Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme

Name:Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
Owner(s): Miss T Jones  
Breeder:Mrs M Sharp 
Rhozzum Gwilym (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
CH Hobholt Harrier JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Rhozzum Columbo (D)
CH Lings Gorse By Otterbobs (D)
Rhozzum Busy (B)
Kersfell Celestial Sky At Hobholt (B)
CH/Am CH Tythrop Transatlantic (D)
Kersfell Venus (B)
Rhozzum User Friendly (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Brumberhill Battle Cry (D)
Mansergh Hoast A Roast At Risdene (D)
CH Brumberhill Belle De Jour (B)
Rhozzum Tosca (B)
CH Rhozzum Columbo (D)
Rhozzum Song Thrush (B)
Rhozzum Tangle (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Rhozzum Flint (D)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Nor CH / CH Lyddington Last Supper At Risdene (D)
CH Mansergh Master Chef at Risdene (D)
Lyddington Lizzie Hooker (B)
Rhozzum Esmee (B)
Hellchuck Crackerjack of Rhozzum (D)
Rhozzum Delia (B)
Rhozzum Twine (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Radnorvalley Goshawk of Rhozzum (D)
CH Rhozzum Dankworth (D)
Radnorvalley Exceptional (B)
Rhozzum User Friendly (B)
CH Brumberhill Battle Cry (D)
Rhozzum Tosca (B)

Show Placings

Royal Welsh Agriculture Society Open Show
18th May 2019
Judge: Mr Gordon Haran (Magregor)
Puppy / Reserve
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Blackpool & District Canine Society
23rd Jun 2019
Judge: Mr S A Mcpherson
My thanks go to Blackpool & District Canine Society for the invitation to judge their show, my very efficient stewards and to the exhibitors for their wonderful entry, topping the Terrier Group by quite a margin! It was a good quality entry, all the way through, especially in the younger classes, Junior bitch being quite exceptional, which bodes well, for the future! I thought the line ups, for the CCs, were excellent, all, for me, fitting the Standard well, good for size, lithe bodied, easily spanned and with a good length of stride. Only a very few were difficult to span. As for points of concern, a number with very deep stops, often with a rounder eye, which gives a rather untypical expression, more reminiscent of the Asian short clawed Otter, rather than the English River Otter. Forehand construction, as ever, is the main area for concern, correct shoulder and upper arm being the most difficult thing to breed for and attain. A correct forehand is a joy to watch, on the move, especially if they have the rear angulation to match, giving totally balanced, efficient, ground covering movement, but get it wrong and the movement is a bit like a “ bike with square wheels! “ in profile! I’m well aware it’s possible to win, at the highest levels, with the latter, but it doesn’t make it correct, when the Standard asks for the soundness to follow a horse, which, obviously, would require a good length of stride. A few dogs weren’t too keen on the bandage on my hand, covering up the aftermath of an unfortunate trip up, on gravel, none were unduly penalised.
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Class Critique
Three lovely puppies headed this class!
Welsh Kennel Club
17th Aug 2019
Judge: Miss T Peacock
I was honoured to be invited to judge the Welsh Kennel Cub Ch. Show. The entry was excellent both in quality and quantity, It was a pleasure to go over such quality exhibits. Movement was variable and some exhibits moved okay coming an going but lacked drive.
Novice - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Placing Critique
g/t bitch in full coat, nice for size, attractive head, strong muzzle, spanned easily, moved purposefully with drive. Just preferred back length of 1.
Richmond Championship Show
7th Sep 2019
Judge: Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
In this day of mentoring I make no apologies for restating the main criteria I apply in my judging. The standard states that the border terrier is essentially a working terrier and it should be able to follow a horse. Therefore I require a dog deep in chest but well ribbed back providing ample heart and lung room which will enable it to travel and be present when and if required to flush the quarry, narrow throughout and spannable to enable it to go to ground, head like that of a otter with strong muzzle and big teeth to help protect from any attack of the quarry, harsh double coat and thick skin as protection from the elements whilst underground or on the moors, good temperament to mix with the hounds and able to be handled as necessary. I felt that most of my winners met this criteria and my report concentrates on the dogs distinguishing points that resulted in its placing. However no dog is perfect and that is where the judgement comes in and remember opinions from the ring side do not always hold up on closer inspection.
Yearling - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
15th Sep 2019
Judge: Mrs Helen Bakewell (Norwelston)
Thank you to the committee and exhibitors for such a lovely day. Overall the quality was good, a lot of nice breed types, good feet, mouths, and was able to span most on the day.
Novice - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Placing Critique
Small head for body, nice shape and dark eye. Good neck, front, body length. Not the angulation on rear, moved ok but a little close behind, in good coat.
Aberystwyth DCS Open Show
6th Oct 2019
Judge: Miss Vanessa Cox (Shimani)
My thanks to the committee for their kind invitation to judge and to my ring steward for keeping things running smoothly.
Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Ladies Kennel Association
14th Dec 2019
Judge: Mr Mark Lowry (Ravenside)
I would first like to thank all the exhibitors for a lovely entry, and for making the effort to travel to the N.E.C on a dark winter’s morning. There was a variation in breed type to a degree, which is always the case, but I was very happy with both my final lineups and only wish I could hand out more awards.
Graduate - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Southern Border Terrier Club Members Limited Show
1st Mar 2020
Judge: Tina Morgan (Blewecourt)
Thankyou to the officers and committee for the support and courtesy extended to me at this well-run breed club show. I also want to thank and congratulate Sheila Hales the show manager, David Hunt and Lyn Aldrich my stewards and Andrew Mooney for ensuring everything was in order and ran smoothly. My last thanks must go to the exhibitors for a quality entry and allowing me to go over their dogs, as well as the sporting way they accepted my decisions. It was a great atmosphere, all the dogs and bitches displayed good temperaments, all males entire, a couple of level bites which is of course acceptable and a wide variety of types with some carrying too much condition which I couldn’t span and were heavy. Coats were at varying stages of growth and I was pleased to feel a number of good thick pelts. I judged as I saw the dogs on the day and had at the fore the essentials required for ‘essentially a working terrier’.
Maiden - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Port Talbot & Neath CS Open Show
10th Nov 2024
Judge: David Bell (Balintyne)
Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme
Wirral KA Open Show
28th Dec 2024
Judge: Tony Hadley (Wizaland)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Rhozzum Truffle At Otterholme