Back arrow Show Placings

PlacedClassShowDateName at the timeCritique
2ndOpen - BitchLadies Kennel AssociationDec 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club 40th Anniversary Championship ShowAug 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchLeeds Championship ShowJul 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
3rdOpen - BitchBoston & District Canine SocietyJul 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
VHCOpen - BitchThe East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowJul 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchBath Canine SocietyMay 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Championship ShowMay 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBBReserve Best BitchWhitehaven & District Canine Association Open ShowMar 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchWhitehaven & District Canine Association Open ShowMar 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchCruftsMar 2024CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
ResOpen - BitchEast Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowApr 2023CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
3rdOpen - BitchLeeds Championship Dog ShowJul 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBISReserve Best In ShowThe Northern Border Terrier Club 50th Championship ShowJul 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BOSBest Opposite SexThe Northern Border Terrier Club 50th Championship ShowJul 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCThe Northern Border Terrier Club 50th Championship ShowJul 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe Northern Border Terrier Club 50th Championship ShowJul 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
3rdOpen - BitchBlackpool & District Canine SocietyJun 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCBorder Union Championship ShowJun 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchBorder Union Championship ShowJun 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCThe Scottish Kennel Club Championship ShowMay 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe Scottish Kennel Club Championship ShowMay 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchNational Dog ShowMay 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBISReserve Best In ShowJoint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BOSBest Opposite SexJoint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCJoint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchJoint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCWELKSApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchWELKSApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BISBest In ShowThe East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCThe East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
3rdOpen - BitchNational TerrierApr 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BISBest In ShowThe Border Terrier Club Championship ShowMar 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCThe Border Terrier Club Championship ShowMar 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe Border Terrier Club Championship ShowMar 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BOBBest Of BreedWhitehaven & District Canine Association Open ShowMar 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BBBest BitchWhitehaven & District Canine Association Open ShowMar 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchWhitehaven & District Canine Association Open ShowMar 2022CH Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCThe Northern Border Terrier Club Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchThe Northern Border Terrier Club Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCBorder Union Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchBorder Union Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCThe Scottish Kennel Club (May) Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCThe Scottish Kennel Club (October) Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe Scottish Kennel Club (October) Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe Scottish Kennel Club (May) Championship ShowOct 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
ResOpen - BitchThe Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship ShowSep 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCNational Dog ShowSep 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchNational Dog ShowSep 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship ShowSep 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
ResOpen - BitchRichmond Championship ShowSep 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCDriffield Championship Dog ShowAug 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchDriffield Championship Dog ShowAug 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
VHCOpen - BitchBlackpool & District Canine SocietyAug 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
VHCOpen - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Championship ShowAug 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndOpen - BitchLeeds Championship ShowJul 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BOSBest Opposite SexThe Northern Border Terrier Club Open ShowJul 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BBBest BitchThe Northern Border Terrier Club Open ShowJul 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stOpen - BitchThe Northern Border Terrier Club Open ShowJul 2021Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndLimit - BitchManchester Championship ShowJan 2020Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BCCBCCLadies Kennel AssociationDec 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stJunior - BitchLadies Kennel AssociationDec 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BOBBest Of BreedManchester and District Sporting Terrier ClubNov 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stJuniorManchester and District Sporting Terrier ClubNov 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
3rdJunior - BitchDriffield Championship ShowSep 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
VHCJunior - BitchThe Scottish Kennel ClubAug 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stJunior - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Championship ShowAug 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndJunior - BitchPaignton Championship ShowAug 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stJunior - BitchCarlisle and District Canine Society Open ShowJul 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BOBBest Of BreedAnnandale Canine Society Open ShowJul 2019TG1, Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stGraduateAnnandale Canine Society Open ShowJul 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
RBCCRBCCBlackpool & District Canine SocietyJun 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BPBest PuppyBlackpool & District Canine SocietyJun 2019TPG3, Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndJunior - BitchBlackpool & District Canine SocietyJun 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndPuppy - BitchThe Northern Border Terrier Club Open ShowApr 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
VHCMinor Puppy - BitchThe Border Terrier Club Championship ShowMar 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BPBBest Puppy - BitchNorthern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open ShowMar 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
BPBest PuppyNorthern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open ShowMar 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stPuppy - BitchNorthern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open ShowMar 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
VHCPuppy - BitchWhitehaven and District Canine Association Open ShowMar 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndNovice - BitchThe Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndMaiden - BitchThe Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
2ndMinor Puppy - BitchThe Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stMaiden - BitchThe Scottish Border Terrier Club Limited ShowJan 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky
1stNovice - BitchThe Scottish Border Terrier Club Limited ShowJan 2019Howthwaite Gay Dusky