Show Type: Breed
Venue: Victoria Village Hall, Kirkpatrick Fleming, DG11 3AU
Judge: Mrs Katrina Golding (Beaconpike)
Entries: 56 dogs making 69 entries, plus 5 in Brace class
A big thank you to the Scottish BTC for the invitation to judge their members limited show. This was my first breed club show which I very much looked forward to after being asked previously, but I didn’t quite feel ready at the time. I needn’t have worried as I was made to feel very welcome by the friendly committee and exhibitors, there was a lovely atmosphere in and around the ring. A special mention to my steward Anne Gregory for ensuring everything was in order and keeping the ring running smoothly. Considering the time of year with Crufts approaching I was delighted to find correct double coats with good depth. I forgave dirty teeth in preference for correct bites, sadly I found a number that were disappointing along with small teeth. Movement was on the whole ok though I found some dogs coming towards me had loose fronts though they looked good in profile.
Best In Show: Irton Firestorm
Reserve Best In Show: Haystoun Kicking Up A Storm
Best Dog: Haystoun Kicking Up A Storm
Reserve Best Dog: Raedwulf Lionheart
Best Puppy - Dog: Raedwulf Lionheart
Best Bitch: Irton Firestorm
Reserve Best Bitch: Valicetarn Vienna Eclipse at Sandyfaulds
Best Puppy - Bitch: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Best Puppy: Raedwulf Lionheart
Best Veteran: Elemcella Sedum
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Raedwulf Lionheart (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
Blue and tan just 6months old, still very much a baby but showing lots of promise already. Nice head which is developing, correct bite, narrow throughout, straight front, he was standing on small neat feet with thick pads, he was shown in the best of coats, very balanced puppy for his age, good bend of stifle which he used to his advantage on the move, moved out soundly for one so young, pleased to award him Reserve Best Dog and Best Puppy in Show, I wish him luck in the future.
2nd - Ceilloch Discovery (Ms G Tierney)
Another raw puppy who was just 6 months, head still needs to develop which he has time, he is more up on the leg to first, liked his length of body, another that used his rear quarters on the move, he moved well when he settled.
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Haystoun Kicking Up A Storm (Mr G & Mrs H Mckenzie)
This grizzle and tan young male really took me by surprise, I couldn’t take my eyes off him, only just out of puppy and showing lots of potential already, he isn’t overdone in any way, he has a keen expression with a broad skull correct bite and dark eye, really liked his narrow front which flowed into correct shoulders, his ribs were carried well back and was easily spanned, such a nicely balanced dog and when he settles he moves with drive, showing off his lovely topline and tail set. He was shown in correct double coat which finished the picture I was delighted to award him Best Dog and Reserve Best in Show. I think he has a promising future.
Entries: 2 Absentees: 1
1st - Lairehope Wizard (Mr P & Mrs K Lothian)
Strong blue and tan male with a super otter like head and short muzzle, this boy excels in coat with lots of ticking, and super thick pelt, he was strong in loin and moved out ok.
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Raedwulf Lionheart (Mr M & Mrs V Atkinson)
see 1st in puppy
2nd - Auchenlaw Ted At Kilburnpride (Mrs J Scott)
Grizzle and tan. Really liked this boy, typical head of correct proportions with strong jaw and correct bite, neat small feet, he has a correct short tail and oozes breed type, he sadly was completely out of coat.
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Haystoun Kicking Up A Storm (Mr G & Mrs H Mckenzie)
see 1st in junior
2nd - Auchenlaw Ted At Kilburnpride (Mrs J Scott)
see 2nd in maiden
Entries: 2 Absentees: 0
1st - Kewhaigh Innocent Man JW (Mrs N A Cummins)
Blue and tan male 14 months old he is one that I have previously judged, last time I judged him he was playing up for his handler, today they were both much more in tune with each other, there is so much to like on this dog he is maturing well, such an eye catching dog, I like him for size he has just enough bone. Strong head but not overdone, with correct bite, I liked his narrow front, he was in the best of coats, when he settles, he moves out soundly, showing his good topline and tail set.
2nd - Chadbrook Torsten (Miss C Macgregor)
Handy size grizzle and tan dog, finer in bone to first, nice head with flat skull and dark eye, he is narrow throughout and was standing on neat feet. Good topline, with a well set on correct short tail, his coat is just coming in, he just wasn’t as positive in front on the move as first today.
Entries: 7 Absentees: 2
1st - Upend Country Lad At Jacraila (Mrs I Nicol)
This grizzle and tan dog is one I’ve admired from ringside, my notes says ‘love his type’ strong masculine head with strong jaw and correct bite, really like his outline, it shows off his correct angulation front and rear, he was presented and showed beautifully and moved out true, a super coat was just coming in, I did consider him in the challenge, but I just preferred the slightly smaller stamp of my main winners.
2nd - Ravenside Run To Me At Sandyfaulds (Mr G Grassie)
This grizzle and tan dog was on his toes today and showed his socks off, another quality male, very different type to first, nice size dog and easy to span, correct typical head with dark eye and correct bite, well ribbed back with strong loin, nice in profile especially on the move, his coat was not quite at its best today.
3rd - Kadaredhills Breaking Free (Mrs J Potts)
Res - Hollexby Travellin Man (Mr P Appleby)
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Kewhaigh Innocent Man JW (Mrs N A Cummins)
see 1st in post graduate
Entries: 4 Absentees: 2
1st - Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich (Miss A A Lawrence & Miss M Scrimgeour)
10month old blue and tan, still very much a baby, her head needs to mature, she has good length to her body, nice coat with good pelt, and when she settles she moves out well.
2nd - Ceilloch Magic Star (Ms G Tierney)
just 6 months ok blue and tan, sadly not enjoying her day, another still very much a baby, she had a good lay of shoulder, but she was hard to assess as she wouldn’t cooperate with her handler.
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Irton Firestorm (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)
This red bitch entered the ring and I couldn’t take my eyes off her, she fits the breed standard to a tee, you have to have your hand on her to appreciate her virtues, she is so well made and was a delight to go over, lovely otter head with the most appealing expression, correct scissor bite and big teeth. She is just right for bone; she was standing on neat feet that were well padded. Really liked her angulations front and rear, which meant she could drive fore and aft, strong loin and good topline with correct short carrot like tail that was well set on. Her coat was absolutely perfect, harsh and dense with thick pelt. She was in super condition; I had no hesitation in awarding her Best Bitch and her active temperament secured her Best in Show. I think she has a bright future.
2nd - Roseghyll Tipsy Queen (Mrs A Johnson)
Just a year old, grizzle and tan of nice size and type, feminine head with keen expression, she drives from behind but does need to tighten in front which she has time on her side. She was shown in super double coat with thick pelt.
3rd - Ceilloch Jazz (Ms G Tierney)
Entries: 6 Absentees: 4
1st - Comalegy The Queen Consort (Dr M Parry & Mr M Skelton)
Blue and tan built on racy lines, head still maturing with correct bite, good lay of shoulder with and good length of body, she was in correct harsh coat, presented and shown well, move out soundly in this class.
2nd - Comalegy The Countess With Fiadhaich (Miss A A Lawrence & Miss M Scrimgeour)
Grizzle and tan of nice type, litter sister to first and I was literally splitting hairs, she just needed a coat to finish her picture.
Entries: 3 Absentees: 1
1st - Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue (Mrs V Mason)
Blue and tan another of nice breed type, stunning otter like head, liked her for size she was in lovely condition with strong loin, correct short tail, liked her racy hindquarters which she used on the move, she was very much out of coat but what a fantastic thick pelt, she moved soundly in this class, but sadly in her next class she was lacking confidence.
2nd - Comalegy The Queen Consort (Dr M Parry & Mr M Skelton)
see 1st in yearling
Entries: 6 Absentees: 1
1st - Irton Firestorm (Mr D & Mrs A Fryer)
see 1st in junior
2nd - Roseghyll Tipsy Queen (Mrs A Johnson)
see 2nd in junior
3rd - Comalegy The Queen Consort (Dr M Parry & Mr M Skelton)
Res - Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich (Miss A A Lawrence & Miss M Scrimgeour)
Entries: 10 Absentees: 2
1st - Valicetarn Vienna Eclipse at Sandyfaulds (Mr G Grassie)
Another quality bitch, grizzle and tan of nice type, strong but feminine head with lovely keen expression and correct bite with strong muzzle. Straight front which flowed into well placed shoulders, just right for size and bone, small feet with thick pads, she was in perfect double coat with thick pelt. She moved out with drive. Pleased to award her Reserve Best Bitch.
2nd - Otterpaws Red Red Wine (Mrs J M Dixon)
Grizzle and tan bitch with broad skull and typical head, another with a lovely expression and correct bite, slightly stronger in bone to first place, nicely angulated in front with well placed ribs, level topline and tail set with a short tail, racy hind quarters, she was another that was in the best of coats, she moved out soundly close decision between her and first.
3rd - Elemcella Las Panteras (Ms C Blackie & Mr L Page)
Res - Earthwise Andromeda (Mr E Houston)
Entries: 5 Absentees: 2
1st - Otterpaws Lyin Eyes JW (Miss A M Dixon)
This dark grizzle bitch who was just a few days shy of 7 years old which was hard to believe, she was super fit condition shown and presented well, strong but feminine head with correct bite, liked her length of body and fore chest, nicely balanced, she was in good harsh coat with a thick pelt, neck of moderate length, small feet with thick pads. She secured this class on her effortless movement coming and going.
2nd - Remony Fallen Embers (Mrs B Wakefield)
Grizzle and tan bitch that was not overdone in any way, more up on the leg to first, keen expression with correct bite, she is built on racy lines giving her a lovely outline, lots to like, sadly lost out to first as she was very distracted on the move today.
3rd - Earthwise Andromeda (Mr E Houston)
Entries: 1 Absentees: 0
1st - Comalegy The Queen Consort (Dr M Parry & Mr M Skelton)
see 1st in yearling
Entries: 10 Absentees: 5
1st - Elemcella Sedum (Miss C Blackie)
7 years of age so still just a youngster, a nicely balanced bitch that was in the best of coats, liked her racy hindquarters which she really used on move, narrow throughout with good length to her body, easily spanned, moved with drive. Pleased to award her Best Veteran in Show.
2nd - Crosby Dark Duchess At Roseghyll (Mrs A Johnson)
13 years old and not showing her age at all, a credit to her owner, my notes say what a good honest border of lovely type, just right for bone, she excels in coat and pelt, close decision to first but she just couldn’t match first for drive on the move.
3rd - Otterpaws Firebird ShCM VW (Miss A M Dixon)
Res - Oakyard Objet D'art at Hollexby (Mr P Appleby)