Name:Chesterton Viva Las Vegas 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
Owner(s): Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney  
Breeder:Mr A J & Mrs W Mooney 
CH Barkanellie Blackadder (D)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Baillieswells Glengyle At Glebeheath JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Plushcourt Picasso (D)
Brumberhill Bequeath (B)
Baillieswells Stronachie (B)
CH Dandyhow Jumping Jack at Glebeheath JW (D)
An Cnoc of Baillieswells (B)
Benattivo Good Friday (B)
Colour: Red
CH Dandyhow Dr Walter JW (D)
Karison Kasper (D)
Dandyhow Lollo Rossa (B)
Benattivo Double Flame (B)
Bandicoot Double O Seven (D)
Benattivo Rosina JW (B)
Oh Vienna Chesterton (B)
Colour: Dark Grizzle and Tan
CH Yorkpiece Fiery Lucifer (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
CH Tythrop Timepiece (D)
Wintergarden Fly High By Plushcourt (D)
Tythrop Time Flies (B)
Trust Me Fiery Lucifer (B)Badgerbeck Pablo (D)
Chilli Fiery Lucifer (B)
Chesterton Notre Dame With Plushcourt (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Chesterton in Focus (D)
Plushcourt Menthol (D)
Chesterton Boutique (B)
Brumberhill Bollinger For Chesterton (B)
Nor / Du CH/CH Toftahill Game On (D)
Brumberhill Beguiling (B)

Show Placings

Eastbourne & DCS Open Show
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Vera Harcourt-Morris (Lenacourt)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the officers and committee of Windsor Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time at such a prestigious show. I must also thank my two very experienced stewards Bill & Trish Gray who were a great support to me with their calm, friendly and pleasant manner. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who entered their border terriers under me and accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. The weather became very hot as the day progressed with some dogs flagging a little on the move. Fortunately we had some shade via the marquee, the grass had got quite dried out and I felt a few exhibits didn’t move as well as others on it but generally movement was better than I have observed in the past. I must also mention how disappointed I was to find so many exhibits with dirty teeth, cleaning them should be part of a dog’s care and grooming routine. I was so delighted with my top winning border terriers that I felt had exceptional breed quality and were presented and shown to best advantage. Many quality exhibits were in some classes down the line or unplaced due to the depth of quality present and on another day may change places.
Minor Puppy - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Placing Critique
Grizzle/tan just over 6 months old, very nice in head which is well proportioned at this age, his eyes are dark, giving a very good expression. A lovely balanced puppy with good front and hind angulation, he has lovely straight forelegs with correct bone and neat feet. Shown in a double jacket with a thick loose pelt. Moving soundly in all directions for one so young.
Tunbridge Wells & District Canine Society Open Show
27th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr Matt Smith (Alncroft)
Junior / Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
The Midland Border Terrier Club 40th Anniversary Championship Show
4th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge this 40th Anniversary show, and for the hospitality on the day. Thank you also to the hardworking stewards, it was a long and very busy day. Most of all, thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such a fabulous entry. I appreciated each and every exhibit, and had the privilege of going over so many quality dogs that difficult decisions had to be made and many lovely dogs went cardless. Foremost, I see the Border Terrier as ‘essentially a working terrier’ and was therefore looking for construction that would render this possible. A few exhibits were too big, too wide or too deep in brisket which might prevent them from going to ground, or even cause them to get stuck. A few had very thin skin – skin must be thick. Most bites were good, just a few with teeth out of line or missing. Coats come and go, so were understandably at different stages. However, on a working terrier a good hard coat does complete the picture. Good movement and a strong, even, economical gait comes from soundness of construction and the muscle tone of a well exercised dog. Therefore I looked for good layback of shoulder and the correct length and angle of upper arm to give a good reach in front, a strong loin, good bend of stifle and well angulated, well muscled hindquarters to give matching drive from the rear.
Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Novice - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Richmond Championship Show
7th Sep 2024
Judge: Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Minor Puppy - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Placing Critique
Excellent well boned pup, with a good head and expression, good overall shape and balance, moved well both ways with drive, played up on the table but settled on the ground
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day. I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Placing Critique
Masculine head good substance and feet. Good coat and pelt. Moved well
Salisbury & South Wilts CS Open Show
22nd Sep 2024
Judge: Norman Bristow
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Romsey & DCS Open Show
6th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr John Dare (Bowstaff)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG4, Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
I would like to thank the committee and the members of the club for allowing me to judge this show, special thanks to the committee for the appreciation gifts. The exhibitors who accepted the results sportingly and finally thanks must also go to the Stewards who made the show run with ease. Movement unfortunately seems to be lacking in some exhibits namely fronts with a lack of reach due to short upper arms, as too are some rear movements with a lack of drive. This is a very important part of the breed not just to cover the ground efficiently but for the overall construction of the dog to perform its task as a working terrier. coats as always are in various stages which as long as there is evidence of a jacket with texture coming through should not be penalised. temperaments were on the whole good with no signs of aggression, another issue which seems to be creeping into the breed, this too is totally unacceptable for a working terrier and must be discouraged.
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Best Puppy
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Junior - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Placing Critique
Red grizzle good expression with a good head,correct dentition with good strength of jaw, lovely length of neck into narrow front with well laid shoulders, easily spanned with ribs carried well back,level topline stood and moving,thick pelt with jacket to match, good tailset, moved with drive around the ring ,stood on tight neat feet. R.B.D
Midland Counties Canine Society
25th Oct 2024
Judge: Professor A S Milton (Baillieswells)
Puppy - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Nov 2024
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their open show. Also, all the exhibitors for such an amazing entry and for allowing me to go over their lovely Border Terriers. It was a great day with a quality entry and a good atmosphere. I was aware people had travelled and some afar and I was given the opportunity not to take a break for lunch to allow those that were driving to possibly not have to drive in the dark, so I think it worked out well in the end. Lots of dogs out of coat but I was aware Crufts is coming up so the timing is crucial for coats to be ready for the big day.
Novice - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Placing Critique
Dec 2023, Grizzle Lovely broad skull, correct mouth, dark keen eye, lay of shoulder correct and neat tight feet, strong loin and moved OK.
Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association Open Show
1st Dec 2024
Judge: Jo Hughes (Arunmere)
I would like to thank the Committee for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers, and also to my steward for keeping things moving smoothly. I had a quality entry of dogs, and would like to thank the exhibitors for their entry. I was very pleased to see my Best Puppy in breed go on to win Best Puppy In Show. Well deserved!
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Best Puppy
Name at show: BPIS, TPG1, Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Placing Critique
Eye catching 11 month puppy, excellent otter head with lovely big teeth and correct ear set good neck flowing into level topline. Harsh jacket and thick pelt, well balanced throughout, moved with purpose around the ring. Best puppy in Breed, and thrilled to see him go on to win Best Puppy in Show. Well deserved.
Ladies Kennel Association
12th Dec 2024
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Puppy - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
East Kent Canine Society Open Show
2nd Feb 2025
Judge: Mrs Lee England (Ashleyheath)
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Mar 2025
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow)
Yearling - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Chesterton Viva Las Vegas