Show Placings
Edwinstowe & DCS Open Show
7th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr John Thomas (Blaisdon)
Puppy /
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Huntingdonshire CS Open Show
19th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr Rodney Eastall (Daedal)
Puppy /
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Junior /
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
18th Nov 2023
Judge: Libby Tanton-Joy (Itsaso)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to Judge their Open show, and all exhibitors that entered. I had a lovely entry with some quality dogs to go over. All placing’s were accepted with grace. Many thanks to both my stewards who kept the ring moving. The show had a lovely atmosphere and I enjoyed my day
Junior - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
20th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee of the East Anglia Border Terrier Club for the honour of inviting me to judge your Championship show and for your great hospitality on the day. It was hit-and-miss as to whether or not I would be judging inside or out, and I’m pleased that the committee took the decision to hold it outdoors. It is far nicer for the dogs to be outside, even with the biting wind, and we are not to forget that they are designed to be outside in that type of weather, which reiterates the importance of a good coat. I hope everyone at ringside managed to keep the chill away, myself having Cumbrian bloodlines, found it rather pleasant. Thank you to my stewards Tracey, Dave and Mike who worked tirelessly to keep the ring moving. My biggest thanks are to the exhibitors who gave me an excellent entry and took all my decisions in a sporting manner. I know it is always said there are too many good dogs for the number of cards and that was especially true of the limit and open classes. I was spoiled for choice in a number of classes and had to split hairs on a number of occasions. Dog’s are never static and can have good days and bad days just the same as us, and condition and coats can change dramatically. Some dogs were out of top coat or had no harshness to their coat on the day which cost them on this occasion. Repeating myself from my last judging appointment, I made mention that true movement isn’t necessarily conducive to good movement if no ground is covered at the same time, ideally of course we want both but I would rather see a dog with a good outline in profile than one very accurate that’s going nowhere. Good construction should be a given, I know not much mention is made to that in our breed standard, but to constitute soundness to follow a horse, the construction must be balanced and correct with no exaggeration. Thankfully, there were not many exaggerations on the day. One or two were big ribbed and not quite spannable, and surprisingly they were not necessarily the ones that looked up to size. Overall, I was very pleased with the quality of the dogs presented.
Novice - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Placing Critique
Dark grizzle and tan of a nice handy size. Good otter head with keen expression, good muzzle, very little stop and well set ears. Very good neck and shoulders and nicely angulated front and back. Well ribbed back with excellent topline and tailset. Easily spanned. Shown in a good harsh topcoat, with good undercoat and pelt. She is well balanced and very sound from all directions on the move.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Illingworth (Thorneyhurst)
Firstly thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show, and to all the exhibitors for the massive entry which would of been hard to get through without the help of my two stewards Sharon Pickering and Margaret Bailey who did there best to make sure no exhibitors missed there classes
The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, Most dogs were in fit hard condition and presented well, the old saying many good dogs went without a card was only too true, We were blessed with good weather and a nice sized ring.
Novice - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Placing Critique
Nice moving girl with good topline and length, pleasing head and eye, well balanced
Loughborough and DCS Open Show
19th May 2024
Judge: Barry Blunden (Ucassa)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Boston DCS Open Show
3rd Jul 2024
Judge: Marion Sargent (Tegwani)
Limit /
Third Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Boston & District Canine Society
5th Jul 2024
Judge: Julie Green (Breckgreen & Stowthorney)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of Boston and District Canine society for inviting me to give my first set of tickets in Border Terriers. It was such a well-run show and in such a lovely setting. I would also like to thank the exhibitors who entered under me. Thanks also to my two stewards who kept the ring moving for me on the day.
All in all, I was happy with my entry. I found all males to be entire and no kinked tails on the day. A couple of mouths that were not quite correct.
Yearling - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
The Midland Border Terrier Club 40th Anniversary Championship Show
4th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge this 40th Anniversary show, and for the hospitality on the day. Thank you also to the hardworking stewards, it was a long and very busy day. Most of all, thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such a fabulous entry. I appreciated each and every exhibit, and had the privilege of going over so many quality dogs that difficult decisions had to be made and many lovely dogs went cardless. Foremost, I see the Border Terrier as ‘essentially a working terrier’ and was therefore looking for construction that would render this possible. A few exhibits were too big, too wide or too deep in brisket which might prevent them from going to ground, or even cause them to get stuck. A few had very thin skin – skin must be thick. Most bites were good, just a few with teeth out of line or missing. Coats come and go, so were understandably at different stages. However, on a working terrier a good hard coat does complete the picture. Good movement and a strong, even, economical gait comes from soundness of construction and the muscle tone of a well exercised dog. Therefore I looked for good layback of shoulder and the correct length and angle of upper arm to give a good reach in front, a strong loin, good bend of stifle and well angulated, well muscled hindquarters to give matching drive from the rear.
Yearling - Bitch /
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Class Critique
This was a close call between these two bitches.
Joint Border Terrier Club's Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
Thank you to The Scottish Border Terrier Club for asking me to judge the Joint Show. It’s been a long time coming as I was invited to judge in 2019 and COVID 19 got in the way! I would like to thank the exhibitors who managed to attend the show after the problems caused by Storm Lilian at Driffield. I also appreciate that the absentees were higher as a result of many people having prior appointments on the day that the show was rearranged. The City of Birmingham Society where very accommodating, we had a lovely ring with plenty of space.
However, I had a super entry, and I had lots to choose from in the dogs that were able to show under me. Thank you to everyone – I really appreciate being asked to give an opinion on other people’s dogs, it’s a real honour. I would also give a special note of thanks to my steward Bill Shorthose who single handedly managed the ring and made sure everyone was in the right place at the right time. Particularly with the challenges of a partnership show and the clashes that this can cause across two rings. Thank you to all the exhibitors who managed to negotiate two shows with good heart.
When judging, I look for dogs with good heads, plenty of strength under the eye, very little stop and a good strong jaw – essentially a’ Head like that of an Otter’. I also like to see straight fronts, correct shoulder placements and tidy small feet. I found these characteristics in all of my top winners. Generally, mouths were good, although there were a couple of dogs with a tooth out of place. Movement was ok in generally, but as breed we do need to keep an eye on front movement as there were some dogs who did not move as well as they should walking towards me. All the males were entire. I was very pleased with all my placings and when choosing my top winners, I had some difficult decisions to make and so were some dogs that were very unlucky on the day.
Yearling - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Class Critique
I liked both of these two bitches very much and had a very difficult time deciding between them. They are both of excellent quality with lots of ring presence.
Grantham & DCS Open Show
19th Oct 2024
Judge: Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
Post Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
I would like to thank the committee and the members of the club for allowing me to judge this show, special thanks to the committee for the appreciation gifts. The exhibitors who accepted the results sportingly and finally thanks must also go to the Stewards who made the show run with ease.
Movement unfortunately seems to be lacking in some exhibits namely fronts with a lack of reach due to short upper arms, as too are some rear movements with a lack of drive. This is a very important part of the breed not just to cover the ground efficiently but for the overall construction of the dog to perform its task as a working terrier. coats as always are in various stages which as long as there is evidence of a jacket with texture coming through should not be penalised. temperaments were on the whole good with no signs of aggression, another issue which seems to be creeping into the breed, this too is totally unacceptable for a working terrier and must be discouraged.
Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Placing Critique
Red grizzle alert expression correct dentition, strong muzzle with good under eye fill, narrow front laid back shoulders, narrow bodied easily spanned good tight jacket with loose pelt, level topline stood and moving, moved well round the ring.
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Nov 2024
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their open show. Also, all the exhibitors for such an amazing entry and for allowing me to go over their lovely Border Terriers. It was a great day with a quality entry and a good atmosphere. I was aware people had travelled and some afar and I was given the opportunity not to take a break for lunch to allow those that were driving to possibly not have to drive in the dark, so I think it worked out well in the end. Lots of dogs out of coat but I was aware Crufts is coming up so the timing is crucial for coats to be ready for the big day.
Reserve Best Bitch
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Post Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Placing Critique
Sept 2022, Pretty bitch, of good stamp and size, keen dark eye, good mouth, correct lay of shoulder, and strong loin, good length of rib, top line and tail set in a wonderful harsh jacket today with the thickets of pelts, easily spanned, moved well. Happy to award her RBBIS
Burton on Trent KA Open show
8th Dec 2024
Judge: Helen Sutton (Benzali)
Open - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Boston DCS Premier Open Show
22nd Dec 2024
Judge: Janet Robertson (Renevis)
Limit /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Feb 2025
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
West Midlands Terrier Society Open Show
15th Feb 2025
Judge: Glen Birrell
Limit - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Newark & DCS Open Show
23rd Feb 2025
Judge: Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Rundlebeck Little Dorrit