Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW

Name:Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW 
Owner(s): Miss J Windsor-Hichens & Mr A Lee  
Kingbull Sunflower Sammy (D)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Up In Arms Archie (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
New Lane Stroller of Earthtaw (D)
Lucky Sargent (D)
Maid of the MILL (B)
Garrator Willow (B)
CH Olderhill Neutron (D)
Foxwash Jade (B)
Holdenfold Hannah (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Tythrop Tap On Wood For Ravenside (D)
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Tythrop T'antivy (B)
Holdenfold Jessica (B)
CH/Nord CH Otterbobs Ninezergh (D)
Midnight Belle (B)
Gentle One (B)
Colour: Grizzle
Moonlight Macky (D)
Colour: Black And Tan
Hazel Nut Harold (D)
Brithdir Charlies Lad (D)
Joyfull Jenny (B)
Kenmilquin Valley Girl (B)
Kenmillto Swifty (D)
Kenmillto Mistle (B)
Quakers Bonnet (B)
Colour: Grizzle
Elidir Black As Night (D)
Dodson Tiny Tim (D)
Elidir Lizzy Drippen (B)
Diepatch Dolly (B)
Latent Power (D)
Little Miss Neat (B)

Show Placings

Bristol & District Dog Club Open Show
6th Dec 2015
Judge: Mr M L Vines (Parvodene)
Special Yearling / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Yeovil & District Canine Society Open Show
30th Dec 2015
Judge: Mr C Wallace (Hobholt)
Thank you to the Society for the invitation, the warm welcome by all and thanks to the exhibitors for a super entry and bringing your Borders’. The quality of exhibits was good, some tough decisions were made, I was really pleased with my final line up and that BOB and BP went well in the Group. It was unfortunate the Veteran class wasn’t called more clearly as not all the Veterans present were in the ring.
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Placing Critique
B, 7 mth, Gr/T, good head & expression, neat ears, good coat and pelt, good top line, moved OK
Bath Canine Society Championship Show
27th May 2016
Judge: Mr Alan Hedges (Ramblix)
My thanks go to the Officers and Committee of Bath show for inviting me to come and judge Border Terriers for the first time, and on the Bath Billiard Table as well, it was a fabulous day for me and will live long in my memory. I thought the dogs were better than the bitches although reading through my critique it doesn’t sound like that, but it was. If I may make a couple of points. Nobody who goes to shows goes to lose and some are making it rather easy for the judge to give them a hard time. Long pointed nails are not good news , nor is standing the dog like a rocking horse. If you are going to use bait, the dog needs to think it has a chance of getting it, the idea is to bring him up on his toes and make a much better picture. Every little helps, none of the opposition are going to roll over and make it easy for you! Hind movement was generally better than front movement, and plenty could have been fitter. My thanks go to all who entered, you gave me a wonderful day and I was honoured by each and every one of you
Junior - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Class Critique
I liked all of the first three in this class.
Paignton & DFA Championship Show
6th Aug 2016
Judge: Mrs M Barrass
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Marlborough & District Canine Society Open Show
1st May 2017
Judge: Mr R Brewster (Breckgreen / Stowthorney)
Post Graduate / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Chippenham & DCS Open Show
1st Apr 2018
Judge: Mrs N Evans (Pendevour)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Marizion May Flower
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Marlborough & District Canine Society Open Show
7th May 2018
Judge: Anne Speake
I would like to extend my thanks to the society for inviting me to judge at the show, the stewards, and the exhibitors.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Placing Critique
coming up 3 yr old grizzle & tan bitch has a strong, but feminine, head, dark eye and neat ears. Good reach of neck leading into well laid shoulders, with nice body length, spannable with ribs well back, well angulated with equally well set on tail, moved well fore and aft. Nice harsh coat and good pelt. RBOB
Bath Championship Show
25th May 2018
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett
My thanks to Bath Canine Society for the inviting me to judge at their show also my two stewards who kept things running smoothly.
Post Graduate - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower
Bristol and District Open Show
9th Dec 2018
Judge: Mrs C Hand
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Worester & Malvern CS Open Show
12th Jan 2019
Judge: Mr Gary Hinsley (Tigerbull)
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Newton Abbot CS Open Show
26th Jan 2019
Judge: Mr Neil Straw (Shaolin)
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Llinfi Valley Open Show
2nd Mar 2019
Judge: Claire Bayne
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Bridgend & District Kennel Association Open Show
3rd Mar 2019
Judge: Joanna Moakes (Jomoaka)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Marlborough & DCS Open Show
6th May 2019
Judge: Mr Adrian Marett (Greyteckels)
Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Christchurch & New Forest CS Open Show
19th May 2019
Judge: Miss Judith Haydon
Thank you so much to the Committee for asking me to judge the Border Terrier & Norfolk Terrier Classes at their Open Show. Thank you also to my three ring stewards, all of whom worked most efficiently between their various commitments to keep our ring running smoothly and keeping me in order!! And of course, many thanks to the exhibitors for entering and allowing me to judge their dogs, all of whom, and without exception, were a credit to their owners.
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
A strong red grizzle bitch shown today in really tight, pin-wire coat. Deep in brisket but level top-line and good rear angulation, also moved well around the ring.
Minehead & DCS Open Show
24th Jul 2019
Judge: Mr Laurie Hunt (Setthornes)
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Bournemouth Championship Show
10th Aug 2019
Judge: Mr Alan Small
It was a bit blustery to say the least down at Pikes Farm, with high winds throughout the day. A good crowd round the ring and a pleasant atmosphere prevailed. It was nice to see so many old friends. Thanks to Officers & Committee of Bournemouth C.A. For the invite, to my Stewards for looking after the Ring & to the exhibitors for such a lovely entry. I enjoyed your Border Terries, thanks for coming.
Post Graduate - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Ladies Kennel Association
14th Dec 2019
Judge: Mr Mark Lowry (Ravenside)
I would first like to thank all the exhibitors for a lovely entry, and for making the effort to travel to the N.E.C on a dark winter’s morning. There was a variation in breed type to a degree, which is always the case, but I was very happy with both my final lineups and only wish I could hand out more awards.
Post Graduate - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
grizzle and tan bitch with excellent jacket, good tight feet, showed well.
Bridgend & DKA Open Show
1st Mar 2020
Judge: Noreen Evans
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2022
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane
What a weekend it proved to be for Border Terriers
Post Graduate - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Gloucester & DCS Open Show
5th Feb 2022
Judge: Jane Newport (Digaden)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Bath CS Championship Show
27th May 2022
Judge: Mrs Jean Willetts (Hanway)
I would like to thank Bath Canine Society Committee for my invitation to judge Border Terriers at their show. I would also like to thank my steward as she was on her own, and did an excellent job of running the ring and dogs smoothly. I’d also like to thank all the exhibitors who entered, I had a very enjoyable day going over each of the dogs. On the whole most of the dogs were in good condition. Most dogs presented had good pelts and coats, however there were a few with thin pelts. There were a few long tails and some large ears. The movement on the whole was sound.
Veteran - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
Nice head and expression. In good coat and pelt. Moved soundly.
Southern Counties Canine Association
3rd Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs. Although my appointment was originally for 2020, it was worth the wait. Thank you to my stewards Doug and Sue for keeping me in line and the ring running smoothly. And most of all, thank you to all of the exhibitors for your entries and for allowing me to go over your dogs. I also want to thank anyone who made unsporting comments, for doing so out of my earshot. As I would expect, the entry was on the whole very pleasing. Thankfully, I didn’t have many exaggerations, such as ultra short muzzles or over-angulated hindquarters. Unfortunately though, good fronts, and in particular clean, well laid, shoulders and good front angulation, were few and far between. Movement, with both good reach and drive and accuracy was hard to find, so I did find myself forgiving the odd wayward front legs on dogs that otherwise had good construction and an easy ground covering stride. I would rather see a dog a little loose and covering the ground than one very accurate that can only take a three inch stride. All dogs were entire. There were only a couple of less than perfect bites and an ever so slightly kinked tail. Only a select few had a good short carroty tail, and some were very long, something we need to look out for. A few, including some bitches, were big in the rib and far too heavy to pick up and quite a number had very little undercoat and thin pelts. I looked for good construction and movement, balance and no exaggeration. I found several dogs that I would happily award CCs to on another day and had the privilege of having to really nitpick, especially in the dog challenge.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
4th Jun 2022
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
My sincere thanks to the officers and committee of the Southern Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge at this show on such a special occasion as the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration day, I am sure the celebration cakes were enjoyed by all. Thanks also to the various stewards who organised the entries on the day and kept the classes running smoothly. Having been show manager of this show for the past 12 years I appreciate the effort that was made by the committee members present on the day. A final thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to assess your dogs. With showers forecast and cool blustery weather outside it was decided to judge inside using a good sized ring that had good lighting with exhibitors/visitors able to view from 3 sides. I thought the entry was of a high quality, with several entries of both dogs and bitches deserving higher honours. In general the entries were in good condition. All males were entire and I found no kinked tails. Bites were of a good standard with just a few misplaced teeth, although teeth size varied considerably. Several exhibits would benefit from attention to feet to produce the small feet as required. Movement in general was better at the rear than in front. As usual coats were at various stages, with some exceptionally thick pelts to examine.
Veteran - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Three Counties Championship Show
9th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs M J Alexander (Glenbucket)
Veteran - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
7year old good coat and pelt enjoying her day out
Windsor Championship Dog Show
1st Jul 2022
Judge: Mr David G Winsley (Davmar)
I last judged the breed in 2017 so most of the dogs were new to me. I felt that the breed is losing that ‘ otter head’ appearance, fore-faces appearing to be too long. Poor front construction in many was a deciding factor in my placing, our ring didn’t help, but the conditions were the same for everyone.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Paignton Championship Show
6th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
It was an honour to be asked to judge at Paignton & District Fanciers Association. My thanks go to the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers and their excellent hospitality. I had a lovely day at this well organised show and would like to also thank the stewards, Helen & Norma, for keeping me on track and in order. The weather was exceptionally hot and although I do like to judge outside, I am sure exhibitors, and their dogs were grateful for the shade and cool that being inside gave us. Although I did not have a huge entry, I was fortunate to have some real quality dogs entered and had some very hard decisions to make, however, at the end of judging I was delighted with my winners. On the downside, I did find some mouths that were not as they should be and some dogs who were deep in chest and therefore difficult to span. However, the most disappointing element was the lack of detail that some exhibitors pay to feet. The standard states that feet should be ‘small with thick pads’, however, quite a few exhibits had untidy feet with long nails. Although this seems minor point, long hair around the feet detracts from the overall look of the Border Terrier. I was disappointed that I could not stay to watch the group, but unfortunately, I had to leave due to other commitments. I was delighted that all my top winners were shortlisted in the group and very pleased that my Special Beginner winner went Group 1 and the Best Puppy winner went Group 3.
Limit - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Veteran - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
Similar comments apply as for 1st place. A nice feminine head of correct proportions. Not the front of 1, but has decent shoulder placement, good topline and tail set. A good amount of strength of hindquarters which allowed her to move around the ring with purpose. Shown in good double coat.
Class Critique
Two very nice older ladies, both shown in good hard condition and not showing their age at all.
Bournemouth Open Show
12th Aug 2022
Judge: Darren Pearson (Winoski)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
Many thanks to Bournemouth Canine Association for asking me to judge, and also thanks to my two more than able stewards. It was a really hot day topping 35 degrees C, if I had entered I wouldnt have attened so I understand perfectly why we had quite a few absentees, and a outbreak of covid from a previous show, added to this ,many thanks to everyone who entered. I had some really nice examples of the breed to go over, and some hard decisions. The tent provided us with some much needed shade, and the dogs behaved very well and coped with the heat admirably. I had a couple of dogs not move as well as I know they can so gave them another opportunity to move again, and they put in a much better performance .The dogs were all presented in good order, clean teeth, short nails and tidy coats. A few coats were outstanding, harsh and dense, among the best I’ve come across.
Veteran - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Gloucester & DCS Open Show
25th Feb 2023
Judge: Gillian Knight (Talanors)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Bridgend & DKA Open Show
5th Mar 2023
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
A big thank you to the committee for my invite to judge at their show which was run very efficiently, and everyone was so friendly. I was happy with my entry and felt honoured to be able to go over some quality dogs today and the exhibitors entrusting me to do so and taking my decisions on board with grace. Only a couple of absentees but those that were, sent their apologies which I did appreciate, thank you!
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
11th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
To judge Border Terriers at Crufts was both a privilege and a honour and I must thank the Crufts Committee for the appointment to judge the breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world. A big thanks go to the exhibitors from both home and abroad for such a super entry which made for a great days judging with quality in depth in many of the classes. Finally I must thank my two stewards who kept things moving in the ring to allow me to finish judging in good time. On the day I was looking for a workmanlike dog as the standard asks for but one also must remember that in the show ring you also need that attitude and showmanship to complete the picture. I felt my BOB put up a great show in the Group and was so pleased to see him take Group 2 in a quality line up.
Good Citizen - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Chippenham & DCS Premier Open Show
2nd Apr 2023
Judge: Debbie Willett (Debeaux)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Open / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Malborough & DCS Open Show
1st May 2023
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2023
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
My thanks to Windsor Dog Show for the judging appointment. Delayed by Covid, it is a sensible moment to retire from judging at Championship level, especially as the day was very enjoyable and a fine memory to end with. It was in fact a superb entry of high quality border terriers and my thanks to all the exhibitors, especially those who travelled long distances. It was a delight when my BOB, Ch Otterbobs Tolsen, won the terrier group and an additional pleasure when my Best Veteran, Ch Cynetkoy Pillow Talk, placed third in the Veteran Group. Overall the borders proved to be sound and it was particularly enjoyable to find several dogs with large, strong teeth. Many were in a fit condition with firm muscle and active drive on the move. The majority had good shoulders coupled with hind quarters that looked capable of a day’s work. This correct construction translated into to good movement. The Border Terrier should remain a workmanlike terrier and future breeders need to keep that in mind. The top decisions were decided by some of these less obvious merits and indeed my personal preferences but, in the end, I was pleased to see an entry of border terriers with so much quality. This bodes well for the future and has left me with memories of a most enjoyable day.
Veteran - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Evesham & DCS Open Show
16th Jul 2023
Judge: Paul Eardley (Sherex)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Paignton Championship Show
5th Aug 2023
Judge: Colin Powell (Bowtman)
Best Veteran
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Veteran - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
Still in very good condition for age but just carrying a tad of weight but most do as we get older, pleasing head shape with the darkest of eyes, correct bite, moved like a little trooper, one you will have some fun with in the ring still enjoying her days out. Best Veteran.
City of Birmingham Championship Show
2nd Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs K Wilkinson (Otterkin)
Thank you to City of Birmingham for the invitation to judge this show, for the very large ring provided to the breed and to all the exhibitors who entered under me – I was very pleased with the overall quality of the entry of 122 dogs making 144 entries in these days of falling entries, with very few absentees (16 from “new dogs” by my count). The ring stewards did an excellent job of keeping everything running smoothly – so thank you to John Gardner and Ken Francis. I would like to send my best wishes to Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow) who had initially been under contract to judge this as her very first Championship Show. Having seen Anna judge at the Border Terrier Club’s Open show in February 2022, I know she is a very experienced and knowledgeable judge as well as an excellent breeder and hope in time that she is able to take on another Championship Show appointment in the future. I had originally been invited to judge this show in 2024 and had sent my acceptance letter, but when the Secretary contacted me, I agreed to bring forward the appointment to 2023. I have taken the name/s of the owner/s and the dogs’ names direct from the catalogue. Some may have other owners or Kennel Names added, or awards such as Ch or JW added now, but I must use the details from the catalogue. *Handlers* – please do not stuff food/tubes of treats into your dogs’ mouths just before the judge needs to look at their dentition. Those who stood behind their dogs and held the lead, I had no problem examining their dogs’ mouths, but a small number of others who were stuffing food into their dog’s mouth as I approached, once they moved away, some dogs were up on their hind legs trying to get more food/treats from you. I had to examine the rest of the dog then come back and look in the mouth again when the dogs were not fidgeting about looking for food. If you are doing it to avoid the dentition being checked, it won’t work as a judge will just come back to it! It was quite hot in the hall. Kudos to all the dogs as they were not put off by the noise made when judge and/or handler stood on whatever was under the carpet making a “clunk” noise. I found when spanning dogs, almost all of them were hot underneath. Never felt that before, even when judging in 90 degree heat outside in America, so just be aware that your dog may be getting overheated.
Veteran - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Gloucester & DCS Open Show
18th Feb 2024
Judge: Jenny Miller (Feorlig)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Bridgend & DKA Open Show
3rd Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
Post Graduate / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
26th Apr 2024
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Many Thanks to WELKS for asking me to judge at their show, it was an honour, also thank you so much to everyone that entered under me, I had some great dogs to go over. Congratulation to all my winners. Thanks also go to my very competent stewards for keeping my ring running smoothly. All the males were entire. Apart from 3 level bites all mouths were correct and teeth of good size. Temperaments were all sound except one or two that really didn’t like being in the noisy hall and were a little bit subdued. It’s hard to judge true movement on a slippery concrete floor and in some classes the placings could have changed if we had been outside on grass.
Veteran - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
9yr another bitch that could still work all day. Pelt thick and loose, coat harsh. level top line, good length of loin. Moved ok.
Marlborough & DCS Premier Open Show
6th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Sue Spafford (Dassett)
Firstly, I would like to thank the organisers of the show for the warm welcome and hospitality. I had some lovely dogs to go over.
Limit / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan bitch, nice eye and expression, good coat, moved ok.
National Dog Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mr Patrick Glover (USA)
I wanted to thank the committee for the honour of judging your show. I sincerely apologize for the delay of the critique due to ill health. Coming from another country it was especially grateful to have such excellent Stewards to help guide me. And I thank all the exhibitors that came to exhibit under me. It was a pleasure to see so many quality Borders, and have them in hand. I was very satisfied with my final lineup. I enjoyed the depth of type that you have in the UK. Part of that may be seeing Borders with a proper coat. Unfortunately, Borders in the USA are not shown in such coat anymore which I do not understand. I only saw two bad bites, and I see you are battling some of the same issues we are in the US, one being straight fronts. A good Border must have some prosternum to be constructed in a proper way where the legs are under the dog rather than in front of it. The second being is the loss of rib. Your standard states “ribs carried well back” Our standard states the same thing, only adding the word deep “deep ribs carried well back. Both proper fronts and rib are essential to a working terrier, and attention must be paid to both. Overall, I enjoyed going over so many good Borders and again I thank you for the opportunity
Veteran - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Ian Gabriel (Gabybryl)
This was my first-time awarding Challenge Certificates in Border Terriers and many thanks to those that entered under a non-breed specialist, and well done for braving what was a bitter wind. If this was a representative entry, then I am heartened by the general health and condition of the breed. Good coats, good pelts and super large dentition were the majority. There are some nice youngsters in the lower classes. Just two points as a non-specialist if I might be permitted, firstly the standard calls for a small ear and I found quite a few otherwise nice exhibits with large houndy ears which did somewhat detract from the overall expression. Secondly several dogs broke quite markedly at the front pastern which spoilt the overall impression on the move, these points need watching.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Three Counties Agricultural Society
8th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my very capable stewards, Bill and Tricia for their efficiency and helpfulness and especially to the exhibitors who afforded me the honour of going over their dogs. The weather was kind and the ring of sufficient size to allow dogs to get into their stride. Overall I felt that there was more quality in the bitches but was more than pleased with my main winners in both sexes. Size and front movement continue to be problems and coats were at all stages of growth-this did affect some placings. I only found one undershot bite and all males were entire. Several dogs were carrying rather too much condition but more worrying were the few who were almost painfully thin which also meant that these dogs couldn’t possibly possess the muscle needed for work. A number of dogs would benefit from more exercise to improve their muscletone.
Veteran - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Class Critique
These more mature ladies were all a credit to their owners.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge their show, it was an honour. Also for making David and myself so welcomed and the enjoyable lunch. The quality of the Borders were pleasing to go over. Big thank you to my stewards Julie and Robert, keep the classes running smoothly all day. Finally thank you to all the exhibitors who braved the cold weather, it did stay dry and allowing me to go over their dogs. All the males were entire, as usual the coats were at various stages which cost some dogs higher placing. Some wide fronts let them down, large ears were a problem in some exhibits. I was delighted with all my winners such quality.
Veteran - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the officers and committee of Windsor Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time at such a prestigious show. I must also thank my two very experienced stewards Bill & Trish Gray who were a great support to me with their calm, friendly and pleasant manner. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who entered their border terriers under me and accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. The weather became very hot as the day progressed with some dogs flagging a little on the move. Fortunately we had some shade via the marquee, the grass had got quite dried out and I felt a few exhibits didn’t move as well as others on it but generally movement was better than I have observed in the past. I must also mention how disappointed I was to find so many exhibits with dirty teeth, cleaning them should be part of a dog’s care and grooming routine. I was so delighted with my top winning border terriers that I felt had exceptional breed quality and were presented and shown to best advantage. Many quality exhibits were in some classes down the line or unplaced due to the depth of quality present and on another day may change places.
Veteran - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon (Kersfell)
I would like to thank the Committee for offering me this appointment, I was honoured to be given this opportunity. Thank you also to my stewards for all their hard work keeping the show running as smoothly as possible, for which I was very grateful. There were some lovely dogs present but front movement and lack of correct length and angulation of the upper arm continues to be a problem in some exhibits as well as size and correct coat . We should not forget the first line in the breed standard “essentially a working terrier”.
Veteran - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
5th Jul 2024
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge. Everyone worked hard throughout the day to ensure it ran smoothly. There were a few clashes with the main Boston Championship show but these were well managed. Thanks also to the competitors for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner and creating a wonderful atmosphere around the ring. There was a super entry of 172 dogs making 217 entries which I found both exciting and daunting, having had a total knee replacement operation just weeks before! Overall, I found the standard of exhibits was good. Coats were a mixture ranging from pure undercoat to absolute perfection. The majority of exhibits were spannable. All dogs were entire. I found just one undershot mouth. I forgave loose movement in some of the younger dogs which will hopefully tighten as they mature, but adults moving wide or close had to be penalised. Several lacked bone and substance, being on the leg as well as short coupled making the outline somewhat squarer than I was looking for. Handling was generally good, with one very professional young handler who really impressed me with her skills. My main winners were presented in stunning condition, and I had some difficult decisions to make in the higher classes, wishing I could award more than just one Challenge Certificate.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Veteran - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Placing Critique
Grizzle, with attractive feminine head, straight front, good rib, correct front and rear angulation, good coat and pelt, moved well . BVIS
Southampton & DCS Open Show
21st Jul 2024
Judge: Gillian Knight (Talanors)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Wiveliscombe DCS Open Show
28th Jul 2024
Judge: Mrs J. Fairweather (Ock)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society Open Show
9th Aug 2024
Judge: Sarah Richardson
My thanks for the committee for their kind invitation to judge at this combined Premier Open Show with Bournemouth Canine Association Premier Open Show. My thanks also to the exhibitors for their entry.
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Mid Somerset Agricultural Society Open Show
18th Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Laurie Hunt (Setthornes)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Westbury and DCS Open Show
15th Sep 2024
Judge: Mr Stephen R. Goodwin (Lanola)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Salisbury & South Wilts CS Open Show
22nd Sep 2024
Judge: Norman Bristow
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Open / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz
Romsey & DCS Open Show
6th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr John Dare (Bowstaff)
Open / First Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW
Tredegar DCS Open Show
19th Oct 2024
Judge: Miss Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)
Open / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
3rd Nov 2024
Judge: Mrs Eileen Cole (Towden)
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW
Totnes & District Canine Society Open Show
22nd Dec 2024
Judge: Miss D Inett (Carradine)
Open - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW
Wellingborough CS Centenery Open Show
26th Jan 2025
Judge: Heather Chaplin
As a former Chairman of this Society, I was delighted to receive an invitation to judge the Border Terriers at their Centenary Show. Thank you to the Secretary and the Committee for inviting me and to my stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly and efficiently at this well attended show. A very high quality and numerous entry awaited me, which was a wonderful challenge to have, so my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who entered their lovely dogs under me and who accepted my decisions with good grace and sportsmanship. All dogs present were spannable and had good bites as well as exceptional temperaments and were a real pleasure to go over. I was thrilled when my BOB was awarded Terrier Group 1 and I was very pleased with all my class winners and placings. I very much enjoyed my day, so thank you everyone!
Open - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Marizion May Flower At Ankietaz VW