Show Placings
Welsh Kennel Club
21st Aug 2010
Judge: Mrs D Townsend
Thank you to everyone for a very enjoyable day, it's always a privilege for me to go over other people's dogs. I was pleased with my class winners but overall I felt that the quality of exhibits was somewhat mixed; movement was good but I have to lament the untypical Border heads that are present together with the high number of single coats
Minor Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
Quality dog built along the right lines with clean straight front and good reach of neck; nice size with just the right amount of bone. Excellent hind angulation and moved well with drive from behind. Typical head and expression.
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Richmond Championship Show
11th Sep 2010
Judge: Miss Michelle Barnett (Brockfox)
My thanks to The Richmond Societies officers and committee for the warm welcome and the super lunch provided. Gratitude also to my stewards who organised the ring most capably. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their entries at a time in history when finances are truly stretched in this difficult and uncertain financial climate. To judge is always a privilege and on this occasion it was particularly appreciated. Overall I was very impressed with the exhibits, and when judging we are required to find the dog that most fulfils the breed standard and with the increasing variety of types present in the breed it made for some thought provoking decisions. Sadly the continuing trend to show all year round with few exhibits remaining at home to grow a decent double jacket proved that once again there were fewer exhibits shown in the requisite depth of jacket. Therefore I had to face the difficult task of placing some exhibits higher than I would as a rule. As justifiably construction and type being the foremost factor in placings, as coats naturally will come and go. But where as in lots of other breeds the coat can be considered a glamorous adornment please remember that in the Border (terriers in general) it is their essential protection whilst carrying out their job of work. On a positive note I was pleased to see today's entry lacking of the dogs presented in the recent improper fashion of clippering, razor and scissoring which as the true diehards of the breed know is totally unacceptable and exhibitors are to be strongly discouraged in this undesirable practice.
The correct and only way to present a Border terrier is by hand stripping thus achieving the beautiful natural tweedy look synonymous with our breed.
And I quote an extract from an old Border terrier yearbook ?Exhibitors and judges should be reminded that it is not in keeping with the sporting traditions of the breed to have the coat trimmed. The coat should be of a natural weather resisting character. Old dead coat may be stripped off by hand when necessary. The use of a razor or a strip comb embodying a razor in the preparation of dogs for show is strongly objected to?
Dogs that I had previously admired unfortunately paid the penalty today as on closer inspection they did not come to hand so well .Some due to weight, which can be easily remedied with an alteration of diet, exercise and plenty of regular road work. Others sadly due to wide fronts and heavy shoulders, subsequently when running the rule over them they were too coarse and cloddy. Therefore not displaying the lithe supple bodies required in an earth dog ,this is a breed characteristic which of course has to be bred for. Borders are a breed that enjoys longevity, health and well being and this was particularly evident in my DCC and DRCC winners today being a 7 year old and 9 yr old respectively. Perhaps this being true testimony that these males have been bred for the correct narrow body lines that will inevitably stand the test of time.
Temperaments as to be expected were excellent. Overall a most enjoyable day, I was delighted with both my final line ups and to find admirable representatives of the breed for top honours.
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
Red who was lovely for type and head shape good, but slightly heavy in ear. Pleasing neck and lay of shoulder and strong quarters and although not oversized, on the day he couldn't match 1st's balance in the hand.
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show with Critique
19th Sep 2010
Judge: Miss Gemma Alpe
Firstly I must thank SBTC for giving me the honour of judging my first Breed Club show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and had some first class dogs to judge. I found no bad mouths and only one with a slightly suspect kink and movement on the whole was pretty good. The one thing that bothered me was that we seem to be losing our way a little with those lovely fronts that to me are a big part of our breed, and a number of dogs are toeing out both on the stand and on the move. I was pleased with my winners, they mostly fitted my interpretation of the breed standard, but I was delighted with my top winners, all of whom are a credit to the breed and I thank their owners for giving me the opportunity to judge them.
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
10 month grizzle, Strong masculine head with correct expression, well turned out with coat at its best. Movement good and had a nice amount of bone. BDP
Maiden - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Yorks, Lancs & Cheshire BTC Championship Show
25th Sep 2010
Judge: Mrs. Doreen Rushby (Dormic)
Many thanks to the exhibitors for a super entry. My DCC, BCC, and BP were a credit to the breed. Shoulders are still a big problem, ferrety feet was a recurring problem, thick pads are essential in a Border. A number lacked condition, trying to keep weight down should not be at the expense of nourishment.
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
Very promising. Good head and eye. Pleasing neck and shoulders. Good topline and tailset. Sound mover.
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
South Wales KA
8th Oct 2010
Judge: Mr B Aubrey
Best Puppy
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
10 month old lovely head, correct bite, nice front, good bone, in very good jacket, in a1 condition as always by this exhibitor moved very well best puppy dog and best puppy in breed
Midland Counties CS
29th Oct 2010
Judge: Phil D Sharp
A magnificent entry, the highest in the terrier group. Some exhibits did not have a good otter head & appeared too coarse. Movement was also an issue, as it should be the hindquarters that provide the propulsion, with the topline remaining reasonably level as the dog moves. Tails were somewhat better than when I last judged at this level. I was pleased with my final line-up for both dogs & bitches.
Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Class Critique
Disappointing class, with several exhibits not moving well.
Midland BTC Open Show
21st Nov 2010
Judge: Mrs K Newsome (Kighills)
I would like to thank the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge, it was a great honour to be asked. I would like to say a big thank you to the exhibitors who gave me the opportunity to go over their dogs. I would also like to say many thanks to my stewards for the day Margaret Bailey and Chris Wallace, they were a big help to me and kept everything running smoothly throughout the day. I was told that for the November show that the entry was very good, having 120 entries and a total entry of 165 minus absentees.
The overall quality was good and I had some hard decisions. Temperaments were very good. I was pleased to see good mouths with correct bites and good large teeth, only a couple were found with poor teeth development and incorrect bites. My only criticism on the day would be that not enough attention is being paid to the dog's feet and nails. However, I really enjoyed my day and was very pleased with my winners.
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
10 month grizzle, slightly stronger head than 1, good straight front with correct shoulders, level top line and easily spanned, good coat and nice thick pelt. Just preferred the overall look of 1.
Boston & District CS Championship Show
9th Jan 2011
Judge: Mrs Lynda Ward
Many thanks to my stewards for their unobtrusive efficiency and to all the exhibitors for a nice entry. Type and quality varied and today coats were at various stages although this didn't materially affect placing's. Last time I judged I noted that small teeth were prevalent and today I was surprised to find that level bites (although acceptable) predominated, I had 2 undershot mouths and large teeth set in a really good scissor bite were like gold dust. A major concern was movement, partially caused by stifles being too straight so limiting drive and causing a stilted action also often not helped by lack of thigh muscle and there were a number of wide fronts coupled with loose fore action. My final concern was the amount of exhibits that came very heavily to hand. This cannot be discerned by eye since some of the larger dogs were a desirable weight whilst some of the smaller ones were heavy. All that said, I enjoyed the day and was able to find class winners and others of correct type, size and sound movement. Both Open classes were composed throughout of quality exhibits and the CC and RCC winners were fit and worthy ambassadors for the breed.
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
Stood out for type and quality. Strong masculine head. Well balanced with good body proportions and correct tailset. Alert and moving soundly.
Manchester Dog Show Society
20th Jan 2011
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
A curate's egg day with some great border terriers and some disappointments too. My winners were typical and not only had the heads to win but moved soundly and had the coat and pelt so desirable in the breed. On the downside, although bites were generally good, there are too many with pathetically weak teeth and several with shoulders set too far forward so they looked narrow but had no fore-chest at all. A terrier needs fore-feet under its chest.
I was looking for borders that were soundly made and could therefore cover ground and I found them but there are some with short choppy actions. However I do not intend to be too pessimistic for the breed put on a good show today and there were some really promising youngsters in the puppy classes. Thank you to those who exhibited dogs with the typical thick harsh coat and pelt, these were all much appreciated.
Junior - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Southern BTC Limited Show
6th Mar 2011
Judge: Miss Lisa Jenkins (Badgerbeck)
Firstly, please accept my apology for the lateness of this critique, unfortunately I had problems with my PC which crashed and lost my first , almost complete report, leaving me with no option but to start again. Thank you for an excellent entry. I was very pleased to find that most of the exhibits were of a workable size & spannable, had big teeth with good strong muzzles/jaws, all males entire, only 2 very minor tail kinks, and temperaments were excellent. On the down side I had few in good deep double coat and a really thick pelt was hard to find, the true otter head seams to be being replaced by a squarer skull giving more of a teddy bear look not helped by over long moustaches/beards and big bushy eyebrows. Ribs were frequently too short & deep resulting in whippety underlines. Front movement is still a problem due to a lack of balance between front and hind angulation with dogs either having good hindquarters but short steep upper arms or they were correct in front but over angulated behind, this resulted in them either throwing their fronts about coming or dropping their withers in profile in an attempt to balance their stride. There were a handful with crowded incisors or missing a first or second premolar.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW
Placing Critique
another well constructed dog which was workman like with good bone and big teeth. He has a strong muzzle & jaw, OK in skull, good fore hand, topline, tail set & hindquarters. Straight front, good pasterns and deep pads, fit and well muscled, he moved very well up & down and in profile. He has a close undercoat and his topcoat was harsh but had been picked at and lacked depth, pelt could be thicker. Ribs could be longer which would improve his underline, liked him very much but could not match 1 for expression, narrowness of shoulder or rib shape.
12th Mar 2011
Judge: Mrs Elaine Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
It was an honour to be invited to judge this prestige show, and a privilege to be able to handle so many good borders. With an entry of 254 dogs, 306 entries, and with the help of my very efficient stewards this enabled me to finish on time for the BOB to go forward into the group. With the large classes it would have been nice to have had more time and more prize cards.
Many borders were in very fit condition and in gleaming coats, others sadly were not. I was very surprised at the numbers that were overweight, a few under and some in poor coat. There is a difference of being short of coat and being untidy which some were, several having scissor cuts in evidence which is totally unnecessary.
Some nice otter type typical heads were in evidence, some with quite large ears which seems to be creeping into the breed, and close set eyes giving an alien expression. Quite a few were upright and heavy in shoulder, with a shorter back than desired. Most were spanable although many had a rounder rib than required. This reflected in my placing's as the fitness and welfare of the dogs is of the uppermost importance, as the breed standard states, the breed being essentially a working terrier.
I thought my principle winners were excellent representatives of the breed, and I enjoyed seeing my BOB being short listed in the group.
Special Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper
Placing Critique
Bigger dog throughout than one. Strong headed with good eye. Moderate neck into good shoulder. Well muscled, moved out well. Strong quarters.
The Border Terrier Championship Show
26th Mar 2011
Judge: Miss Jean Singh (Vandamere)
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2011
Judge: Mrs Hilary Gilpin
Junior - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
29th Apr 2011
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon
Many thanks to my stewards who had everything running smoothly in a calm and good-humoured manner, it makes judging such a pleasure. I had a good entry of 132 dogs with a lower than usual absentee rate of 14%, which was good for a Friday in the present economic climate and I was very pleased to be able to judge outside, although I understand some of the exhibitors found it rather chilly. Quality was rather varied but some of the classes were closely contested and I was delighted with my top winners. Front construction is still a problem with some and coats were rather varied but that could be due to the unseasonal weather which we have had recently. I was also pleased to see a number of the dogs moving freely, with reach in front and good drive from the hindquarters, Border Terriers could not work as they were intended to do without this asset.
Yearling - Dog /
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Joint Border Terrier Clubs Championship Show
1st May 2011
Judge: Mrs Lesley Gosling
My thanks to my two excellent stewards who kept exhibits moving along, making my task easier, and to the Yorks, Lancs and Cheshire Club for inviting me to judge.
Coats were generally very good with undercoats evident and few showed signs of scissoring and shaving. I was pleased that all the puppy dogs were of a sensible size for their ages and almost all exhibits were spannable; however, shoulder construction problems remain an issue, with short upper arms and poor shoulder angulation resulting in wide, or tied fronts, spoiling otherwise quality exhibits. I noticed that some were roaching over the loin, creating bouncing back ends on the move with the loss of level toplines, and many had a distinct lack of stifle bend, resulting in a lack of driving action on the move. Consider feet - a few needed claws trimming (or more road work).
Some heads were untypical and snipey; there were a number of suspect mouths and one undershot puppy, but I was impressed with the overall condition of the entry in general and the winners were a credit to their owner/breeders. The well filled Limit bitch class was outstanding and it was a pity not to have more awards to present. My thanks to everyone for accepting my decisions so sportingly and congratulations to the top winners, whose dogs were so deserving of their wins.
Here’s a plea - please use bait sparingly, and not while your dogs are on the judging table. It’s a pity that a number of exhibitors are slaves to baiting their dogs on the table, making the dogs move around and become unsteady, while making it difficult for judges to access mouths and assess facial features. Baiting also affects movement round the ring, with exhibits “crabbing”, watching for the treats.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Strongly headed male with a very good double coat. Lost out to the winner on front and feet. Easily spanned and moved out well.
National Dog Show
7th May 2011
Judge: Mrs Jayne Alpe
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge, I thoroughly enjoyed my day. My two stewards were very efficient and experienced; they managed to keep my ring running smoothly. I found the quality in the dogs overall to be higher than last time I judged, with in both sexes a slight improvement in movement. Although there are still some that are not driving from behind and covering the ground, and some with short, choppy, odd front movement, sometimes coupled with too narrow fronts and lack of muscle tone. Maybe more road walking would help in some cases to build up muscle, but in others is down to a problem with shoulder construction and pasterns. I found no incorrect mouths, there were a couple with broken teeth, hopefully indicative that we still work some of our show dogs. But there was a shortage of those lovely strong big teeth that the breed is known for and small teeth are on the increase. What also did disturb me was that large heavy ears seem to be creeping into the breed, which affects that lovely typical expression. In a lot of classes places could alter on another day, in fact in some classes I was spoilt for choice and would have liked more than one red card. I was delighted with my top winners who all fitted my criteria very well, every one of them displaying correct Border type coupled with sound and true movement.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Scottish Kennel Club
20th May 2011
Judge: Mr. David Hunt (Ottaswell)
Thanks go to the committee of the Scottish Kennel Club for inviting me to judge for the first time north of the border, Special thanks to my stewards on the day Messrs Goudie & Jackson for organising the ring so efficiently and ensuring everything ran smoothly during my judging. Good stewards are a welcome bonus for any judge. Despite the disappointing weather, thanks also to the exhibitors who attended and for giving me the second highest breed entry of the whole show.
With a large ring and mown grass, I was able to see the dogs move accurately. In general I thought the bitches were stronger than the dogs, but was pleased with all my class winners, and thought my CC winners a credit to the breed. Size was generally good with only a couple being difficult to span. As always coats were at various stages but I was surprised to find 2 very undershot bites in mid range classes.
Junior - Dog /
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Yearling - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Bath Championship Show
27th May 2011
Judge: Mr B Rodgers
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Rather overshadowed by 1st. Presentation in good style. Lovely head with good shoulders. Nice bone. Thick pelt and tight feet. Handler got the best out of him.
Three Counties
8th Jun 2011
Judge: Mr Ron Wheatley
Thanks for the large and interesting entry. Although quality was variable there were many good entries to examine. Most were of a good size and generally coats were good, feet very variable, particularly hind ones. Although many moved out with drive, movement in many others was a concern. Many would benefit from more exercise and muscle development. There was only 1 kinked tail and mouths were mainly good. Finally, please realise that if you bait your exhibit on the table the judge can't see it!
Yearling - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
similar in type, again well proportioned with nice coat and pelt, good bone and nice feet
Southern BTC Championship Show
11th Jun 2011
Judge: Mr Rainer Vuorinen (Finland)
It was a great honour and privilege to judge your wonderful breed. Thanks to all, the committee, my stewards and everybody who made my day so wonderful. Thanks to all the exhibitors for their excellent sporting attitude. The hospitality was outstanding and many thanks for the beautiful present. I have been thinking of the overall standard and I have to say your dogs represent a very high quality.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Lovely dog, correct proportions, pleasing head and expression, lovely topline and tail, very good coat and skin. Very free movement
Windsor Championship Dog Show
30th Jun 2011
Judge: Mr Bill Browne-Cole
Since I last judged the breed I do feel movement is a concern. A lot of back ends need to strengthen and capabilities to follow a horse were not always there today. I was however extremely pleased with my main winners who were from the ‘top drawer’ and so very typical of the breed.
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
A very typy dog. Strong head and expression. Good bite and teeth. Enough length of neck, perhaps a little heavy in shoulders. Well portioned. Moved steadily and in excellent coat.
East of England
10th Jul 2011
Judge: Mrs Kate Irving
The entry of 141 was a pleasing one for these days and I thank exhibitors for their entries. By and large I was pleased by the coats of many exhibits and though some were rather short of coat, coat texture was generally speaking quite pleasing. Presentation however left a good deal to be desired in many instances Hindquarters were good in the main. But once again my view was that fronts in the breed require much more attention than they are being given by either breeders or judges. It seems to me that we have in the breed various front faults, mostly I think coming from poor shoulders. There are flicking fronts, loaded fronts, high stepping fronts, horseshoe fronts, bowed fronts and so on and not enough of the dogs have fronts which fit the standard. In the main I was satisfied that there were many more typical heads and expressions than on some previous occasions when I have judged
DCC and Best of Breed went to ORANGEBOX FIRECRACKER (MR M & MRS T ANSCOMBE) a dog with a very pleasing head and expression, good skull and correct eye and ears to complete the picture. He has a good neck and typical outline and is well proportioned with a good tailset. He is OK for size and was shown today in plenty of coat. Moved out really well and scored for showmanship. He has a good deal of quality and type about him.
BCC went was won by BANDICOOT JAZZ (MR G E & MRS V L K DOCWRA) a bitch with an excellent head and a lovely typical expression. She is up to size and was shown in pretty full coat today. She moved very well in front and behind. She shows very well indeed and presented an excellent picture all round. She too has a great deal of breed type and quality and has good body lines and scope.
Best Puppy went to the dog OLDERHILL AFORTUNADO (MRS S WILSON) a very typey dog which excels in head and has a really good eye and expression. He is very good in topline and tailset. I thought that he was good in shoulder and presented a good typical picture all round.
Graduate - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
scored in head lover the third here but a bit deep in body. Excellent in coat and coat texture and moved well behind with good hindquarters.
1st Aug 2011
Judge: Mr Tom Johnston
Post Graduate - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Good skull with short muzzle, dark eye, well placed ears, good straight forelegs to good feet, pleasing depth of body and topline, moderate turn of stifle, good tail, moved well, just preferred the muscle in the rear quarters of first.
Bournemouth Championship Show
14th Aug 2011
Judge: Mrs Zena Thorn-Andrews
Post Graduate - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Welsh Kennel Club
20th Aug 2011
Judge: Mr Simon Jackson
I was honoured to be asked to judge this show, as I have enjoyed exhibiting at this well run, friendly society over many years. While the indoor rings are large, well lit and have lots of space around them for exhibitors and spectators, given the nice weather, it was disappointing not to be able to use the normal show arena, but this was not possible due to a request from The Royal Welsh Showground management.
I was pleased for find only one “bad” mouth, but I was disturbed to find a small number of mouths which, while exhibiting a "correct scissor bite", the placement of the upper teeth was awry in such a manner, that it caused the exhibits to appear to have an over bite. A few others had strange face furnishings resulting in a “Griffon Bruxellois” like expression which is incorrect and spoils the looks of a Border Terrier.
I would also like to thank my stewards, Vicky and Tina Pierson for their smooth handling of the ring. I would also like to thank all exhibitors, some of whom travelled many miles which is very expensive in these economic times.
Post Graduate - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW
Placing Critique
Very nice grizzle with a good otter head and keen expression. Flowing lines through neck and shoulders resulting in a powerful movement. Good strong bone and small feet. Good ring presence
City of Birmingham
3rd Sep 2011
Judge: Mrs Melanie Lewis
It was a privilege to have the opportunity to judge the breed again and I thank the exhibitors for a very nice entry. Thanks also to the Officers and Committee for their invitation and hospitality and to my two extremely capable stewards Mr. Mike Hughes and Mr. Tony Coddington for their very helpful assistance in ensuring the smooth running of the ring on the day.
Coats, as one would expect with the ever changing weather conditions, varied considerably but I applaud those who presented their exhibits with the correct double jacket. Of concern were one or two undesirable single jackets. There has been a trend in recent years by some exhibitors to present dogs short of coat, but they normally displayed sufficient evidence of a correct texture. The Border is not a trimmed terrier and long may it remain as such. Scissor marks also are so undesirable and detracts from the overall appearance. There was a variation in size but I was able to span the majority. Mouths on the whole were good but there were a number with small teeth in overcrowded jaws, certainly not what is required in a working terrier.
Front movement in particular is still a cause for concern and is something that I have previously highlighted. Feet were generally good and all exhibits displayed excellent temperament whilst being judged. When it came to the more senior classes in particular, I had some very difficult decisions such was the depth of quality.
Post Graduate - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
g/t, set down in super condition he stood out in this class, being handled and shown to advantage. Good head with dark points and keen expression with good strength of muzzle and excellent teeth. Possibly a shade deep in chest but is easily spanned. Good for bone he has firmly padded feet and looked good moving in profile.
Yorks, Lancs & Cheshire BTC Championship Show
24th Sep 2011
Judge: Mrs Marie Sharp
My thanks to the Committee for their hospitality, and to the stewards, Anita Harrison and Kevin Green who kept everything running smoothly. I always read the Standard before judging and decide where my priorities will lie. This time, I decided that for an essentially working terrier, narrow, lithe bodies are a must, not forgetting those features which distinguish a Border Terrier. Indeed most Borders are narrow when compared with a Staffordshire Bull Terrier, for instance, but far too many in this entry were too broad in the chest to be able to follow a fox to ground. When the chest is wider than my hand, it is far too wide. Going to ground is but one part of a working terrier’s life - he has to cover rough ground so needs sufficient length of leg, and a flexible loin to enable him to gallop, getting his hind quarters under his body. Following a horse is no walk in the park, it requires stamina - lung capacity which comes from sufficient length of ribcage. One word in the Standard always causes me trouble – “but” in the sentence “Head like that of an otter, but moderately broad in skull..” I found lots of otter shaped heads, a few with too much stop, few with too short a muzzle, so on the whole heads pleased me.
Yearling - Dog /
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
South Wales KA
9th Oct 2011
Judge: Mr David Winsley
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Post Graduate - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
I liked this dog for his type. He has a very pleasing head of correct proportions, dark eye and strong muzzle, well placed ears. He has the correct neck and shoulders, straight front with nice tight feet. He has a well balanced body, deep enough with the correct shaped ribs, strong well made hindquarters. Thought he stood out today for his type and easy fluent movement. Shown in excellent coat and condition, it was a pleasure to award him the CC.
Midland Counties
30th Oct 2011
Judge: Mr Alan Small (Timoray)
Thanks for a lovely entry. I thougherly enjoyed my day. Special thanks for the invite and to my two lady stewards who kept things moving along nicely. I was particularly impressed with the young stock which augurs well for the breed. Coats were at all stages, from coming in to on the turn.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
good expression with grand head, correct mouth, good front & shoulders with best of feet, ribs back & spanable, in good double coat, nice quarters, moved true coming & going.
Scottish BTC Championship Show
12th Nov 2011
Judge: Mrs K Wilkinson
Thank you to the Members for inviting me to judge what has been for me and many others, one of the favourite shows on the calendar every year. Having won the Bitch CC and Best in Show here at the very first ScBTC Ch show in 1985 with Otterkin Blue Bouquet JW, perhaps I am slightly biased by good memories, but I think most people who attend consider it one of the most popular shows of the year, as there is always a warm welcome guaranteed from the Officers and Committee of the Scottish Border Terrier Club to exhibitors and spectators alike and a good atmosphere at all of their shows.
Many thanks to Marjorie Wanless who officiated as an uncomplaining and efficient steward all on her lonesome all day; what a star! Thanks too for the lovely gift from the Club.
It is good when decisions are accepted with grace, be it win or lose and I thank the exhibitors for that. It is not easy being a judge, knowing you disappoint some but please others, but one has to just judge the dogs and go with your instincts, please yourself, select those you like the best and hope others appreciate that you did your best, to your ability, without fear or favour.
Overall, the quality was high, with a lot to like. There were only a couple who felt too thin, so I will not dwell on this too much this time, except to say that a working dog needs some substance, some strength and endurance and this is NOT achieved when you starve a big dog to try to make it look smaller, as any judge fooled by that is not to be applauded. Going over a dog on the table, I hate to feel all the backbone and see the ribs sticking out. It is cruel and unkind to keep your dog too thin. Borders like their food. Not as many thin ones here as were at Crufts in 2007, just a couple. This is just something for people to watch please.
Teeth were not a big problem – only one slightly undershot and a couple with one tooth out of line. I will not penalise a dog/bitch for one tooth out of line and refuse to put that in the individual dog/bitches critique – that is for me to know (I am sure the exhibitors already know) and for other judges to find (or not) and do as they will. For me, there is so much more that is important than one tooth out of alignment. If such a dog/bitch with one tooth out of line still had a scissor bite and all other good attributes, then it was placed accordingly. I have seen critiques which say “Only one if” – I will not lumber any dog/bitch with that and have everyone wanting to know what it was.
I was surprised to find a couple with kinks in their tails, as exhibitors can feel this easily themselves. This has been touched upon in the 2007 BTC Year Book and judges (including me) have their own views on this, although there is nothing in the UK breed standard about it.
A couple had peculiar coats, with what seemed like some substance in them, which did not make them feel harsh, more sticky and stuck together and although that meant I could not see the skin, it was not because they had good coats and it gave me grubby hands after going over them. Substance in a terrier’s coat fools no-one – please do not do it! On the down side, there were a few more which left my hands dirty after examination. Although they are a working dog, please present them to the judge in clean condition. I didn’t turn up grubby and neither should they!
Overall though, I thought the breed to be in a good place and I was very pleased with all my top winners (well, I would say that, wouldn’t I)?
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Very nicely put together, he stands over the ground well without being too big. He has a good bend of stifle, which enables his lovely long stride when viewed from the side. This, coupled with good, honest movement coming and going, made him one of the best movers of the day. Masculine otter head with good ear placement and good dark eye. Liked his narrow front, good topline and short, carrot tail straight off the back. Well deserved his Reserve Dog CC and hope he goes on to gain his title.
Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Nov 2011
Judge: Mrs Anne Heathcote (Saxheath)
I thoroughly enjoyed my day and thank all the exhibitors for the lovely entry. The depth of quality was a pleasant surprise and it would seem that the breed is in good hands.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Red grizzle with a strong head and lovely expression, not as racy as 1 but good reach of neck, strong rear end giving good drive and lovely hard jacket.
Ladies Kennel Association
10th Dec 2011
Judge: Mrs Sarah Dandy
I was delighted with both my dog and bitch line ups, from a numerically strong entry of 181 dogs all were worthy winners, from very well contended classes, with several really promising youngsters. Temperaments were uniformly sound which is of great importance in any breed
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Top draw grizzle presented in cracking form , appealed greatly for his type and ideal size, being masculine but moderate. Beautifully balanced, full of quality and well-constructed all through he appealed instantly for his excellent free movement and ground covering stride, holding his outline so well on the move. Classic otter head of good proportions atop a good reach of neck into a defined wither with a particularly good layback of shoulder and length in upper arm, good legs and feet. Correct topline and tailset matched with an excellent underline with pleasing narrow body, well ribbed back. Very sound, muscular yet racy hindquarters. A joy to watch on the move, with accurate tracking he demonstrated superb economical drive with forward reach in profile, so essential to this working breed. In splendid coat and condition DCC & BOB.
Boston Championship Show
8th Jan 2012
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
I appreciate that at this time of year with both dark mornings and early sunsets travelling and showing your Borders might not seem like the most enjoyable way to spend your weekend. So a sincere thank you to all those exhibitors who attended my first Championship Show appointment. We were the only terrier breed to have CC’s on offer and I had a lovely entry of 122 dogs. The venue and ring allocated were both excellent. No draughts or noisy blow-heaters. It was actually very civilised. Thank you to my steward who was efficient and supportive throughout. It made my task so much easier.
I was surprised to find that many exhibits, whilst prima facie, moved soundly, lacked the drive that is so important if they are to do a real day’s work. I was also a little disappointed that many Borders had tight pelts, which sometimes were thick but lacked that looseness that could get them, quite literally, out of a tight hole!
I was delighted with my overall winners and, I thank all those who graciously accepted my decisions.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Manchester Championship Dog Show
19th Jan 2012
Judge: Mrs F A Somerfield
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
good head & expression, well balanced, good for body & shape, pleasing bone, legs & feet, nicely coupled, good hindquarters & tail, very good coat & condition, moved with purpose & drive. RCC
Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Feb 2012
Judge: Mrs P. Clark (Gameway)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge this show. I had a lovely day and a special thank you to all the exhibitors who braved the dreadful driving conditions.
Thank you for the lovely gift which I shall treasure and the very good lunch! A big thank you to Chris Wallace and Jem Thomas who were my very able stewards.
Best In Show
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Best Dog
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Well angulated front and rear to give beautifully balanced dog. In good coat with thick pelt. Moved and showed very well. BD and BIS.
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
15th Apr 2012
Judge: Mrs Su Williams (Hollybridge)
Thank you very much to the Officers and Committee of the Club for inviting me to judge today. Special Thank you must go to my two very able Stewards Bev & Simon Jackson for the smooth running of the ring.
I was impressed by the over all quality of the exhibits today; it was definitely a case of more winners than awards!
I was pleased to see overall that mouths were very good. There were a couple of minor incisor alignment issues but nothing to penalize. Thankfully tails are improving, in recent years the long thin sickle curled over tail became too regular a sight, Today they were far outnumbered by more typically carried tails. On a slightly negative note -cleanliness, a number of dogs were quite pungent and just because they are ‘Essentially a working terrier’ they don’t have to smell like they just came from a dig! Muscle tone was lacking in some fit looking Borders bringing the worry some might be fed for condition instead of exercised for it! Coats that transient problem, many sadly had to be marked down today due to lack of coat. While some evidence of texture was there in many cases. I had to place dogs without coat according to how they appeared on the day!
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
A dog I have admired from the ring side, a smaller type to 1st he always looks so balanced and fit. A sound mover .
28th Apr 2012
Judge: Mr Phil Sharp
I appreciated the good entry. With a ring rather restricted in size ( not to mention a bitterly cold wind blowing through the cattle shed), I felt it was necessary to give the dogs as much opportunity as possible to move. Unfortunately, several moved rather wide behind, while one or two were plaiting in front. Coats were a problem , with a couple of good looking dogs showing absolutely no topcoat at all. It was interesting to see that most, but not all, of the dogs that I saw when I last judged Borders in 2010 had come on well.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
I have placed before, just preferred the head of 1. Moved soundly and held topline well. Shown in good coat.
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
6th May 2012
Judge: Mr W Shorthose (Cundytyke)
Many thanks to the Committee of the Border Terrier Club, who were the hosts of this year’s Joint Border Terrier Club show, for inviting me to judge such a prestigious event. My thanks go, particularly, to my stewards, who kept things running smoothly and enabled me to get through a big entry in an unrushed way.
Overall, I felt the quality was reasonably high, with a lot to like. There were only a few which I felt could have done with a few square meals as they were a bit on the thin side. Exhibitors should know how to balance food intake with exercise to produce dogs in the correct condition. Lack of muscle on more was a greater problem. While the standard states ‘capable of following a horse’ many would have been tired following one round a stable yard let alone across country. This is evident when dogs are moved but not giving an active breed sufficient exercise also has an effect on their mental wellbeing.
There were a number of untypical heads. I wonder if some people don’t understand the proportions of an otter’s skull as some muzzles were lacking in breadth giving a ‘foxy’look, while other heads were too rounded giving the impression of a teddy bear. Mouths were not a big problem with only a couple incorrect and coats were also, generally, good. Most exhibits had an undercoat though there were quite a number which had thin skins. A good, thick, loose pelt is essential for a working terrier. Very few could not be spanned, so most would have been capable of getting to ground. A ‘one size fits all’ attitude does not really apply to working terriers as there are a variety of jobs and situations to be encountered but they do have to be able to get there in the first place.
I was very pleased with my top winners and extend my thanks to all the exhibitors.
Best In Show
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Found this a well balanced dog, nicely put together. He has a fairly broad skull and a good eye. Good reach of neck and pleasing shoulder. Deep, narrow body with ribs carried well back. Well constructed in hindquarters and carrying good muscle. He moved freely and positively with a long stride, drive and tracked up well. Shown in a good coat and has a thick pelt. I felt that he was truly ‘fit for function’ and very pleased to later learn that he was made up. DCC, BIS
Class Critique
A really good class which had insufficient places for those worthy of recognition
Birmingham National
13th May 2012
Judge: Mrs Pat Baxter
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
typical Border head on this dog who had good strong teeth, in good coat & pelt, a carrot tail to complete the picture. Strode out well
Bath Championship Show
25th May 2012
Judge: Mrs Diane Rayner (Stoneygin)
It was a real privilege to be asked to judge this show. I had a very good entry which pleased me and hope I did it justice. The dogs were generally in good fit condition, came across a few that were too thin, you can’t expect a young active dog to gain good muscle tone if you don’t feed them enough. They must feel miserable kept in that condition, constantly hungry. It was a very hot day, but we tried to keep them in the shade as long as possible but a few were showing signs of the heat. There were a few that looked rather scruffy with long nails and looked as if they had forgotten to take off their carpet slippers. But most were a pleasure to go over.
I was very pleased with my winners.
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Good otter head with correct scissor bite. Good shoulder placement and length of upper arm. He is ribbed well back and he excelled in coat and pelt, excellent movement. Pleased to award him Res. CC
Southern Counties Championship Show
2nd Jun 2012
Judge: Mr Geoff Corish
A lovely entry. I thoroughly enjoyed judging the breed again & was able to find some lovely Borders. It was a great pleasure to watch my BOB go G4 as well.
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
headed a really nice open class & the more I looked at him the more I liked him. He could project himself a bit more but anyway I felt he should win the class on his overall balance, type & movement. In great coat & condition, spannable body. RCC
Three Counties Championship Show
10th Jun 2012
Judge: Mrs P McLellan
I enjoyed my day very much and must thank the exhibitors for an excellent entry. I was pleased with my principle winners. Some dogs were penalised today for lack of coat. I know coats will grow but at this level of showing dogs really need to be in good coat and in good coat condition. Movement in some exhibits left a lot to be desired.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Similar to the winner but slightly deeper in brisket. Presented in good hard condition. Typical head with great reach of neck. Good topline and tailset and very good on the move.
Blackpool Championship Show
22nd Jun 2012
Judge: Mr Dan Ericsson (Sweden)
Movement was difficult to assess under these circumstances, but most dogs seemed to cope remarkably well despite knee high mud & a water logged ring – living proof of the hardiness of the breed!
Despite the appalling weather I enjoyed my day with the Borders very much & was impressed with the overall quality of the dogs & the keen sportsmanship of the exhibitors.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
top class dog, very masculine & in great coat & condition, very good outline, front & rear, moved well. A little more sprung in rib than I prefer & not the head of 1, but overall a very good dog who handled well & was expertly handled
Windsor Championship Show
1st Jul 2012
Judge: Mr K Holmes
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
CC. Mature, finished, sound all through, excellent mover, otter head, good straight front, clean neck and shoulder, in very good coat, presentation and condition, handled and showed really well.
East of England Championbship Show
6th Jul 2012
Judge: Mr Brian Baxter (Beenaben)
I thought the quality of the dogs has improved since the last time I judged. They were on a par with the bitches in depth
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
17th Jul 2012
Judge: Mrs. A. C. Fryer (Irton)
My thanks to the Northern Club for the opportunity to judge their 40th Championship show and for their wonderful hospitality; to the exhibitors for giving me such a lovely entry and to my stewards Doreen Rushby & Tracy Peacock for their assistance through the day.
I have to say that I thoroughly enjoyed my day, as we expect from this club there was a wonderful atmosphere all day with good support for the winners and, of course, very impressive rosettes!
I was pleased with the entry and thought the Veteran class outstanding. In general exhibits were good types of Border, presented clean and reasonably well muscled. I dislike over handling and excessive stacking of exhibits, these are working terriers and if made right they will – eventually – stand right. In general heads were typical, some with excellent expressions. Coats, of course, were all over the place but where present were of good quality and in the main pelts were OK with some very good examples. Feet generally were OK but good tight well padded feet were definitely in the minority. Similarly ears were generally OK but small, well set, well shaped thick ears were scarce. Tails and tailset were very much a plus with some very good examples, just a few rather long or thin ones. I was pleased to find enough well made dogs who covered their ground cleanly without fuss and flicking but good movement was definitely one of the major problems, particularly in the bitches.
Shoulder placement was a problem in a significant number of exhibits, mostly these were upright shoulders out at the withers giving big problems with front movement. These may look good standing but these dogs are not sound on the move, a vital requirement for a Border.
I accept that an older dog can lose teeth or have a bite move but I was disappointed to find a number of young dogs with incorrect bites, missing and broken teeth. I thought a number of heads were weak, particularly across the jaw and these seem to go with rather small teeth, I wonder if these are related problems?
Best In Show
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Good head & expression with a good strong jaw, good expression. Good neck running into the best of shoulders, well angulated behind with a great balance throughout, well presented in an excellent coat and moved out well easily covering his ground. Such a nice all round picture, he is mature & well finished and deserved his CC & BIS today against some strong competition.
Class Critique
A very good class, the first three were all quality dogs who could change places another day whilst the next two will trouble them when they grow their coats.
Paignton & District FA
7th Aug 2012
Judge: Miss Rebecca Barber (Alcumlow)
I would like to thank the committee for their hospitality, I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to all of the exhibitors for giving me such a good entry of quality dogs. I judge according to the breed standard and I felt that my winners today were extremely fitting.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2012
Judge: Mr W Browne-Cole
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Welsh Kennel Club
18th Aug 2012
Judge: Mr Jack Watson
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
City of Birmingham
1st Sep 2012
Judge: Mrs Marion Reeves (Baywillow)
Thank you for the lovely entry.
The breed standard describes the body as ‘deep, narrow and fairly long’. Just how long may well be debatable as no proportions are suggested. However the standard surely infers that a Border should be longer than square. The standard also describes the border as ‘essentially a working terrier’. A working terrier needs sufficient length and flexibility to enable it to turn underground. It is difficult to imagine a square terrier achieving this easily. I think the above is not generally appreciated by all rounders.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Richmond Championship Show
5th Sep 2012
Judge: Miss Diane Swales (Grabbist)
My thanks to Richmond Dog Show Society for the opportunity to judge at this prestigious show, where I awarded CCs for the first time many years ago. Thank you to my two excellent stewards who kept the ring running so smoothly. In general, mouths were good and there was only one kinked tail. I was disappointed to find how many Borders have been bred with thin, tight pelts & there were too many upright shoulders resulting in stilted movement. I was really pleased to find that more dogs were shown free standing & on a loose lead.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Sep 2012
Judge: Mr Alan Hedges (Ramblix)
I considered it a great honour to be invited to judge this show. I looked forward to it greatly and I was not in any way disappointed. A classy club with a classy committee. My stewards were great and we had some interesting moments through the day, but we coped. Thank you to all involved with the club and most of all the exhibitors for doing me the honour of having me judge your dogs. Thank you.
Whenever I judge Staffords, which is my own breed I always make the point that exhibitors should rid their dogs of any reasons to get beaten. Long pointed nails are not a good look, nor are they good for the dog. Even I can make a decent fist of a borders coat and as a singular part of the breed and its identification a bit more attention would not have gone amiss in some. Excess weight is not good for anybody, least of all, what is ostensibly a working terrier. I think there may well be some stars of the future in some of the lower classes and I shall watch with greater interest now when I am at the border ring. Thanks again to you all for coming and entering into the spirit of the day. I had a brilliant day and I hope you did too.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
All of the above applies to this one and number 3, there really wasn’t a lot in it at all, but you get to put them in an order and this is how it worked out. This guy moves well, he also has a good front, body, topline and hindquarters and coat.
Class Critique
This was a good class and an enjoyable one to judge. All of the first four had good heads but to my taste number 4’s was the best. He also had the best pelt all day, but he was giving too much away to the other guys in this class.
Driffield Championship Show
22nd Sep 2012
Judge: Miss Tracey James (Blackmine)
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Class Critique
My final five in this class could change places another day
South Wales Kennel Association
13th Oct 2012
Judge: Mr David Fryer (Irton)
Not a numerically strong entry, but plenty of quality – I had no difficulty finding enough good ‘uns. The Border Terrier standard is short on detail, and needs interpretation. I see the key to that interpretation to be in the first two lines of the standard – ‘Essentially a working terrier‘, and ‘capable of following a horse, combining activity with gameness‘. It is further necessary to fully understand that the work the terrier is expected to do, is to go to ground to bolt a fox; that the horse in question is typically a sturdy hill pony, and the ground to follow it over is typically rough, upland country such as the Cheviots or North Pennines. Hence a sturdy dog is required, with enough scope and length to move economically on rough ground, enough lung and heart room to do it at speed all day, yet small enough to follow a fox to ground. Too short, or too narrow or sprung in the rib will not do this; nor will steep shoulders or under- or over-angulated hind quarters. Coat and pelt must be fit to protect from both weather and fox; quality is of more importance than grooming. Other than one senior citizen with missing teeth (understandable), a few exhibits with chipped teeth (no problem) and several with bites no better than level (not incorrect, merely undesirable), I found no bad mouths. All males were entire.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Well balanced dark grizzle dog, good strong head and nice expression, good bite. Good head carriage, nicely laid shoulder, clean front, decent rib, strong loin, good length of coupling, level topline. Well angulated behind with a correct tail and tailset. Excellent coat for both texture and depth, thick pliable pelt. Movement straight and true going and coming, good length of stride and strong drive. Awarded DCC , a close decision but head and drive were decisive. BOB
Midland Counties
25th Oct 2012
Judge: Mr. Gerald Baker (Jaslou)
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
these two very much alike 1 with just the stronger head for me, other wise same comments.
Ladies Kennel Association
16th Dec 2012
Judge: Ms Michelle Barnett
I was honoured to judge at this what I consider a BIS of championship shows. I would like to extend my thanks to the society for the invite, the warm hospitality and friendly relaxed atmosphere made for a superior judging experience. Also much thanks to my ring steward Mr Eddie Bishop, who did a splendid job in his management of the ring in a professional and efficient manner. A super entry of 188 which understandably presented me with many varieties of type. Mouths across the entry were good with only one level bite. A few with chipped teeth and the missing tooth (which should not penalise all things being equal an otherwise quality exhibit in a working breed) no kinks in tails and all males were entire .It was also pleasing to see more shown in the correct double jacket, but sadly some of dogs that appealed to me for breed type paid the penalty as although their jackets pleased for depth they lacked the weatherproof quality essential in a working terrier coat. I was very pleased to see my entry thankfully lacking the “showy boxy terrier types†of late.
It was a pleasure to judge dogs of correct border type, temperament, fit , healthy exhibits who were presented in such good condition. Needless to say the exhibits were a credit to their owners and throughout the day the quality was first rate making lots of my decisions close ones with many leaving without a placing. The puppy classes in particular were numerical high and it was a pity I had to discard many good exhibits of the breed. But this quality can only bode well for the future. It was also nice to be told that the exhibits in the Good citizens classes apart from gaining a good citizen award the entry also had dogs who took part in Obedience, Agility and Gundog send aways proving once again that borders can really turn their paw to all manner of activities outside of their already busy show calendar.
I felt that my principle winners fulfilled the “Essentially a working terrier†breed standard requirement with that extra something that makes top winner .
I was delighted to learn that I had the top entry in the terrier group Thank you to all the exhibitors for the super entry, particularly appreciated in these difficult economic times and for making it such an enjoyable day
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Impressive, mature dog expertly handled to present him to his full potential. Good otter head, dark eye and has that varmity expression that appealed greatly. Good length of neck into well laid shoulders. Good depth of chest with correct length of body. Well muscled racy hind quarters .Correct bone throughout he stands on good shaped feet well padded. Good set on tail which he carried correctly .Shown in hard fit condition in quality Rich grizzle and tan coat of lovely colour and texture covering a thick pliable pelt. A sound stylish mover with good length of stride and strong drive, it was a pleasure to award him the DOG CC. No surprise to hear later that he was top male in breed.
Class Critique
Another strong class, the first 3 were in top order on the day and hotly contested by the remaining 2 exhibits.
Boston & District Canine Society Championship Show
13th Jan 2013
Judge: Mrs Janice Johnson
My thanks firstly go to Boston & District Canine Society Committee for giving me this opportunity to judge the breed again, for looking after me on the day and providing my excellent stewards who gave me great support throughout the day with their efficiency and unobtrusive discretion.
Secondly the exhibitors, who travelled many miles for my judgment, thank you all for taking my decisions sportingly. Thank goodness we didnâ??t have the following weekend when we were all had over 6 inches of snow!
I was extremely pleased with my main winners who all deserved their placings and I was delighted when I received the news that my BOB winner had gone G2 in Terrier Group under Ernie Darby and my best puppy had gone G1 in the Terrier Group under Peter Clifton.
I had some really good examples of the breed to go over and it is a pleasure when you find an exhibit in a class that really meets all your requirements. Movement in the younger classes was inconsistent some may settle others will not. I had a number of very nice quality borders who I know will go on to greater things and some promising puppies, I will watch their futures with interest. Coats on the whole were good with most of the exhibits having thick pelts.
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
very smart border, moves well both ways, excellent body properties giving a super outline, head and expression true to type, level topline held on the move with correct tail set and tail, racy hindquarters, DCC
Class Critique
A very nice class
Manchester Championship Show
17th Jan 2013
Judge: Trish Clark (Gameway)
My sincere thanks to Manchester Dog Show Society for the invitation to award C Câ??s to the breed for the first time. The welcome was warm and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I would also like to praise my stewards Anne Speak and Rob Taylor who kept the ring running smoothly. Thank you to all who entered and those who braved adverse weather conditions to get there.
I was extremely pleased with my main winners who were all in great condition and fine examples of the breed.
Of concern were a number of exhibits with round eyes and too much stop also some long and flat feet though some of these could be improved by trimming and nail clipping. Coats as ever were at all stages. I feel judges need to pay attention to correct double coats as a border could survive many things we pay particular attention to in the show ring but not five minutes doing his original job of work in the depths of winter without his correct jacket.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Another really super dog. Has a quality head and expression, strong and masculine but not overdone. Beautiful balance with correct angulation fore and rear. Kept a great topline and moved out true finished by a well carried tail. A little deeper in chest than the winner and not the depth of coat today.
Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
10th Feb 2013
Judge: Mr M. Hollingsbee (Otterwood)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of the Club for their kind invitation to judge this show, my third opportunity at a breed club show.
My heartfelt thanks to my two stewards, Kathy Newsome and Jem Thomas who, by their calm organizing ability ensured that the show ran smoothly and finished in good time for the exhibitors to beat the inclement weather.
Finally the exhibitors for braving the threatened snow storm and allowing me to go over their dogs.
I only found one bad mouth. The quality of coats varied as would be expected in the run up to Crufts. Of concern to me is that a few of the exhibits were much too large for the standard. To be able to go to ground it is essential that the breed does not get oversized. Overall the quality of the exhibits was good and decisions in some of the classes were very close.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
this grizzle dog had the best head in the class, good coat, pelt and topline, moved with drive, only lost out to 1 as I preferred the winner's size.
7th Mar 2013
Judge: Mrs Jayne Gillam (Orenberg)
I was indeed a great pleasure to judge at Crufts, in fact I loved every minute of it, and it really completed the Crufts experience for me having won the Dog CC and Best of Breed a couple of times, a bitch CC and Best Puppy there as an exhibitor in the past. I must thank all the exhibitors for their tremendous support with a record entry of 274 dogs making 307 entries, it was truly an international occasion as Crufts seems to be these days, with dogs and handlers representing I think, ten countries giving me a really good sample of winning dogs from around the world.
You often read in critiques that judges say they didn't have enough cards to go round, and with the class sizes I had, this was certainly the case, and the only downside of the day for me was that some very tough descisions had to be made with many, many really good dogs leaving the ring without a card. Overall it was an interesting entry with a large variety of sizes and types, but then the standard allows for that as we have quite a wide weight range, no height reference and only the fact that they should be spannable to guide us.I never get too hung up on differing types or kennel types,as I can appreciate them all, providing they fit the standard.
When judging I am looking for a dog fit for function, well constructed, not exagerrated in any way, fits the breed standard, and is capable of doing the job it was originally bred for.I was very pleased with my winners, my Best of Breed winner had it all, well constructed, in fabulous hard, fit condition, moved as though he could follow a horse all day and had a wonderful attitude in the show ring.
I was thrilled to see him put in a faultless performance in the Group ring and winTerrier Group 4. My thanks go to Frank and Roger my very capable stewards who kept everything running smoothly, enabling me to get through the large entry in good time.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Topsized richly coloured grizzle and tan, very typey with a strong head, dark eye and pleasing expression.Lovely neckline and topline, easy to span and in hard fit condition. Well turned stifle which he used to good effect on the move, very well presented in good coat and pelt.
Bridgewater & District Canine Society Open Show
24th Mar 2013
Judge: Mr John Dace (Cassacane)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Mar 2013
Judge: Mrs. Doreen Rushby (Dormic)
The Border Terrier Club held a Championship show at Low Hesket on 30 March 2013. I felt very honoured to judge at this show and my thanks go to the Committee and Exhibitors for such an enjoyable day.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
quality male, correct size & clean outline, good topline & tailset, good head & coat, moved well.
National Terrier
6th Apr 2013
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Curtis (Matamba)
Many thanks to all of the exhibitors who gave me such a nice entry of 201 dogs, giving 245 entries. My thanks go to my two stewards, with some large numbers in the classes they kept everything running smoothly and helped me to finish on time. Many decisions were difficult and some decent dogs went unplaced.
There were things that came to hand while going over the dogs on the table, short ribs and over long in the loin and long hocks. Some of these short ribbed dogs were not over sprung and quite narrow through the body, but our standard states ‘ribs well back‘, something to be watched in your future breeding programs. Some dogs looked on the heavy side when I first looked around the ring, but on the table I was surprised how so many of these dogs came to hand no problem. Upright shoulders were noticeable and front movement in some classes was a problem, along with some very straight stifles and sickle movement. Puppies and youngsters you would expect to be forgiven for movement, along with the size of ears - within time the head develops and things start to balance out.
Jackets were at all stages, spot on, starting to blow - with some owners trying to scissor or part strip them into shape, other coats were coming through with harshness and one or two had just undercoat. There were some that could have done with just a tidy up which would have helped the overall picture.
General overall condition and the spanning on most dogs was acceptable, with good thick pelts. I did feel some of the puppies were thin and were quite hollow behind the ribs. I only had one bad mouth but plenty with strong jaws and large teeth. In general the shape and length of tails were good. A few low set tails, which when a dog is in a full jacket you can feel the low set when on the table but not necessarily see it on the move.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
14th Apr 2013
Judge: Mrs Jean Willetts (Hanway)
I would like to thank my stewards for all their hard work on the day, and to the committee for inviting me to judge there show. Also to the exhibitors who brought their dogs under me. I was pleased with my winners and placed dogs. I found that some had short muzzle coupled with round eyes which does not give a border expression.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
28th Apr 2013
Judge: Mrs Jane Roberts (Smalesmouth)
My first appointment at this level and I would like to thank the officers and committee of WELKS for the invitation. Grateful thanks to my stewards who kept everything moving so efficiently and thanks to all the exhibitors who gave me the privilege of going over their dogs. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and fully appreciated the opportunity to judge some high quality exhibits. Some decisions were difficult and places could change on another day.
On a positive note temperaments were good, as were mouths and feet. On the down side I felt that there were not enough exhibits that moved with drive and there were several with wide fronts - these are faults that would impact on the dog's ability to work.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Joint Border Terrier Club's Championship Show
5th May 2013
Judge: Mrs Denise Townsend (Llanishen)
I was thrilled to be awarded this prestigious appointment and would like to thank everyone for making this a very enjoyable day. I have always been a fan of the joint show and the opportunity it gives for the clubs to come together. The entire organising team was marvellous but special mention must go to my stewards Peter Roderick and Colin Girling for all their support and assistance, and to collecting ring organisers Wendy and Andrew Mooney for keeping the action flowing. Also thanks to Kathy Wilkinson and Su Williams for all their help in organising the event.
Overall I was pleased with the quality of my entry although there was more quality in depth in bitches. Movement was generally good and there were very few wry mouths. True otter heads seem somewhat in decline and there were several single coats. However, I was delighted with all of my winners.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Scottish Kennel Club
19th May 2013
Judge: Mrs M J Alexander (Glenbucket)
I would like to thank the Scottish Kennel Club for their kind invitation to judge this my first championship appointment. I would also like to thank my stewards who kept things running smoothly and the exhibitors for their sporting acceptance of my decisions
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Otter shaped head scissors bite coat of good texture moved and handled well
Bath Canine Society Championship Show
24th May 2013
Judge: Mr Martin P Phillips
Best Of Breed
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
good quality class to judge, I judged this quality male earlier in the year & wasn’t disappointed when judged him in a strong class of Borders’. Won on the day for breed type, quality & soundness, in top order & covered the ground on the move. Handled well, CC & BOB
Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Jun 2013
Judge: Mr Hans T Lehtinen (Finland)
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Three Counties Championship Show
6th Jun 2013
Judge: Mrs Jena Tuck (Nettleby)
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
A very typical grizzle dog, in superb condition, his overall balance is very good, strong masculine head and expression, super topline and tail set, moved with drive. In excellent coat and pelt, could not be denied the CC.
Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
8th Jun 2013
Judge: Mr W R Irving
It was an honour to be invited to judge the Southern Border Terrier Club’s Championship Show for the second time, the last time having been exactly twenty years ago in 1993. The entry on this occasion was 215 from 203 dogs of which 14 were entered NFC. My thanks go to the Show Manager, Officers and Committee of the Club for their hospitality and organisation and to the exhibitors for their entries and for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions. Special thanks to Wendy and Andrew Mooney and Bev Marsh for stewarding so efficiently and for organising the collecting ring which allowed us to finish in good time.
As usual there were more bitches than dogs entered. It was encouraging to see some good quality entries through the various classes and not just at the senior end, I thought that by and large heads and expressions were good with not many narrow long skulls there. My feeling was that while there were still plenty of dogs with poor fronts of one kind or another present, there were more good fronted exhibits around from which to find winners than the last time I judged. Coats were mixed and at times I had to forgive some lack of coat. As always there was a good deal of variation in size as always, but in the end I felt I was able to find winners of good enough size with enough scope and lines. I felt that tails were mixed and at times, in looking for overall quality, I had to reward dogs with tails that I felt were less than perfect in shape, length or carriage. By and large the dogs behaved pretty well and were presented clean. I was keen to see the dogs moving around the ring and not ‘stacked’. That is surely the most revealing in conformation terms.
DCC and BOB was Jenkins’ Badgerbeck Uncle Fester. RDCC was Stockleys’ Ch Foxfactor Pied Piper. BCC and RBIS was May and Whisker’s Thistlestone Jenny Wren. RBCC was Higham’s Comberdown Thistle. BP was Hall and Ellis’ Brackenfell Bok To Bach and BPB was Clark’s Gameway Fortune Cookie. BV was Stockleys’ Foxfactor Hornblower
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
very pleasing in head properties with a good skull, muzzle and expression. He has a good topline standing and was shown in really excellent coat. Correct small feet and enough bone. Good hindquarters with plenty of muscle and moved better there than 2. Typical in tail shape and carriage. Shown in good hard condition and went on to win Res DCC
Taunton and District CS Open Show
19th Jun 2013
Judge: Mr Jeff Luscott
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
East of England Agricultural Society
6th Jul 2013
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
I have to thank the society for the invitation to judge and to the exhibitors who accepted my decisions sportingly. Thank you also to my steward, on his own, for keeping things moving.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
(G/Tan) Very balanced dog with good expression, lovely topline and tail set, spanned well and in good hard fit condition and excellent harsh coat, he carried himself around the ring as if he owned it, really liked the overall appearance of this dog and on this decision awarded him DCC and BOB
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
21st Jul 2013
Judge: Mr. G. Pickering (Picer)
I was honoured to be asked to judge the Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I had an excellent entry, but was a little disappointed with the number of absentees. However the weather has been a challenge of late with some very high temperatures which I understand prevented some exhibitors from further afield attending.
I would particularly like to thank the NBTC committee for looking after me so well and also for my expert stewards, Allan Horner and Doreen Rushby, who ably assisted me ensuring that everything ran smoothly. I would also like to thank all the exhibitors for their entries and for accepting my decisions so gracefully.
As for the dogs on the day, coats varied as you would expect, but I do think movement is improving and although there were a few ‘flicking’ fronts, rear movement was in the main correct. I had one dog with a bad mouth and a few with misaligned teeth. This, I believe, is to be avoided in the show ring. All the dogs were entire and I could span all the exhibits. All in all, I was very pleased with both the dog and the bitch line ups, which meant that I had some real quality Border Terriers to pick from. All the winners looked the part – all in hard condition, with good heads and coats – able to do the job that they were bred for.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Again, a lovely Border Dog. Typical otter head with keen expression. Good straight front and good shoulder placement. Good length of back made him look balanced. Good harsh coat. A little deeper than 1 but still spannable. Good rear angulation which enabled him to cover the ground with ease.
Class Critique
A lovely class with quality – could easily change places at another time.
Leeds Championship Dog Show
26th Jul 2013
Judge: Mr M G Rushby
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Paignton Championship Show
3rd Aug 2013
Judge: Mrs B Jackson (Clipstone)
I thoroughly enjoyed judging at Paignton Championship Show. The new venue (well, new to me) was very pleasant and the show was efficiently run by the helpful and friendly committee. I had an excellent entry which contained lots of quality dogs to choose from. Some classes were, however, a real mix of types, again the Fox Terrier type with high ear carriage are appearing, as are those with almost "hound like" ears, far too large and which ruin the head. Ultimately I judged to my interpretation of the Standard. I like a dog to be a real stallion dog and a bitch, his feminine counterpart. I do not like bitchy dogs and masculine bitches. I was incredibly pleased with my winners, neither of which I have judged before and who to my mind are excellent examples of the breed, both home bred too, not bought in.
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Another stallion dog with a strong, typical head and expression. Very similar to 1. Beautifully presented. Lovely movement using his correct front and great rear angulation to drive around the ring. Another very worthy of his title.
Class Critique
A difficult class with some difficult but interesting decisions
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
4th Aug 2013
Judge: Sharp & Bailey
*Dog Critique*
My thanks to the Committee for inviting me to judge the Championship Show for the second time, the first being 10 years ago, and thanks to my Stewards for their efficiency. The entry of 103 with only 9 absentees was pleasing.
Some judges concentrate on heads, others on shape of eyes, or on small dark ears, some on presentation, others on neat accurate movement. As for me – I judge on a whether a dog is “fit for function†as a working terrier plus whether it looks like a Border Terrier and no other type of terrier.
A good proportion of the entry had major faults of construction which would render them, not useless, but inefficient at the job Border Terriers are designed to perform. For instance, short rib cages do not allow for lung room for the stamina a terrier needs to run all day, and these short rib cages (often sprung) were very much in evidence in the entry. Some were accompanied by long loins which might give the impression to the ringside that the dog had good length.
Secondly, upright shoulders, often with steep upper arms are a major design fault. A well laid shoulder with well angulated upper arm which brings the elbow under the body is not just a pleasure to look at – these act as shock absorbers when the dog is running so that his joints are not jarred, leading to wear and tear, thus shortening his effective life as a working terrier.
Finally, wide fronts, often associated with the previous construction – a Border should be able to creep into any space occupied by a fox, and these, despite their chunky appearance have very little body under that fur.
Coats were mixed as to be expected – and there were some really good pelts, only a couple with paper thin pelts. Undercoat was often missing on the back, but present on the sides. A handful of bad mouths, perhaps some all rounders might accept these but I could not. Few really outstanding otter heads which stay in one’s memory for years, but most were adequate.
My critique will not contain descriptions of the dogs, but will give an indication of why they were placed as they were. If your dog was not as high in the placings as you had hoped, take a good objective look at him, and you might find out why.
*Bitch Critique*
A big thank you to the MBTC committee for asking me to judge the Ch. Show it was a great honour. Thank you also to my stewards Ray & Sharon for making the classes run so smoothly. A nice entry of 144 bitches. I enjoyed the day; it was lovely to judge the bitches. The depth of quality in most of the classes was very pleasing. However, the fronts are still a problem within the breed & need to be addressed in future litters. Some quality bitches went cardless, unfortunately there is only 5 cards & many went without being placed. I was so delighted that my fellow judge Marie, agreed that my BCC & BRCC, should win the top honours, Best in Show and RBIS.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Well known G/T in excellent coat and condition. He is more a show dog than a working dog due to his broad chest, but his head is lovely and he moves well, driving off his hocks.
Bournemouth Championship Dog Show
10th Aug 2013
Judge: Mr Paul Wilkinson
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog, excellent type beautiful head, very good legs and feet nice coat, good tail set well made quarters, moved soundly just seemed a little sluggish on the move today.
Welsh Kennel Club
17th Aug 2013
Judge: Mrs L A Crawley
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
A very different type to 2 but loved his well made racy body with long narrow ribs, one of the few who moved well with particularly good extension and great profile movement, although a little on the big side for me was still elegant with correct bone, his back is long enough without exaggeration, nice head, correct coat and pelt, attentive showman. CC.
City of Birmingham
31st Aug 2013
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for their invitation to judge, my two stewards and the exhibitors for their entries. It was an honour to judge this numerically strong entry 169 with 29 absent, the breed being represented from around the UK made it a very enjoyable day.
Front movement is still a problem in the breed, with heavy upright shoulders in many. Size varied as did coats. There are some long necks creeping into the breed, which look very stylish, the standard does state “Neck of moderate length†and a few long tails again incorrect. Saying that it was a very nice entry to judge and in some classes
I would have liked to have been able to award more placings, and could have awarded more CC’s.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Richmond Championship Dog Show
7th Sep 2013
Judge: Mrs K M Irving (Dandyhow)
In my view the breed still has problems with movement, particularly front movement. Hind action in bitches was also poor on this occasion. There was some variation in coats and some were shown without much jacket but others were somewhat blown in coat. However there were several with excellent coats and pelts – such an important feature of the breed. Dentition and temperaments were very good.
Because I don’t enjoy judging, and quite frankly never have, I decided before this appointment that is would be my last judging assignment. I hope that more younger Border Terrier enthusiasts will come forward as judges to ensure the successful future of the breed.
Open - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
a dog with a good head and expression. Excellent coat and pelt and was presented in first class condition. Presents a good outline seen in profile. Very good tail of the correct shape and length. Good feet. The dogs that were ahead of him in the challenge here strode out better with a bit more drive.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
28th Sep 2013
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
It is always an honour to be invited to judge a club show and my first job here must be to thank Club, Officers, Committee and Members for asking me to judge their show. The hospitality shown to my Mother and myself made it a very enjoyable weekend. Thank you to my capable Stewards Les Moss and Ian Higham for their help on the day.
Thank you all for the great entry both in terms of number and in depth of quality I had to judge. There were some very tough, but enjoyable decisions to be made and in most classes and in the challenges the top honours were fiercely contested. .
I must repeat the often used cliché of not having enough cards on the day. Many who were down the line or even cardless today I would have been happy to have as winners in another entry.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Class Critique
A lovely class, hotly contested and a pleasure to judge.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Nov 2013
Judge: Mrs S Williams (Hollybridge)
I would like to thank the Scottish Club for the invitation. It was an honor to judge at this friendly and hospitable club’s show. Huge thanks must go to my very capable & experienced Steward Joyce Orr and her excellent helpers, Jim Stewart in the morning and Helen McKenzie in the afternoon. All did a super job.
Thanks too to the kitchen ladies for the amazing lunch.
I was very pleased to have such a super quality entry. I could have easily given out more tickets if they had been available. Some close decision at times, a true reflection on the high quality of the entries. Presentation of the dogs was very good, mouths too on the whole were correct with only the odd exception. Feet, I was pleased to see a vast majority of neat cat like feet on the dogs, no long hare feet. Tails again seem to be improving, not as many of the over long sickle ones that I have noticed in the past. Coats and pelts: while coats are transient and of course some had more than others on the day, texture was very good and the vast majority had good thick and loose pelts. I think the breed overall is in a good place.
Just one point I noticed, some dogs had to take a lot of steps to cover the ground, watching out that our dogs move with drive is very important and I was happy with my winners in that they, in my opinion, covered the ground well.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
This lovely worthy champion was shown in super condition he has lovely body lines and good angulation, neat size and an attractive head & expression.
Class Critique
A class of many lovely dogs.
Manchester Dog Show Society
16th Jan 2014
Judge: Mr Philip J Greenway
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
grizzle with very good head & expression, quality profile, good neck, topline, set on, angulation, moved well.
7th Mar 2014
Judge: Mrs Melanie Lewis
Thank you to the exhibitors for giving me a record entry for the breed of 303 exhibits making 340 entries and indeed the largest entry for a single Judge at this prestigious show, also for the sporting way in which my decisions were accepted. Thank you also to my two Stewards, Roger and Heather Chaston, who worked tirelessly throughout the day, for their assistance in ensuring that I was able to get through this huge entry in plenty of time for my Best of Breed to compete in the Group.
It was an interesting entry with some difficult decisions having to be made such was the high standard of exhibits present. I felt that movement had improved since the last time I judged. Heads and expressions were good, although a few were a shade heavy in ear. Mouths overall were much improved with a marked reduction in the number of dogs presented with overcrowded jaws of small teeth, only the odd few having either a chipped, or in the case of an older exhibit, a missing tooth. The majority of teeth were clean with just a small number needing more attention in this area. All dogs were entire.
I was pleased that so many were presented with the correct double jacket that the standard asks for, unfortunately some exhibits that really appealed for type and size had very little evidence of, or no, jacket and on another day could have done better. Attention to feet was very evident, many of whom I believe may have benefited from plenty of roadwork, resulting in tight thick pads and short claws. Inevitably with any entry of this magnitude I had to let a number of worthy exhibits leave the ring without a prize card, which I really did not enjoy doing.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
West Of England Ladies' Kennel Society
25th Apr 2014
Judge: Mr A Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
Thank you to the exhibitors for their entries and to my two stewards.
I think size needs to be watched in the breed as a working terrier. I have a large span but a number of dogs were not spannable by me, this reflected in my placings. We also seem to loosing the otter like head, some with too much stop, some with weak muzzles and others lacking under jaw. This results in a loss of type which defines the breed. We should try and adhere to the breed standard laid down by the original border terrier breeders.
The over baiting of dogs on the table is totally unnecessary. In my opinion they do not need to be constantly fed on the table. It makes judging difficult when a dog is constantly looking for food.
I was very surprised to see border terriers with coats on around the ring, as they should have their own double coat for warmth and protection. I hope this isn’t the start of trend with the breed becoming just another show breed and losing its identity as the standard states “essentially a working terrier”.
Open - Dog /
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Class Critique
A mixed class of sizes, some too big on the rib.
The Joint Border Terrier Clubs Championship Show
4th May 2014
Judge: Mrs E Weijenborg-Weggemans
What a big honour it is to judge the Border Terrier in the native country. I didn’t know what to expect because I haven’t been to Crufts or other shows to have a clean look at what I was presented on that May, 4th, 2014.
I myself live with Border Terriers most of my life now and I have seen the breed changing through the years. What the old breeders feared for years and years ago seems to happen: changing a working terrier into a show terrier. Meaning that the trimming is too short therefore missing the tweedy look, clipping belly, tail and buttocks, overangulation especially in hindquarters. Saying this I was really pleasantly surprised finding so many genuine Border Terriers during this show. Of course I know that coats can’t be in the best condition all year long so some specimens were rather short in trim but as long as I could feel the required harshness and see the correct double coat it was fine for me and only played a role in placing when there were more Borders with the same qualities. I didn’t see any faulty mouths, found only big strong teeth. Movement is – as in the rest of the world – still a problem in the breed. Especially front movement is an issue. When placing, movement was one of the criteria to place one Border higher than the other, but the right type, body proportions, spannability, thick pliable pelt and harsh double coat came first.
In some classes the quality was so high that some of the Borders left the ring unplaced while they were of excellent quality.
I really want to thank all the exhibitors for their sporting attitude in taking my decisions, for entering their dogs under me and give me a hard day’s work with 222 entered dogs and of course the committee for trusting me this honourable job and their hospitality during this weekend for me and my sister, who accompanied me. My congratulations to the breeders and owners for presenting such nice Border Terriers and keeping the breed on such high standard.
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Class Critique
What a class! So many Borders that fit the standard well. Difficult to decide what dog to place because there were so many high quality Border Terriers.
Midland Counties Canine Society
25th Oct 2014
Judge: Mr Euan Castel (Flutorum)
My sincere thanks are extended to each exhibitor for providing me with such a wonderful entry, on this, my 1st CC appointment. At 160 dogs I had the highest entry in the group. I would like to thank the committee for their kind invitation and the hospitality that I received. Thank you to my two very competent stewards Alex & Barry Cole.
Mouths were good, a couple were unspannable and coats varied. Some exhibits were untidy in undercarriage, legs and feet and would benefit from a little grooming a few days prior to show day. More importantly, a number of exhibits were overweight and lacked muscle tone. That said, there was a depth of quality to each class and a number of nice dogs had to go unplaced on this occasion. I was extremely pleased with both the dog and bitch line ups.
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Class Critique
This was the class of the day, a privilege to go over the 5 placed Champions, all a credit to their owners and the breed.
Manchester Championship Show
14th Jan 2016
Judge: Mrs Ruth Ann Naun (USA)
I would like to thank the Manchester Dog Show Society, as well as Kate & Ronnie Irving who were my hosts while in Britain, I thoroughly enjoyed my judging and your hospitality.
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Open - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: CH Foxfactor Pied Piper JW ShCM
Placing Critique
RDCC Also very sound, a serviceable dog with a little less bone than first. Has nice head and eye. Preferred hock of first over the second.