Show Type: Breed
Venue: Asfordby Acres, Hoby Road, Asfordby nr Melton Mowbray, LE14 3SL
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
Entries: 79 dogs making 116 entries, 3 NFC
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their open show. Also, all the exhibitors for such an amazing entry and for allowing me to go over their lovely Border Terriers. It was a great day with a quality entry and a good atmosphere. I was aware people had travelled and some afar and I was given the opportunity not to take a break for lunch to allow those that were driving to possibly not have to drive in the dark, so I think it worked out well in the end. Lots of dogs out of coat but I was aware Crufts is coming up so the timing is crucial for coats to be ready for the big day.
Best In Show: Botterox Flint JW
Reserve Best In Show: Holteal Halfpenny Worth
Best Dog: Botterox Flint JW
Reserve Best Dog: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Best Puppy - Dog: Brumberhill Beswick
Best Bitch: Holteal Halfpenny Worth
Reserve Best Bitch: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Best Puppy - Bitch: Jasueter Irene
Best Puppy: Brumberhill Beswick
Best Veteran: Puzzlers Hope Full Hattie At Broadsmill
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Thistlemead Fortitude (Mrs P M Heeley)
G&T correct bite, pleasing dark eye, good pelt and harsh coat, nice tight little feet and thick pads, carried tail well when on the move and kept his top line. Be nice to see him in the coming months as he matures.
2nd - Terabyte Eclectico At Fevstone (Mrs D Bullen)
Grizzle, little heavier than first dog, nice length of muzzle and neck, correct shoulder moved OK out of coat today.
3rd - Avonaco Ennedale Lad (Mrs N J Eaton)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 1
1st - Brumberhill Beswick (Mr S A Mcpherson)
G&T correct length of muzzle, keen dark eye, ears set nicely, good length of neck into correct shoulder and length of rib, flat topline and tail flowing nicely from it, topline held on the move, narrow front and spanned easily, another out of coat but not naked. Happy to award him BPIB and BPIS.
2nd - Chesterton Vancouver (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
G&T confident lad on the move, keen eye, slightly larger than first place but not big, good length of rib and another with correct topline, in good harsh jacket and thick pelt.
3rd - Haystoun Perfect Storm (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
Entries: 6 Absentees: 4
1st - Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW (Mr S A Mcpherson)
B&T could not fault this lad, loved everything about him, loved his size, easily spanned even by my small hands, good mouth, correct length muzzle, ears and length of neck shoulder correctly angulated allowing him to cover the ground with ease, confident and moved with purpose, turned out and handled to high standard, in good harsh jacket and thick pelt, happy to award him RBD.
2nd - Fevstone Cinderella Man (Mrs D Bullen)
B&T slighter in bone that first dog but correctly proportioned, good mouth, dark eye, nice tight small feet and thick pads, good narrow front on him and moved well.
Entries: 8 Absentees: 5
1st - Chesterton Viva Las Vegas (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
Dec 2023, Grizzle Lovely broad skull, correct mouth, dark keen eye, lay of shoulder correct and neat tight feet, strong loin and moved OK.
2nd - Haystoun Perfect Storm (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
Jan 2024, Dark G&T, nice size boy all round, easily spanned, correct mouth, nice narrow front, small feet, top line flat and tail set correct, and tail held correctly when on the move, great harsh jacket and turned out very nicely.
3rd - Avonaco Ennedale Lad (Mrs N J Eaton)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st - Jordith Roll Up And Shine JW (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Sept 2022, Grizzle dog, in good jacket, correct bite nice, broad scull and moved well in front and behind.
2nd - Flegato Fidelio At Oatberry (Miss K Tuffin)
Jan 2023, B&T Keen dark eye, good length of neck onto correct shoulder, lovey length of rib and good topline into correct tail, nice harsh jacket, moved OK
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Botterox Flint JW (Miss S L Hillman)
Jan 2023, G&T, pleased to see this lad again, he did not fail my expectations as he has matured, keen dark eye, strong muzzle, big teeth, correct placing of ear on to broad skull, shallow stop, correct length of neck and lay of shoulder allowing him to reach in front when on the move equally as strong from behind with correct angulation both ends. Level topline which he kept on the move. Good tail set. Moderate bone. Lovely thick pelt and harsh jacket. Small thick pads. Very happy to award him BIS as he has come up the ranks as one had hoped for from a youngster.
2nd - Alcumlow Painter Man On Hobhill (Mrs S Pickerin)
April 2022, G&T, another good stamp of a dog, very keen dark eye, correct skull, shallow stop, correct ear placing, good should and narrow front, great jacket and thick pelt, easily spanned and dead level topline and good tail set.
3rd - Prince Rainbow Blue (Miss R Bevan)
Res - Goxfell Gotcha (Mrs J Stamp & Mr D Joyce)
VHC - Borderrush Cadbury (Mrs J Hill)
Entries: 7 Absentees: 3
1st - Goxfell Gotcha (Mrs J Stamp & Mr D Joyce)
June 2022, G&T Liked this boy, nice to see a dog in full coat in the ring but still tidy, keen dark eye, correct mouth, narrow front, tail set correctly, moved OK
2nd - Hartswelin Veritas With Oatberry (Mrs K Tuffin)
May 2018, G&T, Nice head, correct dark eye and ear set, good topline and tail set, small, neat feet and moved OK
3rd - Chesterton Merlot (Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney)
Res - Fevstone Polar Ajax at Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
Entries: 8 Absentees: 4
1st - Prince Rainbow Blue (Miss R Bevan)
June 2018, DG&T, Good mouth and length of neck into correct lay of shoulder, cracking topline and tail set, good harsh jacket and thick pelt, moved well.
2nd - Haystoun Perfect Storm (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
As before-Novice Dog
3rd - Borderrush Cadbury (Mrs J Hill)
Res - Avonaco Ennedale Lad (Mrs N J Eaton)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Sadira Reggie At Jasueter (Mr P J, Mrs S J, Miss J S Binden)
July 2017, lovely boy, keen eye correct mouth, teeth also clean, correct lay of shoulder, great topline and tail set, full of energy on the move, good harsh jacket and lose thick pelt, neat tight feet, easily spanned. Happy to award him RBVD
2nd - Fisherbloom All Eyez On Me At Sextonmagic (Mrs G Maskell)
March 2017, another lovely boy, good mouth, clean teeth, keen dark eye, in good jacket and moved well.
3rd - Trevassack Jasper By Olliesorchid (Mrs B McManus)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 0
1st - Jasueter Irene (Mr P J, Mrs S J, Miss J S Binden)
April 2024, G&T, real baby puppy, very pretty, good mouth, the narrowest of fronts, correct length of neck into correct shoulder and length of rib. Good level top line and tail set moved well. Be good to see her in a few months in the ring.
2nd - Thistlemead Fortuity (Mrs P M Heely)
April 2024, G&T, more mature looking than first, and of good stamp, correct mouth, nicely turned out and well handled, neatest of tight feet and thick pads, good jacket and pelt, moved OK. Another I would like to see as she matures.
3rd - Botterox Astri (Miss S L Hillman)
Res - Chickenstalk My Princess (Mrs J Hill)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Jordith Vespera (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Feb 2024, G&T, Pretty bitch, good mouth, correct lay of shoulder, good topline and tail set, harsh jacket, lose pelt, moved ok.
2nd - Jordith Serenella (Mrs L.M. & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Feb 2024, G&T litter sister to first, not a lot in these two but preferred overall look of one and movement. This girl slightly heavier set than first.
3rd - Chickenstalk My Princess (Mrs J Hill)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st - Ragatam Daydreamer JW (Miss T J Peacock)
July 2023, G&T, nice stamp of a bitch, very pretty, dark keen eye, good length of neck and lay of shoulder into good length of rib, nice, neat tiny feet thick pads, cracking jacket and thick pelt, good topline and tail set and also tail length, moved well.
2nd - Pipruda Pink Gin (Mr H S & Miss A Speake)
Sept 2023, G&T, nicely turned-out bitch, correct length of muzzle, shallow stop, good mouth, correct angulation, front and back, neat feet, narrow front, moved well.
Entries: 8 Absentees: 3
1st - Daeargi Heatwave (Miss R Bevan)
July 2022, G&T Nice to see this girl again, she improves every time I have seen her in the ring, dark keen eye, good mouth, ear set and shallow stop, correct lay of shoulder and length of rib, good rear angulation, correct tail set and top line, good harsh jacket easily spanned. Deserved her place today.
2nd - Jordith Vespera (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
As before-First PB
3rd - Pipruda Pink Gin (Mr H S & Miss A Speake)
Res - Louajak Blue Fizz (Miss C Gwilliam)
VHC - Lady Bess At Sanlee (Mr M & Mrs W Hulland)
Entries: 8 Absentees: 4
1st - Rundlebeck Little Dorrit (Mr B & Mrs C Manchester)
Sept 2022, Pretty bitch, of good stamp and size, keen dark eye, good mouth, correct lay of shoulder, and strong loin, good length of rib, top line and tail set in a wonderful harsh jacket today with the thickets of pelts, easily spanned, moved well. Happy to award her RBBIS
2nd - Fisherbloom Killer Queen At Thistlewhiss (Miss A J Sutton)
July 2019, G&T, another good stamp of a bitch of correct size, very pretty, correct mouth, shallow stop, small tight feet and thick pads, good top line and tail set, wonderful thick harsh jacket and thick lose pelt, moved well. Not a lot between my first and second placings with these two.
3rd - Morley's Miss Zeva (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
Res - Rhozzum Wood Lark At Daeargi (Miss R Bevan)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 3
1st - Rundlebeck Mill On The Floss (Mr B & Mrs C Manchester)
Sept 2022 G&T, Good mouth, correct ear set and shallow stop, correct shoulder, top line flat and tail set correct also held well on the move, easily spanned, good jacket and turned out nicely.
2nd - Fiagai Mara Sunset (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
April 2020, G&T, smaller framed bitch than first and lighter in bone, good mouth, narrow front and correct rear angulation, moved OK
Entries: 10 Absentees: 4
1st - Holteal Halfpenny Worth (Mrs G Vaughan)
Jan 2021, G&T, turned out very well, pretty bitch, good otter head and wonderful side profile, shallow stop, neatest of ears, strong neck of correct length into good shoulder and length of rib, good angulation front and rear, perfect narrow front, topline straight and good tail set, tail of correct length, smallest of feet and thick pads, easily spanned, handled well and moved with purpose. Happy to award her BB, RBOB and RBIS
2nd - Borderxpress Echo Beach (Mr R Wright)
Dec 2018, G&T, Lovely keen dark eye, good mouth, correct lay of shoulder, narrow front, correct topline into correct tail sett, handled nicely, moved well, but sadly out of coat today.
3rd - CH Ravenside Marsha At Jordith JW (Mrs L.M.I & Mr A.M. Jordan-Smith)
Res - Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry (Mrs K Tuffin)
VHC - Fiagai Mara Sunset (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
Entries: 7 Absentees: 1
1st - Rundlebeck Mill On The Floss (Mr B & Mrs C Manchester)
As before-1st Limit
2nd - Fisherbloom Killer Queen At Thistlewhiss (Miss A J Sutton)
As before- 2nd PG
3rd - Daeargi Heatwave (Miss R Bevan)
Res - Morley's Miss Zeva (Miss A Dawson & Miss A Speake)
Entries: 6 Absentees: 2
1st - Puzzlers Hope Full Hattie At Broadsmill (Mrs E J Pinkham)
Oct 2014, B&T, Dark eye, pretty bitch, still happy to be in the ring, correct mouth and clean teeth, correct shoulder, top line and tail set, small feet thick pads, wonderful thick coarse jacket and thick lose pelt, moved well. Happy to award her BVIS.
2nd - Marsirdan Jemima Puddle (Mr M Service)
Dec 2016, G&T, another pretty bitch, good mouth shallow stop, good otter head, correct lay of shoulder and narrow front, level topline, good tail set and tail length, turned out well and handled nicely. Another happy to still be in the ring.
3rd - Lady Fiona Mctarry At Thistlewhiss (Miss A J Sutton & Mr M Sugden)
Res - Wadesleia Lady Madonna Saxheath (Mrs A Heathcote)
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2