Int/Nor CH Bohunt Sweep The Board JWW-10 EURW-11


Name:Int/Nor CH Bohunt Sweep The Board JWW-10 EURW-11 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
Owner(s): Ms E Winberg  
Breeder:Mrs G Whyte 
SLEM Status / Test: 

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Name History

This panel shows any name changes that we have been advised for this dog.

DateNew Name
04-06-2016Int/Nor CH Bohunt Sweep The Board JWW-10 EURW-11

Siblings of Int/Nor CH Bohunt Sweep The Board JWW-10 EURW-11

Same Sire and Dam Siblings - 1 records

Known AsDate 
Bohunt Clean Sweep (B)

Same Dam Siblings - 1 records

Known AsDateSire
Bohunt Pillow Fight (D)Bohunt Pillow Talk

Same Sire Siblings - 3 records

Known AsDateDam
Conundrum Vixen (B)09-05-2006Conundrum Nobody 'cept You
Markrich My Moti (B)16-06-2006My Jayjane of Markrich
Markrich My Heera (B)16-06-2006My Jayjane of Markrich