Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx

Name:Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
Owner(s): Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine & Miss P Thomas  
Breeder:Mr M J & Mrs D A Lorraine 
CH Cobstoneway River Magic JW ShCM (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Otterkin Blue Bayou Conundrum (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Otterkin Kade (D)
Conundrum Dalglish (D)
CH Otterkin Blue Note (B)
CH Otterkin's Conundrum I Write the Songs (B)
CH Otterkin Lyricist (D)
Otterkin Mystery Within Conundrum (B)
Cobstoneway Moonlight (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Rossula Magic Borderer Clipstone (D)
CH Holcombe Jack Daniels (D)
Dandyhow Magic Eye At Rossula (B)
Springhill Pacify of Cobstoneway (B)
CH Dandyhow Mr Punch (D)
Tillybrig Suzy Qu (B)
Seymours Bubble And Squeak For Raleniro ShCM VW (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Buck Swifter (D)
Colour: Red
CH Ragatam Crackerjack JW (D)
Badgerholme Bechers Brook JW ShCM (D)
Hollybridge Primrose At Ragatam (B)
Cabanj On The Smackaratch (B)
Glenbucket Scotch Mac (D)
Reeces Royal Princess (B)
Red Chance (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Black Combe Velvet (D)
Bouncalong Boris (D)
Lakeside Rambler (B)
Red Diamond (B)
Otterkin Bixology (D)
Houghton Le Grinch (B)

Show Placings

Lanchester Agricultural Society Open Show
6th Jul 2014
Judge: Mr Richard Kinsey (Kitarn)
Junior / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
13th Jul 2014
Judge: Mrs. A. Gregory (Manx)
Minor Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
another smart puppy, a little loose in front but should improve with age. Pleasing head, good mouth, neat ears, nice length of body, good coat, moved nicely round the ring.
Maiden - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Leeds Championship Show
26th Jul 2014
Judge: Mr Ernie L Hill
Minor Puppy - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Sedgefield Agricultural Show
9th Aug 2014
Judge: Mr M Armstrong (Bitcon)
Puppy / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Welsh Kennel Club
16th Aug 2014
Judge: Mr A E Small (Bethane)
Thanks for a lovely entry, sorry for the delay but I could not be in both my breeds rings at the same time! It was nice to be outside at WKC, which hasn't happened for 9 years. Thanks to the Committee for the invite & looking after us, I really enjoyed my day.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Novice - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
nice headed youngster, in good coat, thick pelt, spanable with ribs back & nice quarters.
Scottish Kennel Club
23rd Aug 2014
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
My first appointment at this level. My thanks to the society for inviting me and to my two very efficient stewards, Lorrraine and Barbara, who kept things moving. I was very pleased with both my line ups and feel that my main winners were excellent examples of the breed. Many dogs were sporting dense, tweedy jackets but, as is always the case, some were lacking in coat and this did influence some of the placings. Mouths were good and only one dog was unspannable. On the downside, size is an issue and some of the minor puppies are already up to size. Front movement could be better in a number of exhibits and a few were carrying too much weight. My sincere thanks to all those who entered and afforded me the privilege of going over their dogs.
Novice - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
7 months grizzle.Very much a baby but showing potential.Head developing ok, good bite. Nice size,well angulated,neat feet and fine for coat and pelt. A little “bum high” at the moment.
City of Birmingham Championship Dog Show
30th Aug 2014
Judge: Dr Ron Wheatley
My thanks to the committee for their invitation to judge here, to my two very effective and helpful stewards Jane Keeves and Alan Tomlinson, and to the exhibitors for the large and interesting entry of many different types. Many of the classes had quality in depth, with many close decisions. Both line ups were pleasing with plenty of choice and close decisions for both cards. I found no kinky tails and one level mouth, most exhibits were of a good size, a few were too heavy and one undernourished, and many needed their nails trimming. Most moved well in the super sized ring that we were given.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Around, good type of nice size, moved well;
Class Critique
A good promising class
Richmond Championship Dog Show
6th Sep 2014
Judge: Mr W Gray (Pontbeck)
Thanks go to my stewards for making the day run smoothly and to the exhibitors for their enthusiasm for the breed and the sporting way they took my decisions. Since the hunting bill I 've been concerned how the breed would keep to the line in the breed standard " Essentially a working terrier " as the opportunities for work have been reduced and the spin off as to why we require a double coat and the dog to be narrow all through may be lost to some exhibitors who haven't the opportunity to work or know someone who does or has worked their dogs. There was evidence today that we may have lost sight of the fact that this is a working breed. I'm not suggesting that all Borders should work but that all Borders should be capable to work and those who are closest to the breed standard should be able to do the job required of them. There were a few exhibits with single coats today, look very smart but would soon pay the price on a cold wet winters day if they had to be out in the elements for any length of time. Some exhibits were carrying a little too much weight and quite a number would benefit from a good walk, some with little muscle.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Good head, teeth , coat and pelt. Came to hand well but did not make the most of himself which cost him in a close run battle for 1st.
Darlington Championship Show
12th Sep 2014
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
I would like to thank the Darlington society for my invitation .The stewards were on the ball all day so I would like to thank them for making my day an easy one. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for taking my decisions so sportingly. However I feel that some exhibits would benefit from a little more food, feeding less does not make them any smaller! One thing that particularly drew my attention was the dirty teeth in some of the younger exhibits, feet need improving by trimming nails. Nails on some were what a Hawk would be proud of! Also scissor cuts do not enhance a coat , we are not a trimmed breed we are a breed where hand stripping is paramount.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Driffield Agricultural Society Championship Dog Show
20th Sep 2014
Judge: Mrs A C Fryer (Irton)
Thanks to the exhibitors for giving me a lovely entry and to my stewards for keeping the ring running efficiently throughout. We had a good day with a very very slight drizzle; the exhibitors and exhibits seemed untroubled but it did cause the ringside to flee temporarily! There were some very good dogs present and I enjoyed all my winners but there are always some buts, and looking through my notes there was a preponderonce of “OK” over “good”. The standard asks for a dog that has the soundness to follow a horse; this, of course, must be understood in the context of a terrier working with the Hunt on rough moorland ground, but even so only the minority of exhibits could meet this requirement. Inadequate angulation leads to poor ground covering ability and untidy front movement – evident in a lot of exhibits. Whilst most exhibitors take the trouble to present their dogs as well as possible, a number were unfit and lacking muscle tone and would one of the Breed Clubs please put on a grooming seminar which shows exhibitors how to prepare feet and nails?? It is clearly needed. I forgive coats since these are outwith your control and sadly some excellent dogs had to pay the price for coming without a jacket.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
27th Sep 2014
Judge: Mr Frank Nicholls (Halcus)
My grateful thanks to the committee and officers for their brilliant hospitality and to stewards Doreen Rushby and Graham Richardson for their hard work and attempts at keeping me out of trouble. An excellent entry with real quality present in both dogs and bitches. Unfortunately, at the risk of sounding like a stuck record, front movement was a real problem in quite a few exhibits, not I might add in the top winners, but unfortunately occasional compromises had to be made in this respect in some classes when filling some of the lower placings.
Novice - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Red grizzle, good coat and pelt, good head, narrow front, good rear angulation, moved ok, would have preferred a little more length of back.
Special Beginners - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Birtley and District Canine Society Limited Show
28th Sep 2014
Judge: Lesley McNally (Conekesheved)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th Oct 2014
Judge: Jeff Luscott
Thank you for the invitation to judge a most enjoyable show, it was good to receive very homely hospitality and I was well looked after by my two very efficient stewards, Norma and Scott. Thank you to the exhibitors for the lovely entry and the sporting atmosphere created around the ring. I enjoyed judging the overall entry with most of the classes having close decisions to be made, with the junior, limit and open classes being particularly strong.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Maiden - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Hartlepool and District Kennel Association Limit Show
5th Oct 2014
Judge: Mrs Sylvia Wright (Rosyle)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
South Wales Kennel Association
10th Oct 2014
Judge: Mr Kevin Holmes
Puppy - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Liked him for type, very good head, correct bite, in hard condition, nice size, good neck and shoulder, in good coat, needs to settle on the move.
North and South Shields Canine Society Open Show
19th Oct 2014
Judge: Mrs Janet Alexander (Glenbucket)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Chester-le-Street and District Canine Society Open Show
26th Oct 2014
Judge: Mr A Curry (Lodore)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Raleniro Second Time Around
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Eston and Barnaby Canine Society Open Show
2nd Nov 2014
Judge: Mr J Catlow (Justingo)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Northallerton and District Canine Society Open Show
9th Nov 2014
Judge: Roger Cruden (Shamsky)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Houghton Le Spring Canine Soc. Open Show
23rd Nov 2014
Judge: Mr. Mark Ord (Marnadee)
Puppy / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Sunderland and District Canine Society Open Show
30th Nov 2014
Judge: Mr Adrian Marett (Greyteckels)
Graduate / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Newton Aycliffe and District Canine Society Open Show
7th Dec 2014
Judge: Mr John Thomas (Blaisdon)
Junior / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Ladies Kennel Association
14th Dec 2014
Judge: Mr David G Winsley (Davmar)
Though the standard calls for a narrow body I found many dogs who were too skinny & I could easily feel their ribs! Heads were quite disappointing, many had long weak muzzles not the proportions one associates with an Otters head. Many exhibits lack the small round foot & I doubt if they would cope with the exercise it needs to follow a horse. Coats were mixed & many just a seasonal problem.
Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
North and South Shields Canine Society
4th Jan 2015
Judge: Mrs. Liz Wright (Totherend)
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog almost 1 year, good head and expression, nicely made and in good condition, coat just coming through, would have liked to see him stride out more.
The Northern Dog Club
31st Jan 2015
Judge: Carole Ridley (Jagstaff)
Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Darlington Canine Society Open Show
7th Feb 2015
Judge: Mr Matthew Oddie (Riowood)
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Jarrow and Hebburn CS Open Show
8th Feb 2015
Judge: Mrs C Richardson
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Spennymoor and District Canine Society Open Show
15th Feb 2015
Judge: Mr David Robbins (Chenting)
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Billingham Synthonia Canine Club Open Show
22nd Feb 2015
Judge: Mr K Green (Terrabyte)
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Canine Society Open Show
1st Mar 2015
Judge: Mrs Patricia Wells (Kortebin)
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
7th Mar 2015
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
First of all I would like to thank the Kennel Club for the honour and pleasure of judging this prestigious show. I must then thank my efficient and capable stewards who kept me on track and looked after me through the day. Most of all I would like thank the exhibitors who rose from their beds at early hours and drove many miles to give me an entry of Border Terriers to be proud of and one which is was a delight to judge. It was not only strong numerically strong but also in depth of quality. It is a cliché to say that there were not enough cards to go around but in this entry it was certainly true. Determining all the final line up in each class was difficult and also in many deciding who should make the short list was also a challenge. Good dogs went without a card, ones who in a different entry I would have been happy to see as winners. In the challenges decisions remained tough and more than those that took the top honours were worthy of doing so and I would have been very pleased to have had more awards to give out. In the days following this year’s show Crufts, dog shows and those who participate in them came in for some criticism. The picture painted by the media at this time was certainly not my experience. Before, during and after the show I found show people to be nothing but good natured, genuine and supportive. I enjoyed every minute of my day and hope that those that supported me with an entry or as spectators at the ringside did so too
Graduate - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Good head with keen expression. Nice in profile with good reach of neck, good shoulders, nicely proportioned body and good quarters.
Class Critique
The first two were both shown in good condition with super tight harsh coats. Both are good for type with good heads and were difficult to split with the maturity of the first making the difference.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
21st Mar 2015
Judge: Karen S Stockley (Foxfactor)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for the judging appointment and for their hospitality on the day, the lovely gifts, also my stewards Alison and Callie and not least the competitors for a lovely entry and for allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. I was pleased with my final line ups, some close decisions particularly in the two hotly contested Junior classes where all the placed dogs and bitches could change places on another day. I felt my top winners all met the breed standard in that they would be capable of getting to ground and have the strength and stamina to do a good days work if called upon. There were a few with acceptable level bites, all tails were good, one or two could have been a little cleaner, some that would have benefitted from better coat tidying and presentation and surprisingly one with undescended testicles. However I felt that I was presented with some good representatives of the breed to have the pleasure to go over.
Junior - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Class Critique
A lovely class of quality dogs which could all change places on another day. Not enough first prize cards.
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
14 mnths grizzle dog,3rd in strong JD class,lots to recommend him,he has a good head with correct dentition,moderate reach of neck ,straight front,good angulation fore and aft,spans well,enough length of rib with strong loin,shown in good jacket with loose pelt,moves well both ways,would just like to see him drive out more enthusiastically.
Saltburn and District Canine Society Open Show
22nd Mar 2015
Judge: Mr Ian Hopper (Esyntona)
Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
28th Mar 2015
Judge: Mr. Carl-Gunnar Stafberg (Bombax) Sweden
I will thank the club and the show committee for inviting me to judge this prestigious show, I feel very honoured to be invited. I really enjoyed my day and was very pleased with huge entries. My winner was really top quality border terriers, excelling in type and heads. The overall quality was very good, but I hoped to see more quality in the younger classes. Size was ok, coats in different stages because of the time of year. It was about 40 years since I judged my first CCshow in England and I still enjoy it so much. My stewards did a fantastic job on the day, keeping both me and the dogs in order. They make it running very smooth and efficient, thank you!!!
Yearling - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Special Beginners - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Nice head and expression, good neck and well laid shoulder. moves ok, harsh coat.
Tweedmouth Canine Society Open Show
4th Apr 2015
Judge: Mrs Sandra Johnstone (Burnvale)
Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Birtley and District Canine Society Open Show
5th Apr 2015
Judge: Mrs Kathy Newsome (Kighill)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Nice type with good head, correct bite, narrow with racy lines with good length of rib, good thick pelt and spanned easily, moved well BOB TG2
Newton Aycliffe and District Canine Society Open Show
6th Apr 2015
Judge: Mrs Mandy Kenna (Cynetkoy)
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Consett Canine Society Open Show
11th Apr 2015
Judge: Fran Kaye (Danfrebek)
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open Show
12th Apr 2015
Judge: Mr R Mann (Valger)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
18th Apr 2015
Judge: Mr. J. Todd (Roxess)
I would like to express my thanks to the officers and committee of The Northern Border Terrier club for the invitation to judge my first Breed Club show and also acknowledge the help and assistance in the ring by my stewards Ann Maltby and Scott Cranson. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and would like to thank the exhibitors for providing me with the opportunity to go over so many quality dogs. I found the majority to be in good fit condition and in good coat. There was a variation in head type but most fit the standard in my interpretation. Mouths were generally good with only a couple with an acceptable level bite. In some presentation could have been better with a few having untidy feet. I was impressed with both line ups and some decisions were very close.
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
another presented in great condition with a quality coat. Good layback of shoulder and narrow throughout, he moved well both ways. Nicely proportioned head with good ear placement and expression. Very close decision.
Class Critique
A quality class where placings could change on another day.
Sunderland and District Canine Society Open Show
19th Apr 2015
Judge: Mrs Dorothy Owen - Bisbee
Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
West of England Ladies' Kennel Society
25th Apr 2015
Judge: Mrs Su Williams (Hollybridge)
I would like to thank the exhibitors for super entry, it was an honour to go over so many excellent quality border terriers . I had some close decisions in many classes and some quality dogs had to go cardless. Overall I was impressed with the standard of both dogs/bitches and with the condition of them. Almost all were in fit condition with muscle tone,spanning wasn't an issue I'm pleased to say. Which means the breed is in a good way.. Mouths too on the whole were correct with many having good sized and clean teeth. .While coats are of course transient, texture was very good and the vast majority had good thick and loose pelts. Last but not least Huge Thanks must go to my very capable & experienced Stewards who made my day so much easier.
Yearling - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Typey Grizzle & tan,he was presented in good fit condition with good coat & pelt. i liked his shoulders and outline and he moved out well. An attractive dog.Just preferred the heads of the other two on the day.
Seaham and District Canine Society Open Show
2nd May 2015
Judge: Mr Eddie Webster (Benjcroft)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Hartlepool and District Kennel Association Open Show
3rd May 2015
Judge: Mrs B Roskell (Rahinma)
Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
National Dog Show
9th May 2015
Judge: Mr John Dace (Cassacane)
I must begin by saying a very sincere thanks to the Kennel Club and the officers and committee of the Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd for giving me this most prestigious appointment to award Challenge Certificates for the first time. Also again sincere thanks to the exhibitors for their splendid entry and acceptance of my decisions on the day, and to my very efficient Stewards who ensured that classes moved along which helped in a timely finish. On reflection of the exhibits I found that teeth and mouths were very good on the whole, feet were variable as was movement. Temperaments were good. All dogs were entire. My main concerns were in the condition of some exhibits who could have been fitter and harder in muscle tone but where has the consistent “head like that of an otter” gone? The variance in head shape and therefore expression was quite evident. I was pleased with my final awards and again many thanks to everyone for making this one of my most memorable days. The depth of quality particularly in the bitches bodes well for the breed in the future but as already mentioned concentration on heads to achieve the “head like that of an otter” should be one of the paramount objectives.
Junior - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Scottish Kennel Club
16th May 2015
Judge: Mr Paul Wilkinson
Junior - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Yearling - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Bath Canine Society
22nd May 2015
Judge: Mr Jack Watson
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
good neck & shoulders, ribs deep & narrow, nice bend of stifle, level topline, strong quarters
Graduate - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Northumberland County Show
25th May 2015
Judge: Mrs Tina Jones (Otterholme)
My thanks to the committee for inviting the invitation to judge at this friendly and well run show. My thanks to the exhibitors for showing their dogs under me and the sporting manner they accepted my placings on the day To be judging in the County where the Border Terrier originated from felt quite special, the landscape certainly gives you an appreciation of the environment that the breed was built to work in. I was pleased to find the majority of exhibits, presented in the correct tweedy jackets, which I’m sure they appreciated being in , with the inclement weather we experienced on the day. I found most exhibits to be of correct size and with typical heads, on the flip side I found some exhibits quite heavy in the front giving a somewhat ‘beefy’ appearance and also some round eyes giving a rather untypical expression. I felt that my winners fitted the criteria of essentially a working terrier.
Junior / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Southern Counties Canine Association
30th May 2015
Judge: Mrs Lesley Gosling (Akinside)
I must first extend thanks to my very professional and able stewards, who kept me on track and on time. My general remarks here cover the real concerns I have about the way the breed is heading currently. Increasingly, upright shoulders and poor fronts are becoming the norm rather than the exception. Upright shoulders may produce a flashy show dog on its toes, but Borders are not flashy by nature. I suspect I have referred to this problem in every critique I have written for Championship shows I’ve judged and it appears to be getting worse, not better. Please read the standard carefully; look at anatomical drawings of the dog skeleton. Shoulders are now at a steep 60 degrees on some exhibits instead of the normal – and correct – 45 degrees. Undercoats are being raked out to give a cleaner profile – why? Borders – working terriers – need their undercoats 24/7 to keep them warm in bad winter weather while they are waiting to be called for action. It is a requirement of the standard, not a fashion statement. Sooner or later we will end up with a single coated breed, and to its detriment. Judging today, temperaments were very good; I found two kinked tails, several minor dentition issues, many dirty teeth and one undershot mouth. Males were all entire. Coats were mostly betwixt and between but the good double coats were exceptionally good. I love to see happy dogs with wagging tails but some dogs were very lack lustre and did not seem to be enjoying their day. There were also one or two exhibits too thin and lacking in condition. Finally, baiting is still a contentious topic for me – I use bait sometimes myself – but on occasions it was almost impossible to get at the dogs or examine them without getting round, over, or under an outstretched arm with bait. As a courtesy to judges, please keep baiting to a minimum, especially on the table. Thank you to everyone for accepting my decisions sportingly. It was a genuine pleasure to go over the entry – winners and non-winners.
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Liked the length and type of this red exhibit but preferred the winner’s head. Would have liked more coat of the correct texture. However, I could take him working – he was in good condition, with the right amount of bone. Level topline and a good carrot tail, moved positively. Not exaggerated in any way.
Graduate - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Cleveland Dog Society Open Show
31st May 2015
Judge: Mr P Harding (Pringham)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Three Counties Agricultural Society
4th Jun 2015
Judge: Mr Brian Baxter
Yearling - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Jun 2015
Judge: Mr Stewart McPherson (Brumberhill)
My thanks, to the Club, for the invitation to judge their Club Show and the hospitality shown to Peter and myself. Thanks, also, to my Stewards, Wendy Mooney and Denise Townsend, who valiantly coped with the paperwork in the, at times, rather blustery conditions, keeping everything going smoothly! Thank you to the exhibitors, also, who entered for my opinion. The grass, in the ring, wasn’t exactly “bowling green”, so it certainly sorted out the good from the bad, on the move! As is usual, from me, not an “everything in the garden is rosy” preamble! After 35 years, living and breathing Border Terriers, I tell it, as I see it! As with my last appointment, Crufts, it is just over a 3 year gap, since I judged the Breed in the UK. I had obviously made my point, last time, that I wouldn’t pass the excessively broad skull, almost caricature like, that had become popular, despite the Standard asking for “Head like that of an Otter. Moderately broad in skull”, as there were none I thought overdone, on the day. I think, the problem lies, possibly, that the Standard doesn’t specify, as I was taught, that it refers to English River Otter, some people, mistakenly thinking the commoner headed Sea Otter, or deeper stopped Asian Short Clawed Otter is being referred to. There is a big difference between the three! Not helped by critiques, apparently, praising “broad” skulls, which, to me, sends out the wrong signals! At Crufts, I had thought the breed had turned a corner, with regard to forehands ie. shoulder and upper arm construction…….how wrong was I?!!! I think I had the full range of faults today, upright shoulders, short upper arm, out at the elbow, sometimes all on the same exhibit! The widest part of a Border Terrier, “Essentially a working Terrier”, bred to go to ground, shouldn’t be the elbows, this fault usually being because the forehand isn’t set on the body correctly, being too far forward, due to a short, steep upper arm, usually, although not always, accompanied by an upright shoulder. These faults also affect that other line from the Standard “Capable of following a horse”, as, due to the incorrect angles, the movement is no longer efficient, being restricted to a shorter, hackneyed, step in profile, almost as though they are walking on hot coals, due to the foreleg not reaching full extension. It may look ok, coming and going, being accurate, as the shorter stride means there is less room for error, but the lack of a ground covering stride would mean the dog working twice as hard on the move, doing its job, soon becoming exhausted. This was brought home to me, discussing the stamina of various dogs with a friend, his son exercising their two Border Terrier champions chasing after him, on horseback, around a field. The accurate mover, with the shorter stride was soon exhausted, having had to work twice as hard, whereas the more angulated one, with the longer, ground covering stride, was up for more! Like, usually breeds like, good forehands being bred for. They don’t appear as if by magic! I am well aware that these faults are seemingly being passed by Judges, not just in the UK, at the very highest level, but that doesn’t mean that they are either correct or desirable and they are very difficult to breed out. I’m left wondering, having read a number of critiques, then having seen, or judged the dogs being praised, are the Seminars failing to educate the correct mechanics of economical movement, or are people just not seeing the movement faults, as long as its trots up and down, with its head and tail up, showing nicely for the Judge! Conversely, as ever, hind movement was pretty good. It was interesting to note that those I have rewarded in the past, with the correct forehands and narrow fronts, at Crufts and previous engagements, came back, having retained their virtues and have also passed the same, narrow, lithe bodylines on to the next generation. If they are made right, they last right! A working Terrier, whose front is going, or has gone, by the time it is reaching maturity, is neither use nor ornament and is a liability to itself and its owner. I would like to think, from ring side, that it was obvious that I was looking for Borders with a pattern of moderation and workmanlike construction, with sound, free, scopey movement, who also had quality and style. It wasn’t always easy, in some classes, but I thought my final line ups, in both sexes, demonstrated my priorities. On the whole, coats and pelts were good, as always my opinion being that coats are transient. I don’t expect them to be aimed specifically, time wise, for me, as I am more concerned with correct construction, but it is “the icing on the cake.” As long as there was evidence of the correct textures, no one was unduly marked down, until it came to the top honours. Most were spannable, although very few were easily spannable, slightly worrying, as my hands have a big span! This isn’t just a UK problem! Mouths were all acceptable, a few with the odd broken tooth, which is only to be expected in a working Terrier and certainly wouldn’t be penalised by me.
Junior - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Grizzle and Tan. 17 months. Head and expression ok. Not the layback of shoulder of the first two, combined with a short upper arm, affecting his front movement. Good hindquarters, which he used well on the move. Presented in good order.
Class Critique
Not a good class for movement!
Yearling - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
South West Durham Canine Society Open Show
7th Jun 2015
Judge: Mr Philip Young (Canyonn)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Border Union Agricultural Society
20th Jun 2015
Judge: Mrs Nancy Hogg (Raeburnfoot)
I thoroughly enjoyed my days judging at Border Union showground. Such a pleasant show. Many thanks go to my two very able stewards. They had the ring (& me) running like clockwork. Thanks also to the exhibitors who entered under me. Had some lovely dogs to go over & some hard decisions to make. Coats were probably the best I have seen for some time. Thick pelts, too, were much in evidence. Mouths were good. Fronts continue to be a problem & movement letting some otherwise promising dogs down.
Yearling - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
taller dog than 1. Rangy. Spans well. Not quite the head of 1. Large teeth. Just enough coat. Preferred his topline to 3rd. Sound mover
Graduate - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Blackpool & District Canine Society
26th Jun 2015
Judge: Mr. Ian Higham (Comberdown)
I had been looking forward immensely to judging my first UK championship show. I sincerely thank the Blackpool and District Canine Society for the invite and also thank my two friendly, competent and helpful stewards, Mandy and Robert Geary for keeping everything right. I would also give my deepest gratitude to those who exhibited under me for trusting my knowledge of the breed and my integrity to judge without fear or favour and further thank them for following my lead to stay in the outside ring through the numerous showers that were on and off all day. I feel privileged that you brought your dogs to me for my opinion. As usual I was looking for Borders that had all the good breed type points as laid out in our standard, combined with correct physical construction to be able to cover the ground well. I had no dirty or smelly dogs and only two or three of them could have done with having their teeth brushed so I can commend you all for that. I had only one dog that was slightly undershot and I found no tail deformities at all, which is excellent. I found a variety of movement problems. But it has to be said that in general, movement seemed to have improved since I last judged the breed. I noticed a few more Borders with lighter colouring to their noses since I last judged, but, as instructed by our standard, I treated this as not a serious fault. As often heard said, the term “on the day” always applies. I had to give my awards to the dogs that stood out on this day. So for those who may be a little disappointed, remember that on another occasion your dog could well have a better coat stage, move a little more positively or be more “on its toes.” Do not be disheartened and enjoy your showing and your dogs!
Junior - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Graduate - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Derbyshire County Show
28th Jun 2015
Judge: Mrs Jane Morton-Shaw (Fehmarn)
Junior / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Windsor Championship Show
2nd Jul 2015
Judge: Mr M. Hollingsbee (Otterwood)
I thoroughly enjoyed my first judging experience at this level and thank the exhibitors for bringing their dogs of such good quality in front of me and accepting my decisions with good grace. In some of the classes there was only a hairs breadth between some exhibits and on another day the results would have been different. I like Borders that are narrow, strong and good movers. I do not consider coat to be a major factor except when differentiating between dogs of equal quality, As a Championship Show judge told me many years ago “bad coats can get better, many other faults cannot.” I would also like to thank my stewards for keeping me in order.
Junior - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Yearling - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
placed third in previous class. Grizzle dog good movement, strong rear end with good angulation, a little deep in chest and rather short of coat.
Ashington and District Canine Society Open Show
4th Jul 2015
Judge: Mrs Lorraine Bolton (Rikarlo)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Lanchester Agricultural CS Open Show
5th Jul 2015
Judge: John Senior (Josen)
Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
East of England Agricultural Society
10th Jul 2015
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Graduate - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Durham County Canine Association Open Show
12th Jul 2015
Judge: Jayne Pratt (Terrijay)
I would like to say thank you to the exhibitors for entering under me at this show. It was a lovely well run show and to add to it the sun was shinning.
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
D. 18mths grizzle. Super coat. Pleasing in head , eyes and mouth. Nice straight front and well ribbed. Tail a little low set. Moved well.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Jul 2015
Judge: Mrs Hilary Gilpin (Otterbobs)
Thank you to the officers, committee and members for voting for me to judge their Championship show 2015. My stewards were just perfect, even the couple of birds flying around enjoyed the day. As you know it's all too easy to judge from the ringside but when you are in the ring judging dogs of varying sizes, heads, coats etc, I felt I did the best I could with the exhibits shown. All dogs were entire, mouths were correct and teeth were of good size and clean apart from one level bite which is acceptable. Movement needs to be improved front and rear, muscle tone was lacking in quite a few, presentation on some was dreadful, two dogs needed feeding up, but the main winners were of good standing.
Yearling - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Special Beginners - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
slim dog with a good harsh coat, thick pelt ,good outline.
Cleveland County Show Society Open Show
25th Jul 2015
Judge: Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow)
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Very smart 18month old grizzle dog. Very good head and scissor bite. Well laid on shoulders and good angulation all round. Shown in thick harsh coat and in good fit condition. Moved well, pushed hard for BOB, just preferred balance of Junior.
Bournemouth CS
10th Aug 2015
Judge: Mrs Lynda Ward
I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge, the stewards for unobtrusively keeping things running smoothly and the exhibitors for bringing their good dogs and accepting my decisions with grace. I was gratified to have only 3 absentees despite the awful weather forecast. The necessary inside ring, albeit slightly sloping and uneven, was a decent size giving each exhibit the opportunity to get into stride. Coats varied but there were many good textured topcoats over dense undercoats and on the whole pelts were thick. My worst issue was that some exhibits, despite being narrow and not fat, were very heavy and also a difficult span. Pads were generally thick but feet could be better trimmed as some that looked large and flat actually weren’t on examination. I look for shortish carrot-like tails and although some were thick at the base and tapering correctly they were overly long. I only found 2 with misplaced teeth and it was delighted to find most today had large well set white teeth in good scissor bite. In the past I’ve commented on lack of condition and poor muscle tone in hindquarters so was happy that all today’s entry was presented fit and in hard condition. Overall type was good, I was pleased with both line ups and the veteran classes were a particular treat
Graduate - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Good headed dog with lovely expression and strong muzzle. Neat feet and adequate bone. A little deep in brisket but spannable. Good angulation enabled him to move out well.
Welsh Kennel Club
22nd Aug 2015
Judge: Mr Dan Ericsson (Sweden)
I very much enjoyed judging this quality entry and I left there were some particularly good bitches. As always, some classes were better than others, but my winners and the bitch line-up in particular pleased me. Heads varied considerably and also movement and fronts which still seem to be problems in the breed.
Graduate - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
good outline and size and he spans easily, correct racy hindquarters, hard coat in good order, rather too deep in stop detracting from expression and he could be more masculine all through, good mover
Scottish Kennel Club
30th Aug 2015
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to the society for my appointment & their hospitality, & to the exhibitors & my steward Bob Potts. Quite a mixed entry today of type & size with some being on the lean side & others rather overweight! I was surprised to find a couple totally oversized & therefore they paid the penalty. The over treating dogs I think is getting worse in the ring & on the table. Trying to assess a dog when it is fidgeting around looking for food is not satisfactory. Surely a dog can stand for a minute while being examined without having to be fed handfuls of food. The standard calls for a harsh & dense coat & the skin must be thick, many today were very short of coat & quite a number with thin pelts. A good coat is essential which seems to being overlooked in the breed today. The breed standard leans towards moderation not exaggeration & I hope this is maintained with the emphasis being on ‘essentially a working terrier’ & not ‘essentially a show terrier’.
Post Graduate - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
well presented with good typical head & expression. Liked his size, with moderate neck into good shoulder & rib. Nice length & angulation, in good condition with double coat. Moved out well
18th Sep 2015
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Curtis (Matamba)
Many thanks go to the exhibitors today for their support as terrier day at Darlington Ch Show is always on a Friday and this can be difficult for some coming on a working day. Thanks go to my two good friends Alf and Carol Wood who were my stewards today and kept everyone informed class by class, keeping everything running smoothly.
Post Graduate - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Yorkshire, Lancs & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
26th Sep 2015
Judge: Mrs Kathy Wilkinson (Otterkin)
What a privilege to be invited by the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club to judge their Diamond Jubilee Championship show, marking 60 years since the Club was first incorporated. The event was tinged with sadness that their long time Secretary, Mrs Cynthia Knight, could not be here to witness this special occasion. A minutes silence in her memory was called at the beginning of the show. I like to think she would have been looking down on the Club and the show with satisfaction with the way her team have continued to run the Club, always remembering the great influence and impact she and her husband Gordon ("Tag") had on their Club. Also being remembered at the show, were recent sad losses to the breed of Eva Heslop and Kathy Fell and to terriers in general, the redoubtable Maureen Micklethwaite. Congratulations to the Acting Secretary, Tina and her husband and Chairman, Kevin Green and the rest of the team on a well run show and thanks to my ring stewards, Graham Richardson and Sharon Pickering for keeping everything running smoothly. A show is not held for the benefit of a judge or a society; it is held for the dogs to be assessed and their owners and exhibitors to have a good day out, win or lose. I therefore hope that everyone enjoyed their day. Very pleased with the entry of 211 dogs making 242 entries, both in terms of numbers and in depth of quality of the entry. Class entry numbers shown are give or take some catalogue changes during the day, which are reflected in my numbers below. Absentees in new dogs gave an absentee rate of 34%. Given that I have previously had to talk about dogs being kept too thin, it was good that there were only one or two dogs who could have done with more weight on them (one especially where I could feel the pin bones protruding), but most of those shown today were in good body weight and condition. While it is a real thrill, it is also a sadness to me to be judging well filled classes of quality dogs or bitches, knowing that some of those I really like have to go card-less, just because of the excellence of the entry. Many times, in quite a few classes, hard decisions had to be made. Spanning is to me, one of the most important things after breed type (after all, you can span other breeds of terrier and I was looking for a Border!), but even the best typy dogs cannot win if I am unable to span them. A Border that cannot get to ground and back out, is not "essentially a working terrier". There were so many good ones today who were easily spanned, who also had excellent heads and moved so well and who came to hand well when lifted from the floor. Although some I had loved from ringside, were difficult to span and so paid the price, it is surprising that others, who might have looked on the large side from ringside in earlier days, were surprisingly easy to span. Nothing beats getting hands on. Judging by today's quality entry, I can safely say that the breed is in a good place. I understand that during the day, a Diamond Jubilee Celebration cake, arranged by Pat and Brian Baxter, was cut into and offered to exhibitors, with a glass of fizz to toast the Club. Special gifts were awarded to each exhibitor/member (one per household) of a glass paperweight bearing the Club's name and notation to celebrate the Club's Diamond Jubilee. I was also pleased to receive one of the paperweights as the judge, along with a nice bottle, thank you! It was a long day, with a 10am start. In future, the Club may decide to think about an earlier start and while the 2 classes held in the interval were a good idea, I thought, and well received, it did mean that I was not able to ask for the 20 minute or 1/2 hour break I would have preferred, but in the end, while waiting for those classes to be judged, I believe the break lasted around an hour and a quarter (we finished Puppy bitch at 1.25pm but could not get back into the ring to start Junior Bitch until 2.40pm), which put the show's ending back to much later than it might have been. Perhaps if Clubs decide to put on those extra classes, they would best be done either at an Open show, or at a Championship show where the venue is big enough for a separate ring. There was an entry of 26 for the judge of the 2 separate classes. What if it had been 50? Having said that, I offer my congratulations to the society for being innovative and forward thinking on this, but I just think it needs tweaking. A long day, but a very enjoyable one; thanks again to all who entered under me at this special Diamond Jubilee Show of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club and thank you to the Club for their hospitality and the lovely gifts. Thanks again to all exhibitors for a super entry for this special celebration show.
Yearling - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Special Beginners - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Good head with good length of body. Rib of correct shape and carried well back. Tail straight off the top of the back.
Birtley and District Canine Society Limited Show
27th Sep 2015
Judge: Joy Cunningham (Elvandar)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Driffield Agricultural Society
3rd Oct 2015
Judge: Miss Jean Singh
Many thanks to my two efficient stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly. On the day I was surprised to find 4 level mouths, although a level mouth is acceptable in the standard, a scissor bite is preferable. Some exhibits could have been shown in a fitter condition and have their long nails clipped.
Yearling - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
South Wales Kennel Association
10th Oct 2015
Judge: Mr Phil Sharp
I would like to thank the committee of SWKA for their invitation to judge & their hospitality on the day, my stewards for all their hard work, & the exhibitors for their support making Border Terriers the highest entry in the group. I was recently reminded just how long I have been involved with the breed when a photograph was circulated of the exhibitors at the very first open show of the Southern Border Terrier Club, held in a field close to the rectory at Hawkesbury. I guess this must have been in the early 1970s. It also prompted me to think that I must have judged for the first time some 40 years ago & I have seen a lot of Borders over the years since then. Each time I have judged I have been fortunate to find a few outstanding dogs, some very good ones, mostly good ones & very few poor ones. This was the case once again at this show. Dentition was good, there were no kinked tails & movement & coats were variable as normal. A couple of the dogs were spooked by the loudspeaker announcements, which was a great shame for the owners. I believe that everyone knows the faults of their own dogs, so it is the plus points that I have noted down for the most part. For one reason or another, I have not got to a show for a year or thereabouts, so seeing most of these dogs for the first time was a real pleasure.
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Midland Counties Canine Society
25th Oct 2015
Judge: Miss Michelle Barnett (Brockfox)
My sincere thanks go to the society for the superb welcome and hospitality at this premium show, my proficient stewards and last but most importantly the exhibits and their exhibitors for their entries and sporting attitude. It was so nice to hear the ringside applause bestowed upon fellow exhibitors and as a judge it really does make for a pleasurable days judging After my considerable absence ringside, my findings today were overall as always seems to be the case was the varieties in type, And some of the entry sadly on the day was far too big and by this i mean not necessarily in length of leg ( which the correct term is tall ) but in depth of chest and heavy shoulders , Fundamentally not the supple lithe bodies which is vital in an earth dog ,and an essential breed characteristic that we must strive to breed for. Please assess your dogs objectively and ask yourself of your own dogs "is this really the build of an earth dog" ? Mouths were on the whole correct but some very tight bites were apparent and teeth out of aliment I also found heavy almost houndy ears are also creeping in . Always wanting to finish on a high note, once again temperaments as to be expected were excellent and all males were entire. As always when judging I was looking for a correct sized spannable tweedy border who comes to hand well, with the requisite ottery head shown in correct double jacket and thick pliable pelt, thus providing them the protection required of a working dog coupled with a lithe body with hard muscle tone and fitness to enable them to endure a day in the field And in completing my appointment I was thrilled with my final line ups and ultimately such exemplary representatives of the breed to award the final top honours too.
Yearling - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Good headed rich G & T male with strong jaw and scissor bite .Good overall balance, straight front ,thick pelt & harsh jacket. Showing and moving well but picking heavy on the day.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
14th Nov 2015
Judge: Miss T James (Blackmine)
I was honoured to be invited to judge at the Scottish Border Terrier Club and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. It was concerning that there were a large proportion of exhibits with poor front movement. The other area which I thought needed attention was heads – many lacked strength in foreface. On the positive side all the dogs had good temperaments, were clean and trimmed up to a good standard. Coats were all at various stages (as usual) but I found very few single coated exhibits. It was also pleasing to see so many neat cat-like feet. I felt that the quality of the bitches out-weighed that of the dogs.
Limit - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Northallerton & District Canine Society
15th Nov 2015
Judge: Lynn McFarlane (Lynsett)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Houghton-le-Spring CS Open Show
22nd Nov 2015
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Sunderland and District Canine Society Open Show
29th Nov 2015
Judge: Mr Mike Vickers (Eskwire)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Newton Aycliffe and District Canine Society Open Show
6th Dec 2015
Judge: Mr Jim McGhie (Keillor)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Ladies Kennel Association
13th Dec 2015
Judge: Mrs Melanie Lewis (Tonromel)
Thank you to the Officers and Committee of LKA for the invitation to officiate and to my two excellent Stewards, Barry McCartney and Sue Jones, for their invaluable assistance throughout judging. Thank you to the exhibitors for a super entry of 176 exhibits making 192 entries, the largest entry in the Terrier Group, and also for the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted. Numerically the bitch entry was double the size of the dog entry, but on the whole the standard in both sexes was pleasing with some very strong contenders for top honours. Coats varied from being completely stripped out with only soft undercoat to those that were completely blown, however, many were presented in good jackets of the correct texture. Feet on the whole were good, being firmly padded. On a few exhibits the tails appeared to be overly long which on closer examination revealed that it was superfluous hair. If this had been removed it would have improved the overall picture. All males were entire and the temperaments displayed by all the exhibits was very good. I was presented with some very nice puppy entries, many showing a lot of promise, which can only auger well for the future of the breed. I was very pleased with both my final dog and bitch line ups, with some tough decisions having to be made when it came to awarding the top honours, such was the depth of quality. All of my finalists were in fit condition; moved with purpose; had good muscle tone; pliable pelts and spanned with ease and I believe that, if the opportunity presented, they would be able to undertake the functions asked for in the breed standard. My one plea to exhibitors is to please refrain from pushing treats into the dog's mouth when the dog is being judged on the table as it makes it very difficult for a judge to assess the exhibit. Reward them by all means if you have to, but only do so at the appropriate time.
Graduate - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
another who is ideal for size, has a nice head, reach of neck and is well proportioned. Well ribbed back he has a good tail set and moved o.k.
North and South Shields Open Show
3rd Jan 2016
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
Many thanks to the Society for the kind invitation to judge and also to the exhibitors who trusted me with their lovely Border Terriers. My steward was friendly and efficient.
Limit / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Manchester Championship Show
14th Jan 2016
Judge: Mrs Ruth Ann Naun (USA)
I would like to thank the Manchester Dog Show Society, as well as Kate & Ronnie Irving who were my hosts while in Britain, I thoroughly enjoyed my judging and your hospitality.
Post Graduate - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Northern Dog Club Open Show
30th Jan 2016
Judge: Mr Alan Curry (Lodore)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Darlington and District Canine Society Open Show
6th Feb 2016
Judge: Val Harley (Donvalset)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Jarrow and Heeburn Canine Society Open Show
14th Feb 2016
Judge: Miss Bridget Singh (Borderbridge)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Cleveland Dog Society’s Open Show
21st Feb 2016
Judge: Mrs Lesley Gosling (Akinside)
My thanks to the Society for its warm welcome and to exhibitors, as well as my friendly steward, who kept proceedings moving along. Border coats varied considerably, bearing in mind that exhibitors want coats to be tiptop for Crufts. I didn’t penalise for lack of coat if texture was correct and evidence of top coat present. Fronts continue to be an issue, with some exhibits wide or toeing-in at the front.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
good angulation behind, good feet and good jacket. Moved out well. Spannable. Typical head with dark eye, correct scissor bite. BoB
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
27th Feb 2016
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Firstly, I would like to thank the committee, members and exhibitors for the fantastic entry at this, my first club open show. It was a great privilege to judge here on the 50th anniversary of the Jedbergh show and to be able to get my hands on all these dogs. Thank you to my ring stewards, Jane Morton-Shaw and Janice Johnson for their hard work and efficiency. Thank you also, to Carole MacKenzie for going the extra mile with my lunch and plying me with all sorts of gluten free goodies! All the dogs were entire and I found only two or three kinked tails, but mouths were a bit of a concern. There were a lot of level bites, and although “acceptable” we should all be mindful of this when breeding on. Strong scissor bites with typically large teeth is what we should be aiming for. The majority of dogs were in good fit order, but unfortunately a small number of exhibits were rather thin and lacking condition. The two shouldn’t be confused. There were also quite a number of very short, and in some cases, sprung ribs, and quite a few lacking angulation and length of upper arm in front. On a positive note, there were some very promising youngsters, especially in the young bitch classes, which can only bode well for the future.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Billingham Synthonia Canine Club Open Show
28th Feb 2016
Judge: Mrs Anne Heathcote (Saxheath)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open Show
5th Mar 2016
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Gateshead Metropolitan Borough Canine Society Open
6th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr David Anderson (Nisyros)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
13th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr W R Irving
It was a great honour to judge the breed at Crufts again - after having done so once before. That was some thirty nine years ago in 1977 when the show was still held at Olympia! The entry this year at 266 from 239 exhibits though down a good deal on last year, was still enough to be going on with and we finished by 3.30 p.m. thanks to my excellent stewards Mr and Mrs Chaston. The exhibitors all seemed very sporting in line with the breed’s sportsmanlike traditions. I thought that the depth of quality was better in bitches than it was in dogs with several classes where I would have liked to have had more prizes. I thought that heads were in the main pretty good and that fronts, though there were still plenty which weren’t great, were rather better than the last few times I had judged. Crufts is always known as a bad time for coats and this year was no exception with very many lacking in coat and others with rather soft coats. Quite a number of dogs and bitches were rather long in body mainly caused by having ribs that were not as the breed standard demands “carried well back” and thus having loins that were long rather than the required “strong”. And finally Border Terriers are supposed to have a tail which is, according to the standard, “set high and carried gaily” Quite a few slink around the ring looking miserable and present no sign of the “activity” required by the standard and with tails that are carried low rather than “gaily”. I like to see a Border Terrier that shows a bit of animation and has what I’d call ‘lines’. My thanks to the exhibitors for entering and for the efficient way that they showed their dogs.
Graduate - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
another with a pleasing head. Slightly bigger in ear. Very good in neck, topline and coat. Looked a bit miserable at times without sparkle, and wouldn’t get his tail up going around the ring. Good in stifle and moved well when seen from in front and behind.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
26th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr Bill Gray (Pontbeck)
A very big thank you to the club members, committee and officers for the privilege to judge this show for a second time. The club ensured I enjoyed my day with a warm welcome and being attentive to my every need. My stewards efficiency took a good burden from my shoulders and I was allowed to concentrate and assess the dogs. Coats were a mixed bag from very little to very full but I would just say you can't judge something you can't see. I found it strange that some exhibits were stripped out except for a ridge of top coat running down their spine, creating a good outline is important but you can feel for body shape while handling. Heads were, in the main, very good to excellent with only a few that were lacking true Border character. The breed seems to have got on top of the problem regarding rear movement but front movement still needs to be addressed with a good number of exhibits " throwing their front around " I was delighted in my main winners especially BIS. If I have seen a better example of the breed during the many years I've had an interest I can't remember. An outstanding dog in every respect, a true ambassador for Border Terriers and a dog that will be remembered in generations to come. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity of judging him. The two puppy bitch classes along with junior and yearling bitch were packed with quality and that bodes well for the future.
Limit - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Scottish Kennel Club
22nd May 2016
Judge: Mr Simon Jackson
Limit - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
This is more like third time around because once again my second is of such similar style to 1st showing a close correct coat, movement and make, but displaying a good, different style of Border Terrier.
Bath Canine Society Championship Show
27th May 2016
Judge: Mr Alan Hedges (Ramblix)
My thanks go to the Officers and Committee of Bath show for inviting me to come and judge Border Terriers for the first time, and on the Bath Billiard Table as well, it was a fabulous day for me and will live long in my memory. I thought the dogs were better than the bitches although reading through my critique it doesn’t sound like that, but it was. If I may make a couple of points. Nobody who goes to shows goes to lose and some are making it rather easy for the judge to give them a hard time. Long pointed nails are not good news , nor is standing the dog like a rocking horse. If you are going to use bait, the dog needs to think it has a chance of getting it, the idea is to bring him up on his toes and make a much better picture. Every little helps, none of the opposition are going to roll over and make it easy for you! Hind movement was generally better than front movement, and plenty could have been fitter. My thanks go to all who entered, you gave me a wonderful day and I was honoured by each and every one of you
Limit - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
5th Jun 2016
Judge: Mr C Wallace (Hobholt)
My thanks to the officers, committee and members of The Scottish Border Terrier Club for the invitation and to the exhibitors, thank you for bringing your Borders'. My steward Joyce Orr was superb as was the welcome, hospitality and lunch. The weather was spectacular, but became increasingly hotter as the day progressed. Everyone took care to make sure the Borders were kept cool, in the shade and well hydrated. I noticed two level bites during judging, (not a problem), all the dogs were complete, a couple of Borders were a little over weight compared to the standard. I noticed a few Borders had a fair amount of tartar on their teeth, nails and dewclaws could have been trimmed on some. Nevertheless, a nice group of Borders who were credit to the breed and their owners.
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Gr&T, good head & expression, easy span, in tidy, good double coat, up on his pasterns, good pads, moderate in bone. Nice top line. Moved well.
The Sothern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
11th Jun 2016
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
It was a pleasure to judge the SBTC Championship Show and very pleasing to do so on their return to the Cheltenham racecourse. The new venue on the racecourse site has impressive facilities and they helped to provide a good atmosphere all day. The bitch classes were generally very much better than the dog classes and the number of border terriers with thick pelts and a good coat was impressive. Heads are very much improved although some deep stops and large heavy ears cost a few dogs a higher placing. In general terms the construction of hindquarters has improved but we are now seeing some dogs which have too much bend of stifle and end up with their hocks well behind their tail root when standing. Lay-back of shoulders has also improved yet some still have those relatively upright shoulders which yield a stilted movement in front. In addition, we need to keep the narrowness of the breed in mind, the border terrier does not have a rounded chest and should be well ribbed back as a result. I struggled to span quite a few male dogs but the bitches were much better. Dentition was very good overall and very strongly made teeth was most enjoyable to find and always an impressive quality to see when examining a border terrier’s mouth. Finally it was nice to see a few dogs with the characteristic thick carrot-shaped tail which, when set on correctly, always finishes the overall picture. Keep in mind it is an asset for the working terrier. At the end there were some very promising youngsters who will contribute the future of the breed and several very high quality Border Terriers competing for Best in Show.
Limit - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Similar type with good head on a well-made longer cast dog, well ribbed. Liked his strength of second thigh. Strong low hocks. Lost top-line on the move and thus preferred the drive of winner.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
24th Jun 2016
Judge: Mrs Trudi Baird
My first CC appointment and a big thank you is due to the officers and committee of Blackpool & district canine society for allowing me the honour to judge at your show. It was an immensely satisfying day judging a quality entry of Border terriers. I found size in general to be excellent with only a couple who were too large that I couldn’t span. Mouths were all acceptable, with just a few who had teeth out of line. All Males were entire. Coats were a problem, not on my main winners I hasten to add, and a good few exhibits were brought out too early in the coat department. Some judges may overlook this very important part of the breed standard but I certainly couldn’t. Upholding the maxim “essentially a working terrier”, a good double weather protective coat is a must! I was thrilled when I stood back and looked at my DCC & BCC when they came in to challenge for best of breed, I thought they were very similar for type and stamp. A very pleasing and humbling conclusion to judging the dogs and bitches. Best of breed went to the bitch in a very close challenge; simply it was her head and expression that won me over. Thank you to each and every exhibitor for bringing your dogs under me and accepting my decisions with grace.
Limit - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
East of England Agricultural Society
9th Jul 2016
Judge: Mrs A E Gregory
This was my first appointment at this level and I would like to thank the organisers of the East of England Show for giving me this opportunity. I would also like to thank my two stewards, David and Pat Sutton for keeping everything running along smoothly. Thanks must also go to the exhibitors for allowing me the honour and privilege of judging their dogs and for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions. I thoroughly enjoyed my day! Movement on the whole was good but front movement in a few was incorrect with toeing in when coming towards me. A few lacked muscle tone and some feet and nails could have been tidied to better advantage. Thick pelts were in the minority and some exhibits were shown without undercoat and this affected placings. Considering the harsh terrain in which the Border Terrier is expected to carry out its’ work, it should be in fit, hard condition with a thick double coat and pelt of depth and quality. Some heads also had stops which were too deep. This does not present a correct otter like head which should have a shallow stop. I also found a couple of suspect mouths and a few dogs, when lifted off the table, were too heavy. Some dogs would have benefited from more ring training. However, I was pleased with my winners and, in some classes, decisions were close. Although early rain made the ring conditions less than desirable, all dogs coped well.
Limit - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Narrow dog of good size, easily spanned, head of good quality, with good bite and big teeth, good in front and hind angulation, good length of rib, moved soundly, in a harsh jacket over a good pelt.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Jul 2016
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the Northern Border Terrier Club’s committee for the invitation to judge at this well organised & friendly show, I really enjoyed my day. A big thank you, to my stewards Sharon & Graham, who kept me on track throughout the day. On the down side some poor mouths, some of the males where lacking substance & not very masculine, bordering on thin, not sure they could do a days work. The depth of quality in the bitches was excellent & this meant that some decisions were very close & many lovely bitches missed out on this occasion. Also my thanks to the exhibitors for their sporting acceptance of my decisions.
Limit - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Good masculine head, right amount of bone, well laid shoulders, racey hindquarters, preferred size & expression of 1
Class Critique
Some dogs in this class lacked substance, not very masculine
Special Beginners - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Leeds Championship Show
22nd Jul 2016
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett
My thanks to the officers & committee for this appointment giving CCs in this breed for the first time, also the exhibitors for a lovely entry, also my two stewards who kept things running smoothly.
Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Paignton & DFA Championship Show
6th Aug 2016
Judge: Mrs M Barrass
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
this masculine dog moved in similar way to first, presented in good coat, good otter like head with dark expressive eyes, strong scissor bite, correct ear set, good slope of neck falling into laid back shoulders, neat front, balanced rib to loin, muscular rear, good tail set, easily spanned with loose pelt. RCC;
Welsh Kennel Club
20th Aug 2016
Judge: Mr S Plane
Limit - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Scottish Kennel Club
27th Aug 2016
Judge: Professor A S Milton
It was a pleasure to come back to Scotland, even though for just a day, and to judge Border Terriers at the Scottish Kennel Club's August Show. Looking at the catalogue I was surprised to find that Border Terriers had the fourth largest entry at the show. It was a very satisfactory entry, with many dogs that I had not seen before. I was particularly impressed with the overall quality of the coats. There was only one really bad mouth, a few crooked teeth, so what, as long as they can bite! I was concerned about size, not only those outwith the standard, but also even more worrying, those that I could not span. I should like to thank Joyce Martin for sending me a CD with photos of all the class winners.
Limit - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Richmond Championship Dog Show
10th Sep 2016
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
A very sound honest dog of good size and very pleasing to go over. Best of heads with a good dark eye and keen expression, neat ears, good legs and feet, thick pelt, pleasing tail and strong hindquarters. Soundest of movers with good reach and drive.
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
24th Sep 2016
Judge: Mrs Jena Tuck (Nettleby)
I would like to thank the Committee of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge this very enjoyable and well run show. It was an honour and pleasure. In the ring I was very ably assisted by my two capable stewards Ian and Bridget, who I would like to thank. The hospitality of the Club was second to none I had a truly wonderful day. Thanks must go to the exhibitors, who allowed me to go over their dogs. The depth of quality was remarkable and some very good exhibits had to go cardless I was delighted by my main winners, thank you again for giving me the pleasure of judging them. I chose the dog as BIS because he had that extra attitude and showmanship.
Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Class Critique
A quality class of dogs, very close decision between the top three.
Driffield Agricultural Society Championship Dog Show
1st Oct 2016
Judge: Mrs Jane Roberts (Smalesmouth)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the Driffield Agricultural Society for the invitation to judge at their show. I was grateful to have the use of an excellent sized ring. The surface was rather undulating and rough cut in places, which proved more of a challenge to those dogs whose movement did not have “the soundness to follow a horse”. It was a very raw start to the day with the dogs being judged under rather cold and misty conditions although the sun did break through as the bitch classes began. Grateful thanks to my stewards Anne and Sarah, who kept everything moving so efficiently and were good company for the day. My thanks to all the exhibitors, it really is a privilege to go over your dogs and is always a learning curve. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day and there were some top quality exhibits and some promising youngsters, whose progress I will watch with interest. Some decisions were hard, and limit dog, junior and limit bitch had quality in depth. It was extremely rewarding to find some very good double jackets amongst the entry but felt there were several others who had thin pelts or lacked undercoat. There were a couple with teeth out of alignment and too many dogs whose movement lacked the necessary drive from the hindquarters. I was mindful of the job that Border Terriers were bred to undertake and I was pleased with my class winners; making the challenge for both dogs and bitches an enjoyable if difficult task.
Limit - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Class Critique
This was a very good class of quality dogs that went beyond the placings.
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
9th Oct 2016
Judge: Mrs M Armstrong (Carrickfarm) & Dr S Fraser (Achnagairn)
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
28th Jan 2017
Judge: Mrs. A. Heathcote (Saxheath)
My thanks to the Committee for asking me to judge this show , my Stewards Callie and Ian for their invaluable assistance and all the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs . I had some quality dogs to go over with some close decisions in some classes , however , I found front movement in particular was rather disappointing in the lower classes .That aside I thoroughly enjoyed my day .
Limit - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Strong headed dog with a nice reach of neck into a level topline and correct tailset topped with a good jacket and pelt. Moved well.
Jarrow & Hebburn CS Open Show
12th Feb 2017
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan, three years old. Lovely head and expression without being overdone. Excellent bite, lovely skull and very little stop. Good neck and shoulders. Not too heavy in bone, standing on good feet and legs. Narrow throughout, easily spanned and well ribbed back. Shown in a harsh, dense tweedy topcoat with good undercoat and pelt. Although lacking enthusiasm at times, was true on the move and free from exaggeration. BOB
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
25th Feb 2017
Judge: Rachel Larner (Hawcoat)
Firstly I would like to thank the club and its committee members for inviting me to judge their show, it was an honour and privilege and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my two lovely stewards, Liz Barrett and Anna Duxbury, for their help and assistance and for keeping the show running smoothly. Lastly I would like to thank all the exhibitors for entering and bringing their lovely dogs for me to judge. I have done the majority of my judging, so far, in the south west and wales so it was a real pleasure to go over some dogs that I have not had the pleasure of judging, Northern dogs are a lot hardier than our southerners!! I had some quality dogs to go over which gave me some tough decisions to make and wish I could have given out more cards. I found all dogs to be entire and no bad mouths, apart from the odd missing tooth in the Veteran class! I really did have a fabulous day and just want to apologise for not getting this critique out sooner.
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog in super coat. Balanced outline with good length of leg. Nice narrow front with well laid shoulders. Well ribbed and good level topline and good tail carriage. Super head and expression with lovely dark eye and good ear set. Moved well.
Class Critique
Tough choice between the first two dogs. Two very nice examples of a border terrier.
Billingham Synthonia Canine Society Dog Show
26th Feb 2017
Judge: Mr I Layfield (Dockwray/Fundoune)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
9th Mar 2017
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
It was a great honour and pleasure to examine a superb entry of 250 dogs with 28 absentees. I was conscious that the judging period available had to be used wisely. My profound thanks to all exhibitors, my splendidly efficient stewards Mr R and Mrs A Green and the marvellous exhibitor who provided the red chair as my unofficial ring marker (even if she did occasionally have the temerity to sit in it) for co-operating famously to ensure that we completed our task in a timely manner while hopefully enabling everyone an equal opportunity to put their best foot forward. To go over something special and send it round and see proof that it meets the crucial test of health and conformation makes the pulse quicken. I was looking for typical, well knit, well conditioned, free moving specimens exhibiting all the breed characteristics we need to retain while trying to minimise undesirable aspects. This is a natural and unexaggerated breed and my ultimate line-ups pleased me immensely displaying exactly what I was seeking
Mid Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Birtley and District Canine Society Open Show
2nd Apr 2017
Dogs: Alison Matthews (Tojamat) Thanks go to the committee for the appointment and the generous hospitality offered and to my Steward Barry who guided me through. Thanks also to the exhibitors for the sporting way they accepted my decisions. I judged with fit for function in mind while looking for that added sparkle that makes a showdog.
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
A very neat dog all round with good front shoulders and ribs. He was nice for size and moved well. Not much coat today looked like it was just coming in.
Consett CS Open Show
9th Apr 2017
Judge: Cath Parker (Osmart)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Tweedmouth Canine Society Open Show
14th Apr 2017
Judge: Mr Phil Rooney (Biscovey)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Saltburn Open Show
16th Apr 2017
Judge: Carol Dunford (Quixol)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Sunderland Open Show
23rd Apr 2017
Judge: Mrs Tina Jones (Otterholme)
Many thanks to the committee to judge at this well run show. A big thank you to the exhibitors for their entry of some really nice dogs and the sporting acceptance of my choices by the majority of exhibitors. I was somewhat dismayed to find a sizable amount of the entry with evidence of clipper use, perhaps this has been done to enhance the outline of the dog, but for me it completely detracted from the overall picture, nothing is more pleasing than seeing a Border in a ‘natural’ proper jacket. Temperaments and dentition were all excellent. Pleasing to find the majority of exhibits spannable.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Last judged this one as a junior, pleasing to find he has developed into the ‘complete package’ Looked so balanced in profile and on the move,good toplline and underline. Ribs well back lovely typical head with flat skull, really strong in jaw, easily spannable,enough bone without being too heavy there BOB.
Joint Border Terriers Clubs' Championship Show
30th Apr 2017
Judge: Mrs. K. Wilkinson (Otterkin)
Mid Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Loved the neck on this dog and my notes say what a gorgeous head he has. Lovely dark eyes of correct size. Good strong muzzle. Lovely topline and tailset, he just stood away from all the rest. He was easily spanned and moved well both ways throughout the class.
Birmingham National Dog Show
4th May 2017
Judge: Mr Terence Tuck
Limit - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Newton Aycliffe & District Canine Society Open Show
13th May 2017
Judge: Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow)
I would very much like to thank the officers and committee for offering me this appointment, and for their excellent hospitality. Thanks also to my ring steward. Mostly I would like to thank all the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their dogs and accepting my decisions in such a sporting manner. I found no dogs with incorrect bites and all male dogs were entire.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Raleniro Second Time Around
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
3 year old very smart grizzle dog, Very good head with dark eye and good earset. Well presented in very good coat and pelt with small neat feet. Narrow all through and moved well. Lovely size and well balanced with firm topline, which is where he beat the RBOB today. BOB & Pleased to hear he took TG1
Scottish Kennel Club
21st May 2017
Judge: Mr I Hopper
I would like to thank the Scottish Kennel Club for inviting me to award Challenge Certificates for the first time. Thank you to everybody who entered their dogs for me to judge and also to my ring steward June who was good assistance on the day .There were no bad mouths all the dogs were entire, coats were at various stages. I enjoyed my days judging and the top winners were dogs that I felt fitted the breed standard.
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Outstanding grizzle dog strong head well set ears, scissor bite, big teeth, hard double coat with loose pelt, good topline very well balanced on the move, well-handled was in contention for RCC.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th Jun 2017
Judge: Karen S Stockley (Foxfactor)
My grateful thanks go to the ScBTC for the opportunity to judge their Open Show, the lovely gift and the excellent lunch. It’s always an honour and privilege to judge at Club Shows. Thanks also to my stewards Jim Stewart and Helen Mc Kenzie. I had some very nice exhibits to go over with some tough decisions to make.I was pleased to find that the vast majority were in fit condition, I found 3 with incorrect dentition and just one kinked tail. I thank the exhibitors for the entry and for gracefully accepting my placings. Unfortunately ResBPIS was not awarded as I was informed there wasn’t an award so my apologies to the Puppy Bitch winner
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
3yo gr, one I have judged and placed before in JD, very good headed dog with correct bite, shown in good double jacket under which is a thick pelt (best of the day)a good size dog that is easily spanned, moves true both ways, well set on good shape and length tail.
Border Union Agricultural Society
17th Jun 2017
Judge: Mr Phil Sharp (Martec)
I would like to thank the Committee for inviting me to judge at this Show. It was my first visit to Kelso and I was most impressed with the hospitality and organisation there. My two excellent stewards, Gordon and Donald, kept me on the straight and narrow and contributed to a lovely atmosphere in and around the ring. I did not make my usual visit to the SBTC championship show the weekend before as I wanted to see all the dogs afresh, and I am glad I did as many of the exhibits were new to me. In general, mouths were good, with dentition only slightly awry in one instance. I found no kinked tails and all dogs were entire. It was a very hot and sunny day and this affected some dogs, who perhaps lacked their normal animation and were moving lethargically. As usual, there was a wide variation in coats, with some totally lacking top coat, and this naturally had an effect on the placings. I would like to thank the exhibitors for the large entry and for the sporting way in which my decisions were taken throughout my judging stint.
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
There was so much to like about this dog, from his lovely ottery head, through a good topline to a good tail set. Beautifully balanced on the move, well muscled body and a good thick pelt Seriously considered for top honours
Ashington & District Open Show
1st Jul 2017
Judge: Margaret Davies (Glenorchy)
Many thanks to the Society for their kind invitation and hospitality, my steward for keeping things flowing nicely and to the exhibitors for their entry and giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs in a sportsman like manner. Thank you.
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Nice head and expression. Good teeth straight front good coat, moved well.
East of England Agricultural Society
9th Jul 2017
Judge: Mrs Marion Reeves
Having achieved 80 years on my last birthday I have decided that this has to be the last occasion that I award C.C. ‘s in Border Terriers. It’s time for the next generation to step up. In the showring border terriers still come in every size & shape imaginable. Our breed standard is I believe the sketchiest of all the breed standards offering only limited guidance as to the perfect exhibit. What would be wrong with including an ideal ratio of length of body to height at withers? I also have a problem with “Hindquarters – racy” which for me describes a greyhound or a whippet. Surely we don’t want the overangulated hindquarters that have crept into the breed in recent years. On to the Show! I was very pleased with my entry & had no difficulty finding some worthy winners.
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
gr/t Good ottery head, straight front, compact feet. Pleasing reach of neck into level topline, very good angulations, harsh coat & thick pelt. Moved out really well. Preferred his more moderate size to 2.
The Nothern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
15th Jul 2017
Judge: Mrs. P. McLellan (Breconbeds)
My thanks to the committee and members for giving me the opportunity to judge this show, with such an excellent entry. However, I’m sorry to say that I was alarmed to see so many dogs that were short in both rib and leg, resulting in short backed and cobby looking dogs with deep briskets. I also observed that some of these same dogs had pleasant enough heads but carried very small teeth. Movement was a major concern; decent enough dogs to examine but poor fronts on the move spoiled the whole picture – toeing in and/or with incorrect shoulder angulation. Some were really wide in front.
Mid Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog in good harsh jacket. Pleasing in head and body lines. Well muscled quarters. Moved out well.
Leeds Championship Dog Show
22nd Jul 2017
Judge: Mrs Jayne Alpe
Thanks to the committee for my invitation and for providing two excellent stewards who enabled me to easily get on with my judging. Thank you to the exhibitors for the good quality entry. Overall impression from last time I judged was that movement has improved somewhat but many lacked the drive and ease of movement that is needed in a dog that was bred to follow a horse. I was looking for both this and balance without some of the over exaggerations that I have noticed slowly creeping in to the breed. I was delighted to see my BOB pulled into the cut in the group and my BP with a Group 4.
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Placing Critique
lovely Type with Excellent Head, Correct Expression with dark eye and good bite. Totally sound moving and kept his top line well. Excellent harsh jacket with thick pelt.
Cheviot and Berwick Open Show
29th Jul 2017
Judge: Sheila G Stoddart 
As I was a substitute judge at the last minute, thank you to the exhibitors for their welcome. I enjoyed going over a super entry of Border Terriers and was impressed especially by the standard and fitness of the veterans. As a terrier person myself I felt I had to hang my head in shame a bit as without exception the cleanliness of the teeth in this breed was terrific…said to self..must try harder!! (I do but co-operation can be scarce on the ground!) This is a very friendly show…only their second Open Show and I would certainly like to return as an Exhibitor next time!
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Aug 2017
Judge: Dogs: Julie Guvercin, Bitches: Denise Townsend
Julie Guvercin, Dogs:- Midland border terrier club ch sh 6th August 2017 A warm welcome and a super quality entry awaited me at this show with very few absentees. A few kinked tails, some untidy bites and very noticeable were the amount of light eyes creeping in, some so pale it ruined the expression completely. Just one male with what felt like abnormal testicles! Thank you for bringing your dogs, some classes were so hotly contested that all 5 placed had lots to commend them and 1st to 3rd was splitting hairs in some cases. Some dogs looked beautiful stood, but failed miserably on the move and paid the price. Denise Townsend, Bitches:- I judged the first show ever held by the Midland Border Terrier Club back in 1984 which made me feel very old when I worked how long ago that was! Thank you to all exhibitors for the opportunity to go over your dogs – I always consider it a great privilege and I was very pleased with my winners. I could span virtually every bitch present so think that criteria went before me in terms of my entry! Just the very occasional crooked mouth and I would agree with my co-judge that I noticed several light eyes and some dogs that were light in underjaw.
Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around
Class Critique
A lovely class with much quality in all five placed dogs, who could change places on another day.
Scottish Kennel Club
27th Aug 2017
Judge: Mr Euan Castel (Flutorum)
My thanks to the committee for their kind invitation to judge at this my local Championship Show. Special thanks to my excellent steward Ben Joiner for keeping everything in order. Thank you to all exhibitors for providing me with a lovely entry to go over. I found a depth of quality in each class with some close decisions to make. Very pleased that my Best of Breed, Best Puppy and Best Veteran went on to do well in their respective groups – well done.
Limit - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Wolsingham & Wear Valley Agricultural Society Open Show
3rd Sep 2017
Judge: Fran Kaye (Danfrebek)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
1st Oct 2017
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
I had the most enjoyable experience from the first to last minute of my judging day, the Northern hospitality from all was exceptional and I thank the Committee for giving me such a great opportunity. The quality and depth in some classes was a real treat for me to discover on judging ‘up north’ for the first time. Thanks to my stewards who helped keep everything managed practically perfect throughout the day. I enjoyed the lunch and my gift is displayed in pride of place on the mantle. Thank you all for trusting me to take on such a wonderful show. A couple of untidy mouths, some unclean teeth but bites generally good. Found a dog and a bitch with kinks and there were a few thin pelts. Overall however I found good quality in the majority, good heads and expressions are essential but I especially like to see a dog moving forwards with drive, not pulling but setting off to get somewhere. I believe a working terrier needs good tight feet and thick pads to be able to meet the standard, most feet were good although I observed some long claws which do not help.
Limit - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
South Wales Kennel Association
8th Oct 2017
Judge: Mr. Mark Ord (Marnadee)
Thank you to my very able stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly & all exhibitors who entered under me today. I consider it a great privilege to handle this delightful breed. A very enjoyable day for me awarding C.C.s in this breed for the first time. I had my first Border T in 1975 and have followed the breed with interest ever since. As a judge this is just my opinion on the breed from those entered under me today. We all have a slightly different interpretation of the breed standard and I think that is what makes exhibiting & breeding a great interest, however I do think it is vital to remember what the breed was developed originally to do and make sure we do not loose vital breed points. Today I found the depth of quality was in the bitches, I was pleased to say the majority of bitches were of correct size and easy to span, I unfortunately can not say the same for the males. I was disappointed with front movement, I found tails of correct length & shape lacking in many and some odd expressions. On a positive note I was more than happy with many of my classes, some classes you were spoilt for choice and that is great to see, in-fact some classes were exceptionally good quality, it was a case of splitting hairs & on dogs performance. The majority had good double coats of good texture & nice loose pelts. Temperaments were also very good, the Border should be biddable and never snappy with people or other dogs & this was good to see.
Limit - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
another quality dog with a good head, strong dentition and good neck, scores very high in body shape & condition, good front and strong in rear, easy to span rib & loose pelt, good feet & tail, lost out today to 1 as felt was just coming into his new coat, in excellent hard muscled condition, quality dog
Class Critique
Difficult class & had to split hairs today.
Midland Counties Canine Society
27th Oct 2017
Judge: Mr David G Winsley (Davmar)
My thanks to the exhibitors for their quality entry, also to my two efficient stewards. I would like to mention that due to the noisy ring next to our during the first three bitch classes, some youngster were upset and didn't show to their best advantage, hopefully they will have gotten over it. Movement generally was good in the majority of dogs. Feet need more attention, some certainly don't comply with the breed standard and certainly would affect them if they had to go long distances. Some just needed a little judicious trimming.
Limit - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Class Critique
The strongest dog class today, little between the first two.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
11th Nov 2017
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to the Officers, Committee and members of the Club for this appointment. It was a privilege to judge, with a very nice entry and sporting atmosphere throughout the day. My thanks for the hospitality, gift and excellent lunch, and to my steward Shona. I was pleased with the entry overall, coats varied throughout. My main concern not only today but with the breed in general would be size with many being too big and something that must be considered in future breeding. Front movement with pinning in lost some dogs placings today. It was rewarding to start two youngsters off with their first CC’s and I wish them well for their future.
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
A very smart dog in good coat and condition. liked his size and alround balance. Typical in head, keen expression with good eye and neat ears. Good rib and spans well. Moved out the best in the class and considered him for top awards.
Houghton-Le-Spring Open Show
12th Nov 2017
Judge: Barry Croft (Malcro)
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Sunderland & DCS Open Show
26th Nov 2017
Judge: Mrs Mandy Kenna (Cynetkoy)
I would like to thank the officers and commitee for inviting me to judge Border terriers at their show today, The day was made even more special by my BOB Tyneaster undercover agent for Vandamere, ( Pollit ) also winning the Terrier group and then going on to win BIS. Congratulations to his owners. The catering was excellent, and my ring steward very efficient thank you.finally thank you to all the exhibitors for a lovely entry. On the whole mouths were good, coats were at various stages as i would expect for this time of the year, some exhibits would benefit from tidying coats. Some muzzles and heads were lacking in depth and width, loosing that " otter head".
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Red grizzle male with a good head and good reach of neck, Very harsh jacket and narrow throughout, moved true coming and going.
Ladies Kennel Association
10th Dec 2017
Judge: Mrs Angela M Gregory (Manx)
My thanks to the LKA for their kind invitation to judge the Border terriers at this year’s championship show. My thanks go to the Stewards who assisted at the event and to you all who were very helpful and supportive. Sadly we were victims to the weather and this did have a marked impact on attendance which was a real shame but the association still managed to deliver a quality show. Thanks are also extended to the exhibiters who help support the show. Congratulations to those who did brave the inclement weather and I felt that despite the low attendance the standard of dogs offered a competitive environment. I was delighted to have seen the Border Terrier Group as having a high level of entries this year
Change this by selecting a new code / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Another sound strong dog, good coat and movement. Nice thick tail and I liked the look of both and this was a difficult class. Not quite as good on the day
North and South Shields CS Open Show
14th Jan 2018
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Cumberland CA Open Show
14th Jan 2018
Judge: Anne Speake
I’d like to extend my thanks to the society for their invitation to judge, to my efficient steward Christine, who ensured things ran smoothly. To the exhibitors, it was a privilege to judge your dogs. Temperaments were excellent; all dogs were entire; and mouths were good. However, coats varied, and some dogs paid the price.
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th Feb 2018
Judge: Mr. J. Todd (Roxess)
I would like to thank the club for the invitation to judge and the hospitality I received. Thanks also to my steward Mr Ian Hopper for his great assistance. Finally thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs. I really enjoyed my day. I was impressed with the quality of the majority of dogs present and although some were top size all placed dogs were easily spanned and had correct bite.. I felt overall movement was good, coats were variable some full and some lacking however in the run up to Crufts this is to be expected. The majority had good pelts which was pleasing. Mouths were generally good most with large teeth but I was disappointed to see many with dirty teeth.
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
grizzle/tan dog balanced head with good width and depth of muzzle. He is well constructed looks good in profile. He moved well with good reach and drive and had good muscle tone. Coat was almost there just lacked a little depth. He showed really well to head this good class.
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
24th Feb 2018
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the committee for giving me the honour of judging at this lovely show, and for the warm welcome and hospitality shown on the day. Special thanks go to the Show Secretary Kathy Wilkinson, my two efficient stewards Liz Barrett and Judy Carr, and Carol Mackenzie for a lovely lunch. Most of all I would like to say a very big thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me such a lovely entry, and for allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs. The depth of quality in some classes, particularly the bitches, meant that I truly wished for more top places to give out. However, I was very pleased with my main winners, who all looked as though they could manage a day’s work. Most exhibits were in hard, fit condition and well turned out. All dogs were entire, I found just a couple of kinked tails, and, understandably, there were a few missing/misplaced teeth in the veteran class. Coats were at various stages, as to be expected, and this had to affect a few places as it is not only a necessity on a working terrier, but completes the picture. I was pleased to have some very promising puppies, and at the other end of the scale a wonderful class of veterans.
Best Dog
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Best Opposite Sex
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
This good looking grizzle and tan boy caught my eye as soon as he entered the ring, and didn’t disappoint. He has a lovely, ottery , masculine head with a broad muzzle and strong jaw containing big teeth in a good scissor bite. His front is straight and narrow, he has the right amount of bone, and stands on neat, well padded feet. His shoulders are well constructed and his ribs are narrow and carried well back. I thought initially that he looked slightly deep in the brisket, but with hands on it turned out to be long hair and he actually spanned well. He has good angulation front and rear, with a good length of upper arm and well constructed, well muscled hind quarters giving him the required reach and drive to move economically and follow a horse all day. He has a loose, thick, pliable pelt, adequate undercoat and harsh new topcoat, and holds a level topline with good tailset. He moved accurately but perhaps just lacked a little enthusiasm whilst challenging for top honours. Nevertheless, I was happy to award him Best Dog.
Birtley and District CS Open Show
1st Apr 2018
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the committee and Secretary for the invitation to judge at your show, the hospitality was second to none. Thanks to the NBTC for sponsoring the class, my steward Dave and all the exhibitors for bringing your dogs under me.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
8th Apr 2018
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
With apologies for the delay in submitting this critique. My sincere thanks to the officers and committee of East Anglia Border Terrier Club for offering me this appointment. Huge thanks to my sole steward Rob Brewster who efficiently organised the ring and exhibits all day despite being in poor health and needing constant medication throughout the day. Most of all my appreciation to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to assess your dogs. With the ever rising cost of suitable venues, it was necessary to move this show from the much appreciated previous Burgess Hall at St Ives to a new Leisure Centre at Littleport. On the day the huge venue was shared with a large number of indoor bowls enthusiasts which meant there was a longish walk from the large car park to our hall. The hall itself was large enough but dog cages all around the hall gave rise to lots of noise and distraction from barking dogs which was very evident when listening to my dictaphone. At lunchtime, with lots of people all trying to use the cafe/restaurant at the same time, this caused long queues and even longer waiting times for food and drinks to arrive, which in turn meant the lunch break overran. I had the honour of judging the first border terrier club show to schedule Champion dog and bitch classes. Prior to the show I was undecided about such classes but having here seen the smallish entries for both Open and Champions on reflection I see little point or need for them. As always coats were at various stages but the exhibits were with a few exceptions in good condition. All males were entire. Bites were better than at previous appointments and I only found a few with misplaced teeth, however the size of teeth varies considerably. Although not a fault, I noticed a few liver noses. Several exhibits could benefit from attention to feet to produce the small feet as required. Movement in general was better at the rear than in front with too many swinging fronts, moving wide or toeing in.
Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
West of England Ladies' Kennel Society
28th Apr 2018
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
Many thanks to the society for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for a lovely entry of 117 making 151. My very efficient stewards did a marvelous job and kept the ring running well throughout the day. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was pleased that exhibitors accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. There was a good atmosphere around the ring and all exhibits displayed good temperaments. I was disappointed to see so many large oversized dogs (and bitches) which were not able to be spanned. Movement was also a concern, I was forgiving of loose front movement in some of the youngsters, but both front and rear movement in some of the adult exhibits was poor. Many exhibits had large ears, low tail sets or short round ribs which had to be penalized. I was pleased with my main winners and delighted to see my Best of Breed shortlisted in the group and the Best Special Beginner placed 2nd in the SB group.
Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
National Dog Show
11th May 2018
Judge: Mrs Jane Morton-Shaw (Fehmarn)
My sincere thanks to the Birmingham National Dog Show committee for inviting me to judge at what was my first CC appointment. My thanks also go to my super-efficient stewards on the day. Thanks to all of you exhibitors who gave me an excellent entry, and for your sporting acceptance of my decisions, some of which were difficult, as there were a couple of times when the quality was so good, it was hard to separate them, so I had to look at the minor points to split them. There were a couple of level bites but no kinked tails. My main grumble were the huge ears on too many exhibits, front movement on many left much to be desired, and a number of exhibits were too big overall making some unspannable. A couple of dogs were badly overweight. All exhibits were presented in good clean condition. I had a wonderful time and hopefully the exhibitors enjoyed their day too at this well-run show. The icing on the cake was the fact that my Best Puppy in Breed went on to win Terrier Puppy Group 2, and my DCC/Best Veteran went on the win Terrier Veteran Group 2.
Limit - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle male in lovely coat & condition. Moved well. Tail set dropped away from the topline a little over the croup. Good angulation & bend of stifle. Strong head and nice expression. Spannable. Neat tight feet on thick pads. Nice bone.
Three Counties
7th Jun 2018
Judge: Mrs T J Baird
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the society for the invitation to judge and for the wonderful welcome and hospitality. The day was made even more pleasurable thanks to my two lovely stewards Colin and Margret who kept the ring in order and most importantly were pleasant and friendly. The ring was a very good size;it was a joy to judge outside with the beautiful back drop of the Malvern Hills ,even the weather was perfect -not too hot and a slight breeze. The ground however was uneven with the grass rather long, causing some dogs to hop and skip making assessment of some dog’s movement difficult. I found a good breadth of quality in some of the Bitch classes and some nit picking decisions had to be made, notably in the excellent junior bitch class. Size needs to be watched as some youngsters were very difficult to span, coats were on the whole very good with just a few that had recently been stripped out and a couple of blown coats. A of couple of exhibits had kinked tails and a couple of youngsters with level bites, all the males were entire. Thank you to the sporting exhibitors for entering and accepting my decisions, I am honoured to judge so many quality Border terriers and was pleased to watch the best of breed short listed in the group, later hearing the puppy gained Puppy group 4.
Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Border Union Agricultural Society
17th Jun 2018
Judge: Mrs Anne Gregory (Remony)
My thanks to the officers and committee of the Border Union Agricultural Society for inviting me to judge today. Thank you also to the exhibitors for giving me, by far, the biggest Terrier entry of the day. A big thank you to my two stewards, Nev and Liz Holmes-Leak, who kept things running smoothly and efficiently thus ensuring that we finished in time for my BOB to make the Group. Coats were at varying stages, with some in their underclothes, and in some cases this was the deciding factor. Some exhibits were too fine in bone, particularly in the earlier classes. Some heads had ears set too high, some had deep stops with muzzles that were too short which gives a foreign expression. There were more than a few exhibits which would have benefited from having their feet tidied and nails cut. Soundness of movement in some dogs gave cause for concern. If a Border is to be fit for the function it was intended, it needs to be sound on the move. I found varying degrees of unsoundness in front movement from toeing in, crossing in front to paddling and out at the elbows. Hind movement in some exhibits was also less than desirable with hocks too close together when going away, cow hocks, lack of drive from hindquarters and, in some cases, lack of muscle tone. All of which would not allow a Border to be ‘capable of following a horse’ over rugged terrain. On a positive note, I did have some quality dogs to go over and was well pleased with my winners. I was also pleased to see my BOB shortlisted in the group.
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Cheviot and Berwick Canine Society Open Show
21st Jul 2018
Judge: Mr Craig Richardson
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Sunderland &
22nd Jul 2018
Judge: Mrs Julie North (Northborders)
I would like to thank the society for inviting me to judge the Border Terriers and for the very nice hospitality we received (very nice lunch ), I thoroughly enjoyed my appointment in this venue which was well laid out and a nice sized ring
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
G/T Boy , Lovely head with correct bite and keen expression , super narrow throughout and in very fit hard condition , nice length of neck into well laid shoulders ,Spans easily with a super thick pelt and harsh jacket , ribs well back and nice angulation , he just spoilt himself on the move as he was crabbing and not taking a relaxed big stride which I thought he would
Ryedale & Pickering Lyth Agricultural Society Open Show
31st Jul 2018
Judge: Margaret Masterman (Santerman)
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Cartmel Agricultural Society Open Show
1st Aug 2018
Judge: Mrs Carol Dunford
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Sedgefield Agricultural Society Open Show
11th Aug 2018
Judge: Mrs C E Samsom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the Sedgefield Agricultural Show for the invitation to judge today and the exhibitors for giving me such a lovely quality entry. My steward Tom Hall was very efficient, there was a super ringside atmosphere in the warm sunshine.
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
3 year old grizzle bitch,of good size and type. Feminine otter head with dark eye and correct bite. Finer build with a straight front, good top line with well set tail and correct rear angulation. Beautifully presented with correct double coat. She moved soundly.
Welsh Kennel Club
18th Aug 2018
Judge: Mr. David Maggs (Chrydas)
I would like to thank The Welsh Kennel Club for inviting me to judge Borders at their show when the original judge Mr Bill Brown-Cole dropped out through illness, it is 13 years since I judged this show last and I must say that I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. The quality throughout was excellent, I found no bad mouths , movement was fine except for a few who were a little bit loose in front, but coats were very varied.
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Scottish Kennel Club
25th Aug 2018
Judge: Mr. Ian Higham (Comberdown)
What a privilege it was to judge my breed again at the Scottish Kennel Club. I am very grateful for the invite. I would really like to thank all of those who exhibited their dogs under me and for putting trust in my opinion and my integrity. I would also like to thank my very capable stewards Kate Scott and Lindsay O’Neill, who were very confident, efficient and jovial on the day. My general findings were that the breed is showing a good in-depth quality. Movement is still a bit erratic here and there as one would expect, but I saw plenty of good borders on the day. However, I did notice that thickness of skin was not as evident as in the past and I honestly only found a few really good thick pelts. I found one dog had a very slight deformity near the very end of its tail. I had one or two level bites and one that obviously had recently had a tooth come out and its owner, very honestly, informed me of what had happened. None of these dogs were penalised in any way re mouths. Some exhibits were tallish but spannable, however, there were some that were two heavy in chest and had a rounder shape rib rather than the correct ‘v’ or heart shape. As usual I was looking for borders that fulfilled the type points as laid out in our standard, combined with correct physical construction to be able to cover the ground well as they would have had to when our standard was written all those years ago.
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
City of Birmingham
1st Sep 2018
Judge: Mr Dave Matthews (Tojamatt)
Many thanks to City of Birmingham Canine Society for giving me the opportunity to judge this show , my first Championship show, may I also thank every exhibitor who entered the show ,and also my steward Alan Tomlinson for his help. I enjoyed my day ,I was very pleased with the entry,I had some difficult decisions to make on the day . The ring was of a good size and that gave the exibits the chance to get into there stride,front movement on some exibits was a little loose ,but I had some real good movers, a few low set tails are creeping in to the breed ,Iwas pleased with the condition and presentation of the exhibits ,I found some really good pelts and coats, I am pleased to say the the day passed without a cross word from any of the exibits ,I was pleased with heads and expression , some foreign expressions had been appearing in recent years. May I again thank you all for the chance to go over your dogs , and for the way you accepted my decisions .
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Wolsingham & Wear Valley Open Show
2nd Sep 2018
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
Many thanks to the officers and committee of Wolsingham & Wear Valley open show for the invite to judge on the day and also the exhibitors that supported my super entry on the day. This is a lovely well organised show and supported tremendously by the local community. Also delighted to see my BOB go Terrier Group 1 and not to be outdone by the Best Puppy also following suit and taking Puppy Group 1 – well done.
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Handy sized Grizzle & Tan dog with a strong head and nice expression with a good bite, nice and narrow in the shoulder/rib and very good rear angulation. In fit condition with lovely jacket/pelt to claim second behind a very good dog and a very strong class.
Terrier Club of Scotland Open Show
14th Oct 2018
Judge: Mr David Robbins (Chenting)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: RBIS, Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Best Dog
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Oct 2018
Judge: Mr Kevin Green (Terabyte)
I would like to thank the club officers & committee for inviting me to judge their show. I would also like to thank the stewards Anna & Judith for doing an excellent job and for keeping the show flowing so well. I was very pleased with the entry and thank you to all the exhibitors for such a lovely entry. I had such lovely dogs & bitches to go over on the day, they had good coats and pelts overall, I was a little disappointed on movement. All dogs were entire. Once again I would like to thank the Club for a well-run show and such enjoyable day.
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Masculine head with correct bite and strong muzzle. Good length of neck, correct shoulder and narrow front. Had a good top line and tail set, kept his shape when moving (R.B.D)
Selby Canine Society Open Show
27th Oct 2018
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Sunderland and District CS Open Show.
25th Nov 2018
Judge: Mrs K. Lothian (Lairehope)
I really enjoyed judging the Border Terrier classes at the Sunderland & District Canine Society Open Show, at The Temple Park Leisure Centre, South Shields, on 25 November 2018. I would like to thank Marie & the Committee for the superb hospitality and Bill Howe for the top quality food. Thank you also to Marcia, my efficient Steward. The Centre provided a pleasant atmosphere for the day. I was delighted with the number of Border Terriers entered, away above the entry for other Terriers. It was a pleasure to judge in a ring of racy, showy, high quality Border Terriers – with the youngsters having a developed ring-craft for their age.. Predominant in the classes were Border Terriers with strong otter-heads for both male & female, with good dentition and harsh coats. It is always satisfying for my winners to go on to succeed in the Group classes. Delighted, therefore, that my Best of Breed ~ Pollit's Brackenfell Rock the Boat for Vandamere, went on to win: Group 3 ~ Terrier Group, and that my Best Puppy in Breed ~ Golding's Valicetarn Blue Cosmos went on to win: Group 2 ~ Puppy Group - both groups judged by Jane Maxwell.
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Lancashire Sporting Terrier Open Show
1st Dec 2018
Judge: Mrs Alison Matthews (Tojamatt)
My thanks to the committee for the appointment to judge here and huge thanks to my stewards Julie North, the lovely Lucy and Rose being super efficient and helpful. Huge thanks to everyone that entered today giving an entry of great quality. My B.O.B. is a bitch I have long admired but never had the good fortune to go over. The winner of open being from the same kennel, I can say what pleasure it was to see them both today. Giving me a very hard decision between them. The second point I must make is that this is a kennel built by judicious breeding and to have the quality they have throughout has to be applauded. Huge congratulations to Debbie Lorraine getting BEST PUP IN SHOW with the lovely Daisy.
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Just liked this 4 year old grizzle boy who was in good coat with narrow front and shoulders and really narrow rib so very easy to span. Lovely expression and very neat and tidy all round. Moved well.
Spennymoor & DCS Open Show
28th Dec 2018
Judge: Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Thank you to Mrs Claire Reed and the committee for inviting me to judge this show and to my very able stewards who ran the ring with great efficiency. The wonderful hospitality and very warm welcome extended to me by the club and exhibitors gave this show a great atmosphere. I had an excellent entry of Border Terriers who, on the whole, were in good condition with only a couple of level bites and no kinked tails. Coats were in various stages but coats come and go so, as long as there was evidence of coat coming through, I did not penalise. On the day, my final line up consisted entirely of bitches, which reflected the number of quality bitches we have in the breed at present. It was a long day for all as we were scheduled after several other breeds but the dogs, including the puppies, took it all in their stride. I was very happy to see my BPIB go on to will PG1 and my BOB be awarded TG2 with TG1 going to the dog who eventually won BIS.
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Northern Dog Club Open Show
26th Jan 2019
Judge: Prof. David Brigden (Braithwaite)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Newton Aycliffe and District Canine Society Open Show
27th Jan 2019
Judge: Mr Eddie Webster (Benjcroft)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
23rd Feb 2019
Judge: Ms Tina Jones (Otterholme)
May I take the opportunity to thank the Club and its members for inviting me to judge at this show, and for the super warm hospitality I received. Special thanks to my ring stewards Carolyn Richardson and Janice Johnson, for being so efficient and keeping me on track. I would like to say a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. A few observations from the day, I felt rear movement on the whole was good but a few lacked the drive that I looked for, whilst in others it was their elevated front action that indicates an upper arm that is shorter than ideal. Today I saw too many that were far too wide in front, lacking the narrowness to go to ground. I like to see feet that are tight with a good thick pad so vital in an earth dog, many were lacking in this important trait. Heads which are such a defining aspect of this breed, varied greatly, I found some too exaggerated and coarse for my liking, whilst others were narrow and somewhat snipey in muzzle, neither are correct. Today I found coats at all stages, perhaps a sign that Crufts was not far around the corner, so perhaps not the best month to find a thick double jacket, so I found myself forgiving a lack of coat if the construction and balance I look for was there. I found temperaments superb, dentition all good and all dogs entire. I felt the depth of quality was in the bitches, and in some classes I was spoilt for choice. Both puppy bitch classes were high in quality, and I look forward to seeing how they mature. I am always mindful to judge fit for function, and I was happy that my winners fitted that bill.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Whitehaven and District Canine Association Open Show
17th Mar 2019
Judge: Mrs M Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
Thank you to the Committee of Whitehaven and District Canine Association for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at their Open Show and for the excellent hospitality and the lovely lunch you provided. I had a super entry and thank the Exhibitors for allowing me the privilege to go over their dogs. I enjoyed the day.
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle with good otter head and strong muzzle, correct bite and narrow front. Good length of neck and shoulder placement. Well angulated front and rear and well muscled hindquarters with thick pliable pelt. Moved well.
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open Show
24th Mar 2019
Judge: Mrs P Cox (Cushatlaw) & Dr M Armstrong (Ploughdown)
Judge: Dr Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown), Bitches, Thank you to the committee of the Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association for inviting me to judge at their group open show. I’d also like to thank my stewards for their sterling work in keeping things flowing. There was a lovely atmosphere at the show and the officers and exhibitors were very welcoming. I had a great entry of Border Terrier bitches and my placings were greeted with gracious courtesy. It was a bracing, sunny day and it was good for the Border Terriers to be judged outside, which largely seemed to suit all.
Best Dog
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Overall workmanlike and racy in appearance. Grizzle with typical otterlike head, correct ear placement and keen, expressive eye. Moderate neck into well laid shoulders good length to body and narrow all through. Held topline well on the move.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Mar 2019
Judge: Mrs Denise Townsend (Llanishen)
Thank you to the officers, committee and members of the Border Terrier Club for awarding the honour of judging this prestigious show and for giving me such a warm welcome. The show had a wonderfully friendly atmosphere and I hope everyone enjoyed the day as much as I did. Many thanks to all exhibitors for their entries, and for allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs, something I consider a privilege. My stewards Judy and Judith looked after me perfectly and kept everything moving smoothly. I was very pleased with my winners and with the overall standard of the entry. Some causes for concern included a small number of wry mouths in the early dog classes, exhibits with barely any undercoat and some heads which were lacking strength in their under-jaw.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Racy dog with flat rib and good level topline. In good harsh coat and in tip top condition. Preferred the head of 1 and 2.
National Terrier
6th Apr 2019
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my stewards Dave and Pat who kept things moving and most especially to all the exhibitors for entering and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs. I was very pleased with my main winners and there was a lot of quality in the puppy classes which should augur well for the future. Temperaments were excellent, all males were entire and there were no serious mouth faults. On the minus side there were quite a number of animals of both sexes which were up to size and front movement is a real problem throughout the age range. A few dogs were carrying too much weight and a couple could have done with carrying a bit more. There were a number of dogs lacking in muscle-ours is a working breed and an unfit dog would not be able to fulfill the job of a working terrier.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
13th Apr 2019
Judge: Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow)
I would very much like to thank the officers and committee for offering me my first club show in this lovely light, large hall. The hospitality was wonderful! Thanks also to the efficient ring stewards and most of all to all the exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs. Sincere thanks for the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted. Temperaments on the day were excellent, coats were very varied - some good dogs were penalised for not having double coat. No mouths were undershot and all male dogs were entire.
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Smaller framed than 1, good head, narrow all through with good angulation, lovely coat and pelt and moved well. Easily spanned. However in the challenge seemed to go slightly lame on left fore which cost him higher honours.
Sunderland & DCS Premier Open Show
21st Apr 2019
Judge: Mr. Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)
Many thanks to the committee for a lovely day and to the exhibitors for a super entry.
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Scottish Kennel Club
18th May 2019
Judge: Mrs Marylynne Winder (Appleside)
My thanks to the Scottish Kennel Club for giving me the opportunity to judge at this years Championship show, and the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs. A special thanks to my hard working ring stewards.
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Border Union Agricultural Society
15th Jun 2019
Judge: Joyce Martin (Merumhor)
I would like to thank Border Union Agricultural Society for the invitation to judge my first CC appointment in Border Terriers and to my ring steward Alicia Wilson for keeping me right and the smooth efficiency of getting each class in the ring to keep things going. I was delighted with the super entry of 123 dogs making 142 entries and appreciate all the exhibitors that gave me the opportunity to go over their dogs and the sporting way they accepted my decisions. The overall quality was excellent, I was privileged to judge so many lovely dogs and I was pleased with my main winners, all looking in tip top condition on the day. I was surprised that in some of the exhibits that underneath good coats there was lack of condition and a bit thin and some were lacking thick skin and loose pelt that is important in our breed.
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Another g/tan with good head shown in a bit less coat today with racy outlines. He has a nice narrow front but did not have the same drive behind as my winner.
Carlisle and District Canine Society Open Show
20th Jul 2019
Judge: Mr R Mann (Lynsett)
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Class Critique
A lovely class to judge with 7 very nice dogs.
Ryedale & Pickering Lyth Agricultural Society (Canine Section) - Open Show
30th Jul 2019
Judge: Linda Pearson (Kiltondale)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
The Scottish Kennel Club
25th Aug 2019
Judge: Mr Richard Allen (Penparc)
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
City of Birmingham
31st Aug 2019
Judge: Mr Dan Ericsson (Sweden)
It is always a pleasure to judge Border Terriers and this was no exception. Many thanks for a decent entry which, however, was marred by quite a number of absentees. There has always been diversity in the breed, but I felt this was even more obvious this time than on previous occasions when I have judged Borders in the UK. Many dogs were well up to size making them impossible to span. I also felt that heads varied more than I would have liked with plenty of large ears and long weak muzzles, often also falling away under the eyes. Temperaments, as one would expect, were excellent and so were coats and pelts on the whole. Grateful thanks for the sporting manner in which my placings were accepted, and also to my stewards.
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Class Critique
Very good class and a pleasure to judge
Wolsingham & Wear Valley Agricultural Society Open Show
8th Sep 2019
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
5yr old grizzle dog who is narrow all through with a lovely straight front & tight feet. Spannable with a good length of rib & correctly set carrot tail. Masculine head with a good bite. Really good harsh double good & thick loose pelt. Well angulated all through with a well developed second thigh. Moved out well maintaining a level topline. BOB GP1
Darlington Championship Show
14th Sep 2019
Judge: Mr M. Hollingsbee (Otterwood)
I would like to thank my stewards Lesley and Peter Armstrong-Rodgers for the excellent way they controlled the ring in a peaceful and confident way ensuring a good natured atmosphere to reign. The exhibitors also deserve thanks for entering and accepting my decisions in a sporting way and spectators applauding each class in turn. The quality of the majority of the exhibits was good but some of them had suspect front movement which seems to be common in certain Borders.
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Stanhope Agricultural Society Open Show
15th Sep 2019
Judge: Mrs Katrina Golding (Beaconpike)
Many thanks to the society for asking me to judge what a wonderful warm welcome from the committee, thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry.
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Driffield Championship Show
21st Sep 2019
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Class Critique
Class headed by two quality dogs, excellent examples of the breed.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
5th Oct 2019
Judge: Mrs. L. Roberts (Mindlen)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge their open show the hospitality was second to none. Thanks must also go to the efficient stewards and sporting exhibitors for their support would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge their open show the hospitality was second to none. Thanks must also go to the efficient stewards and sporting exhibitors for their support
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open Show
13th Oct 2019
Judge: Mrs Julie Green (Breckgreen) & Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan)
*Judge Dogs: Julie Green (Breckgreen & Stowthorney)* Firstly, I would like to thank Gill Griffiths and the committee for asking me to judge border terrier dogs at their fantastically well-run show for Northern Sporting Terrier Association. Also, to wish Arthur Cuthbertson a well earnt retirement as Chairman and Show Manager of this lovely show. Secondly, I would like to thank the exhibitors for my fantastic entry of border terriers. *Judge Bitches Sue Baxter (mySulan)* Firstly may I say a thank you to the committee for the kind invitation to judge , also the great food and hospitality received on the day . A hearty thank you to all the exhibitors for the super entry, providing me with the opportunity to go over some lovely dogs, also for the sporting way that my decisions were accepted. I am happy to say that all the bitches were easily spannable and there was only one that presented with a less than perfect scissor bite. No kinked tails were found and the overall quality was high. In all of the classes the decisions were very close and on another day placings could possibly change. Thank you again, I thoroughly enjoyed the day In the final challenge for BOB, after taking a few minutes to discuss with fellow judge, Julia Green the merits of both the lovely specimens before us it was agreed that we call upon the services of the referee judge ( B.I.S judge Mr. R. Garbutt ..Aireview...) who made the decision that the dog was to be awarded Best of Breed and the bitch Best of Opposite. Well done to all the exhibitors....
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
5-year-old grizzle dog. Good head and dentition. Nice neck with well-placed shoulders. In good double jacket. Nice top line and tail set. Spanned ok. Moved well. Preferred the size of 1.
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
19th Oct 2019
Judge: Miss Katie Hamilton (Cromlechs)
Firstly I would like to thank The Border Terrier Club for giving me the honour of judging the open show at Low Hesket, with this show and venue being very memorable from a young age I was delighted and privileged to accept the invitation to judge the show. A huge thank you goes to my two stewards on the day who kept my ring moving smoothly, also appreciation goes to the club as a whole for the great hospitality shown. The standard of the exhibits on the day was overall pleasing with quality of bitches slightly outweighing the dogs, many thanks to all exhibitors for giving me the chance to go over their dogs and making my day such a pleasure.
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog of lovely size and type shown in good tight coat and condition. Lovely head with neat dark ears and otter head, well placed shoulders and tight front leading to a good narrow body with ribs carried well back and level topline. Good angulation behind with good bend of stifle and nice neat feet. Moved well with plenty of drive. Reserve Best Dog
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Feb 2020
Judge: Anne Speake
I would like to take this opportunity to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge the first of their centenary shows this year and for their warm welcome and hospitality. Thank you to my two stewards, Judy Carr and Judith Fawcett who had the ring running like clockwork, which enabled me to get on with the job of judging a large quality entry. Thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me such a wonderful entry of 143 dogs, sadly the serve flooding at the time made for several absentees, but I’d like to thank everyone who braved the floods and made the journey. This was my first breed club appointment, which was a truly memorable experience and one I won’t forget. Thank you for the lovely gifts which I will treasure. I was generally very pleased with the overall quality of the dogs entered under me. Coats were at varying stages, and some dogs paid the price today. The quality in some classes made for some difficult decisions, especially in the limit/open classes, and I would have liked more first places.
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
8th Mar 2020
Judge: Mr Simon Jackson (Clipstone)
Firstly, I would like to thank the Kennel Club for allowing me the honour of judging this Border Terrier Centenary year. I also thank my excellent stewards for keeping me on track and to everybody who gave me such a fantastic entry, both in numbers and quality across all classes. To be blunt, I don't think I have ever seen and enjoyed such a very high quality entry before. Unfortunately many good exhibits went home unrewarded. Several classes the placed exhibits could have all stood in first place. I really was splitting hairs. I can honestly say that I really enjoyed myself and hope everybody else did too. I'd also like to thank Joyce Martin and my son, Laurence Jackson, for the excellent photographs which has made the writing of this critique so much easier. I understand Laurence also live-streamed the CC's and BOB – technology far above me – but thanks!
Open - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Class Critique
A really enjoyable class to judge. The standard was consistent throughout the class.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
17th Jul 2021
Judge: Mrs Margaret Davies (Glenorchy)
My grateful thanks to the Club for inviting me to judge their July Open Show. I had a lovely day. I'd like to thank the exhibitors for a super entry Also thanks to my very capable Steward, Allen Horner, who kept everything on track, Valerie Atkinson for a lovely lunch and to the club for their hospitality. The show was well organised considering the difficulties with Covid restrictions. I had difficulty in spanning quite a few exhibits and I was surprised to see a lot of small teeth. Also there were a lot of exhibits who could have do with their nails trimming. All dogs were entire and there were no kinky tails.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Class Critique
I wish I could have given more cards out in this class — they all deserved one.
Wolsingham Open Show
5th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs M Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
I would like to thank the committee of Wolsingham Show Dog Section for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at the Open Show. I had a lovely entry and thank the Exhibitors for allowing me the privilege to go over there dogs. I enjoyed the day very much.
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
The Scottish Kennel Club (May) Championship Show
1st Oct 2021
Judge: Mrs Trudi Baird (Dowgri)
I was delighted to accept the invitation to judge at the May show postponed to October. Under Scottish government rules it meant those of us inside had to wear masks & I thank the majority of exhibitors for complying with this legislation. Thank you to my lone steward who was able to keep the classes coming in and ready for me, it wasn't an easy task with our neighbouring ring hosting the breeds October show but thankfully we didn't get too many clashes. I always feel immensely privileged to be able to judge your dogs and I hope exhibitors felt that I gave each of you ample time to set up your dogs on the table to show them at their best. The entry was varied and I felt my top winners were outstanding. As always coats were presented at various stages and bites were generally very good. A number with long flat & untidy feet and a few dogs I just couldn't span even with my large hands!
Veteran - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Placing Critique
Loved this boys Otter like head , another of correct size , still has a neat narrow front , good length of body , top line and tail set..Moved out well , coat on the blow today .
The Scottish Kennel Club (October) Championship Show
1st Oct 2021
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
My thanks to SKC for holding the show after two changes of date and merging the May and October shows. It can’t have been easy. My grateful thanks to Bob Potts, my sole ring steward for the day, who cheerfully and calmly kept the ring running smoothly with the greatest efficiency. Whilst my main winners fitted the breed standard I was disappointed with some of the other exhibits. The front movement on some left an awful lot to be desired. (Try videoing your dogs moving) Many were light of bone, on the leg and short coupled giving a square outline. Several had short round ribs. Having said that the majority were spannable. Dentition was generally good. All dogs were entire. Coats were at various stages but those with no coat had to be penalised in several classes. Presentation of some exhibits could have been better. Temperaments on the whole appeared to be okay, with just the odd exhibit displaying a tendency to be over excited in the presence of others.
Veteran - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Placing Critique
Heavier build than 1, good coat and pelt, feet could be better. Moved well.
Border Union Championship Show
4th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr W Shorthose (Cundytyke)
Many thanks go to the exhibitors and my two stewards who kept going throughout a rather damp session during the judging of the bitch classes. One of the essentials of a working terrier is being able to withstand a little rain but there were a few exhibits with thin skins and short of coat. I found that some lacked muscle, particularly behind, which affected the driving movement necessary for the breed’s function. My other main concern was the lack of width in the jaws of some, detracting from the desired, ‘like that of an otter’, head shape. This is a most identifying feature of the breed and needs to be carefully adhered to.
Veteran - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Placing Critique
Bigger all through, good coat and pelt, good head.
Billingham & Synthonia CS Open Show
27th Feb 2022
Judge: Becky Johnson (Downstream)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
North & South Shields CS Open Show
5th Mar 2022
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
Open - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
10th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Lesley Gosling (Akinside)
A tremendous entry of 275 Borders ( 25 absentees on the day)to enjoy handling, judging and placing. I must extend my appreciation to my two valiant stewards for their patience and skill in keeping classes moving. Thank you all. I do believe our breed is changing, but in subtle ways. The lack of opportunities for true terrier work below ground for some Borders has been replaced by agility and other energetic pursuits, but lack of hard muscle tone has produced a ‘softer’ body on some exhibits. Some feet are slacker, pads are more spread and thinner and some fronts are wide. Movement is not always positive and a ‘driving’ action is lacking. Size is fluctuating too. We have a ‘working’ breed - let’s ensure that features defining the breed are not lost, i.e. ‘spannability’; a hard, harsh top coat and soft protective undercoat (not enough of those today); a dark, expressive eye, a broad skull and strong quarters – ‘the engine is at the back!’. Heads generally were good, but some bitch heads veered towards coarseness. One thing not lost is the Border’s kind temperament – curious, interested and ready for anything.
Veteran - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Placing Critique
10yrs old narrow bodied red grizzle. Great head, excellent feet and good tail. Well muscled
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
13th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs P Cox (Cushatlaw)
I would like to say a big thank you to the officers an committee for kindly inviting me to judge this lovely open show and to all the exhibitors for exhibiting their dogs under me. A special thank you to the stewards who kept the ring running smoothly.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Veteran - Dog or Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Placing Critique
Have judged this boy a couple of times before and thought highly of him then. At 10 years old his overall condition and presentation belies his age. Well made grizzle boy. Lovely head and expression. Moderately broad head with well set small ears and keen dark eye. Short strong muzzle. Good angles front and rear. Level topline with well set tail. Good harsh coat and thick pelt. Moved straight and true. Challenged hard for RBD BVIS
Class Critique
Lovely class of veterans, everyone of them a credit to their owners.
Sunderland & DCS Premier Open Show
21st Apr 2024
Judge: Mr Roger Mann (Valger)
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
I would like to thank The Committee for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my very efficient Stewards Mark & Julie for keeping everything on track & The Club for their hospitality & splendid gift.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx
Class Critique
A lovely class of veterans
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
16th Mar 2025
Judge: Mrs J. Carr (Wreighaugh)
Thanks to NCSTA for their kind invitation to judge and to the NBTC for my nomination. Thanks also to my two stewards who kept everything running smoothly. Thanks as well to the exhibitors who gave me such a good entry. A lot of quality dogs to go over, it was a privilege to judge them all.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Raleniro Second Time Around ShCM ShCEx