Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry

Name:Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry 
Owner(s): Mrs K Tuffin  
Breeder:Mr J & Mrs I M Southam 
Southash Blue Jasper (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Dandyhow Galloping Gourmet JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Ch Dandyhow Beeline (D)
Dandyhow Royal Oak (D)
Ch Dandyhow Spelling Bee (B)
Dandyhow Femme Fatale (B)
CH Olderhill Afortunado (D)
Sunnyhill Siren of Dandyhow (B)
Gameway Blue Charm At Southash (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
CH Gameway Kiwi JW (D)
Dandyhow Golden Arrow (D)
Gameway Sapphire (B)
CH Southash Blue Betty Boo Gameway JW (B)
Conundrum's Blue Legend At Southash (D)
Crankey Goes To Hollywood At Southash (B)
Southash Hazel Honey (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Bramblebee Red Diesel (D)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Bramblebee Murphy (D)
CH Quatford Kardinal (D)
Blaentir Lucy Glitters Of Bramblebee (B)
Bramblebee Buddy Holly (B)
Otterwisp Toymaker (D)
Bramblebee Lottie (B)
Brumborder's Birthday Girl (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Brumborder Derogare (D)
CH/Nord CH Otterbobs Ninezergh (D)
Junctionnine Leap of Faith to Brumborder (B)
Brumborder Bejewelled (B)
CH Dandyhow Figaro At Glebeheath JW ShCM (D)
Aldamar Aotearoa To Brumborder (B)

Show Placings

Midland Counties Championship Show
24th Oct 2019
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
3rd Nov 2019
Judge: Ms Judith Fawcett (Carrock)
I would like to thank the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge this my second breed club show. Thank you to the committee for their kind hospitality and the lovely gift I received at the end of the day. My two stewards, Sharon Pickering & Beverley Barber, kept things moving along nicely – thank you. I was delighted with the entry – thank you to everyone for giving me the opportunity of going over your dogs and for the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted. As expected coats were at various stages – some were good, some going over and a couple of exhibits were freshly pulled out. All dogs were entire and there were no kinked tails. There were one or two untidy and a couple of level mouths. I had one main concern on the day – size. There were some exhibits who were just too big to span and weighed heavy and this was reflected in their placings. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was delighted with my main winners - I had some good quality dogs to judge.
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Best Puppy
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
caught my eye when she came into the ring. Just a 6 month old baby, feminine head, good ear set and dentition. Lovely shoulder placement and ribs well back. Moved around the ring confidently for one so young – good length of stride if a little loose in front. A promising puppy. Pleased to award her BPB & BPIS.
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
17th Nov 2019
Judge: Mrs Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
I must thank the officers and committee for allowing me to judge their Club Open show which was a great honour and which I really enjoyed. The hospitality and the friendly atmosphere made for a nice show and the quality of the dogs was exceptional. I must thank the Club for the lovely gift and Jan Hollingsbee for the flowers which are still alive and looking good. I must also thank my steward Julie Green who gave up her entry to steward for me.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Very attractive blue and tan lovely coated baby at just 6 months must have a bright future although she gave way to a much more mature puppy bitch today in the challenge. Very sweet, correctly shaped head and skull well set on and used ears, slight stop, dark eyes with a bright cheeky look, short muzzle having strength. Good length of neck set well into laid back shoulders, correct span, firm level back good thick skin. Very pretty look to a well shaped, presented and textured coat. Lovely weight and depth to her well ribbed back body, nice short strong loin. Well angulated front assembly and hindquarters with short hocks. Straight well boned legs and compact padded feet. For one so young moved very soundly with lovely action and happy well carried tail.
Burton-on-Trent Kennel Association Open Show
1st Dec 2019
Judge: Mrs Mandy Kenna (Cynetkoy)
Best Puppy
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Feminine 7 month old blue and tan bitch, lovely head and expression with a good reach of neck, level top line and good tail set, easily spanned, with a harsh coat, lovely overall balance with super straight movement. RBOB & BP.
Ladies Kennel Association
14th Dec 2019
Judge: Mr Mark Lowry (Ravenside)
I would first like to thank all the exhibitors for a lovely entry, and for making the effort to travel to the N.E.C on a dark winter’s morning. There was a variation in breed type to a degree, which is always the case, but I was very happy with both my final lineups and only wish I could hand out more awards.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
blue and tan with lovely head, clean through the shoulder good topline and tailset, with good bend of stifle, a little loose in the front while on the moved but would hope to tighten up with time.
Ashbourne & District Canine Society Open Show
28th Dec 2019
Judge: Mr. Peter Armstrong ( Atron )
Best Puppy
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
8 month old Blue & tan bitch. Promising baby. Good head and eye, keen expression, good ear placement. Straight front, good body proportions with a decent pelt and harsh coat, Easily spannable. Correct topline. Well presented and moved happily and freely around the ring. Best Puppy and Reserve Best Of Breed
Coventry Ladies KS Open Show
1st Jan 2020
Judge: Sylvia Monaghan (Nostradamus)
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Boston & DCS Championship Show
12th Jan 2020
Judge: Mrs P. Clark (Gameway)
This was my last judging appointment so thank you to all who entered under me today. I thoroughly enjoyed going over some very nice dogs. I would also like to thank my stewards Linda and Natalie who kept the ring running smoothly. I was very happy to see my BOB take Group 4 and my BP Puppy Group 2.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Pretty blue and tan puppy very well shown and handled to get the best from her. In good coat with a good pelt. Nice head and good topline with well carried tail. Moved confidently to win a big class of promising puppies.
Manchester Championship Show
18th Jan 2020
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at this level for the first time, and also to my very efficient ring steward who kept things running smoothly. I had a lovely day and felt it was a great honour and responsibility. I really appreciated each and every entry, and had some lovely exhibits to go over, the depth of quality in some classes meaning that some nice dogs went cardless. Coats were understandably at different stages, and although this has no bearing on the construction of the dog, a good coat does complete the picture of what is essentially a working terrier.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
City of Cambridge Open Show
25th Jan 2020
Judge: Miss Alexander Witmond
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Isle of Ely CA Open Show
1st Feb 2020
Judge: Sharon Ashdown (Chateaunewf)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG3, Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
9th Feb 2020
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn Richardson (Staynorwood)
I would like to thank Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge and to thank my Stewards Pete Armstrong and Sue Baxter. Unfortunately, the entry was somewhat reduced due to the awful storm conditions keeping many at home, but I was pleased with the quaity of dogs present for me to go over and very happy with my winners.
Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Feminine head on this girl with keen expression. Correct bite. Good reach of neck. Narrow front and easily spanned. Ok for coat. Tail set on well. Moved ok.
Matlock & DCS Open Show
16th Feb 2020
Judge: Mr Richard Kinsey (Kitarn)
Best Puppy
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Newark & DCS Open Show
22nd Feb 2020
Judge: David Lee (Socksdown)
Firstly, I thank the Society’s Officers and Committee for the invitation to judge some Lovely Terrier Breeds including both The Terrier and Puppy Terrier Groups at this very well organised show and the superb hospitality. Furthermore, I Thank All the Exhibitors for supporting the Society, for supporting Your Breeds and for giving me a wonderful entry . Finally, I thank my two ring stewards that kept things so well organised and running smoothly.
Best Puppy
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
B Lovely blue & tan with good head correct detention and well-set ears , well balanced sound in movement all in a good jacket Best Puppy
Cheltenham & DCS Open Show
23rd Feb 2020
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock MBE (Sleepyhollow)
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Wath, West Malton & District CS Open Show
29th Feb 2020
Judge: Mr R Mann (Lynsett)
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Junior / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
8th Mar 2020
Judge: Mr Simon Jackson (Clipstone)
Firstly, I would like to thank the Kennel Club for allowing me the honour of judging this Border Terrier Centenary year. I also thank my excellent stewards for keeping me on track and to everybody who gave me such a fantastic entry, both in numbers and quality across all classes. To be blunt, I don't think I have ever seen and enjoyed such a very high quality entry before. Unfortunately many good exhibits went home unrewarded. Several classes the placed exhibits could have all stood in first place. I really was splitting hairs. I can honestly say that I really enjoyed myself and hope everybody else did too. I'd also like to thank Joyce Martin and my son, Laurence Jackson, for the excellent photographs which has made the writing of this critique so much easier. I understand Laurence also live-streamed the CC's and BOB – technology far above me – but thanks!
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Very feminine but strong young lady. Excellent blue coat. Good otter head. Strong in loin and quarters leading to good movement.
Retford & DCS Premier Show
15th Mar 2020
Judge: Paul Eardley (Sherex)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
1st Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs C Archibald (Dogs) Mrs L M Ward (Bitches) Ref Mr T Tuck
Referee’s Report: I was asked to make the final decisions for BIS, Res BIS, BOS, and Best Veteran. It was a real pleasure to go over these quality borders. BIS: I thought that the dog Brewster and Green’s Stowthorney Wicker Man JW, and the bitch Irving’s Dandyhow Pandora, were both eye-catching borders though quite different. The dog was very well constructed throughout, with a typical otter-like head, strong muzzle and large teeth. He had good angulation front and rear, moved well, and was in good coat. The bitch was a handy size, with an attractive outline and balanced overall proportions. She also had a thick pelt and correct coat though I think it was not yet at its best. I just favoured the dog for BIS on the strength of his head, his overall outline, and coat on the day. Res BIS: I felt that Tuffin’s Hartswelin Veritas with Oatberry edged it over the bitch for similar reasons to those given above. He shared a lot of qualities with BIS, having a lovely outline and angulation, a good otter-like head, and an excellent coat and pelt. BOS: Irving’s Dandyhow Pandora. Best Veteran: Both veterans were eye-catching and typical borders, with very good coats. The dog, Jackson’s Clipstone Starshine, had a lovely head and expression, and I liked his outline and overall proportions. The bitch, Dean’s Ch Cedarhill Wish Upon a Star, had balanced proportions and she was very well constructed all through. I thought her neat front and shoulders, plus her hind angulation gave her the edge for Best Veteran. Referee: Terence Tuck DOGS My sincere thanks to the MBTC for inviting me to judge the dogs at this show. Also thank you to all the exhibitors for their support. A very convivial atmosphere, it was so good to be out and about with dogs again. The weather did it's best to stay fair, ideal temperature for dog showing. I found movement still to be an issue, particularly front, also small teeth, the odd broken or missing tooth, and some dirty teeth too! Size and weight need to be addressed - some too heavy, the other end of the spectrum, needed a good feed!! Jackets at various stages, good to see some exhibits in full coat, a rarity these days. I was very happy with my winners and pleased the referee agreed in part. BITCHES Many thanks to the club for the invitation to judge, to the exhibitors for a nice entry and my steward Carol Smith for keeping the ring running smoothly. As ever at this show the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly but was tinged today with poignancy by the sad loss of so many of our good friends. I must mention Dawn Bladen who has been a close friend since 1995 when we had a litter brother and sister by my dog. On principle Dawn didn’t show under me so would again have been at the ringside today with her camera. We miss them all and hope to continue to see their families and friends amongst us. There was a noticeable diversity in both type and overall size today. My chief concern was exhibits that came very heavily to hand and often in combination with being very difficult (for a man’s hands) to span. It really needs to be addressed if we are to keep the Border “Essentially a working terrier”, as the standard lays down. There was only one mouth with misplaced teeth and I was especially pleased to find so many otter-like heads. Coats were generally good for texture and depth and good undercoats on thick pelts predominated. B/T jackets were especially harsh and dense and I aplaud the breeders who have achieved this huge improvement compared to the B/Ts of the 90’s. Today tough pads were plentiful but it was a pity that feet on some exhibits appeared to be bigger and flatter than they actually were when this could be easily remedied by trimming. Tails seem to get thinner and longer each time I judge. In this entry we have overcome the problem of kinks that was evident for some years but with the loss of the desired carroty shape and moderately short length which finishes off the typical Border outline. Overall I was pleased to find good fitness and muscle tone plus good condition and only one that needed a good dinner and a couple that had obviously enjoyed too many. I was very happy with my lineup and fully expect to see several going on to the higher honours which they narrowly missed out on today. My colleague judge and I cordially agreed to disagree when it came to the final accolades (in each case having a preference for the sex we had judged) so referee Tez Tuck was kept busy to the very end with his decisions accepted with good grace by the exhibitors.
Novice - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Open Show
30th Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan/Sulan)
Thank you to the committee for the kind invitation to judge , the exhibitors for their entries and my capable ring steward Jayne Alpe for keeping things running smoothly. Generally mouths were good and dogs were intact and correct , I did find one minor kinked tail .
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
2 year old B&T bitch . Lovely size, a girl unexaggerated in all ways. Great coat texture and plenty of pelt to work with .Head was feminine ,with strength but not overdone. Spanned very easily ... Bite good . Topline and tailset were correct and desirable. Was a picture in profile and didn’t disappoint on the move. Sound and true in all directions , plenty of reach and drive. Pleased to award her BOB and very happy to hear that she went on to a Terrier Group 3 out of a total 16 exhibits later in the day.
Richmond Championship Show
11th Sep 2021
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the committee of the Richmond show for granting my first appointment to award CC’s, I was well looked after on the day and had great support from my stewards which was very much appreciated. It was a real privilege to judge some wonderful examples of the breed and the future looks bright as there were so many wonderful puppies and juniors. I really appreciated all my entries and rewarded those in the best condition on the day, I also acknowledge that many had good breed type and quality even amongst those not in the challenge and some that were not placed in the stronger classes.
Novice - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Lots of good points with this two year old bitch who is slightly deeper but equal in many ways to my winner. I liked her top line and carrot tail which is well set on, also liked her rear drive. Others in this class were a little heavy so please feel for rib and look for waistlines.
Darlington Championship Show
17th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to Darlington Committee for the invitation to my ring stewards and the exhibitors for your entries. Not having attended a show since they started up again it was quite a surprize and worry to handle some very big dogs. I know size has always been a talking point in the breed but today it was a problem with some of the dogs, bitches were a much better size with some close decisions in their classes. Another noticeable difference is some exhibitors deciding to run with their dogs, why I don’t know it’s something never seen or needed in the border ring. With some handlers in a class walking around and others deciding to run its not what is expected. Watching a dog and handler move in unison on a good, collected pace is much more acceptable.
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Post Graduate - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
A very typical genuine pleasing blue bitch liked her head, good jaw and dentition, small ears and eye giving a nice expression. She has a good lay of shoulder and spans easily. Nice body lines and good bone. She was in super double coat and condition, moved out well. Pleased to award her the BCC.
Class Critique
A good class of typical bitches.
Sheringham & District KA Open Show
19th Sep 2021
Judge: Mr M. Atkinson (Raedwulf)
I would like to start with thanks to the Sheringham and District Kennel Association committee for a well run show and excellent hospitality. Thanks also to my steward, Paul, who ensured the smooth running of the ring.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Blue and Tan bitch. Presented in superb jacket with strong head, excellent bite, good top line, standing on tight feet. Just the right amount of bone. Easily spannable and in fit condition, powered around the ring, definitely fit for purpose. RBOB Best RBOB in show
The Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: (Dogs) Anne Gregory (Remony) (Bitches) Liz Wright (Totherend)
DOGS: A most enjoyable day judging dogs at this show and I would like to thank the Club for inviting me to do so. Thanks also to my two stewards, John and John, who kept things moving along in a professional and efficient manner. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their support and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs. Mouths, on the whole, were good and I found only one suspect mouth. There were plenty of typical otter heads but evidence also of stops that were too deep and muzzles that were too short, which is not typical of an otter head. Movement in some dogs was less than desirable with a few crossing in front, toeing in or flicking wrists. Rear movement was somewhat better but side movement showed some dogs short stepping. I also found some flat, slack feet and loose pasterns, which could well have been improved with proper exercise, and some feet could have been tidied up to better effect. Generally coats and pelts were harsh and thick but, in some classes, lack of coat was the deciding factor in final placements. My main concern today was size and weight. Some dogs were very difficult to span, were too heavy and did not come to hand well. This must be addressed to ensure Borders remain fit for the purpose they were intended. I was pleased with my final line-up and my co judge and I whole heartedly agreed when it came to the final awards. BITCHES: My thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for offering this my first judging appointment at championship level. I had a really enjoyable day and must thank exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. Huge thanks also to my two stewards, John & John, who kept everything running smoothly. I was really pleased with the quality of exhibits, unfortunately this meant some good dogs went unplaced. Coats were at various stages, all acceptable, but I personally prefer more than less. Some of the exhibits would have benefitted from a tidy up, especially feet. Front movement could have been better, a few upright shoulders and over-angulated rear ends. Overall size was OK, but a few were over weight which made them unspannable. Really pleased with my final line up and final awards.
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
National Dog Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to the committee of Birmingham Dog Show Society for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at their show. Many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and gave me the honour and pleasure of judging their dogs. I had a fabulous entry and was truly spoilt for choice in many of the classes. One general observation is that there were quite a number of dogs that were, in my opinion, simply too big to do the job that they are bred to do.
Novice - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Another blue & tan, not the same type but also lots to like about her. These 2 exhibits are not what you expect to find in a Novice class but then Covid came along and spoiled everyone’s fun. Lots to like about this one too. Gorgeous blue coat of correct texture. Deeper in body but had a good length of rib and had a lovely profile. Also moved well but not as much drive when viewed in profile as the winner.
The Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: (Dogs) Anne Gregory (Remony) (Bitches) Liz Wright (Totherend)
DOGS: A most enjoyable day judging dogs at this show and I would like to thank the Club for inviting me to do so. Thanks also to my two stewards, John and John, who kept things moving along in a professional and efficient manner. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their support and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs. Mouths, on the whole, were good and I found only one suspect mouth. There were plenty of typical otter heads but evidence also of stops that were too deep and muzzles that were too short, which is not typical of an otter head. Movement in some dogs was less than desirable with a few crossing in front, toeing in or flicking wrists. Rear movement was somewhat better but side movement showed some dogs short stepping. I also found some flat, slack feet and loose pasterns, which could well have been improved with proper exercise, and some feet could have been tidied up to better effect. Generally coats and pelts were harsh and thick but, in some classes, lack of coat was the deciding factor in final placements. My main concern today was size and weight. Some dogs were very difficult to span, were too heavy and did not come to hand well. This must be addressed to ensure Borders remain fit for the purpose they were intended. I was pleased with my final line-up and my co judge and I whole heartedly agreed when it came to the final awards. BITCHES: My thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for offering this my first judging appointment at championship level. I had a really enjoyable day and must thank exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. Huge thanks also to my two stewards, John & John, who kept everything running smoothly. I was really pleased with the quality of exhibits, unfortunately this meant some good dogs went unplaced. Coats were at various stages, all acceptable, but I personally prefer more than less. Some of the exhibits would have benefitted from a tidy up, especially feet. Front movement could have been better, a few upright shoulders and over-angulated rear ends. Overall size was OK, but a few were over weight which made them unspannable. Really pleased with my final line up and final awards.
Novice - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Beautiful blue and tan with thick coat and pelt. Good head, large teeth. A well balanced bitch, good profile, topline and tailset . She moved well when settled, with reach and drive, neat feet and up on her toes. RCC
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
7th Nov 2021
Judge: Frances Chapman-King (Inzievar)
It was a pleasure to spend a day with the Borders. Thank you to the committee for inviting me, and to the exhibitors for bringing their dogs. By way of general comment I found fronts and front movement to be an issue; and size variable with some too big or heavy – making it difficult to span. There was quality too and some promising youngsters.
Limit - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
6th Feb 2022
Judge: Mr Peter Armstrong (Atron)
Many sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for the kind invitation to judge at this Show, It really seemed to be a success judging by the happy atmosphere in the venue and congratulations must go to all the hard working Committee for the superb organization on the day despite the Covid regulations and the inclement weather. My thanks must also go to my two efficient stewards, Mr. Richard Wright and Mrs. Joyce Whiting, for their invaluable assistance in keeping the ring running smoothly and keeping me in check.
Reserve Best Bitch
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Limit - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Lovely typically feminine blue and tan bitch. Good head proportions, strong jaw and good finish to muzzle. Excellent eye shape and colour. Small ears set on well. Good front construction and lay back of shoulder. Easily spanned. Good in outline. Well coated. Carrying just the right amount of condition today. Moved soundly with drive. RESERVE BEST BITCH.
Class Critique
Probably the best class of the day with quality in depth and with some hair splitting decisions being made to separate the first two. On another day perhaps a different story !
Newark & DCS Open Show
19th Feb 2022
Judge: Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Thank you to Newark and District CS for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for the opportunity of going over some wonderful dogs and to my ring stewards, Nigel and Sarah, for keeping the ring running smoothly..
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Open / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Blue and tan bitch, strong head with good bite. Nice reach of neck and good top line with well set carroty tail. Easily spannable and narrow throughout. Correctly angulated shoulder allowing for good extension and movement. Good tuck up with strong loin, racy well muscled rear which powered her effortlessly around the ring. Finished off in harsh coat which ultimately became my deciding factor for best of breed. BOB
Wath and West Melton Canine Society Open Show
5th Mar 2022
Judge: Mark Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Open / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
Many thanks to Bournemouth Canine Association for asking me to judge, and also thanks to my two more than able stewards. It was a really hot day topping 35 degrees C, if I had entered I wouldnt have attened so I understand perfectly why we had quite a few absentees, and a outbreak of covid from a previous show, added to this ,many thanks to everyone who entered. I had some really nice examples of the breed to go over, and some hard decisions. The tent provided us with some much needed shade, and the dogs behaved very well and coped with the heat admirably. I had a couple of dogs not move as well as I know they can so gave them another opportunity to move again, and they put in a much better performance .The dogs were all presented in good order, clean teeth, short nails and tidy coats. A few coats were outstanding, harsh and dense, among the best I’ve come across.
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Huntingdonshire CS Open Show
20th Aug 2022
Judge: Sue Bird (Joybirna)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Driffield Championship Dog Show
26th Aug 2022
Judge: Mrs Anne Heathcote (Saxheath)
I would like to thank you all for allowing me to go over your dogs and also our Stewards John and Marvin for keeping everything running smoothly enabling me to finish in good time . I have to say that I found movement in a number of classes worrying . Although most dogs looked ok in profile when viewed from the front and rear there were too many moving closely and a few flicking wrists . This was reflected in my placings with the soundest being placed highest . Mouths were good with just one level bite but there were both dogs and bitches which I could not span . Coats were , on the whole , pretty good .
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Richmond Championship Dog Show
11th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr J A Barney (Romaunt)
Many thanks to Richmond in giving me the opportunity to judge a breed that still has some depth in quality to it. Generally, I felt movement needs to be attended to. It's a breed I've always associated with true movement both ways and a number did tend to pin in front. Coat texture was pretty good throughout but some would benefit from slightly neater presentation. I was able to span nearly all exhibits and pelts good. At the moment I would say that bitches are far stronger than the males.
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Sheringham & District KA Open Show
18th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore)
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
24th Sep 2022
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge the show, also making me feel so welcomed. A big thank you to my 2 stewards Tracey and Kathleen who kept me on track, also to all the exhibits and exhibitors, who gave me a lots of quality Borders to go over. I wish I had more CC’s especially in the dog classes. My concern with in the breed, is their fronts, straight shoulders, with very little angulation, which effects the front movement. All dogs had a good bite, a couple with level bite, but not a problem. All males were entire. Grooming needs to be addressed, tidying their underneath, also the feet need to be neatly trimmed and the nails cut correctly, it makes such a difference when presenting them to the Judge. 1or 2 needed ring craft classes. However, overall what a great representation of the breed. I was very pleased with my main winners.
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
A pleasing feminine head & expression, nice front, not the rear angulation as 1, good coat, moved ok.
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
25th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr Peter Armstrong (Atron)
My sincere thanks go firstly, to the Committee for inviting me to judge at their Premier Show, at which the Border Terrier classes were also being kindly supported by the East Anglia Border Terrier Club. Secondly to the exhibitors for such a marvellous entry and for giving me the opportunity of going over their dogs and last, but not least, to my Steward, Karen Bridge, for her invaluable assistance in keeping the ring running smoothly. Movement today was sometimes difficult to assess, especially with the youngsters, as the ring surface was full of delicious smells both from the horses and the previous days dog show.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Super Blue & Tan bitch. Possesses a quality head with a keen alert expression, adequately broad skull, good eye shape and colour, small well set ears, strong muzzle and a decisive scissor bite. Muscular neck, correctly angulated shoulder, good topline, ribs carried well back, firm loin. Easily spannable and narrow throughout. Well muscled rear quarters used to effect when moving around the ring. Carroty tail of correct length and proportions. Presented in a harsh jacket with a dense undercoat. Pleased to award her RESERVE BEST
Burton on Trent KA Open show
4th Dec 2022
Judge: Sarah Hemstock (Jolihem)
Open - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2023
Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Class Critique
lovely line up.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
5th Feb 2023
Judge: Roger Mann (Lynsett)
My thanks go to the committee of Midland Border Terrier Club for their invitation to judge the February Open show. I had some lovely dogs to judge & would like to thank the exhibitors for their entries. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Open - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Edwinstowe & DCS Open Show
7th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr John Thomas (Blaisdon)
Open - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Norfolk & Norwich CS Open Show
11th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs Kate Keely (Alhambian/Shipden)
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
8th May 2023
Judge: Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of this well-run show for their kind invitation to judge. I was delighted with the super dogs that I had the pleasure of judging, all a real credit to you. A huge thank you to the exhibitors for the honour of your lovely dogs. A huge thank you to my 2 very efficient stewards, who also had a very long day, the show could not go on without you, so thank you.
Limit / Reserve
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr. Bob Wright (Totherend)
It was a real honour to judge my home club’s show and my thanks go to a great committee for the opportunity and the way they run the club with all hands to the wheel. Richard Wright and Sharon Pickering had my back and have my appreciation for a great day’s stewarding. I was disappointed in the early dog classes where what initially looked like an impressive line-up failed to materialise once on the table or on the move. Movement was a weak spot for a surprisingly large number of exhibits, especially front movement. There were three poor mouths and one exhibit that couldn’t be spanned but lots of good pelts, coats and neat feet. However long tails are becoming more common and a true carrot tail is about as rare as hen’s teeth. I was fascinated by some handlers interpretation of a triangle, suffice to say it’s a good job it wasn’t a maths exam. Once again there were only two CCs available which is a great shame when there are so many who warrant them. I can only sympathise with those who went home empty handed. It was most likely a reflection of the strength of the classes rather than their standing. The bitch classes were especially strong with at least six exhibits worthy of much more than I had available to offer. When it came to the line ups I was clearly torn and had to be really picky to get to a decision but in the end I was pleased with all the winners. Whilst there is still much that can be done to improve some aspects of the breed there is a lot to be proud of with some really stunning exhibits out there.
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Driffield Championship Show
26th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs. Liz Wright (Totherend)
My thanks to Driffield Championship Dog Show Society for the invitation to judge today and thanks to my stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong, who kept the ring running smoothly. Thanks also to the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their dogs. Front movement in the breed still needs some improvement, but overall I had lots of quality exhibits. Bites were good and only one kinked tail.
Open - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Norfolk and Norwich Canine Society Premier Show
30th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
Limit / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Sheringham & District KA Premier Open Show
17th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Darren Clarke (Peluche)
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
23rd Sep 2023
Judge: Steph Collis (Ridlington)
Limit / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Burton on Trent KA Open show
3rd Dec 2023
Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
My thanks go to the committee and volunteers of BOTKA for putting on this well organised show, under rather challenging circumstances, with sunny smiles and cheery dispositions. But, above all, my thanks go to the stewards, Margaret and Julie, and the brave exhibitors- the hardy few- who endured the awful road conditions to make it to Newark today. In the ring, unfortunately both the colder than expected temperature, and the fan blowing warm air right next to the ring did affect most of the dogs to a varying degree- mostly in movement unfortunately. There were no kinked tails, all were of sound temperaments with keen gaze. Every dog had a strong scissor bite and clean strong teeth, and were spannable, with some good pelts and jackets on show today.
Open - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Retford & DCS Open Show
17th Mar 2024
Judge: Kathleen Haugh
I would like to thank the committee for letting me judge the borders at their open show. It was pleasure and a lovely day with good atmosphere with good dogs to go over. I would also like to thank the stewards for doing a fabulous job on the day.
Open - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Herts & Essex Border CS Open Show
24th Mar 2024
Judge: Sarah Collier (Pocoblu)
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Edwinstowe & DCS Open Show
29th Mar 2024
Judge: Jo Hughes (Arunmere)
I would like to thank Edwinstowe & District CS for their kind invitation for my first judging appointment and also to my two stewards who kept the ring running smoothly. I had a very good entry with quality dogs that could of swapped places on another day, I’d like to thank all exhibitors for their generous entry. All had good coat texture however some might benefit from tidier presentation to improve their overall outline especially around the feet, movement on the whole was good.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Open / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Lovely workmanlike B&T bitch who excels in type, well balanced throughout without exaggeration, otter head with good ear set, strong neck flowing into level topline, well placed shoulder and upper arm, harsh jacket, good tail set, moved soundly. RBOB
Norfolk & Norwich CS Open Show
9th Apr 2024
Judge: Judith Rule (Overbore)
Thank you to the hard-working secretary and committee for inviting me to judge at your lovely show, organised with such dedication. We must not forget to offer our support at these great regional open shows. Many thanks to my lovely stewards Christy and Ellen for your support. Border Terriers: Having owned the breed for some years alongside horses, I’m looking for a functional working terrier fit for purpose in addition to documented breed standard. I noted bites were good, most were sturdy under hand and although not assessing handling, appraisal requires a degree of control. Ear size and tail length are elements to consider.
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
B. Feminine head with bright eye. Well presented with correct bite and ears close. Strong neck into flowing topline. Harsh coat covering thick skin and just spanned. Balanced construction although a little too much condition on this day for me.
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
13th Jun 2024
Judge: Ms Raewyn C Downey
Limit / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Norfolk & Norwich CS Premier Open Show
28th Aug 2024
Judge: Miss Angie Nettle (Onziemehurst)
Thank you so much to the Association for inviting me to judge Border Terriers. Thank you for the warm welcome and super hospitality. Thank you to my steward who ran the ring efficiently in the heat and to my exhibitors for the privilege of judging their dogs and the sporting manner in which my decisions were taken.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Blue and tan bitch in superb double coat and pelt. Well set ribs and good topline. Smart neat feet with deep pads. Correct scissor bite. Well set ribs and tailset. Drive and consistent movement back and forth and continued around the ring. Just loved her from when she came in the ring. Pleased to give her BOB
City of Birmingham Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Clare Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the City of Birmingham Canine Association Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time. With storm Lillian resulting in the abandonment of Driffield, the JBTC were also able to hold their show in an adjacent ring. Hall 3 at the Royal Kennel Club building was light, spacious and an ideal venue. A certain amount of flexibility was required when classes clashed, and I am very grateful to my experienced stewards Chris Woolner and Caroline Wise for their hard work. They were calm, efficient and kept the ring running smoothly. With their help we finished in time to ensure that all those who had won major awards could get to their groups. My sincere thanks to all the exhibitors for giving me such a quality entry and accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. We had very few absentees and I often had difficult decisions to make. In several classes, I would have liked some additional prize cards to award. Coats did have an influence on the results, with those presented at their best, in a harsh, dense double jacket with thick pelt, being rewarded. A few exhibits would have benefitted from having their feet tidied to have achieved a neater picture. I found two kinked tails, two with incorrect dentition and all male dogs were entire. I was delighted with my principal winners, who all fulfilled my interpretation of the breed standard on the day. It was a privilege to judge such an entry, and the lovely atmosphere, with applause and cheers for the winners, made it extra special. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Good Citizen - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Sheringham & District KA Premier Open Show
1st Sep 2024
Judge: Miss Ann Bradley (Montelle)
Limit / Reserve
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
28th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs M Fleming (Flegato)
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run and friendly show. My ring stewards Michael and Rebecca were very efficient and helpful and organised the ring in the best way – thank you. And finally, thank you to all the exhibitors who entered and who were able to come and bring their dogs – it was a privilege for me to go over them.
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
5 year old blue and tan bitch in a coat of good harsh texture with plenty of silver banding and thick pelt. Pleasing feminine head and keen but kind expression. Good length of body and well set on carroty shaped tail. Moved soundly around the ring. Felt a little heavy to pick up today.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
I would like to thank the committee and the members of the club for allowing me to judge this show, special thanks to the committee for the appreciation gifts. The exhibitors who accepted the results sportingly and finally thanks must also go to the Stewards who made the show run with ease. Movement unfortunately seems to be lacking in some exhibits namely fronts with a lack of reach due to short upper arms, as too are some rear movements with a lack of drive. This is a very important part of the breed not just to cover the ground efficiently but for the overall construction of the dog to perform its task as a working terrier. coats as always are in various stages which as long as there is evidence of a jacket with texture coming through should not be penalised. temperaments were on the whole good with no signs of aggression, another issue which seems to be creeping into the breed, this too is totally unacceptable for a working terrier and must be discouraged.
Open - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Placing Critique
Blue and tan correct dentition, nice length of neck, spannable, thick pelt with jacket coming through, moved out well.
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Nov 2024
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their open show. Also, all the exhibitors for such an amazing entry and for allowing me to go over their lovely Border Terriers. It was a great day with a quality entry and a good atmosphere. I was aware people had travelled and some afar and I was given the opportunity not to take a break for lunch to allow those that were driving to possibly not have to drive in the dark, so I think it worked out well in the end. Lots of dogs out of coat but I was aware Crufts is coming up so the timing is crucial for coats to be ready for the big day.
Open - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry
Retford CS Premier Open Show
16th Mar 2025
Judge: Sarah Stephenson (Fryerfold)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers. Huge thanks to the exhibitors for entering under me, and to my two lovely stewards, Jane & Tina for keeping the classes and ring running so smoothly. All exhibits in good, fit condition, and apart from a couple of examples all had clean coats.
Open - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Southash Lavender Blue At Oatberry