Name:Otterbobs Quiggins 
Owner(s): Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin  
Breeder:Mr J R & Mrs H Gilpin 
CH Baillieswells Glengyle At Glebeheath JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Plushcourt Picasso (D)
Plushcourt Nobleman (D)
Plushcourt Passion (B)
Brumberhill Bequeath (B)
CH Brumberhill Battle Cry (D)
CH Brumberhill Betwixt ShCM (B)
Baillieswells Stronachie (B)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Dandyhow Jumping Jack at Glebeheath JW (D)
CH Orangebox Firecracker (D)
Dandyhow Blue Bell (B)
An Cnoc of Baillieswells (B)
CH Dandyhow Beeline (D)
Baillieswells Drumcaldie (B)
Otterbobs Georgia Blue (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
CH Brumberhill Back T' Future JW ShCM (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Nor CH / CH Lyddington Last Supper At Risdene (D)
CH Tythrop T'pau (B)
Brumberhill Blue Sky (B)
CH Brumberhill Blue Tempest (D)
Brumberhill Bequest (B)
Charlie's Copycat Via Otterbobs (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Rus/Slo/Rom CH Stella Rover Akko (D)
CH/Nord CH Otterbobs Ninezergh (D)
Rus CH Skyline Blue Moon (B)
Angelstar Starlight (B)
Angiedale Pinkerton (D)
Mystical Starlight (B)

Show Placings

Manchester & District Sporting Terrier Club Open Show
19th Nov 2023
Judge: Sonia Connell
Best Puppy
Name at show: G4, Otterbobs Quiggins
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Stockport Canine Society Open Show
25th Nov 2023
Judge: Anne Speake
I’d like to thank the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge some of the terrier breeds at there show today. My thanks to my 2 very capable stewards Aaron and Alex for keeping things running smoothly. To the exhibitors it was a pleasure to judge your dogs.
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
g/t pup of 6 mths, masculine head with a short strong muzzle, dark eye and neat ears. Good reach of neck, leading into well placed shoulders. Narrow throughout with ribs carried well back. Level topline with a well set on tail, and a well angulated rear. Well presented in a good coat. Moved out well fore and aft. BPIB and delighted to see him go TPG1 later in the day
Ladies Kennel Association
8th Dec 2023
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett (Dwilencia)
Minor Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Litchfield CS Open Show
7th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr John Finney (Sanguliano)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG4, Otterbobs Quiggins
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr Richard Allen (Penparc)
Minor Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Another promising youngster in lovely coat and condition, correct shaped skull, dark eye, good bone, legs and feet, in good body, enough bend of stifle, moved and showed steady.
Northern Dog Club Open Show
27th Jan 2024
Judge: Mrs M Fleming (Flegato)
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run and friendly show. There could not have been a better first time appointment. Thank you to the ring stewards who organised the ring and paperwork in the most efficient manner and made it very easy for me. And finally, thank you to all the exhibitors who entered and who were able to come and bring their dogs – it was a privilege for me to go over them.
Best Puppy
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
quality 8 month old grizzle male of a nice size, in full coat of harsh texture, thick loose pelt and carroty shaped tail. Head of correct proportions, correct scissor bite, neat ears, dark eyes with a kind but alert expression. Narrow throughout, well shaped rib, very easy to span. Moved positively in all directions and showed well especially for one so young. Pleased to watch him being awarded TPG2 later on.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Members Limited Show
28th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr. P. Appleby (Hollexby)
Firstly I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge this show, it was an honour and a privilege, secondly thank you to the exhibitors for entering a lovely selection of dogs for me to go over, and lastly but not leastly to my Stewards, Liz Barret and Val Mason for keeping me right.
Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
24th Feb 2024
Judge: Libby Tanton-Joy (Itsaso)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge their open show held at Jedburgh, the home of the border terrier. It was a great privilege, and I had some amazing dogs present who are a credit to their owners, thank you for bringing them. Thank you to my stewards for organising the rings so smoothly and keeping me on track so we finished at a reasonable time. The hospitality was second to none and I would like to thank the whole committee for this.
Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Junior - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
10th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Lesley Gosling (Akinside)
A tremendous entry of 275 Borders ( 25 absentees on the day)to enjoy handling, judging and placing. I must extend my appreciation to my two valiant stewards for their patience and skill in keeping classes moving. Thank you all. I do believe our breed is changing, but in subtle ways. The lack of opportunities for true terrier work below ground for some Borders has been replaced by agility and other energetic pursuits, but lack of hard muscle tone has produced a ‘softer’ body on some exhibits. Some feet are slacker, pads are more spread and thinner and some fronts are wide. Movement is not always positive and a ‘driving’ action is lacking. Size is fluctuating too. We have a ‘working’ breed - let’s ensure that features defining the breed are not lost, i.e. ‘spannability’; a hard, harsh top coat and soft protective undercoat (not enough of those today); a dark, expressive eye, a broad skull and strong quarters – ‘the engine is at the back!’. Heads generally were good, but some bitch heads veered towards coarseness. One thing not lost is the Border’s kind temperament – curious, interested and ready for anything.
Puppy - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Whitehaven & District Canine Association Open Show
17th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Sue Spafford (Dassett)
Firstly, I would like to thank the organisers of the show for the warm welcome and hospitality. Also, The Border Terrier Club for supporting the entry. On the day I was presented with some nice exhibits, I also found one bad mouth and not the best of movements on some. I found my winners based on size, type and movement.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Best Puppy
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Best Dog
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Puppy - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
At 10 months old, he took my eye straight away. A mature head for his age with broad skull, short strong muzzle with nice eye and expression, good sized ears, straight top line and good tailset. Nice thick carroty tail, easily spanned. Moved true both ways with balance. Liked his overall size. BP, BOB
Junior - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
As P.D.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Lynda Ward (Roundtown)
It was an honour to be invited to judge this, our parent club’s show. My thanks to the committee who ran such a lovely event with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. My judge’s gift is much appreciated and will be a treasured momento of the day. My superstar stewards, Janice Johnson and Liz Barrett, worked hard and unobtrusively whilst keeping the classes moving smoothly over a long day – well done ladies. Many thanks of course to the exhibitors who made the journey on a major bank holiday weekend giving a large and quality entry of 190 dogs making 229 entries plus 10 NFC. I had some lovely sound and typical Borders to go over and, had I had them, I would have had no qualms in awarding 4 dog tickets and 5 bitch tickets. Unfortunately there are always downsides in a big entry and today size was an issue with some overly large exhibits who were not spannable and very heavily built. There were a number of youngsters which were obviously unused to having their mouths examined and more practice in a calm atmosphere would help to make them comfortable and avoid stress for them and their handlers. Ears need watching as some were quite large and spoiled the head. Sadly, as in the past I must complain about long tails. Tails are an integral aspect of the overall picture of a typical Border outline and long is simply wrong. Our breed standard is spartan compared to many others but for tails the description is clear and begins with, “Moderately short; fairly thick at base, then tapering.” Hopefully the issue will be addressed before the untypical becomes the norm. On a positive note … Feet were overall small and thickly padded although some would benefit from trimming and shorter nails. There was a good number of lovely otter-like heads of correct proportions with well placed dark eyes and a keen expression. As is usual these days coat presentation was generally good and today there were plenty of dense coats of correct texture and thick skins. Do I think the quality shown in this entry bodes well for the breed? Yes.
Best Puppy
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Puppy - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
10 months old, good for size and type and moving confidently. Has a good breadth of skull and dark eye. Well presented. BPD and BPIS
National Terrier Club
6th Apr 2024
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
Thanks to the National Terrier Club for their invitation to judge at this prestigious show and to the exhibitors who did me the honour of judging their dogs. I was lucky to have two efficient stewards who kept things running smoothly, thank you Laura and Dave. The entry showed a good depth of quality. In many classes the places were hotly contested with decisions needing to be made on the narrowest of margins. I was very pleased to find that there were some good coats on thick pelts and the nice thick short tails which set off a good border so well.
Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Another quality puppy built on the right lines with nice neck, good top line over good spannable ribs carried back to a strong loin. Super otter head of correct proportions. Would have benefitted from a little more jacket today.
Class Critique
A class headed by two very nice puppies
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
20th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee of the East Anglia Border Terrier Club for the honour of inviting me to judge your Championship show and for your great hospitality on the day. It was hit-and-miss as to whether or not I would be judging inside or out, and I’m pleased that the committee took the decision to hold it outdoors. It is far nicer for the dogs to be outside, even with the biting wind, and we are not to forget that they are designed to be outside in that type of weather, which reiterates the importance of a good coat. I hope everyone at ringside managed to keep the chill away, myself having Cumbrian bloodlines, found it rather pleasant. Thank you to my stewards Tracey, Dave and Mike who worked tirelessly to keep the ring moving. My biggest thanks are to the exhibitors who gave me an excellent entry and took all my decisions in a sporting manner. I know it is always said there are too many good dogs for the number of cards and that was especially true of the limit and open classes. I was spoiled for choice in a number of classes and had to split hairs on a number of occasions. Dog’s are never static and can have good days and bad days just the same as us, and condition and coats can change dramatically. Some dogs were out of top coat or had no harshness to their coat on the day which cost them on this occasion. Repeating myself from my last judging appointment, I made mention that true movement isn’t necessarily conducive to good movement if no ground is covered at the same time, ideally of course we want both but I would rather see a dog with a good outline in profile than one very accurate that’s going nowhere. Good construction should be a given, I know not much mention is made to that in our breed standard, but to constitute soundness to follow a horse, the construction must be balanced and correct with no exaggeration. Thankfully, there were not many exaggerations on the day. One or two were big ribbed and not quite spannable, and surprisingly they were not necessarily the ones that looked up to size. Overall, I was very pleased with the quality of the dogs presented.
Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan, eleven months old. Nice head with short strong muzzle and good bite. Very good neck and shoulders. Lovely bone and small well padded feet. Easily spanned. Good short tail. Racy hindquarters with strong well let down hocks. Shown in a good harsh topcoat, with good pelt and undercoat. Nice and active on the move, covering the ground well.
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
26th Apr 2024
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Many Thanks to WELKS for asking me to judge at their show, it was an honour, also thank you so much to everyone that entered under me, I had some great dogs to go over. Congratulation to all my winners. Thanks also go to my very competent stewards for keeping my ring running smoothly. All the males were entire. Apart from 3 level bites all mouths were correct and teeth of good size. Temperaments were all sound except one or two that really didn’t like being in the noisy hall and were a little bit subdued. It’s hard to judge true movement on a slippery concrete floor and in some classes the placings could have changed if we had been outside on grass.
Best Puppy
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Puppy - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Very well balanced young male with ring presents. Correct ottery head with keen expression. Good length of rib with firm top line and strong rear quarter. Angles front and rear very good. Coat harsh, pelt thick and loose, easy to span. Moved with reach and drive but needed to settle on the move which he did in the puppy challenge and in the group. Pleased to award him Best Puppy. One to watch in the future
Paignton Championship Show
2nd Aug 2024
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the officers and committee for my first-time appointment at this level. This show is my ‘local’ which made it even more special, If you have never been it is worth the trip down the M5 a warm welcome will meet you. I was thrilled with the quality of my entry, one observation I did find a lot of untidy feet, splayed toes, long nails and thin pads, I did however find no kinked tails and only one mouth fault.
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Another quality exhibit who has all the attributes expected of a border terrier, otter like appearance, scissor bite made up of large teeth, presented in harsh rich grizzle double coat. Was easily spanned. Moved well holding his shape I just found 1 had a more positive front action today.
The Midland Border Terrier Club 40th Anniversary Championship Show
4th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge this 40th Anniversary show, and for the hospitality on the day. Thank you also to the hardworking stewards, it was a long and very busy day. Most of all, thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such a fabulous entry. I appreciated each and every exhibit, and had the privilege of going over so many quality dogs that difficult decisions had to be made and many lovely dogs went cardless. Foremost, I see the Border Terrier as ‘essentially a working terrier’ and was therefore looking for construction that would render this possible. A few exhibits were too big, too wide or too deep in brisket which might prevent them from going to ground, or even cause them to get stuck. A few had very thin skin – skin must be thick. Most bites were good, just a few with teeth out of line or missing. Coats come and go, so were understandably at different stages. However, on a working terrier a good hard coat does complete the picture. Good movement and a strong, even, economical gait comes from soundness of construction and the muscle tone of a well exercised dog. Therefore I looked for good layback of shoulder and the correct length and angle of upper arm to give a good reach in front, a strong loin, good bend of stifle and well angulated, well muscled hindquarters to give matching drive from the rear.
Junior - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan dog who was well turned out in a lovely double coat. He was beautifully balanced and narrow throughout with ribs carried well back and strong loin. He had a good otter head and keen expression, was broad in the muzzle and had big teeth. Nice topline, well angulated front and rear, and moved well.
Bournemouth CS Open Show
9th Aug 2024
Judge: Nicola Foster (Thozow)
Junior / Third Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Bournemouth Championship Show
12th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to my stewards, Hayley and Malcolm and to all the exhibitors who endured the heat and accepted my decisions sportingly, on what must have been one of the hottest days of the year. Overall the quality of the entry was good with some lovely dogs. Mouths, tails and size were generally good. Coats varied (as they always do) in both quality and the stage of growth. There were a number of pelts that could have been thicker and loose which was disappointing as this is mentioned in the standard and important from a working point of view. I was surprised and disappointed to see evidence of scissorwork on some coats and grooming was not always done to the dog’s best advantage – this does not affect the ability to work but this is a dog show and presentation therefore does count to a degree when placing the dogs. Compared to the last time I judged, I felt that size had improved and in most cases the dogs today were closer to the standard.
Junior - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan of correct size. Lovely outline and type. Presented in excellent order. Lovely head and ear size and placement. Good coat and pelt. Level topline flowing into a correct tailset. Moved well.
Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
16th Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane
Junior - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
A dog with style and presents a clear outline, very typy in head with well place eyes and neat ear, his front is well constructed and he spans well, keeps his topline on the move , lovely tail set and carriage, muscular quarters
Bolton and Deane K A Open Show
18th Aug 2024
Judge: David Howarth (Moorbrook)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Otterbobs Quiggins
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Joint Border Terrier Club's Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
Thank you to The Scottish Border Terrier Club for asking me to judge the Joint Show. It’s been a long time coming as I was invited to judge in 2019 and COVID 19 got in the way! I would like to thank the exhibitors who managed to attend the show after the problems caused by Storm Lilian at Driffield. I also appreciate that the absentees were higher as a result of many people having prior appointments on the day that the show was rearranged. The City of Birmingham Society where very accommodating, we had a lovely ring with plenty of space. However, I had a super entry, and I had lots to choose from in the dogs that were able to show under me. Thank you to everyone – I really appreciate being asked to give an opinion on other people’s dogs, it’s a real honour. I would also give a special note of thanks to my steward Bill Shorthose who single handedly managed the ring and made sure everyone was in the right place at the right time. Particularly with the challenges of a partnership show and the clashes that this can cause across two rings. Thank you to all the exhibitors who managed to negotiate two shows with good heart. When judging, I look for dogs with good heads, plenty of strength under the eye, very little stop and a good strong jaw – essentially a’ Head like that of an Otter’. I also like to see straight fronts, correct shoulder placements and tidy small feet. I found these characteristics in all of my top winners. Generally, mouths were good, although there were a couple of dogs with a tooth out of place. Movement was ok in generally, but as breed we do need to keep an eye on front movement as there were some dogs who did not move as well as they should walking towards me. All the males were entire. I was very pleased with all my placings and when choosing my top winners, I had some difficult decisions to make and so were some dogs that were very unlucky on the day.
Junior - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Another eye-catching and quality dog. Excellent otter head, correctly proportioned with a broad muzzle, plenty of strength under the eye which ensures a typical border expression. Nice for length of neck, shoulder and rib. He is well muscled with firm top line and strong and well angulated rear. Shown in harsh double coat harsh, with a thick, loose and pliable pelt, he is easily spanned. Moved confidently with reach and drive around the ring.
Richmond Championship Show
7th Sep 2024
Judge: Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Junior - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Excellent well balanced dog with a good head and expression, good quarters, moved well both ways, good coat and pelt.
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day. I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Junior - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Nov 2024
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
I would like to thank SCBTC and committee for the privilege of judging this years Championship show and thank my very capable steward Euan Castell for keeping the ring flowing and the exhibitors for their lovely entry. There were some really nice dogs for me to go over. But I must say that looking at them in general heads are starting to stray away from that of the border terrier, the other thing that I think needs addressing is the general cleanliness of their exhibits. I found three suspect mouths and two kinked tails . thank you one and all for an enjoyable day,
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
G/tan in hard fit condition . Nice head with short strong muzzle and good bite. good neck and shoulders. small well padded feet. Easily spanned. level topline with short tail set on well. Racy hindquarters . At one with handler on the move covering the ground well.
Manchester & District Sporting Terrier Club Open Show
17th Nov 2024
Judge: Carmel Clarke O'Neill (Lemracdream)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Ladies Kennel Association
12th Dec 2024
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Yearling - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Otterbobs Quiggins
Placing Critique
Most typical for size and shape. Readily spanned and in super nick. Fit with good muscle tone in the right places and presented in admirable coat and good thick pliable skin. Correctly developed in front and forechest and stands balanced with front feet positioned correctly under his body and with quality bone all the way down to those well padded and well shaped feet. Sound on the move. I liked his head a great deal although could have slightly less stop maybe but nevertheless scored in ear, eye and expression.