Name:Onthill Dolly Daydream 
Owner(s): Mr R & Mrs A Ramus  
Breeder:Mr R & Mrs A Ramus 
CH Thistlestone Glenfiddich (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Baillieswells Glengyle At Glebeheath JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Plushcourt Picasso (D)
Brumberhill Bequeath (B)
Baillieswells Stronachie (B)
CH Dandyhow Jumping Jack at Glebeheath JW (D)
An Cnoc of Baillieswells (B)
Thistlestone Ms Money Penny (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Bandicoot Double O Seven (D)
CH Gameway Kiwi JW (D)
Jephanil Rosa Pomifera At Bandicoot (B)
CH Thistlestone Jenny Wren ShCM (B)
CH Benattivo Rock Robin (D)
Magic Milly At Thistlestone (B)
Onthill Daydreamer (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
CH Bandicoot Doc Martin (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Dandyhow Dr Walter JW (D)
Karison Kasper (D)
Dandyhow Lollo Rossa (B)
CH Bandicoot Jazz JW (B)
Bandicoot Double O Seven (D)
Bandicoot Candy Twist (B)
Argentail Titania by Onthill (B)
Colour: Red
Onthill Amaretto (D)
Onthill Super Trouper (D)
Amarula On Ice Onthill (B)
Argentail Shiraz (B)
CH Gameway Kiwi JW (D)
Argentail Bucks Fizz (B)

Show Placings

The Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club
19th Nov 2022
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn Richardson (Staynorwood)
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2022
Judge: Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
A very promising entry on paper but unfortunately the weather took its toll ! However I was more than happy with my main winners all were typical of what I look for in a Border Terrier and the proof that careful breeding pays off was demonstrated by the very promising progeny found amongst the youngsters. As is my approach to critiques, generally the winners in most respects all meet the standard which calls for a working terrier with an otter like head on reasonable length neck set into well laid shoulders, a moderate length body, well ribbed back, strong shortish loin, racy but moderate rear angulation allowing the dog to move with drive, in harsh double coat and with thick pelt. I do not therefore repeat this for each individual dog but I have highlighted the dog’s best points and the reasons for their placings .
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2023
Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
A grand border at 8 months old. She has quality and takes one eye for type and size . Sound and well made to go ove .Lovely head ,neck flows through lay of shoulder and spans. Short muscular loin she has quality bone and thick skin and good harsh topcoat. Moves with positive footfall.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
25th Mar 2023
Judge: Mrs Charlotte Archibald (Tweedburn)
What an absolute honour and a privilege to be invited to judge this show, my thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Border Terrier Club, and my two excellent stewards for the day, Judy and Marina. My sincere thanks also, to ALL the exhibitors for making it truly memorable, with 196 dogs, 233 entries. Some very close decisions had to be made! On the down side, I found some very short muzzles and small teeth, and quite a number of filthy teeth!! Temperaments were generally good, there were 2 kinked tails and 1 suspect mouth, a lack of muscle tone and condition in some exhibits, which is essential for a terrier to do it’s job. That said, it was an absolute joy to see so many super dogs.
Puppy - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
26th Mar 2023
Judge: Anne Higham (Comberdown)
I would like to thank The Northern Border Terrier Club for nominating me and the committee of the Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association for inviting me to judge at this wonderful friendly and hospitable show. Thank you to my two stewards who kept everything running smoothly and to the exhibitors for their entry and attendance on such a cold day. I found all males entire and one level bite.
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
27th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at WELKS, it was quite a few years ago now, as I was due to judge them at the beginning of lockdown. Due to the heavy rain that had fallen over the preceding days, all judging was inside. It was slightly draughty, but we were allocated a double ring, so plenty of space, to see the exhibits stride out. I must thank the two stewards Lynn Jones and Celia Vines who kept the ring flowing beautifully and the exhibitors for making prompt appearances, we did well for time, starting approx. 0930 and finishing around 14:45. I thank all exhibitors for a wonderful entry (123 dogs making 172 entries} for a Thursday in Malvern and appreciate their time and expense for entering under me. There was plenty of quality to choose from and I was happy with my final decisions. Dentition was very good and a pleasure to judge dogs with clean teeth. I did find muscle tone to be poor/average in a lot of the exhibits, which must be one of the key areas for any working terrier. Jackets were mixed as was movement.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
Pleasing head, smaller framed than winner. Tidy through a clean front, good length of rib and well angled throughout. Sporting a good jacket. Moved well and very cleanly
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
6th May 2023
Judge: Mr Keith Baldwin (Nightstorm)
I would like to thank all the Officers and Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their club open show. It is now 17 years that I have been judging Border Terriers and it was the 6th August 2011 that I attended the Midland Border Terrier Club breed specific seminar when Jena Tuck was the secretary. I was very pleased with my entry of 112 quality dogs and bitches, also I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the exhibitors who entered and for allowing me to go over their dogs. They all showed and behaved very well. I can report back to you that you have overall one of the soundest breeds that I have judged. Last but not least I would like to thank my stewards who did an excellent job keeping everything flowing smoothly between the two shows in the Margaret Everton Pavilion
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
12 months old grizzle who was flat showing today, beautiful type of bitch, has all the essential qualities needed for a border, feminine head, lovely body shape, well angulated quarters, nice harsh and dense jacket, spannable with good pelt, topline tail and set are all correct, she did not make the most of herself today, she will do well once she gets her sparkle back.
National Dog Show
6th May 2023
Judge: Brigitte Belin Bernaudin (France)
First, I thank the committee for the invitation to judge this prestigious show. Thanks to my stewards for making a super job and keep my judging running smoothly. It was a real honour and privilege as foreign judge and breeder to have the opportunity of this 1st appointment to give CC in my breed, and thank to exhibitors to allow me to go over so many good Border. Being able in my country to work my dogs, I have been looking for the right conformation as asks in the standard, making dogs able to do their original work underground and was happy many could do so.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
Grizzle bitch of good type. All in moderation. Nice feminine head with good flat skull, good reach of neck and good lay back of shoulders. Straight front and good ribs, spannable. Good length of body and loins. Good tail set. Excellent harsh coat and loose pelt. Balanced angulations front and rear. Moves well with good reach and drive
Bath Canine Society
29th May 2023
Judge: Mrs Anne Gregory (Remony)
My thanks to the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for inviting me to judge today. A big thank you to my two very efficient stewards, Mark and Joyce, who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently. Thank you also to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, it is always a privilege to do so. I was disappointed not to have been able to stay and watch the groups but circumstances outwith my control prevented me from doing so. While there were plenty of good ‘otter’ heads in evidence, I found some heads lacking in muzzle strength and some with stops that were too deep, neither of which is desirable. Some exhibits were too heavy in frame and consequently didn’t come to hand easily. Some dogs had weak pasterns and feet that could have been tighter. Coats were at varying stages, with some in their underclothes, some just going over the top, and in some cases, this was a deciding factor. Overall, movement was good with correct tracking, plenty of drive off well angulated hindquarters and good length of stride. Some dogs could have benefited from more ring training and, at times, baiting on the table was excessive. A dog scrambling to get to bait makes it more difficult to assess. On a positive note, I did have some quality dogs to go over and was well pleased with my winners and final line-up. I was also pleased to see my Best Veteran win the Terrier Veteran Group, my Best Puppy shortlisted in the Terrier Puppy Group and my Best Special Beginners, Special Beginners Terrier Group 4
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
Smaller bitch than 1 but everything was there. Moved true both ways. Excellent coat and condition. Otter like head and expression, strong muzzle.
Class Critique
This was a class of very mixed movement.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
10th Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Julie Price (Oxcroft)
Thank you to all at the Southern Border Terrier Club for the invitation to judge your championship show this year, it was a great honour and privilege. The weather was hot and the venue was good to gain some shade for the dogs and myself! I had two very capable stewards who kept things running smoothy throughout the day, so thank to Kathleen Haugh and Sophie Liggat for their support. I really enjoyed my day and was more than happy with my winners. Thank you again for your hospitality. I was looking for type, gameness, soundness and dogs that were fit to do a day’s work whilst not losing any attributes of the breed standard. Some exhibits were rather well muscled around the shoulders which made it difficult to feel the lay of the shoulders and this would also restrict their ability to go to ground. As a breed I think we are losing the otter heads and keen expressions which distinguishes the Border Terrier from other terrier breeds. A lady contacted me a week after the show and explained that she had attended the show during some of the bitch classes as she was looking to purchase a puppy having recently lost two of her old Borders. She explained she was now thinking of buying another breed as the dogs in the show ring did not look like the Borders she had had previously. She felt that they did not have the characteristic otter heads, and sadly I had to agree with her. Overall, most dogs were fit for purpose and I am sure you all took the best dog home with you. In the current financial climate, all your entries were valuable to the club and it was a pleasure and an honour to go over your dogs.
Junior - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
East of England Agricultural Society
6th Jul 2023
Judge: Joyce Martin (Merumhor)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge Border Terriers at the East of England Agricultural Society Show, which was to be the last one run by this society. It was a super venue with lovely big rings which gave the dogs a chance to stride out. Many thanks to my ring stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong for keeping things running smoothly and efficiently. I was delighted with my entry of 109 dogs making a total entry of 149 and pleased with the overall quality of dogs shown. Thank you to the exhibitors for giving the chance to go over your dogs and for the sporting way the placings were taken. It is indeed a privilege to have the opportunity do so. I was thrilled to be able to watch the terrier group and see my BOB - Stineval Lambert JW take group 1 in a quality line up. I also was delighted to hear that my BPIB - Glebeheath Ophelia went Group 3 in the Puppy Group.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
This grizzle bitch has a typical border head and keen expression and neat ears. She was very deceptive, looking heavy until I had my hands on her and appreciated the dense harsh jacket and thick pelt. Underneath was a nicely made bitch with good length of body, a short carroty tail and neat tight feet. She was the best mover in this lovely class.
Horley & DSS Open Show
27th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Richmond Championship Show
8th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Yearling - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
This 16 mth old grizzle is out of a smaller mould than the winner and another pleasing for overall type and is feminine all through. Moderate length of neck, pretty good topline, correct ribbing, strong loin and tail set on well and of good carriage. Attractive head of correct proportions, dark keen eye, ears good for size and set, strong muzzle and scissor bite. Good angles front and rear, narrow over the shoulder and stands straight in front. Gaiting well in profile and true when going away. Good pelt.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Robert Brewster (Stowthorney & Breckgreen)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of The Southern Border Terrier Club for giving me the honour of judging their Open Show. I first signed the contract for the show in 2017, but due to Covid and the Lockdown I have only just fulfilled my judging appointment. Whist remembering those who are no longer with us due to the Covid Pandemic. I was happy with my entry and would like to also thank the exhibitors for entering under me and thank them all for taking my decisions, some of which were difficult, in a sportsmanlike way. I found most exhibits to be in good order, but I was quite worried that I found some younger exhibits with a build-up of scale on their teeth. This should be addressed as soon as possible. I was also delighted with a young exhibitor, attending her first show, on a whole handling her young dog so well whilst full of nerves and inexperience. We need to encourage these youngsters as they are the custodians of our breed
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
Another nice sized bitch of good type. Lovey head and expression with good furnishings. Nice neat ears and correct bite. Not the reach of neck of first but still flowed into nicely placed shoulders. Good Pelt. Held her top line on the move and moved well.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Illingworth (Thorneyhurst)
Firstly thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show, and to all the exhibitors for the massive entry which would of been hard to get through without the help of my two stewards Sharon Pickering and Margaret Bailey who did there best to make sure no exhibitors missed there classes The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, Most dogs were in fit hard condition and presented well, the old saying many good dogs went without a card was only too true, We were blessed with good weather and a nice sized ring.
Post Graduate - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
National Dog Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mr Patrick Glover (USA)
I wanted to thank the committee for the honour of judging your show. I sincerely apologize for the delay of the critique due to ill health. Coming from another country it was especially grateful to have such excellent Stewards to help guide me. And I thank all the exhibitors that came to exhibit under me. It was a pleasure to see so many quality Borders, and have them in hand. I was very satisfied with my final lineup. I enjoyed the depth of type that you have in the UK. Part of that may be seeing Borders with a proper coat. Unfortunately, Borders in the USA are not shown in such coat anymore which I do not understand. I only saw two bad bites, and I see you are battling some of the same issues we are in the US, one being straight fronts. A good Border must have some prosternum to be constructed in a proper way where the legs are under the dog rather than in front of it. The second being is the loss of rib. Your standard states “ribs carried well back” Our standard states the same thing, only adding the word deep “deep ribs carried well back. Both proper fronts and rib are essential to a working terrier, and attention must be paid to both. Overall, I enjoyed going over so many good Borders and again I thank you for the opportunity
Post Graduate - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Ian Gabriel (Gabybryl)
This was my first-time awarding Challenge Certificates in Border Terriers and many thanks to those that entered under a non-breed specialist, and well done for braving what was a bitter wind. If this was a representative entry, then I am heartened by the general health and condition of the breed. Good coats, good pelts and super large dentition were the majority. There are some nice youngsters in the lower classes. Just two points as a non-specialist if I might be permitted, firstly the standard calls for a small ear and I found quite a few otherwise nice exhibits with large houndy ears which did somewhat detract from the overall expression. Secondly several dogs broke quite markedly at the front pastern which spoilt the overall impression on the move, these points need watching.
Limit - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
Very nice bitch who is more compact than the second placed bitch but of adequate length. She has a very pleasing head, which is nicely proportioned and of good strength without losing femininity or overall expression. She is very well made throughout and all of a piece. Good front. Correct body, which is of good depth but narrow, her ribs are not over sprung and are carried well back. Good hind quarters. Moved very well
Eastbourne & DCS Open Show
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Vera Harcourt-Morris (Lenacourt)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Manchester Championship Show
19th Jan 2025
Judge: Mr Paul Wilkinson
Limit - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Wellingborough CS Centenery Open Show
26th Jan 2025
Judge: Heather Chaplin
As a former Chairman of this Society, I was delighted to receive an invitation to judge the Border Terriers at their Centenary Show. Thank you to the Secretary and the Committee for inviting me and to my stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly and efficiently at this well attended show. A very high quality and numerous entry awaited me, which was a wonderful challenge to have, so my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who entered their lovely dogs under me and who accepted my decisions with good grace and sportsmanship. All dogs present were spannable and had good bites as well as exceptional temperaments and were a real pleasure to go over. I was thrilled when my BOB was awarded Terrier Group 1 and I was very pleased with all my class winners and placings. I very much enjoyed my day, so thank you everyone!
Reserve Best Bitch
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Post Graduate - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Onthill Dolly Daydream
Placing Critique
Compact but well made 2 years and 9 months grizzle bitch. Attractive, feminine head and expression. Correct bite and large teeth. Well balanced throughout with good front and rear angulation. Body of good depth but still narrow. Easily spanned. Ribs well laid back. Good rear assembly. Straight movement front and back. Coat thick and coarse with good pelt. Liked her a lot and she had the edge for me in this class. RBB.