Name:Stowthorney Sands Of Time 
Owner(s): Mrs A S Wand  
Breeder:Mr R Brewster & Ms J Green 
Hartswelin Veritas With Oatberry (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Wintergarden Fly's Finale to Manorcroft (D)
Colour: Grizzle
Plushcourt The Bizzness Bee (D)
Wintergarden Fly High By Plushcourt (D)
CH Plushcourt The Bees Knees In Thoraldby (B)
Wintergarden Kir Royal (B)
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Terhels Toccata At Wintergarden (B)
Hartswelin She's The One (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
CH/Ger/NL CH Brackenfell Bok To Bach JW WW17/18 (D)
CH Dandyhow Dr Walter JW (D)
Beaconpike Night Sky At Brackenfell (B)
Hartswelin Far Away (B)
CH/Am/Can CH Conundrum Co-Writer (D)
Hartswelin Jazz (B)
Byrewick Valentine (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Stowthorney Swinging Sam ShCM (D)
Colour: Grizzle
Bandicoot Double O Seven (D)
CH Gameway Kiwi JW (D)
Jephanil Rosa Pomifera At Bandicoot (B)
Foxfinder Becky at Stowthorney (B)
CH Otterwood Amex JW ShCM (D)
Kenmilquin Heather (B)
Honeythunder Honoria At Byrewick (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
CH Fr/Lux/Int CH Gameway Charles Dickens (D)
CH/Am/Can CH Conundrum Co-Writer (D)
Gameway Spice (B)
Kohtao Penny (B)
Dandyhow Royal Oak (D)
Greatryle Winterdrift (B)

Show Placings

Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2021
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to everyone who entered their dogs for me to judge. I was pleased with my entry and very pleased that LKA took place in light of the current Covid19 situation. I must admit it was very challenging to judge properly whilst wearing a facemask all day in this indoor venue! I was very pleased with my principle winners. Some of the younger classes were not so good maybe with maturity the exhibits will probably change places many times. My principle of judging is always good sound movement, capable of following a horse, this requires good conformation. A well laid shoulder and a properly angulated rear allows a good free stride . Some dogs were too narrow and so swinging their fronts from side to side, and some were great standing but fell apart on the move, running downhill or rear out of line with front were common faults. Heads were very varied, some very exaggerated or with untypical expression. Bites were mostly okay although I did find misaligned jaws and some had small or uneven sized teeth. Coats were hit and miss but pelts were mostly good and all were spannable, although some were round in rib. But remember you always take the best dog home.
Minor Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Boston & District Canine Society Championship Show
9th Jan 2022
Judge: Professor A S Milton (Baillieswells)
Minor Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Isle of Ely CS Open Show
5th Feb 2022
Judge: Matt Smith (Alncroft)
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Newark & DCS Open Show
19th Feb 2022
Judge: Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Thank you to Newark and District CS for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for the opportunity of going over some wonderful dogs and to my ring stewards, Nigel and Sarah, for keeping the ring running smoothly..
Puppy / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
11th Mar 2022
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Curtis (Matamba)
Crufts has always been a memorable experience for me, from sitting ringside to winning top honours in this breed, and to retire from judging with my last appointment being Crufts was a special occasion. Many thanks to all the exhibitors for the entry of 233 dogs making 257 entries with 28 absentees. It was a long day and with only one steward for almost all of the classes my sincere thanks must go to Robyn Burnett. Plus a special thanks to Judy Carr for stepping in to help Robyn in those last big classes to help us finish just in time to get the BOB to the Group. Also to Joyce Martin the photographer who worked hard throughout the day to get those special pictures, thank you. I enjoyed my day judging but found some of the classes quite challenging. I was pleased with the lineup and my principal winners, but a little disappointed with what I was finding when the dogs came to the table. The standard reads “Head like that of an otter moderately broad in skull and small ears dropping close to cheek” but some were so untypical of our breed with narrow skulls, weak jaws and small teeth, with ears that were too big and standing away from the cheek. In every class there were some that just could not be spanned - being too deep in the chest and strong in the rib. Movement was better behind than in front. Finding dogs with a short upper arm, this not only restricts the movement but when standing almost gives a Fox Terrier type front which I was seeing, to start accepting these deviations as acceptable would be a sad day for our breed as we know it. General condition of the dogs was good, jackets came in all stages mostly acceptable with some good thick pelts. One problem I found today was the baiting of dogs on the table. In some cases it made it hard going for dogs and judge - no need to top and tail and bait all at the same time - personally I just needed the dogs to stand still.
Puppy - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2022
Judge: Miss J Singh (Vandamere)
I would like to thank the Secretary of the National Terrier Club and committee members for their warm welcome and superb hospitality. I had a nice entry of 113. Inevitably there were some absentees. It was encouraging to see young handlers in the ring and I hope they continue to enjoy the show scene. I found three wry mouths and one exhibit with a kink tail. A couple of exhibits were in need of muscle tone and condition. This is achievable by good feeding and exercise and not starvation. My thanks go to my very capable stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly.
Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Novice - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Placing Critique
Third in puppy dog. Still a raw puppy with time on his side. He has a straight front, harsh coat and was spannable. Ok in head with a good scissor bite. Rear movement was good but front not as positive.
25th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr S A Mcpherson (Brumberhill))
Thank you to the WELKS committee for the invitation to judge their show and to my stewards, who did a sterling job, keeping everything moving, to get through the entry. Wasn’t sure what to expect, being on a Monday, in the current financial climate, so was delighted to receive an entry of 126 dogs, making 181 entries, topping the Terrier Group, by quite a margin. Thank you to those exhibitors, for bringing their dogs, and wanting my opinion. There were very few I’d actually judged before, having last judged at Blackpool ’19. We were blessed with a lovely sunny day, and a huge double sized ring, giving everyone full chance to show their dogs to full advantage. I felt it was a high quality entry, especially the bitches, where, I felt, my final bitch challenge line up was one of the best I’ve judged. There were a number of bitches, both there, and in the placings, I have no doubt will gain their crowns, given a fair chance. Main points of concern, as last time I judged, at Blackpool ’19, are still deep stops, with a rounder eye, giving an untypical expression. A few, with this problem, also had tighter, untidy bites, as they were very short in muzzle. A few knobbly tails, some too long, carried high, but most were ok and well carried. On the whole, I thought movement had improved, although still a few high steppers, due to incorrect shoulder and upper arm. Toplines were good, on most. Presentation, on the whole, was good, as most were in good coat, or evidence of texture.
Puppy - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Novice - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Placing Critique
Dark grizzle. Not quite the head of 1st, but typical. Narrow bodylines. Good coat and pelt. Just failed in front movement to the winner.
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
30th Apr 2022
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
What a great honour it was to be invited to judge the Joint Border Terrier Clubs’ Show in the Border Terrier’s centenary year. Waiting an extra two years did not decrease my excitement for the appointment and my anticipation was richly rewarded with a super entry both in turns of numbers and quality. My critique must start with several expressions of gratitude to those who made this appointment possible and so enjoyable. To the Committee for inviting me to judge at such a prestigious event. It was truly an honour, and the memory of the day will be one I shall treasure. Further the hospitality that myself and my family were shown at the show and the dinner following was much appreciated. We all had a great time. To the show organisers, especially Show Manger Helen Axford, whose organisation and show layout allowed everything to run smoothly even when the weather was a little less than kind to us. To my capable and efficient Stewards Christine Horner and Sharon Pickering. Having you in the ring with me was both supportive and enjoyable.Thank you to the exhibitors for giving me a lovely entry to judge. I enjoyed judging each and every dog whether in the cards or not. I had some tough decisions to make and in the stronger classes five places was insufficient for the depth of quality. A number of dogs I liked very much went cardless. I loved the line up in both my challenges and was able to find the type I wanted in all classes. I was glad to find some super coats and pelts. The changeable late April Border weather and biting wind certainly showed us the importance of these. It left us in no doubt that for a Border Terrier working the Border country in the colder winter months and at higher elevations a good coat is a must. I understand that it is not always possible to present your dogs at a show in the perfect jacket but when out of coat, personally I prefer to see a dog neatly stripped back rather than left with a few top coat hairs. I found three mouths with teeth well out of line and a couple of tails were questionable but overall the quality was excellent.
Puppy - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Open Show
2nd Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs G Vaughan (Holteal)
Special Yearling / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Newmarket & DCS Premier Open Show
11th Jun 2022
Judge: Darren Pearson (Winoski)
Yearling / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
East of England
9th Jul 2022
Judge: Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Placing Critique
Good head and expression, well angulated front and rear, a little deep in chest, moved well both ways.
Huntingdonshire CS Open Show
20th Aug 2022
Judge: Sue Bird (Joybirna)
Junior / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Sheringham & District KA Open Show
18th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore)
Limit / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2022
Judge: Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
A very promising entry on paper but unfortunately the weather took its toll ! However I was more than happy with my main winners all were typical of what I look for in a Border Terrier and the proof that careful breeding pays off was demonstrated by the very promising progeny found amongst the youngsters. As is my approach to critiques, generally the winners in most respects all meet the standard which calls for a working terrier with an otter like head on reasonable length neck set into well laid shoulders, a moderate length body, well ribbed back, strong shortish loin, racy but moderate rear angulation allowing the dog to move with drive, in harsh double coat and with thick pelt. I do not therefore repeat this for each individual dog but I have highlighted the dog’s best points and the reasons for their placings .
Yearling - Dog / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
8th May 2023
Judge: Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of this well-run show for their kind invitation to judge. I was delighted with the super dogs that I had the pleasure of judging, all a real credit to you. A huge thank you to the exhibitors for the honour of your lovely dogs. A huge thank you to my 2 very efficient stewards, who also had a very long day, the show could not go on without you, so thank you.
Limit / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
East of England Agricultural Society
6th Jul 2023
Judge: Joyce Martin (Merumhor)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge Border Terriers at the East of England Agricultural Society Show, which was to be the last one run by this society. It was a super venue with lovely big rings which gave the dogs a chance to stride out. Many thanks to my ring stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong for keeping things running smoothly and efficiently. I was delighted with my entry of 109 dogs making a total entry of 149 and pleased with the overall quality of dogs shown. Thank you to the exhibitors for giving the chance to go over your dogs and for the sporting way the placings were taken. It is indeed a privilege to have the opportunity do so. I was thrilled to be able to watch the terrier group and see my BOB - Stineval Lambert JW take group 1 in a quality line up. I also was delighted to hear that my BPIB - Glebeheath Ophelia went Group 3 in the Puppy Group.
Graduate - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Placing Critique
Dark grizzle dog with a good head and big teeth of narrow build with a good topline which he held on the move and strided out well.
East of England LKS Open Show
18th Jul 2023
Judge: Jonathan Lappin (Dalvik)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Open / First Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Huntingdonshire CS Open Show
19th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr Rodney Eastall (Daedal)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Norfolk and Norwich Canine Society Premier Show
30th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Herts & Essex Border CS Open Show
24th Mar 2024
Judge: Sarah Collier (Pocoblu)
Open / First Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Norfolk & Norwich CS Open Show
9th Apr 2024
Judge: Judith Rule (Overbore)
Thank you to the hard-working secretary and committee for inviting me to judge at your lovely show, organised with such dedication. We must not forget to offer our support at these great regional open shows. Many thanks to my lovely stewards Christy and Ellen for your support. Border Terriers: Having owned the breed for some years alongside horses, I’m looking for a functional working terrier fit for purpose in addition to documented breed standard. I noted bites were good, most were sturdy under hand and although not assessing handling, appraisal requires a degree of control. Ear size and tail length are elements to consider.
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Newmarket & DCS Open Show
9th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr Gavin Robertson (Soletrader)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Placing Critique
Another nicely proportioned dog, dark eyes, slight stop, has width in muzzle, muscular neck, front well under body, deep chest, prefer a firmer topline. Moderte rear which he uses well on the move
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
13th Jun 2024
Judge: Ms Raewyn C Downey
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
5th Jul 2024
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge. Everyone worked hard throughout the day to ensure it ran smoothly. There were a few clashes with the main Boston Championship show but these were well managed. Thanks also to the competitors for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner and creating a wonderful atmosphere around the ring. There was a super entry of 172 dogs making 217 entries which I found both exciting and daunting, having had a total knee replacement operation just weeks before! Overall, I found the standard of exhibits was good. Coats were a mixture ranging from pure undercoat to absolute perfection. The majority of exhibits were spannable. All dogs were entire. I found just one undershot mouth. I forgave loose movement in some of the younger dogs which will hopefully tighten as they mature, but adults moving wide or close had to be penalised. Several lacked bone and substance, being on the leg as well as short coupled making the outline somewhat squarer than I was looking for. Handling was generally good, with one very professional young handler who really impressed me with her skills. My main winners were presented in stunning condition, and I had some difficult decisions to make in the higher classes, wishing I could award more than just one Challenge Certificate.
Mid Limit - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
East of England Ladies Kennel Society Open Show
23rd Jul 2024
Judge: Heather Chaplin
A huge thank you to the Secretary and Committee of EELKS for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers for the first time and to my three stewards for keeping the ring moving to ensure that my main winners could take part in the Group. Last but definitely not least, my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who kindly entered their lovely Borders under me and gave me such a super quality entry from which to select my main winners. All bites were sound, all dogs entire. Coats were a bit mixed as usual, as was movement, some front movements being better than others and some covering the ground with more ease and economy, but all the dogs were spannable. I was delighted that my BOB was awarded TG4 and that my RBOB obtained RBOB G5 under Group Judge Cara Davani. Congratulations!
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Norfolk & Norwich CS Premier Open Show
28th Aug 2024
Judge: Miss Angie Nettle (Onziemehurst)
Thank you so much to the Association for inviting me to judge Border Terriers. Thank you for the warm welcome and super hospitality. Thank you to my steward who ran the ring efficiently in the heat and to my exhibitors for the privilege of judging their dogs and the sporting manner in which my decisions were taken.
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Placing Critique
Dark grizzle and tan dog. Correct scissor bite with dark eyes and neat ears. Good lay of shoulder and neck. Neat feet and moved well. Slightly short of coat today.
Sheringham & District KA Premier Open Show
1st Sep 2024
Judge: Miss Ann Bradley (Montelle)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
28th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs M Fleming (Flegato)
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run and friendly show. My ring stewards Michael and Rebecca were very efficient and helpful and organised the ring in the best way – thank you. And finally, thank you to all the exhibitors who entered and who were able to come and bring their dogs – it was a privilege for me to go over them.
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Stowthorney Sands Of Time