Show Placings
Southern Counties Canine Association
27th Jun 2021
Judge: Mr Kevin Green (Terabyte)
I would like to thank all the Officers and Committee of the Southern Counties Canine Association for inviting me to judge their show for Border Terriers. It was my first judging appointment for a CH Show and I was very pleased with my entry also I would like to thank all the exhibitors who entered and for allowing me to go over their dogs. They all showed and behaved very well. Last but not least I would like to thank my steward who did an excellent job keeping everything flowing very well.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Another good headed dog with nice small V shaped ears which were set correctly. In good coat and moved well.
Leeds Championship Show
25th Jul 2021
Judge: Mr Neil Straw (Shaolin)
Thank you to the Officer’s and Committee for their invitation to judge at their show and congratulate Liz Stannard and her hard working team for putting on the well organised show. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and your support on the day with only 10 being absent. Temperaments throughout were excellent as you would expect, front movement is still an issue but I felt that some bitches were a tab up on size. All were well presented.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
well presented youngster, balanced head, dark eye, good muzzle & bite, ribs carried well back to firm loin, low hocks & well padded feet
Bath Canine Society
1st Aug 2021
Judge: Mr T Ball
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
18 mth old who won this class with ease. He scored in outline, was good to go over and soundly constructed. Neck of moderate length, excellent topline and croup and tail good for set and carriage but just a tad longer. Attractive head with good proportions, excellent eye and ear, strong muzzle and correct dentition. Narrow throughout with good depth to chest, ribbed well back and muscular loin. Lacking coat right now and therefore with little texture. Moving true on the down and back and so very well handled. Reserve Best Dog.
Paignton Championship Show
7th Aug 2021
Judge: Mr B Aubrey
I only found 1 mouth fault and that was in the bitches, so i won't be mentioning teeth except some could have been cleaner and please watch movement there were some iffy ones here today.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
18 months old D/G full of breed type, nice head, nice front, standing on good feet, good length of neck, coat just coming through, moved out well both ways
Mid-Somerset Agricultural Society Open Show
15th Aug 2021
Judge: Karl Gawthorpe (Waterbrook)
Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Bournemouth Championship Show
16th Aug 2021
Judge: Mr J Horswell
I very much enjoyed tackling this entry and found the breed to be in pretty good shape. Quite a relaxed and friendly atmosphere I thought. I did take coats into account, there were quite a lot who were rather naked on the day and as a result went further down the line that they might otherwise have done – you have to judge what you can see, and a good coat is important in a working terrier.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Looks better moving than standing. Has a good head. Medium length and strong neck. Well laid shoulder. Chest just above elbow and it doesn’t want to be any broader. Level topline. Could have slightly more turn of stifle. Accurate mover with an easy stride. Harsh coat.
Gillingham & Shaftesbury Agricultural Society Open Showq
18th Aug 2021
Judge: Vanessa Williams (Wegman)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
18 mths flashy grizzle/tan dog has alert dark eye, is size proportionate, straight front legs and racy hind, good hand span, sound in body moves freely fore and aft.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
22nd Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs P McLellan (Breconbeds)
My thanks to Blackpool & District Canine Society for the invitation to judge BorderTerriers, and thank you to my two very efficient stewards who kept things moving along in the ring.
Sadly today, rudeness to the stewards and a lack of sportsmanship seem to be on the increase.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Nicely bodied dog with good head and expression. Lovely harsh coat and thick pelt. Enough bone and well muscled hind quarters. Moved out well
Driffield Championship Dog Show
28th Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs Linda Coleman (Hartswelin)
I was extremely pleased with my quality entry on this my first occasion awarding C.C.'s in the breed and thrilled to see my B.O.B. go 2nd in the group.
I will not mention teeth and bites in my individual critiques as apart from three which were level all exhibits possessed good strong teeth with excellent bites.Very few animals were difficult to span but far too many bitches in the later classes carried too much condition!
As in many other judges comments over the last few years fronts are still a big problem, if a Border does not have a correctly angled upper arm and shoulder it will not be able to follow a horse all day however well angled the hindquarters might be. A lot of dogs feet were not as small and tight as I would like but this may be due to lack of suitable excercise over the extended lockdowns. On the plus side nearly all were presented in double coat.
It was a very tight decision for me for B.O.B. and it could have gone either way but a choice had to be made so the dog won on being more an ideal size.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Salisbury & South Wilts CA Open Show
29th Aug 2021
Judge: Lois Wilson
Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge, and to the exhibitors who entered. My stewards did a great job. After 18 months I was doing what I so enjoy – getting hands onto dogs
Best Of Breed
Name at show: RBIS, TG1, Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
19 mth Grizzle dog. Smart looking dog, active. Head Otter like, moderately broad skull. Short strong muzzle. Black nose. Dark eyes, keen expression. Ears small, V-shaped, dropping forward. Scissor bite. Moderate length of neck. Forelegs not too heavy in bone. Chest deep narrow and able to span. Strong loins, racy hindquarters. Small feet. Tail thick at base, set high, carried gaily but not curled over back. Sound movement. Coat harsh, dense, with close undercoat. Thick skin. Colour – Grizzle & tan. Full of Terrier attitude. BOB Group 1 and pleased to see him go Res BIS
Richmond Championship Show
11th Sep 2021
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the committee of the Richmond show for granting my first appointment to award CC’s, I was well looked after on the day and had great support from my stewards which was very much appreciated. It was a real privilege to judge some wonderful examples of the breed and the future looks bright as there were so many wonderful puppies and juniors. I really appreciated all my entries and rewarded those in the best condition on the day, I also acknowledge that many had good breed type and quality even amongst those not in the challenge and some that were not placed in the stronger classes.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
This dog has so many good features for the breed including a masculine head with flat skull, which is more advanced than the dogs shown in previous classes and more masculine than many that followed. He has a deep harsh jacket of a dark rich grizzle colour with super thick pelt beneath. His well angulated rear quarters allowed him to move true coming and going with good rear drive. He didn’t put a foot wrong and looking forward to following him as he advances through the classes.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Sep 2021
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Congratulations to the committee on finding a splendid new venue. It is so nice to be able to evaluate exhibits in natural surrounding and this was ideal. I understand some did not care completely for the ground but while some exhibits did not excel on the terrain those that did displayed good conformation and moved accordingly.
Generally: there were some mouth faults present today which affected some results in the context of the classes they were in and the degree of the fault. Fronts came in many shapes and sizes not all straight and narrow unfortunately and I was surprised at the number of large and rather thin, spreading feet. Finally I just want to get off my chest that for me the term racy hindquarters does not carry with it a high tuck up.
The unexpected heat, especially in the earlier classes, was a little overwhelming and I thought both exhibits and exhibitors coped admirably. I loved my line ups and very much appreciated my entry, thank you.
Thanks also to my stewards who in these strange times were really kept at it all day.
Yearling - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Sound and excels with tight, harsh coat and good pelt. May not look big in outline but a shade too well boned for me and comes up heavy and hard to span. Lovely expression.
National Dog Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to the committee of Birmingham Dog Show Society for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at their show. Many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and gave me the honour and pleasure of judging their dogs. I had a fabulous entry and was truly spoilt for choice in many of the classes. One general observation is that there were quite a number of dogs that were, in my opinion, simply too big to do the job that they are bred to do.
Yearling - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Dark grizzle and tan with strong head and nice flat skull. Nice eye and good strong jaw with correct mouth. Good topline and nice length of body although his tail could be little shorter. In great coat but I found him rather deep and a bit big for me.
The Scottish Kennel Club (May) Championship Show
1st Oct 2021
Judge: Mrs Trudi Baird (Dowgri)
I was delighted to accept the invitation to judge at the May show postponed to October.
Under Scottish government rules it meant those of us inside had to wear masks & I thank the majority of exhibitors for complying with this legislation.
Thank you to my lone steward who was able to keep the classes coming in and ready for me, it wasn't an easy task with our neighbouring ring hosting the breeds October show but thankfully we didn't get too many clashes.
I always feel immensely privileged to be able to judge your dogs and I hope exhibitors felt that I gave each of you ample time to set up your dogs on the table to show them at their best.
The entry was varied and I felt my top winners were outstanding. As always coats were presented at various stages and bites were generally very good. A number with long flat & untidy feet and a few dogs I just couldn't span even with my large hands!
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Strong dark grizzle dog , attractive head with keen expression & neat ear.
What a great coat ! very harsh and wiry. Well off for bone and stood on neat tight feet. Presented a pleasing outline stood and on the move. Moved and handled well.
The Scottish Kennel Club (October) Championship Show
1st Oct 2021
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
My thanks to SKC for holding the show after two changes of date and merging the May and October shows. It can’t have been easy. My grateful thanks to Bob Potts, my sole ring steward for the day, who cheerfully and calmly kept the ring running smoothly with the greatest efficiency.
Whilst my main winners fitted the breed standard I was disappointed with some of the other exhibits. The front movement on some left an awful lot to be desired. (Try videoing your dogs moving) Many were light of bone, on the leg and short coupled giving a square outline. Several had short round ribs. Having said that the majority were spannable. Dentition was generally good. All dogs were entire. Coats were at various stages but those with no coat had to be penalised in several classes. Presentation of some exhibits could have been better. Temperaments on the whole appeared to be okay, with just the odd exhibit displaying a tendency to be over excited in the presence of others.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog with lovely head and expression, dark eye, small neat ears, good length of rib, firm loin. Super coat and pelt. Moved well.
Border Union Championship Show
4th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr W Shorthose (Cundytyke)
Many thanks go to the exhibitors and my two stewards who kept going throughout a rather damp session during the judging of the bitch classes. One of the essentials of a working terrier is being able to withstand a little rain but there were a few exhibits with thin skins and short of coat. I found that some lacked muscle, particularly behind, which affected the driving movement necessary for the breed’s function. My other main concern was the lack of width in the jaws of some, detracting from the desired, ‘like that of an otter’, head shape. This is a most identifying feature of the breed and needs to be carefully adhered to.
Yearling - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Too big for me, looks like he could do a job if he could get in, strong all over
The Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall
17th Oct 2021
Judge: Sarah Richardson
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2022
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane
What a weekend it proved to be for Border Terriers
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
This dog does push the winner hard, lovely head and eye, neat ear true front tight fitting coat free mover and maintains a good outline RCC
Newton Abbot & South Devon CS Open Show
29th Jan 2022
Judge: Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Gloucester & DCS Open Show
5th Feb 2022
Judge: Jane Newport (Digaden)
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Ilfracombe & DCS Open Show
12th Feb 2022
Judge: Carolyn Fry (Bedaslea)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Newark & DCS Open Show
19th Feb 2022
Judge: Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Thank you to Newark and District CS for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for the opportunity of going over some wonderful dogs and to my ring stewards, Nigel and Sarah, for keeping the ring running smoothly..
Open /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Torquay & DCS Open Show
26th Feb 2022
Judge: Jen Bowden (Chellowside)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
11th Mar 2022
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Curtis (Matamba)
Crufts has always been a memorable experience for me, from sitting ringside to winning top honours in this breed, and to retire from judging with my last appointment being Crufts was a special occasion. Many thanks to all the exhibitors for the entry of 233 dogs making 257 entries with 28 absentees.
It was a long day and with only one steward for almost all of the classes my sincere thanks must go to Robyn Burnett. Plus a special thanks to Judy Carr for stepping in to help Robyn in those last big classes to help us finish just in time to get the BOB to the Group. Also to Joyce Martin the photographer who worked hard throughout the day to get those special pictures, thank you. I enjoyed my day judging but found some of the classes quite challenging.
I was pleased with the lineup and my principal winners, but a little disappointed with what I was finding when the dogs came to the table. The standard reads “Head like that of an otter moderately broad in skull and small ears dropping close to cheek” but some were so untypical of our breed with narrow skulls, weak jaws and small teeth, with ears that were too big and standing away from the cheek.
In every class there were some that just could not be spanned - being too deep in the chest and strong in the rib. Movement was better behind than in front. Finding dogs with a short upper arm, this not only restricts the movement but when standing almost gives a Fox Terrier type front which I was seeing, to start accepting these deviations as acceptable would be a sad day for our breed as we know it.
General condition of the dogs was good, jackets came in all stages mostly acceptable with some good thick pelts. One problem I found today was the baiting of dogs on the table. In some cases it made it hard going for dogs and judge - no need to top and tail and bait all at the same time - personally I just needed the dogs to stand still.
Mid Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
More racy in type than 1st nice breed type strong in head right amount of bone with a correct front, good length of body and rib spannable nice topline and tail set.
Bridgewater CS Open Show
27th Mar 2022
Judge: Steve Owen (Egremont)
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2022
Judge: Miss J Singh (Vandamere)
I would like to thank the Secretary of the National Terrier Club and committee members for their warm welcome and superb hospitality. I had a nice entry of 113. Inevitably there were some absentees. It was encouraging to see young handlers in the ring and I hope they continue to enjoy the show scene.
I found three wry mouths and one exhibit with a kink tail. A couple of exhibits were in need of muscle tone and condition. This is achievable by good feeding and exercise and not starvation. My thanks go to my very capable stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Bath CS Championship Show
27th May 2022
Judge: Mrs Jean Willetts (Hanway)
I would like to thank Bath Canine Society Committee for my invitation to judge Border Terriers at their show. I would also like to thank my steward as she was on her own, and did an excellent job of running the ring and dogs smoothly. I’d also like to thank all the exhibitors who entered, I had a very enjoyable day going over each of the dogs.
On the whole most of the dogs were in good condition. Most dogs presented had good pelts and coats, however there were a few with thin pelts. There were a few long tails and some large ears. The movement on the whole was sound.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Southern Counties Canine Association
3rd Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs. Although my appointment was originally for 2020, it was worth the wait. Thank you to my stewards Doug and Sue for keeping me in line and the ring running smoothly. And most of all, thank you to all of the exhibitors for your entries and for allowing me to go over your dogs. I also want to thank anyone who made unsporting comments, for doing so out of my earshot.
As I would expect, the entry was on the whole very pleasing. Thankfully, I didn’t have many exaggerations, such as ultra short muzzles or over-angulated hindquarters. Unfortunately though, good fronts, and in particular clean, well laid, shoulders and good front angulation, were few and far between. Movement, with both good reach and drive and accuracy was hard to find, so I did find myself forgiving the odd wayward front legs on dogs that otherwise had good construction and an easy ground covering stride. I would rather see a dog a little loose and covering the ground than one very accurate that can only take a three inch stride. All dogs were entire. There were only a couple of less than perfect bites and an ever so slightly kinked tail. Only a select few had a good short carroty tail, and some were very long, something we need to look out for. A few, including some bitches, were big in the rib and far too heavy to pick up and quite a number had very little undercoat and thin pelts. I looked for good construction and movement, balance and no exaggeration. I found several dogs that I would happily award CCs to on another day and had the privilege of having to really nitpick, especially in the dog challenge.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Class Critique
A difficult class to judge all of a very different type but all having good qualities.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
4th Jun 2022
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
My sincere thanks to the officers and committee of the Southern Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge at this show on such a special occasion as the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration day, I am sure the celebration cakes were enjoyed by all. Thanks also to the various stewards who organised the entries on the day and kept the classes running smoothly. Having been show manager of this show for the past 12 years I appreciate the effort that was made by the committee members present on the day. A final thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to assess your dogs.
With showers forecast and cool blustery weather outside it was decided to judge inside using a good sized ring that had good lighting with exhibitors/visitors able to view from 3 sides. I thought the entry was of a high quality, with several entries of both dogs and bitches deserving higher honours. In general the entries were in good condition. All males were entire and I found no kinked tails. Bites were of a good standard with just a few misplaced teeth, although teeth size varied considerably. Several exhibits would benefit from attention to feet to produce the small feet as required. Movement in general was better at the rear than in front. As usual coats were at various stages, with some exceptionally thick pelts to examine.
Mid Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Up to size this dark g & t for me was just spannable. He is well put together with a strong head, large teeth and the straightest of fronts. Stands on neat feet with good rib shape and muscular back end. Lovely topline and tail set. Harsh double coat coming through. Covered the ground well when moving.
Three Counties Championship Show
9th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs M J Alexander (Glenbucket)
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Taunton & DCS Open Show
18th Jun 2022
Judge: Leannie Marshallsay (Fergustaff)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Border Union Championship Show
19th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Jayne Alpe (Pipruda)
First of all I would like to thank the committee for the appointment, the exhibitors for their entry and my stewards for keeping my ring controlled which enabled me to finish judging well in time for the groups. Judy you can steward for me anytime thank you. I was thrilled that my BOB not only won the Terrier Group but went on to Best in Show, my BPIB was placed in the Puppy Group as was my BV in the Veteran Group. Due to COVID this is my first appointment since 2017 and I am pleased to say that I can see a vast improvement in movement since then but overall the quality in bitches was far superior to the dogs, I have large hands and spannability was in the minority in most dog classes. In the standard it says Essentially a Working Terrier, many would be unable to get down a hole let alone get out again!
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Nice type of border with good movement, good jacket, nicely made with good angulation, excellent layback of shoulder and good head with dark eye and good bite.
Windsor Championship Dog Show
1st Jul 2022
Judge: Mr David G Winsley (Davmar)
I last judged the breed in 2017 so most of the dogs were new to me. I felt that the breed is losing that ‘ otter head’ appearance, fore-faces appearing to be too long. Poor front construction in many was a deciding factor in my placing, our ring didn’t help, but the conditions were the same for everyone.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Devon County Show Premier Open Show
2nd Jul 2022
Judge: Andrea Dixon (Otterpaws)
Thank you very much to the club for inviting me to judge at this lovely show. Thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs.
Open /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Minehead & DCS Open Show
27th Jul 2022
Judge: Mrs C E Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of Minehead & District Canine Society for the invitation to judge at their open show, held in conjunction with the Dunster Country Fair. My steward Vicky Prince, was a great help and kept the ring running smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner.
I had some quality borders to go over that were a privilege to judge, and as always, my decisions reflected my interpretation of the breed standard on the day. I was delighted with the winners that came forward for the challenge.
The weather was kind and not too hot, there was a friendly atmosphere and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
This grizzle and tan dog had a broad head, dark eye with a varminty expression, and strong muzzle with large teeth. His neck flowed into a deep and fairly long body, with his ribs carried well back, a firm loin and well set tail. He was balanced and well constructed with good angulation. This enabled him to move with purpose and drive, true fore and aft. His coat was a little heavy around his neck, but otherwise good with a thick pelt.
Wiveliscombe DCS Open Show
31st Jul 2022
Judge: Mr Anthony Allen (Allenie)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Paignton Championship Show
6th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
It was an honour to be asked to judge at Paignton & District Fanciers Association. My thanks go to the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers and their excellent hospitality. I had a lovely day at this well organised show and would like to also thank the stewards, Helen & Norma, for keeping me on track and in order. The weather was exceptionally hot and although I do like to judge outside, I am sure exhibitors, and their dogs were grateful for the shade and cool that being inside gave us.
Although I did not have a huge entry, I was fortunate to have some real quality dogs entered and had some very hard decisions to make, however, at the end of judging I was delighted with my winners. On the downside, I did find some mouths that were not as they should be and some dogs who were deep in chest and therefore difficult to span. However, the most disappointing element was the lack of detail that some exhibitors pay to feet. The standard states that feet should be ‘small with thick pads’, however, quite a few exhibits had untidy feet with long nails. Although this seems minor point, long hair around the feet detracts from the overall look of the Border Terrier.
I was disappointed that I could not stay to watch the group, but unfortunately, I had to leave due to other commitments. I was delighted that all my top winners were shortlisted in the group and very pleased that my Special Beginner winner went Group 1 and the Best Puppy winner went Group 3.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Class Critique
There was a lot of quality in this class, which made decisions difficult. On another day 1st and 2nd could easily change places.
Terrier Club of Devon & Cornwall Open Show
16th Oct 2022
Judge: Mrs L.K. Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
Thank you to the Officegrs and Committee for the invitation to judge at this friendly and well run show; I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
A 2.5 year old, grizzle and tan dog with a good front and narrow body. His rib is spannable and carried well back into a strong loin. He stands on small feet, has the right amount of bone and is presented in fit, hard condition. His pelt is thick and loose with evidence of a new harsh jacket coming through. Moved with drive and purpose around the ring today.
Midland Counties Canine Society
30th Oct 2022
Judge: Mr Alan Small (Bethane)
I thoroughly enjoyed my day judging the Border Teriers at Midland Counties Champ. Show. Thanks to the Officers & Committee for the invite & especially to the exhibitors who presented me with such a wonderful entry of 230 from 174 dogs. It was a quality entry overall and I was particuarly impressed with the quality of the young stock which augers well for the breed. There's no Puppy or Veteran Groups at the Midland, which is a pity because I feel both would have done well. Must not be too greedy, as it was nice to see my BOB, Ch. Otterbobs Tolson top the Terrier Group and my Best Special Beginners, Thistlemead Sundance, take her respective Group as well.....Well done.
Special thanks to my Ring Stewards, Penny Lloyd & Gavin Argyle, who kept things moving along nicely. Border Terriers are dear to my heart having owned & bred them over a number of years. Thanks again for such a wonderful entry, I enjoyed your dogs and a nice atmosphere prevailed.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
lovely dark grizzle dog with pleasing expression, good eye & bite, good front, ribs back & spanable, nice outline with well set tail, in good double coat with thick pelt, I see he's bred in the blue from across the pond, moved and handled well.
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
6th Nov 2022
Judge: Mrs S Thompson (Ashgate)
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2022
Judge: Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
A very promising entry on paper but unfortunately the weather took its toll !
However I was more than happy with my main winners all were typical of what I look for in a Border Terrier and the proof that careful breeding pays off was demonstrated by the very promising progeny found amongst the youngsters.
As is my approach to critiques, generally the winners in most respects all meet the standard which calls for a working terrier with an otter like head on reasonable length neck set into well laid shoulders, a moderate length body, well ribbed back, strong shortish loin, racy but moderate rear angulation allowing the dog to move with drive, in harsh double coat and with thick pelt. I do not therefore repeat this for each individual dog but I have highlighted the dog’s best points and the reasons for their placings .
Post Graduate - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Well made grizzle throughout rather too much of him all over ,but very sound.
11th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
To judge Border Terriers at Crufts was both a privilege and a honour and I must thank the Crufts Committee for the appointment to judge the breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world. A big thanks go to the exhibitors from both home and abroad for such a super entry which made for a great days judging with quality in depth in many of the classes. Finally I must thank my two stewards who kept things moving in the ring to allow me to finish judging in good time.
On the day I was looking for a workmanlike dog as the standard asks for but one also must remember that in the show ring you also need that attitude and showmanship to complete the picture. I felt my BOB put up a great show in the Group and was so pleased to see him take Group 2 in a quality line up.
Mid Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
National Terrier Club
1st Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Sarah Dandy (Dandale)
There was a good depth of quality overall across both sexes which proved for good competition and some very close decisions especially in the larger classes. Thank you to all those who accepted my decisions so sportingly. Temperaments were excellent especially the youngsters with the added challenge of the tannoy right overhead. There were some very promising youngsters which is always pleasing and positive to see, and I was delighted with my winning line up in both sexes, with top honours closely contested. I was disappointed that some exhibits who looked so good standing fell apart on the move, there were quite a few upright shoulders and I felt that efficient ground covering movement so essential for the breeds ability to follow a horse was somewhat lacking. It is encouraging to see quite a few younger handlers taking an interest in our breed today, so positive for the future. Thank you to both my excellent stewards who most competently kept the ring moving all day.
Post Graduate - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
A different type to 1 but a lot to like, an eye-catching, masculine Grizzle in super jacket who also moved out well in profile around the ring, soundly made and well bodied with a firm topline and good underline. Good masculine head type, a reach of neck into soundly constructed well paired quarters standing on good legs, pasterns and feet, hocks well let down and used to advantage on the move.
Plymouth & DKA Open Show
8th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr Richard Kinsey (Kitarn)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Limit /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Tracey James (Blackmine)
A bit thank to the committee of EABTC for inviting me to judge their championship show. I really enjoyed my day and when I later looked at the catalogue to see my winners I found it interesting reading, as all my major winners were of similar lines.
Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Dark grizzle masculine dog, balanced and not overdone, straight front, well placed shoulders, well ribbed back with nice underline, in good coat with loose pelt, covered the ground well.
Class Critique
a difficult class
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Border Union Agricultural Society
17th Jun 2023
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for giving me the opportunity to judge Border Terriers in their spiritual home territory. My stewards, Audrey & Judith did a great job in running the class changes efficiently on a hot humid day. It was a lovely entry, with many exhibits that I had not judged before – thank you all. I found some exhibits which could have been better prepared with attention to coat, body condition and clean teeth. A few level bites a couple of kink tails influenced placings but all dogs were entire and overall a nice group of BT’s to go over. My main winners had breed qualities that outweighed any imperfection, that in my opinion wouldn’t impact on its ability to perform its traditional work.
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Class Critique
This class had a delightful bunch of super dogs, making it a privilege to judge today!
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2023
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
My thanks to Windsor Dog Show for the judging appointment. Delayed by Covid, it is a sensible moment to retire from judging at Championship level, especially as the day was very enjoyable and a fine memory to end with. It was in fact a superb entry of high quality border terriers and my thanks to all the exhibitors, especially those who travelled long distances.
It was a delight when my BOB, Ch Otterbobs Tolsen, won the terrier group and an additional pleasure when my Best Veteran, Ch Cynetkoy Pillow Talk, placed third in the Veteran Group. Overall the borders proved to be sound and it was particularly enjoyable to find several dogs with large, strong teeth. Many were in a fit condition with firm muscle and active drive on the move. The majority had good shoulders coupled with hind quarters that looked capable of a day’s work. This correct construction translated into to good movement. The Border Terrier should remain a workmanlike terrier and future breeders need to keep that in mind.
The top decisions were decided by some of these less obvious merits and indeed my personal preferences but, in the end, I was pleased to see an entry of border terriers with so much quality. This bodes well for the future and has left me with memories of a most enjoyable day.
Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Leeds Championship Show
29th Jul 2023
Judge: Mr Brian Aubrey (Jenabeck)
Thank you all for a wonderful entry, I had to make some difficult choices on the day, but as always, I judge the dog on the day friend or foe and not what the dog as done in the past or what it will do in the future.
a few things did concern me on the day (1 ) so Many dirty teeth, (2) a few unfit dogs due to being overweight, (3) and the most concerning is short legs on one or two of the borders,
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
19th Aug 2023
Judge: Jane Morton Shaw (Fehmarn)
I would like to thank the WKC committee for inviting me to judge at this lovely show. It was very well organised with a super friendly atmosphere.
Thank you to all the exhibitors for your entry & accepting my decisions so graciously.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day, but I have to apologise for the late start! I’m always super early for everything, and had arrived on the showground by 8am. Unfortunately my watch battery ran out at 8.20 and I was mortified when I realised it had stopped and to find out that the time was 9.35!!!
I was very pleased to see my BOB, BPIB & BVIB shortlisted in their groups, with Veteran going on to Group 3.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Yet another lovely dog who I liked very much, just bigger than the first placed dog. In excellent harsh coat, thick pelt. Lovely head, well placed ears, neat feet, excellent length of rib. Well balanced overall. Moved well
City of Birmingham Championship Show
2nd Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs K Wilkinson (Otterkin)
Thank you to City of Birmingham for the invitation to judge this show, for the very large ring provided to the breed and to all the exhibitors who entered under me – I was very pleased with the overall quality of the entry of 122 dogs making 144 entries in these days of falling entries, with very few absentees (16 from “new dogs” by my count).
The ring stewards did an excellent job of keeping everything running smoothly – so thank you to John Gardner and Ken Francis.
I would like to send my best wishes to Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow) who had initially been under contract to judge this as her very first Championship Show. Having seen Anna judge at the Border Terrier Club’s Open show in February 2022, I know she is a very experienced and knowledgeable judge as well as an excellent breeder and hope in time that she is able to take on another Championship Show appointment in the future. I had originally been invited to judge this show in 2024 and had sent my acceptance letter, but when the Secretary contacted me, I agreed to bring forward the appointment to 2023.
I have taken the name/s of the owner/s and the dogs’ names direct from the catalogue. Some may have other owners or Kennel Names added, or awards such as Ch or JW added now, but I must use the details from the catalogue.
*Handlers* – please do not stuff food/tubes of treats into your dogs’ mouths just before the judge needs to look at their dentition. Those who stood behind their dogs and held the lead, I had no problem examining their dogs’ mouths, but a small number of others who were stuffing food into their dog’s mouth as I approached, once they moved away, some dogs were up on their hind legs trying to get more food/treats from you. I had to examine the rest of the dog then come back and look in the mouth again when the dogs were not fidgeting about looking for food. If you are doing it to avoid the dentition being checked, it won’t work as a judge will just come back to it!
It was quite hot in the hall. Kudos to all the dogs as they were not put off by the noise made when judge and/or handler stood on whatever was under the carpet making a “clunk” noise. I found when spanning dogs, almost all of them were hot underneath. Never felt that before, even when judging in 90 degree heat outside in America, so just be aware that your dog may be getting overheated.
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Richmond Championship Show
8th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
North Devon CA Open Show
9th Sep 2023
Judge: Poppy Wynter
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Exeter & County Canine Society Open Show
16th Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Midland Counties Championship Show
26th Oct 2023
Judge: Mr J Gilpin (Otterbobs)
I would like to thank the officers & committee for giving me the opportunity to judge the Border Terrier classes, & also a big thank you to Penny Winger & Gavin Argill my two ring stewards who kept things in order & also made sure we finished on time, and a special mention to my Best of Breed winner for attending the terrier group, and being rewarded with being short listed in the final seven.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Bristol & District Dog Club Open Show
3rd Dec 2023
Judge: Mr Stephen Goodwin (Lanola)
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Ladies Kennel Association
8th Dec 2023
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett (Dwilencia)
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Another good one to go over, typical head and expression, good in neck and head and expression, good in neck and shoulder placement, narrow front, good in body shape and spans well, racey in hindquarters, best of coats
Totnes & District Canine Society Open Show
17th Dec 2023
Judge: Sue Thomson (Ashgate)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr Richard Allen (Penparc)
Open - Dog /
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Newton Abbot & South Devon CS Open Show
27th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr Laurie Hunt (Setthornes)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Plymouth & DKA Open Show
6th Apr 2024
Judge: Sarah Richardson
Thank you to the committee for their invitation and for the stewards for their efforts keeping the rings running smoothly. I had some lovely dogs.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
4year old Grizzle and tan male. Otter shaped head. Well presented. Straight front. RBoB
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
26th Apr 2024
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Many Thanks to WELKS for asking me to judge at their show, it was an honour, also thank you so much to everyone that entered under me, I had some great dogs to go over. Congratulation to all my winners. Thanks also go to my very competent stewards for keeping my ring running smoothly.
All the males were entire. Apart from 3 level bites all mouths were correct and teeth of good size. Temperaments were all sound except one or two that really didn’t like being in the noisy hall and were a little bit subdued. It’s hard to judge true movement on a slippery concrete floor and in some classes the placings could have changed if we had been outside on grass.
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Oakhampton & DCS Open Show
4th May 2024
Judge: Lee Cox (Vanitonia)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: RBOBBIS, Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
National Dog Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mr Patrick Glover (USA)
I wanted to thank the committee for the honour of judging your show. I sincerely apologize for the delay of the critique due to ill health. Coming from another country it was especially grateful to have such excellent Stewards to help guide me. And I thank all the exhibitors that came to exhibit under me. It was a pleasure to see so many quality Borders, and have them in hand. I was very satisfied with my final lineup. I enjoyed the depth of type that you have in the UK. Part of that may be seeing Borders with a proper coat. Unfortunately, Borders in the USA are not shown in such coat anymore which I do not understand. I only saw two bad bites, and I see you are battling some of the same issues we are in the US, one being straight fronts. A good Border must have some prosternum to be constructed in a proper way where the legs are under the dog rather than in front of it. The second being is the loss of rib. Your standard states “ribs carried well back” Our standard states the same thing, only adding the word deep “deep ribs carried well back. Both proper fronts and rib are essential to a working terrier, and attention must be paid to both. Overall, I enjoyed going over so many good Borders and again I thank you for the opportunity
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Ian Gabriel (Gabybryl)
This was my first-time awarding Challenge Certificates in Border Terriers and many thanks to those that entered under a non-breed specialist, and well done for braving what was a bitter wind. If this was a representative entry, then I am heartened by the general health and condition of the breed. Good coats, good pelts and super large dentition were the majority. There are some nice youngsters in the lower classes. Just two points as a non-specialist if I might be permitted, firstly the standard calls for a small ear and I found quite a few otherwise nice exhibits with large houndy ears which did somewhat detract from the overall expression. Secondly several dogs broke quite markedly at the front pastern which spoilt the overall impression on the move, these points need watching.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Different in type to 1 and a slightly larger dog all over. Nice head of correct proportions. Nice length of neck into best of shoulders. Good body and rib. Nice bone and feet. Correct racy hindquarters and moved well. I just for preference preferred the overall expression of 1
Class Critique
Not the easiest of classes as all were of different type. Overall disappointing for an OD class.
Three Counties Agricultural Society
8th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my very capable stewards, Bill and Tricia for their efficiency and helpfulness and especially to the exhibitors who afforded me the honour of going over their dogs.
The weather was kind and the ring of sufficient size to allow dogs to get into their stride.
Overall I felt that there was more quality in the bitches but was more than pleased with my main winners in both sexes. Size and front movement continue to be problems and coats were at all stages of growth-this did affect some placings. I only found one undershot bite and all males were entire. Several dogs were carrying rather too much condition but more worrying were the few who were almost painfully thin which also meant that these dogs couldn’t possibly possess the muscle needed for work. A number of dogs would benefit from more exercise to improve their muscletone.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Class Critique
Good class
North Devon CS Open Show
24th Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Andrew Scourfield (Danton)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Limit /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Joint Border Terrier Club's Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
Thank you to The Scottish Border Terrier Club for asking me to judge the Joint Show. It’s been a long time coming as I was invited to judge in 2019 and COVID 19 got in the way! I would like to thank the exhibitors who managed to attend the show after the problems caused by Storm Lilian at Driffield. I also appreciate that the absentees were higher as a result of many people having prior appointments on the day that the show was rearranged. The City of Birmingham Society where very accommodating, we had a lovely ring with plenty of space.
However, I had a super entry, and I had lots to choose from in the dogs that were able to show under me. Thank you to everyone – I really appreciate being asked to give an opinion on other people’s dogs, it’s a real honour. I would also give a special note of thanks to my steward Bill Shorthose who single handedly managed the ring and made sure everyone was in the right place at the right time. Particularly with the challenges of a partnership show and the clashes that this can cause across two rings. Thank you to all the exhibitors who managed to negotiate two shows with good heart.
When judging, I look for dogs with good heads, plenty of strength under the eye, very little stop and a good strong jaw – essentially a’ Head like that of an Otter’. I also like to see straight fronts, correct shoulder placements and tidy small feet. I found these characteristics in all of my top winners. Generally, mouths were good, although there were a couple of dogs with a tooth out of place. Movement was ok in generally, but as breed we do need to keep an eye on front movement as there were some dogs who did not move as well as they should walking towards me. All the males were entire. I was very pleased with all my placings and when choosing my top winners, I had some difficult decisions to make and so were some dogs that were very unlucky on the day.
Mid Limit - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
28th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs Anne Heathcote (Saxheath)
I would like to thank the YLCBTC for giving me the honour of judging their Championship Show . My thanks also to my very efficient stewards Tracy and Marvin who kept both the ring and myself in order . It also goes without saying that I very much appreciated the exhibitors who trusted me to go over their dogs , Thank you .
Mid Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Placing Critique
Dark gr with a lovely head and reach of neck into a level topline , Good angulation front and rear and topped with a tight hard jacket and thick pelt . Moved very well with reach and drive
The Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall Open Show
16th Feb 2025
Judge: Kathleen Haugh (Oxbeck)
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Mar 2025
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow)
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Kevrah Orion Seeking Orangebox