
Name:Grittenham Peter Hazelnut 
Owner(s): Bowden, T.  
Breeder:Maslen, Mrs. 
SLEM Status / Test: 

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Name History

This panel shows any name changes that we have been advised for this dog.

DateNew Name

Progeny of Grittenham Peter Hazelnut - 3 records

Known AsDateBy
Bramble Bracken (D)Freda of Workmore
Florence Hazelmore (B)Freda of Workmore
Bright Flower (B)26-04-1980Freda of Workmore

Siblings of Grittenham Peter Hazelnut

Same Sire and Dam Siblings - 2 records

Known AsDate 
Grittenham Black Tulip (B)Same Litter
Grittenham Spider (B)Same Litter

Same Dam Siblings - None Recorded

Same Sire Siblings - 6 records

Known AsDateDam
Rascal of Kenstaff (B)Beaconfleet Bellora
Campanologia Hawkesburn Merry Capers (B)13-01-1969CH Campanologia Hawkesburn Happy Returns
Beaconfleet Bunkum (D)27-11-1970Cream Bun of Gloucester
Born Free (D)23-01-1973Dandyhow Red Cider
Hawkesburn Linnet of Farmway (B)04-04-1974CH Hawkesburn Nutmeg
Rhozzum Tenor (D)08-09-1974Eignwye Society Girl