Name:Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue 
Colour:Blue and Tan 
Owner(s): Mrs V Mason  
Breeder:Mrs V Mason 
CH Beaconpike Dionysus (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Ravenside Ballymoss (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Ravenside Mystiko (D)
CH Holmston Freelancer (D)
Ravenside Bella Paola (B)
Ravenside Reams of Verse (B)
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Holmston Good Charlotte at Ravenside (B)
Beaconpike River Sky (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Tojamatt Warlord (D)
CH Rexlands Cock Robin (D)
Tojamatt Heather (B)
Beaconpike In A Storm (B)
Ashbrae Fellman At Beaconpike (D)
Foxcraig Magic Star At Beaconpike (B)
Valicetarn Velvet (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Beaconpike Darkest Night (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Howthwaite Grainsgill (D)
Kersfell Comet JW (D)
Howthwaite Amber Grain (B)
Beaconpike Venus (B)
Holcombe Gentleman Jack at Hollinholme (D)
Beaconpike In A Storm (B)
Catgallows Serendipity (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Lairehope Viking Spark (D)
CH Irton Up Helly Aa (D)
Lairehope Diamant Chienne (B)
Catgallows Mouse (B)
Foxcraig Jester (D)
Walton Hettie (B)

Show Placings

Wolsingham & Wear Valley Agricultural Society Open Show
3rd Sep 2023
Judge: David Alcorn (Lourdace/Comalegy)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at this buzzing, well organised, show. It was an extremely hot day so I moved dogs less than I perhaps would normally, to allow for the extreme temperatures we were all enjoying but the dogs were not. There was a good public attendance who seemed to enjoy the array of breeds on show. Thank you for the marvellous entries in the terrier breeds which made for a very enjoyable day indeed. Border Terrier
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG2, Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Placing Critique
A useful youngster maturing along good lines. Lovely head shape with correct expression. Well laid shoulder and has strength in topline, and well muscled quarters. Feet need to improve. Good coat for age, BP.
Darlington Championship Show
17th Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs D Bullen (Fevstone)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge for the second time. I had a good entry of 125 with a few absentees as is usual, the dogs were of varying types and sizes which is to be expected. The ones that were unspannable aren’t fit for function as they fall at the first hurdle so to speak. There are quite a lot creeping into the breed of late which lack power in the foreface. Falling away below the eye with a foreign expression. Also lacking in underjaw. Again a weakness in the breed which needs addressing or we will lose these qualities essential to work. A lot now have too short an upperarm which is vital in construction as it propels the dog forward as he should cover the ground effortlessly striding out. Not Pitter patter slowly. On a more positive note I found a lot of quality true to type borders that were a pleasure to judge. Effortless free movement which is essential. I’m sure the breed will go on to have a bright future if we all keep to the breed type.
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs J Guvercin (Glebeheath)
Thank you to the committee for this appointment, everyone worked hard to make it an enjoyable day. This venue always has a super atmosphere, however, the ring is too small really to see outlines, being far too near the dogs and side profile movement is very difficult to see, let alone for the dogs to perform really well. Many moved poorly, not liking the smooth mats and although I had to judge them on this today, I think most would move much better outside in a big grass ring.
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Class Critique
Some very promising puppies.
Novice - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Placing Critique
pleasing head on this blue/tan of good size, with neat ears and strong muzzle. Straight front, good bone and feet, which helped her out move the others.
The Scottish Kennel Club
1st Oct 2023
Judge: Mr M Armstrong (Bitcon)
Puppy - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
14th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan)
Firstly I’d like to thank The Border Terrier Club Committee for their very kind invitation to judge this Open show, I felt honoured and privileged . I thoroughly enjoyed my day and the hospitality on offer , the lunch certainly hit the spot..thank you Nancy Hogg. My two stewards, Jane Morton-Shaw and Marina Fleming kept things running smoothly and I am grateful for their support . To the exhibitors , my thanks go unbounded as I had a lovely selection of good quality dogs to go over and there were certainly some tough decisions in many of the classes. It is an education to finally go over some of the dogs I have admired from the ring side. I am grateful that my decisions were taken, mostly in a sporting manner. My general findings were , all males were intact , I found no kinked tails ( 1 dog had a bump on the underside of its tail , not a kink in my opinion), jackets were, as usual , at various stages of growth. I was impressed by the fact that all animals before me could be spanned , some a little easier than others. Once again I feel compelled to comment on the state of nails and feet. In my opinion , many dogs had nails that were too long and some needed drastic fur trimming to enhance the shape of the feet.In my opinion it is a shame to groom your dogs for the ring but forget that ,especially whilst on the table, the judge has a perfect view of any, long nails and/or woolly “ Yeti” feet .
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Novice - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Penrith & DCS Open Show
17th Dec 2023
Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
My thanks go to both the Penrith & District Canine Society and the Border Terrier Club for considering me to judge a super entry of some quality dogs. The show committee were most welcoming and kept the judges well fed and watered. My stewards – Sue, Jane and Katrina keeping the proceedings flowing smoothly- my thanks. All dogs presented today were of sound temperaments, all found to be spannable and, as to be expected, various stages of coat with some excellent coats and pelts on display. Movement overall was most pleasing; with some excellent examples of strong reach and drive making for fluid balanced movement. In some classes I found myself splitting hairs due to the quality of the exhibits. Again, my one plea is for clean teeth!
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Placing Critique
1 year old Blue and Tan girl. Lovely head in good proportions with plenty of fill under her dark eyes and has good strong muzzle and teeth. Straight front, just heavier in bone than 1 and appeared short in leg and a touch high at the croup today, but plenty of time to finish maturing. She moved well and was presented in a harsh coat with great pelt.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Lynda Ward (Roundtown)
It was an honour to be invited to judge this, our parent club’s show. My thanks to the committee who ran such a lovely event with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. My judge’s gift is much appreciated and will be a treasured momento of the day. My superstar stewards, Janice Johnson and Liz Barrett, worked hard and unobtrusively whilst keeping the classes moving smoothly over a long day – well done ladies. Many thanks of course to the exhibitors who made the journey on a major bank holiday weekend giving a large and quality entry of 190 dogs making 229 entries plus 10 NFC. I had some lovely sound and typical Borders to go over and, had I had them, I would have had no qualms in awarding 4 dog tickets and 5 bitch tickets. Unfortunately there are always downsides in a big entry and today size was an issue with some overly large exhibits who were not spannable and very heavily built. There were a number of youngsters which were obviously unused to having their mouths examined and more practice in a calm atmosphere would help to make them comfortable and avoid stress for them and their handlers. Ears need watching as some were quite large and spoiled the head. Sadly, as in the past I must complain about long tails. Tails are an integral aspect of the overall picture of a typical Border outline and long is simply wrong. Our breed standard is spartan compared to many others but for tails the description is clear and begins with, “Moderately short; fairly thick at base, then tapering.” Hopefully the issue will be addressed before the untypical becomes the norm. On a positive note … Feet were overall small and thickly padded although some would benefit from trimming and shorter nails. There was a good number of lovely otter-like heads of correct proportions with well placed dark eyes and a keen expression. As is usual these days coat presentation was generally good and today there were plenty of dense coats of correct texture and thick skins. Do I think the quality shown in this entry bodes well for the breed? Yes.
Junior - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown)
Thank you to the officers and committee of the Scottish Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their June 2024 Breed Club Open Show. The day was marked by very good weather conditions: a mixture of sunny spells, brisk breezes and cloud. Just right for the dogs. The dreaded rain kept at bay so the Gods smiled down on us. What a super venue to hold a show. There was a large indoor hall if needed. However, given the clement conditions, we were outside for judging on a large paved area surrounded by raised grass banks that afforded for spectators a good view of events. The welcome from officers and exhibitors alike was warm and hospitable and I’d like to thank exhibitors for the super entry I had and for their good grace in accepting their placings. There was a great sense of collegiality among members and good humour was in plentiful supply. The catering was second to none; the poached salmon salad at lunch was super. And I was sent on my way with enough food to see me back over the sea to Northern Ireland. Finally I’d like to thank my two stewards on the day: Kath Lothian and Pete Appleby. They were welcoming and fulfilled their duties with quiet good humour.
Novice - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Border Union Agricultural Society
16th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
My thanks to the Society for the invitation to Judge one of my favourite shows, it didn’t all go to plan with the weather playing its part. I would like to thank all the exhibitors for going along with my decision to stay outside despite the weather, and my special thanks to stewards Judy Carr and Audrey Coltart for braving the weather also. Also my thanks to Euan for posting my judging book and critique notes and to whomever handed it in. Sorry for delay, holidays and work have played their part. I had some lovely dogs to go over and thank you all for bringing them.
Novice - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Blackpool & District Canine Society
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to all of you who entered your dogs for me to judge. I really enjoyed my day and having the privilege of judging your dogs. The weather was kind and our ring was good. I had excellent stewards and I thank them for their hard work.
Yearling - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Graduate - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day. I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Yearling - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Limit - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Scottish Border Terrier Club Members Limited Show
26th Jan 2025
Judge: Mrs Katrina Golding (Beaconpike)
A big thank you to the Scottish BTC for the invitation to judge their members limited show. This was my first breed club show which I very much looked forward to after being asked previously, but I didn’t quite feel ready at the time. I needn’t have worried as I was made to feel very welcome by the friendly committee and exhibitors, there was a lovely atmosphere in and around the ring. A special mention to my steward Anne Gregory for ensuring everything was in order and keeping the ring running smoothly. Considering the time of year with Crufts approaching I was delighted to find correct double coats with good depth. I forgave dirty teeth in preference for correct bites, sadly I found a number that were disappointing along with small teeth. Movement was on the whole ok though I found some dogs coming towards me had loose fronts though they looked good in profile.
Maiden - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Valicetarn Vivanetta Blue
Placing Critique
Blue and tan another of nice breed type, stunning otter like head, liked her for size she was in lovely condition with strong loin, correct short tail, liked her racy hindquarters which she used on the move, she was very much out of coat but what a fantastic thick pelt, she moved soundly in this class, but sadly in her next class she was lacking confidence.