Name:Thistlemead Scentsation JW 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
Owner(s): Ms P M Heeley  
Breeder:Ms P M Heeley 
CH Dassett Last Waltz JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Grindelvald In Full Cry JW (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Otterwood Amex JW ShCM (D)
CH/Am/Can CH Conundrum Co-Writer (D)
Badgerholme the Oakes At Otterwood (B)
Barrowaydem Montrachet At Grindelvald (B)
CH Grindelvald Sandpiper (D)
Gameway Sugar Almond (B)
Brackenfell Jitter Bug At Dassett (B)
Colour: Red
CH Kgills King Of Swing At Awbrooksky ShCM (D)
CH/Swe CH Sweeping Foxtrot For Kgills (D)
Springhaugh Time At Kgills (B)
Beaconpike Night Sky At Brackenfell (B)
Ashbrae Fellman At Beaconpike (D)
Foxcraig Magic Star At Beaconpike (B)
Thistlemead Harmony JW (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
CH Kgills King Of Swing At Awbrooksky ShCM (D)
Colour: Grizzle
CH/Swe CH Sweeping Foxtrot For Kgills (D)
CH/Nord CH Otterbobs Ninezergh (D)
Sweeping Blaklocka Smocka (B)
Springhaugh Time At Kgills (B)
CH Brumberhill Bestseller JW ShCM (D)
Thornleyhaugh Thistle (B)
Thistlemead Starlight (B)
Colour: Red Grizzle
Bandicoot Double O Seven (D)
CH Gameway Kiwi JW (D)
Jephanil Rosa Pomifera At Bandicoot (B)
Thistlemead Skylark (B)
CH Otterwood Amex JW ShCM (D)
Thistlemead Kenmilleven Sweet Pea (B)

Show Placings

Boston & District Canine Society Championship Show
9th Jan 2022
Judge: Professor A S Milton (Baillieswells)
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
East Kent Canine Society Open Show
6th Feb 2022
Judge: Alexandra Witmond (Tiltser)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
West Midlands Terrier Society Open Show
12th Feb 2022
Judge: Dog Judge:-Dave Lee Bitch Judge:-Ken Francis
May I take this opportunity to thank the Officers and Committee of the West Midlands Terrier Society for the invitation to judge at their Premier Terrier Show, venue the KC Building at Stoneleigh Saturday 12thFebruary. I also convey my thanks to Mandy Secretary for the Lovely Lunch in addition to the hard-working Ladies in the Kitchen. I also thank my two Stewards Jo and Graham Dowdy for keeping things running efficiently and smoothly. Finally, I thank the exhibitors as without you there’s no show. The atmosphere around all rings were fantastic as it always is at this Premier Terrier Club. Dave Lee The dog judge and myself selected both BOB and BP from the dog classes. Was pleased to see the puppy win BPIS. Ken Francis
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
8 months. Stood unexaggerated with a straight level back which she held on the move. Had the correct head planes and a dark eye. Scissor bite. Laid back shoulders and sufficient reach of neck. Well angulated with a good cut up. Could be a little shorter. Moved freely and lightly when going and coming with a straight movement. Easily spannable and correct tail carriage. Dark grizzle bitch with a weatherproof coat. BPB
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Newark & DCS Open Show
19th Feb 2022
Judge: Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Thank you to Newark and District CS for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for the opportunity of going over some wonderful dogs and to my ring stewards, Nigel and Sarah, for keeping the ring running smoothly..
Puppy / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
11th Mar 2022
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Curtis (Matamba)
Crufts has always been a memorable experience for me, from sitting ringside to winning top honours in this breed, and to retire from judging with my last appointment being Crufts was a special occasion. Many thanks to all the exhibitors for the entry of 233 dogs making 257 entries with 28 absentees. It was a long day and with only one steward for almost all of the classes my sincere thanks must go to Robyn Burnett. Plus a special thanks to Judy Carr for stepping in to help Robyn in those last big classes to help us finish just in time to get the BOB to the Group. Also to Joyce Martin the photographer who worked hard throughout the day to get those special pictures, thank you. I enjoyed my day judging but found some of the classes quite challenging. I was pleased with the lineup and my principal winners, but a little disappointed with what I was finding when the dogs came to the table. The standard reads “Head like that of an otter moderately broad in skull and small ears dropping close to cheek” but some were so untypical of our breed with narrow skulls, weak jaws and small teeth, with ears that were too big and standing away from the cheek. In every class there were some that just could not be spanned - being too deep in the chest and strong in the rib. Movement was better behind than in front. Finding dogs with a short upper arm, this not only restricts the movement but when standing almost gives a Fox Terrier type front which I was seeing, to start accepting these deviations as acceptable would be a sad day for our breed as we know it. General condition of the dogs was good, jackets came in all stages mostly acceptable with some good thick pelts. One problem I found today was the baiting of dogs on the table. In some cases it made it hard going for dogs and judge - no need to top and tail and bait all at the same time - personally I just needed the dogs to stand still.
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2022
Judge: Miss J Singh (Vandamere)
I would like to thank the Secretary of the National Terrier Club and committee members for their warm welcome and superb hospitality. I had a nice entry of 113. Inevitably there were some absentees. It was encouraging to see young handlers in the ring and I hope they continue to enjoy the show scene. I found three wry mouths and one exhibit with a kink tail. A couple of exhibits were in need of muscle tone and condition. This is achievable by good feeding and exercise and not starvation. My thanks go to my very capable stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly.
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
this puppy has a lovely feminine head and expression. Her front was straight, she has good bone and shoulders. She has a thick pelt and was shown in enough coat to warrant her placement. Her outline was pleasing and moved well.
25th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr S A Mcpherson (Brumberhill))
Thank you to the WELKS committee for the invitation to judge their show and to my stewards, who did a sterling job, keeping everything moving, to get through the entry. Wasn’t sure what to expect, being on a Monday, in the current financial climate, so was delighted to receive an entry of 126 dogs, making 181 entries, topping the Terrier Group, by quite a margin. Thank you to those exhibitors, for bringing their dogs, and wanting my opinion. There were very few I’d actually judged before, having last judged at Blackpool ’19. We were blessed with a lovely sunny day, and a huge double sized ring, giving everyone full chance to show their dogs to full advantage. I felt it was a high quality entry, especially the bitches, where, I felt, my final bitch challenge line up was one of the best I’ve judged. There were a number of bitches, both there, and in the placings, I have no doubt will gain their crowns, given a fair chance. Main points of concern, as last time I judged, at Blackpool ’19, are still deep stops, with a rounder eye, giving an untypical expression. A few, with this problem, also had tighter, untidy bites, as they were very short in muzzle. A few knobbly tails, some too long, carried high, but most were ok and well carried. On the whole, I thought movement had improved, although still a few high steppers, due to incorrect shoulder and upper arm. Toplines were good, on most. Presentation, on the whole, was good, as most were in good coat, or evidence of texture.
Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
Grizzle. 10 ½ months. Typical head and expression. Good neck, shoulder, front and feet. Good topline and tailset. Good hindquarters. Another sound, free mover. Close up, just losing out, as not in quite the coat of the winner.
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
30th Apr 2022
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
What a great honour it was to be invited to judge the Joint Border Terrier Clubs’ Show in the Border Terrier’s centenary year. Waiting an extra two years did not decrease my excitement for the appointment and my anticipation was richly rewarded with a super entry both in turns of numbers and quality. My critique must start with several expressions of gratitude to those who made this appointment possible and so enjoyable. To the Committee for inviting me to judge at such a prestigious event. It was truly an honour, and the memory of the day will be one I shall treasure. Further the hospitality that myself and my family were shown at the show and the dinner following was much appreciated. We all had a great time. To the show organisers, especially Show Manger Helen Axford, whose organisation and show layout allowed everything to run smoothly even when the weather was a little less than kind to us. To my capable and efficient Stewards Christine Horner and Sharon Pickering. Having you in the ring with me was both supportive and enjoyable.Thank you to the exhibitors for giving me a lovely entry to judge. I enjoyed judging each and every dog whether in the cards or not. I had some tough decisions to make and in the stronger classes five places was insufficient for the depth of quality. A number of dogs I liked very much went cardless. I loved the line up in both my challenges and was able to find the type I wanted in all classes. I was glad to find some super coats and pelts. The changeable late April Border weather and biting wind certainly showed us the importance of these. It left us in no doubt that for a Border Terrier working the Border country in the colder winter months and at higher elevations a good coat is a must. I understand that it is not always possible to present your dogs at a show in the perfect jacket but when out of coat, personally I prefer to see a dog neatly stripped back rather than left with a few top coat hairs. I found three mouths with teeth well out of line and a couple of tails were questionable but overall the quality was excellent.
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
6th May 2022
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of The Midland Border Terrier Club for the invite to judge the Open Show held in conjunction with The Birmingham National. The hospitality showed by both clubs on the day was tremendous plus the wonderful gift received with many thanks – I will remember my first club show appointment for a long time. I could not of been more pleased with my entry on the day so a big thank you for all of the exhibitors that gave me the opportunity to go over their dogs and the quality presented. Junior Bitch, Limit Bitch and Limit Dog classes were of real quality and on another day placings could of easily been switched. That aside I was really pleased with my Bitch/Dog line ups having some real quality to pick my main winners from. Also a special mention to my two stewards Sharon and La for keeping my classes going and to Bev who co-ordinated between the two rings whilst the judging was going on. It was nice having the opportunity to see Terrier Group at the Birmingham National at the end of the day and see my Best Dog go on to represent the Border Terrier by getting short listed in a really big group, he had his 3 CC today and I was delighted to see he has become a Champion in his own right.
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
National Dog Show
6th May 2022
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon (Kersfell)
Thank you to the Committee for the invitation to judge at this show; I had received an invitation to judge the breed here in 2007 but was unable to accept due to a previous appointment so was very pleased to be offered the opportunity again. Thanks to my stewards for all their hard work during the day and also to the exhibitors for entering some lovely Border Terriers. There were some wonderful quality exhibits but I was particularly pleased with my line-up of unbeaten bitches with 4 or 5 in contention for the top honours, a very difficult but enjoyable decision. It is 50 years since I won my first CC in the breed and at that time it was emphasised to novices by the experienced exhibitors that the most important part of the breed standard was the first line “essentially a working terrier” and I have always had this at the forefront in my mind when judging the breed. Not, does it work, but could it do so; meaning could it follow a horse and go to ground when needed; also could it get out again.
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Herts & Essex Border CS Open Show
15th May 2022
Judge: Mrs Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Bath CS Championship Show
27th May 2022
Judge: Mrs Jean Willetts (Hanway)
I would like to thank Bath Canine Society Committee for my invitation to judge Border Terriers at their show. I would also like to thank my steward as she was on her own, and did an excellent job of running the ring and dogs smoothly. I’d also like to thank all the exhibitors who entered, I had a very enjoyable day going over each of the dogs. On the whole most of the dogs were in good condition. Most dogs presented had good pelts and coats, however there were a few with thin pelts. There were a few long tails and some large ears. The movement on the whole was sound.
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
Lovely head and expression with neat ears. Good neck and shoulders. In good condition with harsh coat. Moved well round the ring keeping her outline and tail set on the move. Moved well. Very close decision for Best Puppy Bitch.
Southern Counties Canine Association
3rd Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs. Although my appointment was originally for 2020, it was worth the wait. Thank you to my stewards Doug and Sue for keeping me in line and the ring running smoothly. And most of all, thank you to all of the exhibitors for your entries and for allowing me to go over your dogs. I also want to thank anyone who made unsporting comments, for doing so out of my earshot. As I would expect, the entry was on the whole very pleasing. Thankfully, I didn’t have many exaggerations, such as ultra short muzzles or over-angulated hindquarters. Unfortunately though, good fronts, and in particular clean, well laid, shoulders and good front angulation, were few and far between. Movement, with both good reach and drive and accuracy was hard to find, so I did find myself forgiving the odd wayward front legs on dogs that otherwise had good construction and an easy ground covering stride. I would rather see a dog a little loose and covering the ground than one very accurate that can only take a three inch stride. All dogs were entire. There were only a couple of less than perfect bites and an ever so slightly kinked tail. Only a select few had a good short carroty tail, and some were very long, something we need to look out for. A few, including some bitches, were big in the rib and far too heavy to pick up and quite a number had very little undercoat and thin pelts. I looked for good construction and movement, balance and no exaggeration. I found several dogs that I would happily award CCs to on another day and had the privilege of having to really nitpick, especially in the dog challenge.
Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
Daughter of my Special Beginner winner. Grizzle and tan with lovely head and expression. Excellent bite, strong muzzle and keen eye. Nice bone, standing on neat feet. Narrow throughout, easily spanned and well ribbed back. Excellent topline and tail set. Racy hindquarters. Shown in a decent double coat. Very sound from all directions and keeping her topline on the move.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
4th Jun 2022
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
My sincere thanks to the officers and committee of the Southern Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge at this show on such a special occasion as the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration day, I am sure the celebration cakes were enjoyed by all. Thanks also to the various stewards who organised the entries on the day and kept the classes running smoothly. Having been show manager of this show for the past 12 years I appreciate the effort that was made by the committee members present on the day. A final thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to assess your dogs. With showers forecast and cool blustery weather outside it was decided to judge inside using a good sized ring that had good lighting with exhibitors/visitors able to view from 3 sides. I thought the entry was of a high quality, with several entries of both dogs and bitches deserving higher honours. In general the entries were in good condition. All males were entire and I found no kinked tails. Bites were of a good standard with just a few misplaced teeth, although teeth size varied considerably. Several exhibits would benefit from attention to feet to produce the small feet as required. Movement in general was better at the rear than in front. As usual coats were at various stages, with some exceptionally thick pelts to examine.
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
Almost a year old she is maturing nicely. Lots to like with a strong head and correct bite. Good in rib and has a strong loin. Harsh double coat and loose pelt. With a nice underline she moves out well holding her topline. Tail could be thicker.
Three Counties Championship Show
9th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs M J Alexander (Glenbucket)
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Newmarket & DCS Premier Open Show
11th Jun 2022
Judge: Darren Pearson (Winoski)
Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Whitstable & DCS Open Show
19th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Beverley Jackson (Clipstone)
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Royal Cheshire County Show
22nd Jun 2022
Judge: Carmel Clarke O'Neill (Lemracdream)
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Blackpool & District Canine Society
26th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Trak Fryer (Irton)
Thanks to the exhibitors for a lovely entry, much appreciated in these difficult times. Thanks also to my stewards who not only kept the ring moving well but proved very adept at fielding judging slips, ring cards and prize cards and miscellaneous other bits and pieces flying across the ring in a very blustery wind. I thought it would be better to judge outside, the wind did upset a few dogs and those with a lot of coat were truly blown. The Border is essentially a working terrier that should combine activity with gameness – I thought that worth repeating since some seem to have forgotten it! I managed to find good heads but in general they were not strong, the head and jaw is not a cosmetic addition but an essential part of the terrier’s make up. Feet and pelts were OK but very few could be regarded as really good, again they are an essential feature required for the work the dog was bred for. Coats were all over the place very few being presented in a good sharp deep coat, however most were acceptable. Movement remains a problem, there were feet flicking out, plaiting in front, bouncing up and down or rocking on the front – all problems with shoulder construction. The best move with that lovely unfussy ground covering drive that is so typical of the breed. I was surprised to find several exhibits with level bites, I know the standard allows for this but it is undesirable, particularly in young dogs. Having said all that I did find a good number of excellent very typical dogs, Limit & Open classes in both sexes were excellent and there were some promising puppies coming along.
Junior - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Windsor Championship Dog Show
1st Jul 2022
Judge: Mr David G Winsley (Davmar)
I last judged the breed in 2017 so most of the dogs were new to me. I felt that the breed is losing that ‘ otter head’ appearance, fore-faces appearing to be too long. Poor front construction in many was a deciding factor in my placing, our ring didn’t help, but the conditions were the same for everyone.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
Clean in outline, pleasing head that still needs time to finish. Good straight front with a nice depth of body. Well made hindquarters. Good coat & plenty of pelt, moving nicely both ways.
East of England
9th Jul 2022
Judge: Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
The Northern Border Terrier Club 50th Championship Show
16th Jul 2022
Judge: Mr Euan Castel (Flutorum)
It was an honour to judge the Club’s 50th Championship Show at Bowburn. Many thanks to the Officers and committee for their kind invitation and warm welcome at the show. Thank you to my efficient stewards Graham Richardson and Mark Atkinson for keeping everything on track. Thankfully the show avoided the excessive temperatures of the heatwave and although still hot the hall remained comfortable for both dogs and exhibitors. Sincere thanks to all exhibitors for providing me with a lovely entry, it was a privilege to go over your dogs. I found an equal depth of quality in both dogs and bitches and very pleased with the final line-ups.
Junior - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Durham & County Canine Assoc. Premier Open Show.
17th Jul 2022
Judge: Lesley Armstrong-Rodgers ( Atron/Scottsway )
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at this extremely well run event, especially for pulling off such a great show despite being let down at such a late stage with their original venue. The Committee must have really pulled together, so very well done. I must say that they even had far more toilet facilities than some Championship Shows of late !. I was delighted to be greeted with a super entry, not just numerically, but in quality too !. Thank you to all the exhibitors for bringing their Borders for my opinion today.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
What a really nice head this grizzle possesses, with such a lovely expression on a moderately broad skull with a keen dark eye. Good straight front with sufficient bone. Narrow throughout and well ribbed back. Racy hindquarters. Shown in good coat and pliable pelt. Moved out really, well holding her topline and tail correctly.
Leeds Championship Dog Show
22nd Jul 2022
Judge: Mrs J Fawcett (Carrock)
My thanks to the Leeds City & District Canine Association for their kind invitation to judge their Championship show, enabling me to award my first set of Challenge Certificates. Thank you also to my two stewards, Mags & Bob, who kept the ring running smoothly throughout the day which meant we managed to finish by 3pm before the rain came. My biggest thanks go to all the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs and for the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted – I had a fantastic entry for a show taking place on a Friday and in the holiday season – I was absolutely delighted. Just a comment about the ring – the rather large metal tent fixings that took up quite a lot of the ring were a bit of a hazard. However, I believe we managed to work around them well and I was able to see the movement of all the exhibits. As you would expect, coats were at various stages but on the whole most were acceptable. All dogs were entire, there were no kinked tails and just one or two untidy mouths. When I last judged in November 2019 my main concern was size and this still remains an issue - I was unable to span quite a number of both dogs & bitches on the day and this was reflected in my decisions. Poor front angulation also seems to be an issue – a number of upright shoulders and a lot of very wayward front legs. I thought it also relevant to mention the number of long, thin muzzles, particularly in the younger classes, that seem to be creeping into the breed - Border Terriers should have short, strong muzzles. That all said, I had some quality dogs to judge – I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Junior - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Paignton Championship Show
6th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
It was an honour to be asked to judge at Paignton & District Fanciers Association. My thanks go to the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers and their excellent hospitality. I had a lovely day at this well organised show and would like to also thank the stewards, Helen & Norma, for keeping me on track and in order. The weather was exceptionally hot and although I do like to judge outside, I am sure exhibitors, and their dogs were grateful for the shade and cool that being inside gave us. Although I did not have a huge entry, I was fortunate to have some real quality dogs entered and had some very hard decisions to make, however, at the end of judging I was delighted with my winners. On the downside, I did find some mouths that were not as they should be and some dogs who were deep in chest and therefore difficult to span. However, the most disappointing element was the lack of detail that some exhibitors pay to feet. The standard states that feet should be ‘small with thick pads’, however, quite a few exhibits had untidy feet with long nails. Although this seems minor point, long hair around the feet detracts from the overall look of the Border Terrier. I was disappointed that I could not stay to watch the group, but unfortunately, I had to leave due to other commitments. I was delighted that all my top winners were shortlisted in the group and very pleased that my Special Beginner winner went Group 1 and the Best Puppy winner went Group 3.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
A nice typey border with a lot to like about her. She is well put together with a typical border head of correct proportions. Good length of neck and narrow forequarters and is just right for bone. Narrow throughout with plenty of strength of loin. Level topline stood and on the move and lovely short carroty tail. Moved out well. Lost out on coat today.
Bournemouth Open Show
12th Aug 2022
Judge: Darren Pearson (Winoski)
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
Many thanks to Bournemouth Canine Association for asking me to judge, and also thanks to my two more than able stewards. It was a really hot day topping 35 degrees C, if I had entered I wouldnt have attened so I understand perfectly why we had quite a few absentees, and a outbreak of covid from a previous show, added to this ,many thanks to everyone who entered. I had some really nice examples of the breed to go over, and some hard decisions. The tent provided us with some much needed shade, and the dogs behaved very well and coped with the heat admirably. I had a couple of dogs not move as well as I know they can so gave them another opportunity to move again, and they put in a much better performance .The dogs were all presented in good order, clean teeth, short nails and tidy coats. A few coats were outstanding, harsh and dense, among the best I’ve come across.
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Thame & Oxfordshire County CS Open Show
17th Aug 2022
Judge: Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Huntingdonshire CS Open Show
20th Aug 2022
Judge: Sue Bird (Joybirna)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Thistlemead Scentsation
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Horley & DSS Open Show
28th Aug 2022
Judge: Krystyan Greenland
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
South West Essex CA Open Show
29th Aug 2022
Judge: Sue Fewings (Komidions)
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
London and Home Counties Terrier Club Open Show
4th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr Thomas West (Tomlyndon)
Post Graduate - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Richmond Championship Dog Show
11th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr J A Barney (Romaunt)
Many thanks to Richmond in giving me the opportunity to judge a breed that still has some depth in quality to it. Generally, I felt movement needs to be attended to. It's a breed I've always associated with true movement both ways and a number did tend to pin in front. Coat texture was pretty good throughout but some would benefit from slightly neater presentation. I was able to span nearly all exhibits and pelts good. At the moment I would say that bitches are far stronger than the males.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
Loved her head and expression, so typical of the breed. Good size, make and shape. Clean neck and lay of shoulder, well ribbed back and strong loin. Moderate racy rear construction. Well set tail and carriage on the move. Moved well both fore and aft. Did look at her for the RCC but lost out on maturity.
Limit - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Sheringham & District KA Open Show
18th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore)
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
The Scottish Kennel Club (October Show)
1st Oct 2022
Judge: Mr G Richardson
I would like to thank the Scottish Kennel Club for offering me the chance to award C.Cs for the first time, thanks to their hospitality i had a very enjoyable experience . Thank you to the exhibitors for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner . Also thank you to my very efficient Steward on the day Judy Carr , with her experience she kept the day flowing excellently. Overall I was very pleased with the dogs placed on the day, generally there was a better quality bitch entry compared to dogs. Movement and wide fronts was an issue with some exhibits but generally ok. I was happy to see my B.P, take Puppy Group 2 and B.S.B.I.B. take S.B. Group 1 .
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Norwich & Norfolk CS Open Show
4th Oct 2022
Judge: Barry Blunden
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
South Wales Kennel Association
6th Oct 2022
Judge: Mr Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge, this was my first time awarding CC’s. Thank you to my stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly. A big thank you must go to the exhibitors for a good entry especially on a Thursday in the middle of Wales in the current climate we live in. I only have a couple of concerns. Movement is paramount in our breed and these dogs should be able to cover ground easily I found due to poor shoulder angulation a few had restrained front movement. I did forgive coat in class placings where evidence of a new coat was present, however I did find a lot of single coated dogs possibly down to over grooming, my main winners all had correct double coat of depth. I had a very enjoyable day, thank you to everyone for accepting my decisions gracefully.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
What a lovely bitch for breed type, super otter head with dark eye correct bite and neat ears, narrow front, good length of rib, spans with ease, harsh double coat with loose pelt, sound on the move coming and going which secured her the class.
Class Critique
A quality class of bitches that could have easily won this class
Rugby & DCS Open Show
8th Oct 2022
Judge: Jane Paradise (Shardlow)
Two days before the show I was appointed as an emergency stand-in judge. I do hope that the original judge Colin Richardson is now feeling better –you had drawn a quality entry. My thanks to the Committee for this opportunity and to the exhibitors for accepting my placings with good sportsmanship.
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
15 month old girl . Ears hanging close to head, ex bite with strong teeth. Moderate bone. Good strong topline. Parallel hocks. Calm in attitude and moving briskly.
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society Open Show
16th Oct 2022
Judge: Jane Peakin (Byzantine)
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Midland Counties Canine Society
30th Oct 2022
Judge: Mr Alan Small (Bethane)
I thoroughly enjoyed my day judging the Border Teriers at Midland Counties Champ. Show. Thanks to the Officers & Committee for the invite & especially to the exhibitors who presented me with such a wonderful entry of 230 from 174 dogs. It was a quality entry overall and I was particuarly impressed with the quality of the young stock which augers well for the breed. There's no Puppy or Veteran Groups at the Midland, which is a pity because I feel both would have done well. Must not be too greedy, as it was nice to see my BOB, Ch. Otterbobs Tolson top the Terrier Group and my Best Special Beginners, Thistlemead Sundance, take her respective Group as well.....Well done. Special thanks to my Ring Stewards, Penny Lloyd & Gavin Argyle, who kept things moving along nicely. Border Terriers are dear to my heart having owned & bred them over a number of years. Thanks again for such a wonderful entry, I enjoyed your dogs and a nice atmosphere prevailed.
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
for me she was just that, sensational! Has it all, type balance & movement, lovely otter head & expression, correct front & feet, balanced neck to well laid shoulders, of lovely length with ribs back & spanable, in good coat with thick pelt, presented a pleasing outline with good quarters & well set tail, lovely mover that was well handled to Bitch CC.
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
6th Nov 2022
Judge: Mrs S Thompson (Ashgate)
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Plymouth & DKA Open Show
12th Nov 2022
Judge: Darren Pearson (Winoski)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Thistlemead Scentsation
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Crystal Palace Canine Association Dog Show
27th Nov 2022
Judge: Anne Speake
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at their well run open show. A big thank you to my ring steward George who kept things moving along nicely and many thanks to the exhibitors for allowing me the privilege of going over your lovely dogs.
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Junior / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Placing Critique
a quality 17 month old bitch, of lovely breed type, with a feminine head, dark eye and keen expression. With good ear set. Excellent front and shoulders, ribs carried well back, good length of body, strong loin, finished off with a well set on carroty tail. Well muscled hindquarters which she used on the move keeping a strong top line. With an excellent double coat, and a loose pliable pelt. BOB
Wiveliscombe DCS Open Show
14th Jan 2023
Judge: Miss N Foster (Thozow)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation
East Kent Canine Society Open Show
5th Feb 2023
Judge: Cath Moffat (Kyleca)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Portsmouth & Southsea KA Open Show
12th Feb 2023
Judge: Mrs L Wilson (Sibra)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Kent County Canine Association Open Show
19th Feb 2023
Judge: Francis Goldfinch
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
11th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
To judge Border Terriers at Crufts was both a privilege and a honour and I must thank the Crufts Committee for the appointment to judge the breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world. A big thanks go to the exhibitors from both home and abroad for such a super entry which made for a great days judging with quality in depth in many of the classes. Finally I must thank my two stewards who kept things moving in the ring to allow me to finish judging in good time. On the day I was looking for a workmanlike dog as the standard asks for but one also must remember that in the show ring you also need that attitude and showmanship to complete the picture. I felt my BOB put up a great show in the Group and was so pleased to see him take Group 2 in a quality line up.
Yearling - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
Liked her for size, balance and her clean lines which she kept both stood and on the move. Very typical in head, good strength, dark eye and alert expression. Well made front assembly, good depth but easily spanned and an excellent body shape with the best of toplines and correct tailset. Strong well made quarters with good width. Workmanlike throughout but has that showmanship to complete the picture.
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
18th Mar 2023
Judge: Richard Stafford (Farnfield)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
25th Mar 2023
Judge: Mrs Charlotte Archibald (Tweedburn)
What an absolute honour and a privilege to be invited to judge this show, my thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Border Terrier Club, and my two excellent stewards for the day, Judy and Marina. My sincere thanks also, to ALL the exhibitors for making it truly memorable, with 196 dogs, 233 entries. Some very close decisions had to be made! On the down side, I found some very short muzzles and small teeth, and quite a number of filthy teeth!! Temperaments were generally good, there were 2 kinked tails and 1 suspect mouth, a lack of muscle tone and condition in some exhibits, which is essential for a terrier to do it’s job. That said, it was an absolute joy to see so many super dogs.
Yearling - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
very attractive headed g/t bitch, in superb condition, excellent body length, with great jacket, and ring presence, moved very well, seriously considered for higher honours.
Crystal Palace Canine Association Dog Show
8th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Tracey James (Blackmine)
A bit thank to the committee of EABTC for inviting me to judge their championship show. I really enjoyed my day and when I later looked at the catalogue to see my winners I found it interesting reading, as all my major winners were of similar lines.
Yearling - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
27th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at WELKS, it was quite a few years ago now, as I was due to judge them at the beginning of lockdown. Due to the heavy rain that had fallen over the preceding days, all judging was inside. It was slightly draughty, but we were allocated a double ring, so plenty of space, to see the exhibits stride out. I must thank the two stewards Lynn Jones and Celia Vines who kept the ring flowing beautifully and the exhibitors for making prompt appearances, we did well for time, starting approx. 0930 and finishing around 14:45. I thank all exhibitors for a wonderful entry (123 dogs making 172 entries} for a Thursday in Malvern and appreciate their time and expense for entering under me. There was plenty of quality to choose from and I was happy with my final decisions. Dentition was very good and a pleasure to judge dogs with clean teeth. I did find muscle tone to be poor/average in a lot of the exhibits, which must be one of the key areas for any working terrier. Jackets were mixed as was movement.
Yearling - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
6th May 2023
Judge: Mr Keith Baldwin (Nightstorm)
I would like to thank all the Officers and Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their club open show. It is now 17 years that I have been judging Border Terriers and it was the 6th August 2011 that I attended the Midland Border Terrier Club breed specific seminar when Jena Tuck was the secretary. I was very pleased with my entry of 112 quality dogs and bitches, also I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the exhibitors who entered and for allowing me to go over their dogs. They all showed and behaved very well. I can report back to you that you have overall one of the soundest breeds that I have judged. Last but not least I would like to thank my stewards who did an excellent job keeping everything flowing smoothly between the two shows in the Margaret Everton Pavilion
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
22 months old, another top quality bitch that I now see is litter sister to Post Grad winner, with simular good breed attributes, you must be pleased with them both, her head was strong yet feminine and her muzzle is strong, keen dark eyes and scissor bite, clean neck and shoulders, well ribbed back and spanned handily, very racy hindquarter which drove her around the ring with balanced ease, well shown, the future should be bright for this one also.
Devon County Agricultural Association Premier Open Show
18th May 2023
Judge: Justine Monaghan
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Poole Canine Club Open Show
21st May 2023
Judge: Mr Laurie Hunt (Setthornes)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Bath Canine Society
29th May 2023
Judge: Mrs Anne Gregory (Remony)
My thanks to the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for inviting me to judge today. A big thank you to my two very efficient stewards, Mark and Joyce, who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently. Thank you also to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, it is always a privilege to do so. I was disappointed not to have been able to stay and watch the groups but circumstances outwith my control prevented me from doing so. While there were plenty of good ‘otter’ heads in evidence, I found some heads lacking in muzzle strength and some with stops that were too deep, neither of which is desirable. Some exhibits were too heavy in frame and consequently didn’t come to hand easily. Some dogs had weak pasterns and feet that could have been tighter. Coats were at varying stages, with some in their underclothes, some just going over the top, and in some cases, this was a deciding factor. Overall, movement was good with correct tracking, plenty of drive off well angulated hindquarters and good length of stride. Some dogs could have benefited from more ring training and, at times, baiting on the table was excessive. A dog scrambling to get to bait makes it more difficult to assess. On a positive note, I did have some quality dogs to go over and was well pleased with my winners and final line-up. I was also pleased to see my Best Veteran win the Terrier Veteran Group, my Best Puppy shortlisted in the Terrier Puppy Group and my Best Special Beginners, Special Beginners Terrier Group 4
Yearling - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Yearling - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Southampton & DCS Open Show
22nd Jul 2023
Judge: Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Leeds Championship Show
29th Jul 2023
Judge: Mr Brian Aubrey (Jenabeck)
Thank you all for a wonderful entry, I had to make some difficult choices on the day, but as always, I judge the dog on the day friend or foe and not what the dog as done in the past or what it will do in the future. a few things did concern me on the day (1 ) so Many dirty teeth, (2) a few unfit dogs due to being overweight, (3) and the most concerning is short legs on one or two of the borders,
Limit - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Paignton Championship Show
5th Aug 2023
Judge: Colin Powell (Bowtman)
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
Good in head and expression, straight front and nice feet, thick pads, well balanced body easily spanned, good angulations and tail set, hard and fit, in good coat, moved well fore and aft, nice condition.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr. Bob Wright (Totherend)
It was a real honour to judge my home club’s show and my thanks go to a great committee for the opportunity and the way they run the club with all hands to the wheel. Richard Wright and Sharon Pickering had my back and have my appreciation for a great day’s stewarding. I was disappointed in the early dog classes where what initially looked like an impressive line-up failed to materialise once on the table or on the move. Movement was a weak spot for a surprisingly large number of exhibits, especially front movement. There were three poor mouths and one exhibit that couldn’t be spanned but lots of good pelts, coats and neat feet. However long tails are becoming more common and a true carrot tail is about as rare as hen’s teeth. I was fascinated by some handlers interpretation of a triangle, suffice to say it’s a good job it wasn’t a maths exam. Once again there were only two CCs available which is a great shame when there are so many who warrant them. I can only sympathise with those who went home empty handed. It was most likely a reflection of the strength of the classes rather than their standing. The bitch classes were especially strong with at least six exhibits worthy of much more than I had available to offer. When it came to the line ups I was clearly torn and had to be really picky to get to a decision but in the end I was pleased with all the winners. Whilst there is still much that can be done to improve some aspects of the breed there is a lot to be proud of with some really stunning exhibits out there.
Limit - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Richmond Championship Show
8th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
This 2 yr old grizzle is another of quality and she also appealed for type and balance with neck of moderate length, straight topline, correct ribbing which is carried well back, muscular loin and tail set on well and of good carriage. She has such a good head and expression with correct skull to muzzle proportions, dark keen eyes, good ears and correct scissor bite. Standing well naturally on good feet and fairly narrow in front as desired. She too goes well on the go around, is true when going away and although good in front, winner just had the edge here. Good pelt.
Romsey & DCS Open Show
1st Oct 2023
Judge: Jason Hunt
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
7th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan)
First of all , sincere thanks go to Hilary and the committee for the kind invitation to judge BT’s at this show and thanks to Kevin my steward who kept things moving along nicely. Also I have grateful thanks for the exhibitors who not only allowed me the opportunity to go over their dogs but accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. General comments are as follows , I didn’t find any bad mouths or kinked tails and coats were at differing stages of growth which is quite normal . I would like to add that during examination of the dogs on the table that it is not helpful for the owner to be feeding or allowing the dog to lick at a treat constantly , attempting to check the bite becomes almost impossible and adds to the confusion for the dog, owner and judge, please keep this practice for the training room and not in the show ring.
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
2 year old G&T bitch ( I see she is full sister to 2nd in post grad ) and it could be said that some of the comments may also apply to her . A lovely head , strong but with feminine expression .Teeth were of a good scale compared to the jaw . .Ears of a lovely size and position .Topline and tail set were good and size of tail was commendable ….Jacket was good for texture .. Moved out well …Her underline was very good with no hint of a tuck up …
Portsmouth & Southsea KA Open Show
8th Oct 2023
Judge: Penny Funnell (Powerpack)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Taunton & DCA Open Show
6th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr N Merrick (Magicgem)
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr Richard Allen (Penparc)
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Portsmouth & Southsea KA Open Show
11th Feb 2024
Judge: Mr John Dare (Bowstaff)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
18th Feb 2024
Judge: Jacqui Ward (Mianja)
Open / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge their show, it was an honour. Also for making David and myself so welcomed and the enjoyable lunch. The quality of the Borders were pleasing to go over. Big thank you to my stewards Julie and Robert, keep the classes running smoothly all day. Finally thank you to all the exhibitors who braved the cold weather, it did stay dry and allowing me to go over their dogs. All the males were entire, as usual the coats were at various stages which cost some dogs higher placing. Some wide fronts let them down, large ears were a problem in some exhibits. I was delighted with all my winners such quality.
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
Nice proportioned head, lots to like, showed her socks off. No coat today.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon (Kersfell)
I would like to thank the Committee for offering me this appointment, I was honoured to be given this opportunity. Thank you also to my stewards for all their hard work keeping the show running as smoothly as possible, for which I was very grateful. There were some lovely dogs present but front movement and lack of correct length and angulation of the upper arm continues to be a problem in some exhibits as well as size and correct coat . We should not forget the first line in the breed standard “essentially a working terrier”.
Limit - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
5th Jul 2024
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
Many thanks to the committee for the invitation to judge. Everyone worked hard throughout the day to ensure it ran smoothly. There were a few clashes with the main Boston Championship show but these were well managed. Thanks also to the competitors for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner and creating a wonderful atmosphere around the ring. There was a super entry of 172 dogs making 217 entries which I found both exciting and daunting, having had a total knee replacement operation just weeks before! Overall, I found the standard of exhibits was good. Coats were a mixture ranging from pure undercoat to absolute perfection. The majority of exhibits were spannable. All dogs were entire. I found just one undershot mouth. I forgave loose movement in some of the younger dogs which will hopefully tighten as they mature, but adults moving wide or close had to be penalised. Several lacked bone and substance, being on the leg as well as short coupled making the outline somewhat squarer than I was looking for. Handling was generally good, with one very professional young handler who really impressed me with her skills. My main winners were presented in stunning condition, and I had some difficult decisions to make in the higher classes, wishing I could award more than just one Challenge Certificate.
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
grizzle with good head, shoulder, rib and topline who moved well.
Southampton & DCS Open Show
21st Jul 2024
Judge: Gillian Knight (Talanors)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
24th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr Kevin Yeates (Bluebabel)
My thanks to Minehead & District for giving me this appointment, which I thoroughly enjoyed I was pleased with my entries and my winners.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
Grizzle & tan bitch 3yrs 1 month, nice otter head & ear set, good angulation & ribs well back, good tight jacket, good movement. Happy to award her Res B.O.B.
Paignton Championship Show
2nd Aug 2024
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the officers and committee for my first-time appointment at this level. This show is my ‘local’ which made it even more special, If you have never been it is worth the trip down the M5 a warm welcome will meet you. I was thrilled with the quality of my entry, one observation I did find a lot of untidy feet, splayed toes, long nails and thin pads, I did however find no kinked tails and only one mouth fault.
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
Much to like about the grizzle and tan, typical head with large teeth in scissor bite, well placed ears, lighter in eye but this did not distract from her keen expression. Shown in harsh topcoat with undercoat and good pelt. Moved well around the ring with good tracking motion and drive. Was carrying a little bit more around the waist today than 1st place.
Bournemouth CS Open Show
9th Aug 2024
Judge: Nicola Foster (Thozow)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society Open Show
9th Aug 2024
Judge: Sarah Richardson
My thanks for the committee for their kind invitation to judge at this combined Premier Open Show with Bournemouth Canine Association Premier Open Show. My thanks also to the exhibitors for their entry.
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Placing Critique
3year old Red Grizzle female. Feminine head. Good eye, correct mouth. Overall preferred 1st
Bournemouth Championship Show
12th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to my stewards, Hayley and Malcolm and to all the exhibitors who endured the heat and accepted my decisions sportingly, on what must have been one of the hottest days of the year. Overall the quality of the entry was good with some lovely dogs. Mouths, tails and size were generally good. Coats varied (as they always do) in both quality and the stage of growth. There were a number of pelts that could have been thicker and loose which was disappointing as this is mentioned in the standard and important from a working point of view. I was surprised and disappointed to see evidence of scissorwork on some coats and grooming was not always done to the dog’s best advantage – this does not affect the ability to work but this is a dog show and presentation therefore does count to a degree when placing the dogs. Compared to the last time I judged, I felt that size had improved and in most cases the dogs today were closer to the standard.
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Richmond Championship Show
7th Sep 2024
Judge: Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Limit - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Portsmouth & Southsea KA Open Show
9th Feb 2025
Judge: Mr G Gray (Slatehouse)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
West Midlands Terrier Society Open Show
15th Feb 2025
Judge: Glen Birrell
Open - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Gloucester & DCS Open Show
1st Mar 2025
Judge: Geaham Dewdy
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Open / First Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
1st Mar 2025
Judge: Kathleen Haugh (Oxbeck)
Open / Third Place
Name at show: Thistlemead Scentsation JW