Am Ch Kandu's Marathon Man Re Se

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1st Generation Progeny2nd Generation Progeny3rd Generation Progeny
Am Ch Faireview Mile Marker Je (D)
ex Am CH Bandersnatch Odyssey at Fairview (B)
Am Ch Faireview Mile Marker Je (D)
ex Am CH Bandersnatch Odyssey at Fairview (B)
Am Ch W In The Northern Sky (B)
ex Am Ch Kevrah Star Sapphire (B)
Am Ch Firelands Coco (B)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
Am Ch Firelands Coco (B)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
AmCH Firelands Hawkeye (D)
by CH Orangebox Firecracker (D)
Am Ch Firelands Heard It Thru The Grapevine At Silvercreek (D)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
Am Ch Firelands Heard It Thru The Grapevine At Silvercreek (D)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
Am Ch McHill's Wicked Gamez Of Hemlock Lane (B)
ex Am Ch McHill's Cheap Trick (B)
Am Ch Firelands Heard It Thru The Grapevine At Silvercreek (D)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
Meaoowlake I'll Have Another (B) 21-03-2013
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Am CH Meadowlake Frankly Scarlett (B) 13-10-2013
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Am CH Meadowlake Frankly Scarlett (B) 13-10-2013
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Meadowlake For Russia With Love (D)
by Am CH McHills Major League (D)
Am Ch Meadowlake Sharp Dressed Girl (B) 21-03-2009
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Am Ch Meadowlake Sharp Dressed Girl (B) 21-03-2009
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Am CH Gusto Glitter In The Air At Meadowlake (B) 26-07-2013 (S:Cl)
by Am Ch Tyrolian Talk Of The Town (D)
Meadowlake Full Circle At Rainsbarrow (D) 24-11-2016 (S:HC)
by Am Ch Meadowlake Dark Side Of The Moon (D) (S:Cl)
......Meadowlake Rekindled Spark of Gusto (B) 24-11-2016 (S:Cl)
by Am Ch Meadowlake Dark Side Of The Moon (D) (S:Cl)
...Glitter In The Air At Meadowlake (B)
by Am Ch Tyrolian Talk Of The Town (D)
Meadowlake One Way Or Another (D) 24-11-2016 (S:Cl)
by Am Ch Meadowlake Dark Side Of The Moon (D) (S:Cl)
Am Ch Meadowlake Simple Irresistible (B) 21-05-2008
ex Meadowlake Angel In My Pocket (B)
Am Ch Meadowlake Simple Irresistible (B) 21-05-2008
ex Meadowlake Angel In My Pocket (B)
Am Ch Meadowlake Dark Side Of The Moon (D) 17-03-2013 (S:Cl)
by Am Ch Meadowlake Smash (D)
Am CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful (B)
ex Meadowlake Angel In My Pocket (B)
Am CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful (B)
ex Meadowlake Angel In My Pocket (B)
Meadowlake Slightly Sinful (B)
by Am Ch Meadowlake Smash (D)
Meadowlake Simply Spicy (B)
by Am Ch Meadowlake Dark Side Of The Moon (D) (S:Cl)
Firelands Heard It Thru The Grapevine At Silvercreek (D)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
Firelands Heard It Thru The Grapevine At Silvercreek (D)
ex Am Ch Firelands Lucy (B)
Multi CH Meadowlake Black And Gold For Optimistik Border (B) 21-03-2013
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Meadowlake And The Beat Goes On (D)
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Meadowlake And The Beat Goes On (D)
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Am CH Meadowlake Pants On Fire (B) 04-06-2011
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Meadowlake Born To Run At Freilance (D)
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Meadowlake Born To Run At Freilance (D)
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Am Ch Meadowlake Smash (D) 26-01-2012
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Am Ch Meadowlake Dark Side Of The Moon (D) 17-03-2013 (S:Cl)
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Simple Irresistible (B)
......Meadowlake Slightly Sinful (B)
ex Am CH Meadowlake Simply Sinful (B)
...McHill's Totally Tweed (B)
ex Meadowlake Mona Lisa (B)
Meadowlake Born To Run At Freilance (D)
ex Am Ch Meadowlake Backwoods Shandy (B)
Meadowlake Gentleman Prefer Blondes (D)
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
CIB/NORD/FI/SE/NO CH Roziedor Shot With Gold Fi JWW-14 (D) 22-04-2013
ex Roziedor Skyrider (B)
Meadowlake Brown Sugar (B) 11-10-2009
ex Meadowlake Mona Lisa (B)
Meadowlake Brown Sugar (B) 11-10-2009
ex Meadowlake Mona Lisa (B)
Meadowlake In Vino Veritas (D) 13-06-2012 (S:Cl)
by Am Ch McHill's HRH Prince Gizmo House Of Gremlin (D)
Meadowlake Once In A Blue Moon (D) 13-10-2013
ex Tyrolian Eight Belles At Meadowlake (B)
Sulan Look at Me (B) 03-01-2011
ex Am / Int CH Sulan English Rose Bud (B)

SLEM Test codes: S:Cl = Clear | S:HC = Hereditary Clear | S:Ca = Carrier | S:Af = Affected