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PlacedClassShowDateName at the timeCritique
2ndSpecial Beginners - Dog or BitchSouthern Border Terrier Club Open ShowMar 2025Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
VHCYearling - BitchSouthern Border Terrier Club Open ShowMar 2025Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stSpecial Challenge - Dog or BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2025Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stPost Graduate - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2025Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndPost Graduate - BitchWellingborough CS Centenery Open ShowJan 2025Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
3rdPost Graduate - BitchManchester Championship ShowJan 2025Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
3rdSpecial Beginners - BitchCity of Birmingham Championship ShowAug 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
3rdNovice - BitchJoint Border Terrier Club's Championship ShowAug 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
ResJunior - BitchJoint Border Terrier Club's Championship ShowAug 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stNovice - BitchWelsh Kennel Club Championship ShowAug 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndJunior - BitchWelsh Kennel Club Championship ShowAug 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
ResJunior - BitchBournemouth Championship ShowAug 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
3rdNovice - BitchWest of England Ladies Kennel SocietyApr 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndPuppy - BitchEast Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowApr 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
ResJunior - BitchEast Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship ShowApr 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndJunior - BitchNational Terrier ClubApr 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndPuppy - BitchNational Terrier ClubApr 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
ResPuppy - BitchCruftsMar 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stJunior - BitchThe Southern Border Terrier Club Open ShowMar 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stPuppy - BitchThe Southern Border Terrier Club Open ShowMar 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndPuppyThe Sporting Terrier Association of Yorkshire Open ShowFeb 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stNovice - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
1stPuppy - BitchThe Midland Border Terrier Club Open ShowFeb 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
2ndPuppy - BitchWellingborough & District Canine Society Open ShowJan 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
3rdSpecial Beginners - BitchManchester Championship ShowJan 2024Wreakevalley Flighty Miss
VHCMinor Puppy - BitchLadies Kennel AssociationDec 2023Wreakevalley Flighty Miss