
Name:Rockbyrne Babooshka 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
SLEM Status / Test:Clear 

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Name History

This panel shows any name changes that we have been advised for this dog.

DateNew Name

Progeny of Rockbyrne Babooshka - 21 records

Known AsDateEx
Grizzledale La Senza (B) (Slem: Clear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Sussex Spot On (D) (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Ring Jewels (B) (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Red Popsicle () (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
My Little Ax (D) (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Lady Sophia (B) (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grand Sydney (D) (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Oakleah Dinky (B) (Slem: HClear)02-10-2014Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Forget Me Not (B) (Slem: Clear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Tiger Lilly (B) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Sunset Glow (B) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Rembrants Gift (B) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Hawthorn (D) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Ghost Flower (B) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Foxglove (B) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Blackthorn (D) (Slem: HClear)04-02-2016Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Amerette (B) (Slem: HClear)14-02-2018Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Legacy (D) (Slem: HClear)07-05-2019Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Last Not Least (D) (Slem: HClear)07-05-2019Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Otterredwald (D) (Slem: HClear)07-05-2019Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)
Grizzledale Ultimate Grace (B) (Slem: HClear)07-05-2019Onthill Amaretto (Slem: Clear)

Siblings of Rockbyrne Babooshka

Full Siblings - None Recorded

Same Dam Siblings - 1 records

Known AsDateSire
Rockbyrne Mabel At Willamden (B)Int / Ir CH Tythrop Theo for Glencarraig

Same Sire Siblings - None Recorded