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1st Generation Progeny2nd Generation Progeny3rd Generation Progeny
Brock Tyron's Boy (D) 21-08-1984
ex Cute Kelly of Jamasy (B)
Burton's Little Lady (B) 12-05-1984
ex Savinroyd Bentley Spring's (B)
Ginger Nugget (D) 21-08-1984
ex Cute Kelly of Jamasy (B)
Ginger Nugget (D) 21-08-1984
ex Cute Kelly of Jamasy (B)
Sandy Cliffefield Warrior (B) 29-08-1988
ex Chrismo Lucy (B)
Jamasy's Amber Lady (B) 21-08-1984
ex Cute Kelly of Jamasy (B)
Jamasy's Amber Lady (B) 21-08-1984
ex Cute Kelly of Jamasy (B)
Princess Ruby of Probert (B) 31-08-1991
by Sunday Seranade of Jamasy (D)
Jamasy's Misty Blue (B) 21-08-1984
ex Cute Kelly of Jamasy (B)
Jenny's Jewel (B) 12-05-1984
ex Savinroyd Bentley Spring's (B)
Poindevin Seagram (B) 12-05-1984
ex Savinroyd Bentley Spring's (B)
Santabella Lady (B) 12-05-1984
ex Savinroyd Bentley Spring's (B)
Shandiego of Kenour (B) 12-05-1984
ex Savinroyd Bentley Spring's (B)
Tarnside Thistle (D) 12-05-1984
ex Savinroyd Bentley Spring's (B)

SLEM Test codes: S:Cl = Clear | S:HC = Hereditary Clear | S:Ca = Carrier | S:Af = Affected