steventon, Abingdon, Oxon, OX13 6RR
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow)
Entries: 68 Dogs (4 NFC), 75 Entries
Best In Show: Glebeheath Jolene
Reserve Best In Show: Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow
Best Opposite Sex: Forest Zpod Chlumskych Haju Glebeheath JW
Best Dog: Forest Zpod Chlumskych Haju Glebeheath JW
Reserve Best Dog: Manorcroft True Statesman At Martifers
Best Bitch: Glebeheath Jolene
Reserve Best Bitch: Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow
Best Puppy - Bitch: Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow
Best Puppy: Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow
Best Veteran: Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox
Entries: 1 Absentees: 1
Entries: 2 Absentees: 2
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Forest Zpod Chlumskych Haju Glebeheath JW (Mrs J Guvercin)
impressive 16 month old in super grizzle coat. Mature for age, I liked his balanced outline. Good pelt and jacket. His head is proportionate having a broad skull, strong muzzle and enhanced those bright intelligent eyes. Neat front assembly, strong forelegs with tight strong pads. Good for ribbing and spanned well. Secure topline and correct tail set. This dog comes to his own on the move. BD.
2nd - Chesterton Vancouver (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
14 months. Masculine otter shaped head containing great eyes giving keen expression. Well set ears; good bite. Strong neck and level topline. Excellent harsh jacket. Well balanced with good bone. Strong pads Quality jacket and pelt. Not quite the forehand of 1.
3rd - Whartonian Danny Boy (Mrs A C White)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 1
1st - Manorcroft True Statesman At Martifers (Mr M & Mrs J Sharp)
18 months. Scores in head qualities. Good for neck and shoulders. Spanned well with enough depth of chest. Well ribbed. Secure strong topline. On the move he is correct both out and back. Presented in super condition and clearly benefits from plenty of exercise. In the challenge he was particularly impressive which resulted in being awarded Reserve BD.
2nd - Tallview Play The Game at Earthtaw (Miss J Haydon)
23 months. A tad larger than 1. Strong balanced head. Appealing dark eyes. Has enough bone and substance. Spanned well. Topline just a tad soft when standing. Excellent pelt and condition. Steady mover.
3rd - Glenaig Time Is On My Side (Miss J Spencer)
Res - Chesterton Viva Las Vegas (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Chesterton Vancouver (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
2nd Junior Dog
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Fisherbloom Dont Stop Me Now At Louajak (Miss C Gwilliam)
5 years and therefore nicely mature. Handsome, masculine head but not overdone. Strong dentition. Neat, well placed ears. Impressive front assembly with well laid shoulders. Spanned nicely. Good pelt. Moved very well.
2nd - Bluebabel Border Song JW (Mr K P & Mrs N B Yates)
2 years. Head contains keen attractive eyes but skull not quite the strength of 1. Correct dentition. Liked his overall size. Correct Front assembly; good pads. Coat of correct texture and well presented. Moved OK.
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Botterox Flint JW (Miss S L Hillman)
2 years Loved his head qualities. Strong teeth. Lovely Grizzle and Tan pelt. He is good for overall size and balance. Easily spanned and nicely ribbed. Strong thick pads. Secure backline with impressive tail which was well set and correctly held on the move. He moved very well with strong drive from a nicely angulated rear. Super harsh coat.
2nd - Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe)
Another impressive dog. Mature at 5 years. Head giving typical expression, neat ears and strong dentition. Good for neck; well-placed shoulders. Balanced in bone and substance. Well-padded feet. Liked his tail set. A tad longer cast than 1. Moved with accuracy and precision.
Entries: 1 Absentees: 1
Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Thistlestone Winter's Gold JW (Miss M Whisker)
2 ½ pretty feminine bitch whose balanced head has lovely eyes and has a well filled muzzle all aiding such a pretty expression. Correct dentition. Pleasing neck. Spans well. Nicely ribbed up. Racy hindquarters. Moved steadily but on occasions lost her topline. In great condition.
2nd - Wreakevalley Flighty Miss (Mr P and Mrs K Oakman)
23 months and lots of attributes. I found her pleasing to examine. Head is balanced and contains lovely eyes and overall in nicely balanced. Good for ribbing and spanned well. Liked her pelt and well set tail. Overall a tad longer than. Close call.
3rd - Itsaso All Hands On Deck (Mr L Andrews)
Res - Whartonian Danny Boy (Mrs A C White)
Entries: 0 Absentees: 0
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Onthill Silver Star At Foxchapel (Mr W & Mrs V Davies)
6 months old and so attractive. She produces a lovely outline. Super to examine. Spans well. Proportioned head containing lovely eyes. Tail is well set and carried correctly. Must have a promising show future.
2nd - Ragatam Sky Lark (Miss T J Peacock)
9 months. Well grown. Head produces a keen expression. OK for neck. Held a secure topline when standing. Tail set a tad low. Jacket of correct thickness and texture. Steady mover.
Entries: 5 Absentees: 0
1st - Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow (Mrs K M Irving)
9 months. When standing her overall balance screams breed type. Headpiece is attractive giving typical expression. Neck is well placed leading to well set shoulders. Good bone throughout and alike everything else, nothing is overstated. Secure topline; well set tail set. Spanned well. Correct hindquarters. In the best of jackets. Moved steadily and is certainly fit for purpose. Clearly more to come. RBB, BPIS and RBIS.
2nd - Earthtaw Quite Like Georgie (Miss J Haydon)
10 months. Another nice puppy. Typical head giving expression. Ears well placed. Good dentition. Well placed neck and shoulders. Neat chest which is fairly deep. Impressive span. Just a tad longer in loin than 1. Strong, thick neat pads. Good set of nice short tail. Racy hindquarters produced accurate rear drive once settled. Presented superbly.
3rd - Itsaso A Beacon Of Hope (Mrs L Wain)
Res - Botterox Astri (Miss S L Hillman)
VHC - Itsaso All Hands On Deck (Mr L Andrews)
Entries: 3 Absentees: 0
1st - Glebeheath Jolene (Mrs J Guvercin)
Stunning 9 months old who immediately took my eye. She has a feminine head, broad skull with correct muzzle and lovely eyes to boot. Well placed neat ears. Enough neck leading to well laid shoulders; secure topline and tail set. Neat strong padded feet. Super tail. Impressive spanning. Loose pelt, harsh thick coat. Impressive mover demonstrating typical reach and drive. Clearly one to watch. Could not be denied. BB and BIS.
2nd - Tarkaswell Time Traveller JW (Mrs C E Sansom)
Confident and happy youngster. 10 months old. Good for head balance and proportions. Eyes give keen expression. Good dentition. Spanned well. Well-constructed but a tad longer than 1. Moved well when settled. Super coat. Another with a bright future.
3rd - Foxchapel Appleby Fair (Mr W & Mrs V Davies)
Entries: 8 Absentees: 0
1st - Blackthorn Winter (Miss S Waller)
13 months. Correct size and shape. Head is really impressive. Overall she is so well put together. Spans well. Neat but strong front assembly and well-constructed hindquarters. Super pelt and covering. Excellent feet. Moved so well.
2nd - Thistlestone Kiss Of Fire (Mr S Whisker & Miss J May)
14 months. Attractive, feminine head which is well balanced demonstrating typical expression. Ears well set. A tad longer than 1. Super jacket. Careful accurate mover.
3rd - Ragatam Dalwhinnie (Miss T Peacock)
Res - Tarkaswell Time Traveller JW (Mrs C E Sansom)
VHC - Wreakevalley Flighty Miss (Mr P and Mrs K Oakman)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Reedwater Coppice At Dandyhow (Mrs K M Irving)
1st in Puppy Bitch
2nd - Louajak Blue Fizz (Miss C Gwilliam)
B/T. Another quality youngster. Quite mature for 7 months. Typey, balanced headpiece. Attractive eyes, correct finish of muzzle, neat well set ears. Good length of neck into nice shoulder placement. Body is easily spannable being of correct depth. Correct unexaggerated hind angulations. Moved well. Close call.
3rd - Itsaso All Hands On Deck (Mr L Andrews)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Clydebeck Layla's Gem (Mrs S A & Miss J A Taylor)
2 years. She produces a lovely outline on the stand being so well balanced and I preferred her overall proportions to 2. Super head and expression. Enough neck into well laid shoulders. Secure topline and super tail set. Pleasing hindquarters. Moved well. Pigment slightly off today but this being temporary.
2nd - Howthwaite Gertrude (Mr P Oakman)
3years. Nice sized bitch. Balanced head. OK for neck length. Well placed shoulders. Super pelt and skin. Narrow through body and great depth to chest. Preferred tail set of 1. Moved OK.
Entries: 10 Absentees: 6
1st - Clydebeck Tanzanite (Mrs S & Mr M & Miss J Taylor)
5 years. Mature but appeared a youngster at heart. She has a very pleasing head, which is nicely proportioned and of good strength. OK ears. Super to examine. Impressive forequarters, ribs well back; spanned well. In super coat and condition. On the stand she demonstrates balanced proportions which ultimately gave her the nod over 2. Produced purposeful accurate movement and could go all day.
2nd - Ragatam Daydreamer JW (Miss T J Peacock)
19 months and a very close call. Feminine, balanced head piece producing a keen expression from super eyes. Neat well placed ears. Strong dentition. Well angulated shoulders and well ribbed. Tail is well set and of correct length. Moved superbly. Great pelt and condition. After some deliberation I just preferred the over balanced of 1 but a very close call.
3rd - Arunmere Artemis (Mrs A Parsons)
Res - Brankell Angeleyes At Nantcoch (Mrs J M Phillips)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st - CH Orangebox A New Hope At Itsaso ShCEx (Miss L Tanton-Joy)
5 years and one I have admired from the ringside. Her attractive grizzle and tan coat was presented super condition. Balanced head; short strong muzzle, dark attractive eyes. Pigment off but a temporary measure. Strong dentition. Liked her front assembly. Spannable body with depth of body. Nicely angulated hindquarters. Super jacket and skin. Accurate mover and totally fit for purpose.
2nd - Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus (Mr G W Smith & Miss M Holland)
5 years another Grizzle and Tan. Mature. Her head was a tad stronger than 1. Great dentition. Ample length of neck neatly into a nice lay of shoulder. Spannable with ideal length of rib. Well set tail. Impressive pelt and presented in fine order. Liked her rear angulations. On the move she held a secure topline and moved with purpose.
Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Gameway French Fancy Avec Orangebox (Mr M & Mrs T Anscombe)
This 7 ½ year old was presented in super condition and totally for purpose. Balanced well-proportioned head containing a keen eye. Neat ears, well placed. Liked her lay of shoulders. Secure level topline. Excellent jacket and condition. On the stand her size and outline are clearly typical of the breed. Moved with determination and at the correct pace.
2nd - Clydebeck Solitaire VW (Mrs S & Mr M & Miss J Taylor)
10 years and another impressive veteran lady. Lovely head with neat ears. Correct neck. Neat front assembly having straight strong legs on super feet. Secure strong topline. Spanned well. Balanced throughout, she moved well. Later I was told I had judged her in her younger days and awarded her top honours. After all this time, it was great to see her in such great condition.
3rd - Earthtaw Jessica Rabbit (Miss J A & Mr M W V Haydon & Gibbings)
Res - Bromsden Bairnkine Brogue (Mrs L J Vintcent)