
Name:Blue Crown 
Colour:Blue and Tan 
Breeder:Duddin, D. 
SLEM Status / Test: 

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Name History

This panel shows any name changes that we have been advised for this dog.

DateNew Name

Ancestors of Blue Crown

Progeny of Blue Crown - 0 records

No progeny on record

Siblings of Blue Crown

Same Sire and Dam Siblings - 4 records

Known AsDate 
Alfie Twotones (D)15-12-2003Same Litter
Diamond Mystery (B)15-12-2003Same Litter
Medlweigh Magic Glade (B)15-12-2003Same Litter
Red Crystal (B)15-12-2003Same Litter

Same Dam Siblings - 8 records

Known AsDateSire
Carlo Cool Chilli (D)28-10-2002Smiply Blue Slate
Castlekeep Charlie (D)28-10-2002Smiply Blue Slate
Handyman Henry (D)28-10-2002Smiply Blue Slate
Karla Sure Touch (B)28-10-2002Smiply Blue Slate
Native Night Fighter (D)28-10-2002Smiply Blue Slate
Regal Red Holly (B)28-10-2002Smiply Blue Slate
Alfie Twotone (D)15-12-2003Smiply Blue Slate
Megleigh Magic Glade (B)15-12-2003Smiply Blue Slate

Same Sire Siblings - None Recorded