Show Placings
Lancashire Sporting Terrier
6th Dec 2015
Judge: Ms Judith Fawcett (Carrock)
Best Puppy
Name at show: RBPIS, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Ladies Kennel Association
13th Dec 2015
Judge: Mrs Melanie Lewis (Tonromel)
Thank you to the Officers and Committee of LKA for the invitation to officiate and to my two excellent Stewards, Barry McCartney and Sue Jones, for their invaluable assistance throughout judging. Thank you to the exhibitors for a super entry of 176 exhibits making 192 entries, the largest entry in the Terrier Group, and also for the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted.
Numerically the bitch entry was double the size of the dog entry, but on the whole the standard in both sexes was pleasing with some very strong contenders for top honours. Coats varied from being completely stripped out with only soft undercoat to those that were completely blown, however, many were presented in good jackets of the correct texture. Feet on the whole were good, being firmly padded. On a few exhibits the tails appeared to be overly long which on closer examination revealed that it was superfluous hair. If this had been removed it would have improved the overall picture. All males were entire and the temperaments displayed by all the exhibits was very good. I was presented with some very nice puppy entries, many showing a lot of promise, which can only auger well for the future of the breed.
I was very pleased with both my final dog and bitch line ups, with some tough decisions having to be made when it came to awarding the top honours, such was the depth of quality. All of my finalists were in fit condition; moved with purpose; had good muscle tone; pliable pelts and spanned with ease and I believe that, if the opportunity presented, they would be able to undertake the functions asked for in the breed standard. My one plea to exhibitors is to please refrain from pushing treats into the dog's mouth when the dog is being judged on the table as it makes it very difficult for a judge to assess the exhibit. Reward them by all means if you have to, but only do so at the appropriate time.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
almost 7 months, he is a very nice puppy with good head and expression, well proportioned bodylines for his age, nicely presented with a good jacket. Well handled and moved so confidently for one so young
Boston & District Canine Society
10th Jan 2016
Judge: Mrs Janet Lee (Tythrop)
My thanks to the Society for my invitation to judge at Boston show . Thanks too to my stewards who were both efficient and unobtrusive , great timesavers and cheerful ! I very much enjoyed my day on the woolsack and had some lovely dogs and bitches who I felt could do a days work , having the construction to enable them to run the equivalent of a marathon over rough terrain , as well as being narrow , lithe and spannable to get in underground and ultimately back out again . Some did pay the penalty of being too big in rib and thus were heavily over standard for weight when picked up or too wide in front to get in , others failed in their construction to move in a sound , balanced , long , free striding way making one think they could not follow a horse any distance ! All bar 1 male were entire , there were a few with kinks in their tails and I had more than the usual number of level bites , some with very jumbled or small teeth which I feel must be watched carefully and please try to breed out as they are the defence of a working terrier – Border Terriers should have big scissor bite dentition . I still believe a BT should be capable of free standing and moving on a looser lead as of yore , rather than having their legs screwed on and being too strung up , I understand some dogs do not make the most of themselves free stood , but a lot are pushed into a very strange shape by their handlers ,and lose the vivacity and ‘active and game’ outlook that is part and parcel of the breed , making them very depressed , even some of the puppies looked as though they would rather be anywhere else but in a show ring , either from being over shown or over handled . There were a few dogs who I felt needed more weight on them , their coats hiding their stuck up spine & pin bones – this may be to try and make them more easily spannable or weigh nearer the standard , but it is very unfair on any adult or puppy to starve them , and they did pay the price in some classes as they could not work as thin and lacking strength as they were. In other words they should be made right not starved into shape .
Both my challenge line ups pleased me , and I was especially pleased to have such a good even bitch challenge where I was spoilt for choice , ultimately the dog and bitch I could visualize most easily following horse and hounds and then working gained top honours , being well made , spannable , good coats and pelts , sound free accurate movers with quality and breed type .
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Manchester Championship Show
14th Jan 2016
Judge: Mrs Ruth Ann Naun (USA)
I would like to thank the Manchester Dog Show Society, as well as Kate & Ronnie Irving who were my hosts while in Britain, I thoroughly enjoyed my judging and your hospitality.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Ashton under Lyne & District Kennel Association Open Show
24th Jan 2016
Judge: Mr T Nagrecha
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG2, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
30th Jan 2016
Judge: Mrs. Tracy Butler (Ycart)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge there show,and there hospitality throughout the day.
I would also like to thank the exhibitors for there lovely entry,and there sportsmanship,wether you agreed with my desision or not.
On the whole exhibits had good dentation,coats where varied,but evidence of good coat was there,temperments where good.
Sadly i found a few dogs that where pityfully thin,and would benefit from a good meal,and some free running exercise,some exhibits would benefit from a good tidy up of removel of dead coat,and please leave the clippers in the box.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
Red/grzzle,similar to one,1st just scored on overall attitude for me
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
2nd in minor puppy dog
St Helens & District Canine Society Open Show
20th Feb 2016
Judge: Mr Andy Scourfield
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Deane & District Canine Society Open Show
21st Feb 2016
Judge: Mrs Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Ashton in Makerfield Canine Society Open Show
5th Mar 2016
Judge: Nicola Spencer (Bannonbrig)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG2, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
13th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr W R Irving
It was a great honour to judge the breed at Crufts again - after having done so once before. That was some thirty nine years ago in 1977 when the show was still held at Olympia! The entry this year at 266 from 239 exhibits though down a good deal on last year, was still enough to be going on with and we finished by 3.30 p.m. thanks to my excellent stewards Mr and Mrs Chaston. The exhibitors all seemed very sporting in line with the breed’s sportsmanlike traditions.
I thought that the depth of quality was better in bitches than it was in dogs with several classes where I would have liked to have had more prizes. I thought that heads were in the main pretty good and that fronts, though there were still plenty which weren’t great, were rather better than the last few times I had judged. Crufts is always known as a bad time for coats and this year was no exception with very many lacking in coat and others with rather soft coats. Quite a number of dogs and bitches were rather long in body mainly caused by having ribs that were not as the breed standard demands “carried well back” and thus having loins that were long rather than the required “strong”.
And finally Border Terriers are supposed to have a tail which is, according to the standard, “set high and carried gaily” Quite a few slink around the ring looking miserable and present no sign of the “activity” required by the standard and with tails that are carried low rather than “gaily”. I like to see a Border Terrier that shows a bit of animation and has what I’d call ‘lines’.
My thanks to the exhibitors for entering and for the efficient way that they showed their dogs.
Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
very good youngster, slightly bigger than the others but nevertheless OK for size, good skull. OK in eye, needs a bit more strength of muzzle to complete the picture. Moved out pretty well and could be shorter in tail. Good bone
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
19th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr. Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)
Firstly I would like to thank the club for inviting me to judge my first BTC open show special thanks to the committee and members for a lovely show and exhibitors for my entry, thank you to my ring stewards Graham Richardson and Bridget Singh for keeping things running smoothly. I was very happy with all my placings I had some tough decisions and some placings on another day could easily change place. All dogs were entire and I was pleased to see many dogs shown in correct double coat. On a negative note I had two exhibits with teeth out of line and a few level bites although acceptable a scissor bite is preferable. As the first line of the breed standard states ‘essentially a working terrier’ personally I would like to see more dogs in fitter harder condition ‘fit for purpose’.
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Best Puppy
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan dog with good head and strong muzzle, good lay of shoulder with narrow front, good length of rib shown in good coat, he moved out well pleased to award him to Best Puppy in Show.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
(1st in puppy dog)
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
(1st in puppy dog)
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
26th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr Bill Gray (Pontbeck)
A very big thank you to the club members, committee and officers for the privilege to judge this show for a second time. The club ensured I enjoyed my day with a warm welcome and being attentive to my every need. My stewards efficiency took a good burden from my shoulders and I was allowed to concentrate and assess the dogs.
Coats were a mixed bag from very little to very full but I would just say you can't judge something you can't see. I found it strange that some exhibits were stripped out except for a ridge of top coat running down their spine, creating a good outline is important but you can feel for body shape while handling. Heads were, in the main, very good to excellent with only a few that were lacking true Border character. The breed seems to have got on top of the problem regarding rear movement but front movement still needs to be addressed with a good number of exhibits " throwing their front around "
I was delighted in my main winners especially BIS. If I have seen a better example of the breed during the many years I've had an interest I can't remember. An outstanding dog in every respect, a true ambassador for Border Terriers and a dog that will be remembered in generations to come. I feel privileged to have had the opportunity of judging him.
The two puppy bitch classes along with junior and yearling bitch were packed with quality and that bodes well for the future.
Puppy - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2016
Judge: Mrs T Grubbe (Borderhouse)
It was a honour to be asked to judge National Terrier Club Championship Show, awarding CC for the second time. A great entry. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, I was very pleased with my main winners. The overall quality was good. I saw some dogs who could have more drive in the movement and better front.
I send my warmest thanks to the committee and my ring stewards for taking so good care of me and making me feel so welcome.
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
10 month, nice size, good eyeset, correct teeth, nice earset, good bones, well angulated behind, topline had to improve, nice movement, pelt and coat
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
(same as puppy dog)
Manchester Sporting Terrier Club
10th Apr 2016
Judge: Mr Jim McGhie (Keillor)
Best Puppy
Name at show: RBPIS, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
West of England Ladies' Kennel Society
24th Apr 2016
Judge: Mr Frank Nicholls (Halcus)
An excellent entry, with real quality in both dogs and bitches. I’m only sorry we were forced indoors after the puppy bitch class to get out of the biting wind bouncing off the Malvern Hills. Heads were generally good, just a few snipey muzzles, and three or four light noses. I found no bad mouths. Quite a few had short, round rib cages with weak loins. Coats were pretty good overall. The biggest problem, and has been for quite some time, was poor front movement, with exhibits moving quite reasonably, and as one would expect from a breed expected to run whilst carrying out its job, when viewed from the side, only to wave their legs all over the place when coming towards me.
Puppy - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
1st May 2016
Judge: Mrs Trak Fryer (Irton)
My thanks to the exhibitors for their entry, always an honour to be allowed to go over their dogs, I did thoroughly enjoy my day. My thanks also to my stewards who helped to keep things on the move throughout.
It was in many ways an interesting entry, the standard asks for a dog that is essentially a working terrier and I wonder how many breeders keep this in mind when planning their litters? This implies a dog of correct size, capable of going all day and with strength but not coarseness. Whilst there were many good dogs present that could answer these requirements, there were many that could not.
The quality was very much in the upper classes of both sexes with a few notable exceptions. The major problem is movement, particularly in front, and the puppies were disappointing in this respect. Many otherwise excellent dogs simply could not cover their ground with any ease; it was an excellent ring with good mats so no excuses there.
In general coats and pelts were good, some could have been tidied to effect, feet and nails were poorly presented and fitness varied, which I always find very disappointing in a breed that does so love to run! I was surprised to find a number of mouths that at best could be described as “iffy”, whilst these would not necessarily effect the dogs ability to work it is a worrying trend. I did, however, have some lovely dogs to go over and I was very pleased with my winners, not enough cards to go round in many classes.
Puppy - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Class Critique
A big class of puppies headed by a promising trio, I liked my placed dogs but movement was a big problem today for the others.
North West Canine Association
2nd May 2016
Judge: Darren Pearson (Winoski)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
Border Terrier Puppy. Quite a good head for age, well proportioned and nice dark eyes, small ears well set. Ribs well grown but I could span them. Sound enough on the move to work and his coat has a good harsh texture.
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
very balanced young male, pleasing expression, strong in head, excellent dentition, very big teeth and correct bite, spanned well, excellent layback back of shoulder, clean front, very good rear angulations, in very good coat and overall condition, moved with drive and purpose, BP BOB Was pleased to hear he went onto even higher awards, well deserved for this impressive young boy.
Great Harwood Agricultural Society
30th May 2016
Judge: Sian Hammond (Hammystaff)
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
5th Jun 2016
Judge: Mr C Wallace (Hobholt)
My thanks to the officers, committee and members of The Scottish Border Terrier Club for the invitation and to the exhibitors, thank you for bringing your Borders'. My steward Joyce Orr was superb as was the welcome, hospitality and lunch. The weather was spectacular, but became increasingly hotter as the day progressed. Everyone took care to make sure the Borders were kept cool, in the shade and well hydrated. I noticed two level bites during judging, (not a problem), all the dogs were complete, a couple of Borders were a little over weight compared to the standard. I noticed a few Borders had a fair amount of tartar on their teeth, nails and dewclaws could have been trimmed on some. Nevertheless, a nice group of Borders who were credit to the breed and their owners.
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Class Critique
A strong class with some good youngsters coming through
Yearling - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
13mth, 3rd in Junior, sound, honest border, in full double coat a very nice Border with good otter head & expression, lovely length of back which delivered an easy length of stride. Good tailset, thick tail. Moved well, covering ground with ease.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
24th Jun 2016
Judge: Mrs Trudi Baird
My first CC appointment and a big thank you is due to the officers and committee of Blackpool & district canine society for allowing me the honour to judge at your show.
It was an immensely satisfying day judging a quality entry of Border terriers.
I found size in general to be excellent with only a couple who were too large that I couldn’t span. Mouths were all acceptable, with just a few who had teeth out of line. All Males were entire.
Coats were a problem, not on my main winners I hasten to add, and a good few exhibits were brought out too early in the coat department. Some judges may overlook this very important part of the breed standard but I certainly couldn’t. Upholding the maxim “essentially a working terrier”, a good double weather protective coat is a must!
I was thrilled when I stood back and looked at my DCC & BCC when they came in to challenge for best of breed, I thought they were very similar for type and stamp. A very pleasing and humbling conclusion to judging the dogs and bitches. Best of breed went to the bitch in a very close challenge; simply it was her head and expression that won me over.
Thank you to each and every exhibitor for bringing your dogs under me and accepting my decisions with grace.
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Graduate - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
Light grizzle 3rd in a strong junior class ,good headed dog , liked him for size and length of body , gave a lovely balanced outline stood and moving , moved with drive and accuracy. Smart youngster.
Goosnargh and Longridge Agricultural Society Show
9th Jul 2016
Judge: Miss Karen Rimmer {Kylini)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Placing Critique
very nice overall proportions, very workmanlike, great head, dark eye, correct bite & earset, clean through neck, plenty bone, tight feet, easy to span, excellent coat & pelt, covered the ground well on the move. BOB, G1
Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Jul 2016
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the Northern Border Terrier Club’s committee for the invitation to judge at this well organised & friendly show, I really enjoyed my day. A big thank you, to my stewards Sharon & Graham, who kept me on track throughout the day. On the down side some poor mouths, some of the males where lacking substance & not very masculine, bordering on thin, not sure they could do a days work. The depth of quality in the bitches was excellent & this meant that some decisions were very close & many lovely bitches missed out on this occasion. Also my thanks to the exhibitors for their sporting acceptance of my decisions.
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Yearling - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Tonge & District Canine Society
17th Jul 2016
Judge: Mike Spencer (Bannonbrig)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Leeds Championship Show
22nd Jul 2016
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett
My thanks to the officers & committee for this appointment giving CCs in this breed for the first time, also the exhibitors for a lovely entry, also my two stewards who kept things running smoothly.
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
Class Critique
A very interesting class.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
7th Aug 2016
Judge: Dogs: Ms Elspeth Jackson, Bitches: Mr Mike Hollingsbee
Dogs - Elspeth Jackson
I would like to extend many thanks to The Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for once again organising an enjoyable, well run show with a relaxed garden party atmosphere. It was an honour and a pleasure this year to enjoy it as Judge of the dog classes and I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for this honour. I was very ably assisted by two capable and efficient stewards to whom I would like to give thanks both for their help and for their hospitality. Further and important thanks are due to all the exhibitors who did me the honour of going over their dogs. It was a super entry both numerically and in depth of quality with cc quality dogs right down the line in some classes.
Bitches - Mike Hollingsbee
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee of the Club for inviting me to judge bitches at their show. I would also like to thank my stewards Sharon Pickering and Helen Thomas for keeping me in order and running the ring so efficiently. My thanks also go to the exhibitors for allowing me to examine their dogs and accepting my decisions.
Together with my co-judge Elspeth Jackson we managed to agree on the major honours of the day apart from Best Veteran. I preferred Elspeth’s dog choice and she chose my selection of veteran bitch. Our referee John Dace was called in and awarded Best Veteran to the bitch.
Junior - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
24th Sep 2016
Judge: Mrs Jena Tuck (Nettleby)
I would like to thank the Committee of the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge this very enjoyable and well run show. It was an honour and pleasure. In the ring I was very ably assisted by my two capable stewards Ian and Bridget, who I would like to thank. The hospitality of the Club was second to none I had a truly wonderful day. Thanks must go to the exhibitors, who allowed me to go over their dogs. The depth of quality was remarkable and some very good exhibits had to go cardless I was delighted by my main winners, thank you again for giving me the pleasure of judging them. I chose the dog as BIS because he had that extra attitude and showmanship.
Junior - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Driffield Agricultural Society Championship Dog Show
1st Oct 2016
Judge: Mrs Jane Roberts (Smalesmouth)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the Driffield Agricultural Society for the invitation to judge at their show.
I was grateful to have the use of an excellent sized ring. The surface was rather undulating and rough cut in places, which proved more of a challenge to those dogs whose movement did not have “the soundness to follow a horse”. It was a very raw start to the day with the dogs being judged under rather cold and misty conditions although the sun did break through as the bitch classes began.
Grateful thanks to my stewards Anne and Sarah, who kept everything moving so efficiently and were good company for the day. My thanks to all the exhibitors, it really is a privilege to go over your dogs and is always a learning curve. I had a thoroughly enjoyable day and there were some top quality exhibits and some promising youngsters, whose progress I will watch with interest. Some decisions were hard, and limit dog, junior and limit bitch had quality in depth.
It was extremely rewarding to find some very good double jackets amongst the entry but felt there were several others who had thin pelts or lacked undercoat. There were a couple with teeth out of alignment and too many dogs whose movement lacked the necessary drive from the hindquarters.
I was mindful of the job that Border Terriers were bred to undertake and I was pleased with my class winners; making the challenge for both dogs and bitches an enjoyable if difficult task.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Placing Critique
16 month grizzle dog. I liked this dog for his size and overall balance. Good head, neck and shoulders and feet. I liked his length of body, topline and tailset. An honest type, who moved soundly. Presented in good double jacket. Well handled.
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
15th Oct 2016
Judge: Mr. Graham Richardson (Staynorwood)
I would like to thank The Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their Open Show . The club and officers were very welcoming and I thoroughly enjoyed my day . I would like to thank my very helpful stewards Liz Barratt and Janice Johnson who kept things flowing through the day . I was pleased with my entry with some quality dogs to handle. It was also good to see some promising pups coming through . I was very pleased with my winners on the day
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Placing Critique
17 month old dog good otter like head , well laid back shoulders with straight front , good length of neck spannable, in good harsh double coat with thick loose pelt moved out well.
Selby CS Open Show
29th Oct 2016
Judge: Mr R Brewster (Breckgreen / Stowthorney)
Firstly I would like to take this opportunity to thank Selby Canine Society Committee for giving me the chance to judge such a great entry of border terriers at this well run show. I would also like to thank the competitors for their fantastic entry and giving me the chance to go over so many class exhibits and for taking my decisions in such a sportsmanlike way.
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Placing Critique
Nice otter head with correct scissor bite and big teeth. Narrow throughout and spanned with ease. Moved out well just not had the coat today of 1st. Could change places on another day.
Wigan & District Canine Society Open Show
6th Nov 2016
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge, and for their warm hospitality, and also to my ring steward who kept things running smoothly. Thank you to all of the exhibitors who gave me such a wonderful entry of well turned out, quality dogs, which I felt privileged to go over.
Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Placing Critique
17 month grizzle and tan dog. Very close decision, could easily change places another day. Good head with big teeth and correct bite. Correct coat and pelt. Strong in loin, well angulated, moved correctly.
The Scottish BTC Championship Show
12th Nov 2016
Judge: Mrs. Nancy Hogg (Raeburnfoot)
Thank you for inviting me to judge this show. If my memory serves me correctly this was the very first Border Terrier show I exhibited at……30 years ago.
It really was a pleasure to go over so many good examples of the breed. Coats were at various stages and some paid the penalty with either little top coat or totally blown. Mouths were good. Some movement, especially front. Not so good. Size was better than I have seen in the past. Temperament on every exhibit was really good I am pleased to say. No noise from the cage area either that I was aware of. I was delighted with my main winners.
Special thanks must go to my very able steward and to the kitchen ladies for a lovely meal and coffee.
Post Graduate - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Southport and Birkdale Canine Society Open Show
26th Nov 2016
Judge: Andrea Keepence--Keyte
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Lancashire Sporting Terrier Club Open Show
4th Dec 2016
Judge: Roger Crooks
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2016
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
I would like to thank the committee of Ladies Kennel Association for their kind invitation to the judge the breed at this well organised show and their generous hospitality. It was a real honour and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I would also like to thank my stewards Tony and Katherine for keeping things running smoothly throughout the day. Thank you also, to all the exhibitors for their entries and the sporting way that they took the decisions that I made.
As for the dogs – as expected, coats varied, all the dogs were entire, in clean condition and well behaved. There were a couple of dogs with teeth not set square in the jaw or with teeth out of line. I was looking for dogs of the correct size, with a typical otter head, a harsh double coat and a thick pelt, plenty of muscle, the correct amount of bone, and shown in hard condition. I also expect to see dogs that move true and with ease around the ring and look physically capable of doing a days’ work, whether they get the opportunity or not. All my winners had these attributes and as often happens many deserving exhibits went without cards on the day.
Yearling - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
28th Jan 2017
Judge: Mrs. A. Heathcote (Saxheath)
My thanks to the Committee for asking me to judge this show , my Stewards Callie and Ian for their invaluable assistance and all the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs . I had some quality dogs to go over with some close decisions in some classes , however , I found front movement in particular was rather disappointing in the lower classes .That aside I thoroughly enjoyed my day .
Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Placing Critique
Another with good head properties from this kennel, correct skull, thick ears, pleasing expression, good dentition and underjaw. He has a straight front , well laid shoulders .nice outline and bend of stifle and stands on cat like feet. Moved around well holding his topline.
Liverpool Terrier Club Open Show
26th Feb 2017
Judge: S Connell
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW
Placing Critique
In between jackets at the moment. Correct head proportions, good length of neck into laid back shoulders, straight front, good top line and quarters. Moved true both fore and aft with correct foot fall when viewed from side profile.
9th Mar 2017
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
It was a great honour and pleasure to examine a superb entry of 250 dogs with 28 absentees. I was conscious that the judging period available had to be used wisely. My profound thanks to all exhibitors, my splendidly efficient stewards Mr R and Mrs A Green and the marvellous exhibitor who provided the red chair as my unofficial ring marker (even if she did occasionally have the temerity to sit in it) for co-operating famously to ensure that we completed our task in a timely manner while hopefully enabling everyone an equal opportunity to put their best foot forward.
To go over something special and send it round and see proof that it meets the crucial test of health and conformation makes the pulse quicken. I was looking for typical, well knit, well conditioned, free moving specimens exhibiting all the breed characteristics we need to retain while trying to minimise undesirable aspects. This is a natural and unexaggerated breed and my ultimate line-ups pleased me immensely displaying exactly what I was seeking
Yearling - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Another very nice one who really seeks attention, good to go over because he is made right and moves accordingly, just preferred the coat and flow of neckline of 1. Spannable, stands balanced and has pleasing head and typical expression he was only just denied the red card and fought hard
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
19th Mar 2017
Judge: Mrs Jayne Gillam (Orenberg)
What a pleasure it was for me to judge the East Anglian Border Terrier Club Championship Show on Sunday 19th March 2017. Thanks to the EABTC for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for the lovely entry and the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions. A really friendly relaxed atmosphere and a good big well lit ring awaited me, along with a good steward in Robert Brewster who did a sterling job keeping everything running smoothly. It certainly was a quality entry and I really enjoyed going over all the dogs and coats and pelts were much improved since the last time I judged. Toplines, shoulders and movement were varied but I was very pleased with my winners on the day, in some classes they would change places on another occasion but I was judging them today as I saw them, and how I interpreted the Breed Standard.
Mid Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Very attractive, typey male, nice head and expression, good neck into good shoulders and stood well on neat feet, easy to span and nicely angulated at the rear, would like a better topline as just seems to fall away over the croup, but moved confidently and so well presented as all appear to be from this kennel.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
25th Mar 2017
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Curtis (Matamba)
Thank you to The Border Terrier Club officers, committee and members who elected to give me the privilege of judging their club championship show, and many thanks to the exhibitors who travelled from near and far and accepted my placings sportingly. Thanks to my two stewards Janice Johnson and Judith Fawcett who did a grand job and also thanks to the hard working Joyce Martin for all the wonderful photographs.
Today the overall picture and my main concern was that we seem to be losing the "Head like that of an otter moderately broad in the skull, with short strong muzzle". What I was seeing was a narrow skull which does not give that typical Border Terrier expression. Movement was more of a problem in the dog classes, in the bitch classes came the quality and the soundness.
When it comes to the showring, presentation is, in my opinion, important. I like to see a dog smart but not over groomed or in full coat but tidy, today attention to ears, tails and feet could have been beneficial to some exhibits.
Mid Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Overall picture well balanced with nice outline and size, racy with a good reach of neck running into well placed shoulders. Coat and pelt were good, very sound mover.
National Terrier Club
1st Apr 2017
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
Thank you to The National Terrier Club for the appointment also my stewards who did a sterling job in keeping everything moving smoothly and a thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me the opportunity to go over their prized possessions. A few dogs were under weight and some would benefit by having their feet and nails some attention. I only found one suspect mouth and lots lacking in body condition. Some need to put scissors in the drawer and leave them there too! I was pleased with the final lines of my winners of both sexes.
Yearling - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
(G/tan) Nice head and expression, good neck into good shoulders and standing well on neat feet, easy to span and nicely angulated at the rear,
West of England Ladies' Kennel Society
28th Apr 2017
Judge: Mrs L Illingworth
My thanks goes to the society for the welcome and hospitality and for giving me the opportunity to judge a smashing entry of Border Terriers. Special thanks to my proficient stewards Anne and Rod Green for keeping the ring flowing smoothly.
The quality was pleasing with many fit, well presented and workman like dogs present, Dogs on the whole were well balanced and span able , a few were too upright in shoulder effecting an economical stride my main worry was mouths there were quite a few with small teeth weak under jaws and others with teeth out of alignment, worrying in a working breed. Double coats and thick pelts were in plenty
Limit - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
13th May 2017
Judge: Mr. J. Thomas (Blaisdon)
Thank you to officers and committee for inviting me to judge and to stewards for excellent work and also to the exhibitors for supporting the show.
Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Similar type to first but grizzle/tan nice head and front level topline moved ok.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th Jun 2017
Judge: Karen S Stockley (Foxfactor)
My grateful thanks go to the ScBTC for the opportunity to judge their Open Show, the lovely gift and the excellent lunch. It’s always an honour and privilege to judge at Club Shows. Thanks also to my stewards Jim Stewart and Helen Mc Kenzie.
I had some very nice exhibits to go over with some tough decisions to make.I was pleased to find that the vast majority were in fit condition, I found 3 with incorrect dentition and just one kinked tail. I thank the exhibitors for the entry and for gracefully accepting my placings.
Unfortunately ResBPIS was not awarded as I was informed there wasn’t an award so my apologies to the Puppy Bitch winner
Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
2yo gr,a close decision here, his coat just going over, lovely masculine headed, handy size dog with a keen expression from dark eyes, correct dentition, narrow right through, easy span, good in rib, well angulated and drives from his well-muscled hind quarters covering the ground economically. Lots to like.
Blackpool Championship Dog Show
23rd Jun 2017
Judge: Mr D Mitchell (Paleside)
I would like to thank Blackpool for inviting me to give my first CC’s, and to the exhibitors for a lovely entry of super dogs which were a pleasure to go over. My two stewards for doing a sterling job. It was such a shame the weather turned on Friday morning, the heavens opened and it blew a gale. But you turned out non the less. Overall I was pleased with the movement back and front. Dogs were in good fit condition, some would benefit from ringcraft for both dog and owner. From what I saw today things are good for the future of our breed.
Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Light grizzle, strong head, nice and narrow. Good level topline, moved out well.
The Nothern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
15th Jul 2017
Judge: Mrs. P. McLellan (Breconbeds)
My thanks to the committee and members for giving me the opportunity to judge this show, with such an excellent entry. However, I’m sorry to say that I was alarmed to see so many dogs that were short in both rib and leg, resulting in short backed and cobby looking dogs with deep briskets. I also observed that some of these same dogs had pleasant enough heads but carried very small teeth.
Movement was a major concern; decent enough dogs to examine but poor fronts on the move spoiled the whole picture – toeing in and/or with incorrect shoulder angulation. Some were really wide in front.
Mid Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Similar type to the first. In good hard condition. Covered the ground well on the move. Slightly deeper in brisket to the winner.
Leeds Championship Dog Show
22nd Jul 2017
Judge: Mrs Jayne Alpe
Thanks to the committee for my invitation and for providing two excellent stewards who enabled me to easily get on with my judging. Thank you to the exhibitors for the good quality entry. Overall impression from last time I judged was that movement has improved somewhat but many lacked the drive and ease of movement that is needed in a dog that was bred to follow a horse. I was looking for both this and balance without some of the over exaggerations that I have noticed slowly creeping in to the breed. I was delighted to see my BOB pulled into the cut in the group and my BP with a Group 4.
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Aug 2017
Judge: Dogs: Julie Guvercin, Bitches: Denise Townsend
Julie Guvercin, Dogs:-
Midland border terrier club ch sh 6th August 2017 A warm welcome and a super quality entry awaited me at this show with very few absentees.
A few kinked tails, some untidy bites and very noticeable were the amount of light eyes creeping in, some so pale it ruined the expression completely. Just one male with what felt like abnormal testicles!
Thank you for bringing your dogs, some classes were so hotly contested that all 5 placed had lots to commend them and 1st to 3rd was splitting hairs in some cases.
Some dogs looked beautiful stood, but failed miserably on the move and paid the price.
Denise Townsend, Bitches:-
I judged the first show ever held by the Midland Border Terrier Club back in 1984 which made me feel very old when I worked how long ago that was! Thank you to all exhibitors for the opportunity to go over your dogs – I always consider it a great privilege and I was very pleased with my winners. I could span virtually every bitch present so think that criteria went before me in terms of my entry! Just the very occasional crooked mouth and I would agree with my co-judge that I noticed several light eyes and some dogs that were light in underjaw.
Limit - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
red with lovely body lines, topline and good coat and pelt. Tail is a little long but is well set and carried and doesn't detract from his obvious quality. In super condition and moves well.
Class Critique
A lovely class with much quality in all five placed dogs, who could change places on another day.
15th Sep 2017
Judge: Miss T James (Blackmine)
Thank you to everyone who entered under me. It was a fantastic entry and I thoroughly enjoyed my days judging. It is a beauty competition and it is much easier to assess a dog when it is well trained and well turned out. Showmanship sometimes comes naturally to some dogs and then others you have to work hard at. I was very pleased with all my winners.
Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
super headed male, strong in muzzle and broad flat skull, narrow throughout and easily spanned. Well ribbed back. Level topline. Excelled in coat and pelt which actually made him look bigger than he was. Nicely angulated front and rear. Level topline and correct tail set. Moved straight and true and with lots of drive. Showed well. Would prefer better tail.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
23rd Sep 2017
Judge: Miss J Price
Thank you to the Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club for asking me to judge this show and for their great hospitality. It was an honour to stand in for Cynthia Knight who sadly passed away in April 2015. My stewards for the day, Cally and Anna did a sterling job in keeping things running smoothly, thank you, to both of them.
I thoroughly enjoyed myself today and I was delighted with my top winners. In general some exhibits, even though made well were just too big and heavy, these would never get to ground to do the job, therefore not fit for purpose. I like a dog to be masculine and a bitch feminine, but both have to spannable and not overloaded in their shoulders, sadly quite a few exhibits were just this and were penalised for it. I found one exhibit to have a testicle with an abnormality. Some of the younger dogs were up to size already and have yet to stop growing. It will be interesting to see how some of them turn out.
Not everybody accepted my decisions in a sporting manner, but the general atmosphere was great. I didn’t go to the pub at lunch time but did see the pictures afterwards. Glad you all had a great time!
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
21st Oct 2017
Judge: Ms. Suzanne Coldham (nee Marwood) (Annesuz)
It was an absolute honour and pleasure to judge the Border Terrier Club’s Open show in Low Hesket and I would like to thank a very hardworking committee for this opportunity. I would also like to thank the exhibitors and spectators for their warm welcome and genuine applause at my placings. There was a good atmosphere throughout the day and good to see so many still ringside to see the top honours at the end.
I was greeted with an excellent entry of 104 dogs making 122 entries and from these I was able to select some top specimens truly representative of our breed. I am not going to wax lyrical about the breed in general but suffice to say in my humble opinion a watch needs to be kept on heads, movement and coats/pelt.
I was pleasantly surprised to find my Best Dog is the grandsire of my Reserve Best Dog and my Best Bitch and Reserve Best Bitch share the same sire as each other.
Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Another dog to catch my eye. Honest dog of good type. I liked his size and conformation, a typical head, good eye, sufficient bone, good length of back. Coat ok on the day.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
11th Nov 2017
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to the Officers, Committee and members of the Club for this appointment. It was a privilege to judge, with a very nice entry and sporting atmosphere throughout the day.
My thanks for the hospitality, gift and excellent lunch, and to my steward Shona.
I was pleased with the entry overall, coats varied throughout. My main concern not only today but with the breed in general would be size with many being too big and something that must be considered in future breeding. Front movement with pinning in lost some dogs placings today. It was rewarding to start two youngsters off with their first CC’s and I wish them well for their future.
Mid Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Nice size with attractive otter like head. Balanced in body with moderate neck into good shoulder. He has a good topline and tailset and was shown in full coat of good texture.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
31st Mar 2018
Judge: Mrs Lesley Gosling (Akinside)
My grateful thanks to the BTC for the invitation to judge the annual Championship show and my thanks to my efficient stewards who were kept busy. I was astonished to see from my catalogue, as I prepared my critique, how far exhibitors had travelled, particularly with the unpredictable weather we are experiencing. Thank you all for coming.
Movement is improving. There are still are some upright shoulders and poor rear angulation. Size is incredibly variable and as this breed has a strong working heritage some exhibits would struggle to get into any fox earth. I would like to see more muscle tone on back ends. The opportunities to work Borders may have diminished, but the breed standard is our template and we should stick to it or we will have classes filled with ‘showing fools.’
Don’t chalk coats to harden them. Your judges will find it. It’s unnecessary - don’t let it become a fashion. A good coat needs no embellishments and good coats on the day were excellent coats. Coats will grow but in the process may miss out on top honours at a Championship show. We all want our dogs to have their best coats on a show day, but the two things don’t always coincide. I also appreciated that coats kept going for Crufts recently had then been stripped out.
Quality and breed type were lacking in some exhibits. Young heads need time at puppy stage but some young males were disappointing. One puppy dog was chronically thin. Puppies should be puppy-ish, carry a bit of weight and be happy in the ring and socialised. The Exhibition Hall is noisy and some pups are phased by unusual sounds, but I’m pleased to say that temperaments were excellent. I dislike seeing youngsters being strung up - dancing on their toes - and having their leads jerked to keep their attention, or to get them walking in a straight line. Try talking to your dog on the move and loosen those leads.
I have expressed an opinion on baiting before, and I will keep doing it until exhibitors take note, or I die pleading. Baiting a dog on the table unbalances the dog, gets in the way of the judge doing his/her job properly when it comes to checking the bite, and distracts the dogs completely. Borders are especially curious of strangers who approach, so the table contest for them becomes ‘bait’ or ‘stranger.’ A judge doesn’t want to waste time getting the dog’s attention away from bait. Practice getting the stance correct on a table without bait. Please - keep your bait until the dog is on the floor.
All males were entire; scissor bites generally were very good but some varied from a level bite, to the odd missing or chipped tooth and a couple of slightly wry mouths, but teeth were well presented and clean. There was just one kinked tail.
The best exhibits were exceptionally good. Eyes were dark and of good shape, bright and healthy. The good coats were tight, crisp and of great texture. Movement was impressive on the whole – straight and true - and almost all dogs were spannable. Sadly, not enough cards to go round and in some of the senior classes of both sexes, there were beautiful exhibits in tremendous condition, which could change places at any time. Their owners are to be congratulated.
Mid Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Light grizzle , easily spanned dog with good head, correct bite and keen expression. Perfect topline and tailset carried level on the move.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
14th Apr 2018
Judge: Ms Judith Fawcett (Carrock)
I would firstly like to thank the Northern Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show and for their lovely hospitality – lunch was very tasty. Thank you also to the committee for their lovely gift. My two stewards, Graham Richardson and Geoff Sugars, kept things moving along nicely – well done. This was my first breed club show and I was absolutely delighted with the excellent entry – thank you to everyone for giving me the opportunity of going over your dogs. As expected coats were at various stages but on the whole were good; only a couple of exhibits on the day had no coat at all. All dogs were entire and there were no kinked tails. There were one or two missing or broken teeth, especially in the veteran class and one or two untidy mouths. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was delighted with my main winners - I had some really good quality dogs to judge.
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th May 2018
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn Richardson (Staynorwood)
Many thanks to the Officers and Committee of the YLBTC for their kind invitation to judge their Open Show and the exhibitors for the sporting way they accepted my decisions. Thank you also to my Ring Stewards Ian Hopper and Bridget Singh. I was very pleased with my winners on the day.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
15th Jul 2018
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
Thoroughly enjoyed my day with the NBTC. My thanks to the Committee for the appointment and the exhibitors for their entry of Borders. I was well looked after all day and I would like to express my gratitude to my Stewards who did an excellent job by keeping focused on their task throughout the day. I was extremely pleased with the overall quality of the dogs across both sexes. For those who left without prize cards do not be too disappointed, I saw only one undershot jaw and no dog was out of place in the show ring. My top winners were all outstanding dogs and there were several others who deserve that label who were placed but did not reach the final accounting. Overall heads are very good but let’s be careful not to breed for too much strength in skull. Ensure we balance what we have with equal strength in muzzle and under-jaw and please lots more beautiful large white teeth. Most dogs had the correct outline, with many good top-lines and neat tails. Coats and pelts were generally very good and do not be afraid to show a Border in that rich, thick ,harsh, double coat they are well known for. Generally conformation was correct, with shoulders and stifles showing acceptable angulation. The straight stifle is quite rare, but equally let’s not over do the angulation of the hind limb as that produces weakness. Short hocks go best with correct stifles. Dogs with a length of leg, drive from hindquarters, tight feet and good ribbing did well today provided they had the typical Border Terrier characteristics we all look for. A few dogs are getting a little long in body for a variety of reasons. Some have their shoulder set forwards on the chest, some lack the well ribbed-back conformation and so appear to have long couplings and some have shorter legs than they ideally need. Much of this was marginal today but they are all points to remember as the breed moves forward. I was pleased with the CC line ups and excited by the quality in some of the youngsters coming through. It would have been nice to reward some of these emerging future champions with higher honours but the quality at the top was too much for relatively immature dogs.
Mid Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
All close up - time to split hairs. Moved well fore and aft, Nice head and expression, good coat and pelt, easily spanned. Nice bone, good topline, neat tail, well set on. Best on the move. His day will come.
Boston & District Canine Society
6th Jan 2019
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to all exhibitors who entered their dogs for me to judge. Thank you to Boston Show Society for inviting me to judge and putting on a very well organised event. Running these events is hard work and takes a lot of organising. The breed has changed a lot in the thirty years I have owned and been part of. Heads are very varied and lack strength under the eye so giving a weaker muzzle and too many domed skulls. Good movement is hard to find too many borders just mark time. Coats were varied but it is a difficult time of the year and I am not a fan of the over tidied coat or worrying about perfect presentation but a little attention to detail helps. A lot of long nails and excess hair on the feet, and a lot of long hair left on sides of the head and muzzles. My judging is based on good shape and conformation in accordance with the breed standard and of course good movement that allows the dog to cover the ground with ease. No animal is perfect and we all judge in our own way but I enjoyed today's challenge.
Limit - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Again a very pleasing grizzle dog with good length and presence. Good strong head, of ottery shape and strong muzzle. Pleasing outline, well ribed back, correct front and rear
angulation. Moved out positively with drive.
Class Critique
Liked this class, nicest class of the day. Many good dogs had to go cardless. All five placings were good moving dogs
9th Mar 2019
Judge: Mrs Trak Fryer (Irton)
A very great thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such a superb entry, I hope that I did it justice. My thanks must also go to my Stewards who worked very hard to keep the classes moving well.
This was a very challenging entry with some very big classes filled with quality dogs all the way through, there were no easy decisions. I tried to pull out all the dogs that I felt were in contention to give those exhibits a closer look. This meant that those out of coat or condition paid the penalty. particularly in the upper classes many super quality dogs had to go out without a place - I just didn't have enough cards.
On the plus side all the exhibits were good tempered and happy in the ring. Most dogs came with a good coat on and a decent pelt. There were plenty of good heads and neat well balanced Borders, the key to the Standard. The Breed Standard asks for a dog that can run, requiring heart and lung room, and that can go to ground, requiring a good rib carried back without exaggerated angulations, a rather challenging blueprint to fit into a fairly small package.
There were quite a number with rather heavy or thin ears, round eyes and I was surprised to find quite a number of “winter noses”; I did not necessarily penalise these if the rest was OK. There were a number of heads with weak jaws framed by sticky out ears, a worrying trend. There were some heavy bitches well beyond spannable.
The biggest problem is movement with the forward angulations mostly at fault, this has been a problem in the breed for some time but there are now a significant number with tied in fronts waving their forelegs about, a new variant!
A well made dog will just cover the ground without any fuss or flipping – a joy to see. In order to do this they also need a reasonable build of muscle and it is a constant concern of mine that so many that come into the show ring do not have this.
Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Class Critique
A splendid class of dogs headed by two outstanding examples.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
4th Aug 2019
Judge: Dogs: Diane Bullen (Fevstone) Bitches: Sally Leslie (Risdene)
*Judge: Dogs: Diane Bullen (Fevstone)*
I would like to thank the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show and making me feel most welcome. I would also like to thank my Stewards for a sterling job.
A good exhibit entry on the day with couple of them forgetting to remove their carpet slippers judging by their feet, and also a couple that I felt they were impersonating Austin Powers international man of mystery judging by the amount of chest hair left on! But on a more serious note, yet again underweight dogs with some having barely a covering of flesh which was disappointing, some dogs also un-spannable.
Both of the above reflecting in my placing’s. On a more positive note some excellent specimens shown today both in coat, movement and good old fashioned strong otter type heads.
*Judge: Bitches: Sally Leslie (Risdene)*
Thank you to the Committee and Exhibitors for a super day. It must always be a pleasure and honour to judge at a club show where the depth of quality is clearly high and this was especially appreciated after so many had also made the long journey to Devon the day before.
I’m not going to lecture. After all we are all on the same side and want our breed to thrive. However I think I should mention that movement is not generally true and accurate fore and aft. I did see some strange limb and joint placement. Notwithstanding less than perfect gait I still sought something that did not make me uncomfortable to watch and importantly for me exhibited easy freedom using the whole of the foot and leg assembly to take energy from the ground not jolting or with feet flipping limply but fluid placement with reach and drive. That does not imply exaggeration and wasted energy just simple low to the ground daisy cutting propulsion and economy which is a thing of beauty to behold.
Mouths and jaws generally were pleasing. The small pearly dentition of a while ago were not in evidence and I enjoyed the large teeth that never fail to surprise and please. For this reason I have not felt the need to remark individually.
I never penalise stacked exhibits but I Ioved the preponderance of handler’s free showing. Relaxed, well made examples do stand nicely naturally and it often seems to me that exhibitors know less than their charges when it comes to limb placement and balance.
Coats - I really appreciated those exhibitors who felt able to leave coats in place even though a little past their sell by date. I can happily judge through a good coat which enables me to ascertain texture and quality whereas however neat an outline the lack of any evidence of coat in this working breed must be a negative.
Happily my fellow judge and I agreed on most of the main placings and I did not trouble the Referee as for me the prime consideration for any exhibitor must surely be the CC.
Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Nice size dog with a beautiful head and strong teeth. I loved his expression. In full coat with loose pelt, level top line and tail set, excelled in hind angulation and moved very positively.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
22nd Sep 2019
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
May I take the opportunity to thank the Club and its members for inviting me to judge at this show, and for the super warm hospitality I received. Special thanks to my ring stewards Carolyn Richardson and Julie North, for being efficient and keeping me on track.
I found no bad mouths and as always in our breed, coats at various stages. Lots of spannable dogs and bitches which I like.
I would like to say a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Blackpool & District Canine Society
26th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Trak Fryer (Irton)
Thanks to the exhibitors for a lovely entry, much appreciated in these difficult times. Thanks also to my stewards who not only kept the ring moving well but proved very adept at fielding judging slips, ring cards and prize cards and miscellaneous other bits and pieces flying across the ring in a very blustery wind. I thought it would be better to judge outside, the wind did upset a few dogs and those with a lot of coat were truly blown. The Border is essentially a working terrier that should combine activity with gameness – I thought that worth repeating since some seem to have forgotten it! I managed to find good heads but in general they were not strong, the head and jaw is not a cosmetic addition but an essential part of the terrier’s make up. Feet and pelts were OK but very few could be regarded as really good, again they are an essential feature required for the work the dog was bred for. Coats were all over the place very few being presented in a good sharp deep coat, however most were acceptable.
Movement remains a problem, there were feet flicking out, plaiting in front, bouncing up and down or rocking on the front – all problems with shoulder construction. The best move with that lovely unfussy ground covering drive that is so typical of the breed.
I was surprised to find several exhibits with level bites, I know the standard allows for this but it is undesirable, particularly in young dogs.
Having said all that I did find a good number of excellent very typical dogs, Limit & Open classes in both sexes were excellent and there were some promising puppies coming along.
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Just 7 yrs, good head, well balance with good shoulder & quarters, shown in a heavy coat, moved OK but again not too happy in the wind.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
25th Mar 2023
Judge: Mrs Charlotte Archibald (Tweedburn)
What an absolute honour and a privilege to be invited to judge this show, my thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Border Terrier Club, and my two excellent stewards for the day, Judy and Marina.
My sincere thanks also, to ALL the exhibitors for making it truly memorable, with 196 dogs, 233 entries.
Some very close decisions had to be made!
On the down side, I found some very short muzzles and small teeth, and quite a number of filthy teeth!! Temperaments were generally good, there were 2 kinked tails and 1 suspect mouth, a lack of muscle tone and condition in some exhibits, which is essential for a terrier to do it’s job.
That said, it was an absolute joy to see so many super dogs.
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
7 yrs old g/t just the right size, with the thickest of jackets, typical head, good reach of neck, leading to decent length of ribs, easily spanned, strong hindquarters, good for bone, moved with purpose and drive on neat feet.
Class Critique
What a way to start the show, fabulous class of oldies!
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Tracey James (Blackmine)
A bit thank to the committee of EABTC for inviting me to judge their championship show. I really enjoyed my day and when I later looked at the catalogue to see my winners I found it interesting reading, as all my major winners were of similar lines.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
pale red male with a masculine head and keen expression, underneath his heavy double coat was good shoulders, good front and rear angulation, ribbed well back with a good underline, correct level topline. Good length of stride on the move. BVIS
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
30th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs Hilary Gilpin (Otterbobs)
A very big thank you to the SBTC for inviting me to judge this very well run show, to Marina for stewarding and to the exhibitors for entering under me.
Veteran - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Blackpool & District Canine Society
25th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs Jayne Gillam (Orenberg)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at Blackpool & District Canine Society Championship show. Grateful thanks must go to my very efficient steward Gisela Duran who did an excellent job in making sure everything ran like clockwork. Finally thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such an excellent entry of 142 dogs making 183 entries, the largest entry across all breeds on the day. It really was a privilege to go over such a large entry of dogs and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
The size of dogs has always been a perennial topic, but I was pleased to say overall, many of the dogs were of correct size on this occasion, with very few oversized dogs and only the odd one or two I couldn’t span. Bites were good and only an odd one with teeth out of line, although a few had broken teeth, quite a few had dirty teeth and some had small teeth which is something I really don’t like to see on, essentially a working terrier. It was good to find some really lovely tails, with not too many long thin, spindly tails we have seen in the past, although I was surprised to find four kinked tails in the entry.
Overall I thought it was a good entry, I found some quality exhibits and I was very pleased with my winners, and in particular will watch the progress of my puppy and junior placings with interest.
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Masculine otter like head with short strong muzzle and keen expression. Nicely angulated both ends. Presented well in deep, thick harsh tweedy coat and pelt. Very typical Border and moved well both in profile and coming and going.
Leeds Championship Show
29th Jul 2023
Judge: Mr Brian Aubrey (Jenabeck)
Thank you all for a wonderful entry, I had to make some difficult choices on the day, but as always, I judge the dog on the day friend or foe and not what the dog as done in the past or what it will do in the future.
a few things did concern me on the day (1 ) so Many dirty teeth, (2) a few unfit dogs due to being overweight, (3) and the most concerning is short legs on one or two of the borders,
Veteran - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr. Bob Wright (Totherend)
It was a real honour to judge my home club’s show and my thanks go to a great committee for the opportunity and the way they run the club with all hands to the wheel. Richard Wright and Sharon Pickering had my back and have my appreciation for a great day’s stewarding.
I was disappointed in the early dog classes where what initially looked like an impressive line-up failed to materialise once on the table or on the move. Movement was a weak spot for a surprisingly large number of exhibits, especially front movement. There were three poor mouths and one exhibit that couldn’t be spanned but lots of good pelts, coats and neat feet. However long tails are becoming more common and a true carrot tail is about as rare as hen’s teeth. I was fascinated by some handlers interpretation of a triangle, suffice to say it’s a good job it wasn’t a maths exam.
Once again there were only two CCs available which is a great shame when there are so many who warrant them. I can only sympathise with those who went home empty handed. It was most likely a reflection of the strength of the classes rather than their standing. The bitch classes were especially strong with at least six exhibits worthy of much more than I had available to offer. When it came to the line ups I was clearly torn and had to be really picky to get to a decision but in the end I was pleased with all the winners.
Whilst there is still much that can be done to improve some aspects of the breed there is a lot to be proud of with some really stunning exhibits out there.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
always admired this handsome lad, alert, done it all before and unbothered by his years, hard to move past his captivating head, level topline and thick tail, loose pelt, plenty of angulation, good mover, BV
Driffield Championship Show
26th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs. Liz Wright (Totherend)
My thanks to Driffield Championship Dog Show Society for the invitation to judge today and thanks to my stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong, who kept the ring running smoothly. Thanks also to the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their dogs. Front movement in the breed still needs some improvement, but overall I had lots of quality exhibits. Bites were good and only one kinked tail.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog shown in full harsh coat with thick pelt, good masculine head, straight front, good bone and condition, not showing his age. He moved well with confidence and drive. Best Veteran
Darlington Championship Show
17th Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs D Bullen (Fevstone)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge for the second time. I had a good entry of 125 with a few absentees as is usual, the dogs were of varying types and sizes which is to be expected. The ones that were unspannable aren’t fit for function as they fall at the first hurdle so to speak.
There are quite a lot creeping into the breed of late which lack power in the foreface. Falling away below the eye with a foreign expression. Also lacking in underjaw. Again a weakness in the breed which needs addressing or we will lose these qualities essential to work. A lot now have too short an upperarm which is vital in construction as it propels the dog forward as he should cover the ground effortlessly striding out. Not Pitter patter slowly. On a more positive note I found a lot of quality true to type borders that were a pleasure to judge. Effortless free movement which is essential. I’m sure the breed will go on to have a bright future if we all keep to the breed type.
Veteran - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs J Guvercin (Glebeheath)
Thank you to the committee for this appointment, everyone worked hard to make it an enjoyable day. This venue always has a super atmosphere, however, the ring is too small really to see outlines, being far too near the dogs and side profile movement is very difficult to see, let alone for the dogs to perform really well. Many moved poorly, not liking the smooth mats and although I had to judge them on this today, I think most would move much better outside in a big grass ring.
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle also 8 years and certainly not looking his age. Bigger than one and in full jacket, but in good condition. Lovely head and eye with well placed ears and strong jaw. Straight front good bone and feet which he moved well on. Good topline , held on the move, loved his type.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
7th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Norma Ellis (Normbar)
Thank you to the Committee for organising such a well run show. The quality of the the dogs was very good, making my decisions more difficult in a good way. Nice atmosphere plus friendly sportsmanship prevailed.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Quality boy most appealing masculine head with keen eye, best of fronts and tight feet. Good shoulders and ribbing. Good topline which he kept on the move . Best of a harsh double coat with thick pliable pelt. Moved out soundly with well muscled quarters used his tail well. BEST VETERAN IN SHOW
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
14th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan)
Firstly I’d like to thank The Border Terrier Club Committee for their very kind invitation to judge this Open show, I felt honoured and privileged . I thoroughly enjoyed my day and the hospitality on offer , the lunch certainly hit the spot..thank you Nancy Hogg. My two stewards, Jane Morton-Shaw and Marina Fleming kept things running smoothly and I am grateful for their support .
To the exhibitors , my thanks go unbounded as I had a lovely selection of good quality dogs to go over and there were certainly some tough decisions in many of the classes. It is an education to finally go over some of the dogs I have admired from the ring side. I am grateful that my decisions were taken, mostly in a sporting manner.
My general findings were , all males were intact , I found no kinked tails ( 1 dog had a bump on the underside of its tail , not a kink in my opinion), jackets were, as usual , at various stages of growth. I was impressed by the fact that all animals before me could be spanned , some a little easier than others.
Once again I feel compelled to comment on the state of nails and feet. In my opinion , many dogs had nails that were too long and some needed drastic fur trimming to enhance the shape of the feet.In my opinion it is a shame to groom your dogs for the ring but forget that ,especially whilst on the table, the judge has a perfect view of any, long nails and/or woolly “ Yeti” feet .
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
an 8 yr old gent ,of very good size and proportions…. Solid workmanlike appearance , nothing exaggerated …Good head , ears well placed …Moderate neck into clean shoulders … ribbed well back … level topline …moved well …
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
27th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
Thank you to the committee of the YLC Border Terrier Club for this appointment, a very hard working team that pulled a lovely show together at a great venue and also my two very capable stewards Bridget Singh and Margaret Davies. To the exhibitors that also supported me on my wonderful entry for the day and generated a great atmosphere around the ring.
The lunch time interval also kept me busy with 6 lovely puppies taking part in the puppy walk, a great idea successfully carried out by the club and an opportunity to get the youngsters out and into a show environment – some promising youngsters to go over made the interval very pleasing.
I was really pleased with my final line ups on the day although I felt that the bitch classes were stronger than the dog classes, jackets with Crufts up and coming in a few weeks were varying so again thank you for putting exhibits forward that we all knew could do with some more jacket to just complete the picture.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
81/2 year old red grizzle dog with the best of heads and super big white teeth, lovely clean shoulders and level top line stacked and on the move and nice tail set.
Moves with purpose around the ring and still very fit for his age, only jacket possibly lost him top honours today.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Lynda Ward (Roundtown)
It was an honour to be invited to judge this, our parent club’s show. My thanks to the committee who ran such a lovely event with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. My judge’s gift is much appreciated and will be a treasured momento of the day.
My superstar stewards, Janice Johnson and Liz Barrett, worked hard and unobtrusively whilst keeping the classes moving smoothly over a long day – well done ladies.
Many thanks of course to the exhibitors who made the journey on a major bank holiday weekend giving a large and quality entry of 190 dogs making 229 entries plus 10 NFC.
I had some lovely sound and typical Borders to go over and, had I had them, I would have had no qualms in awarding 4 dog tickets and 5 bitch tickets.
Unfortunately there are always downsides in a big entry and today size was an issue with some overly large exhibits who were not spannable and very heavily built.
There were a number of youngsters which were obviously unused to having their mouths examined and more practice in a calm atmosphere would help to make them comfortable and avoid stress for them and their handlers.
Ears need watching as some were quite large and spoiled the head.
Sadly, as in the past I must complain about long tails. Tails are an integral aspect of the overall picture of a typical Border outline and long is simply wrong. Our breed standard is spartan compared to many others but for tails the description is clear and begins with, “Moderately short; fairly thick at base, then tapering.” Hopefully the issue will be addressed before the untypical becomes the norm.
On a positive note …
Feet were overall small and thickly padded although some would benefit from trimming and shorter nails.
There was a good number of lovely otter-like heads of correct proportions with well placed dark eyes and a keen expression.
As is usual these days coat presentation was generally good and today there were plenty of dense coats of correct texture and thick skins.
Do I think the quality shown in this entry bodes well for the breed? Yes.
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Lovely 8 years old upstanding dog with keen expression and good body shape. Easy span, in dense jacket and moving well.
Class Critique
I always enjoy the Veteran classes and this was full of grand dogs still belying their age.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
13th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs P Cox (Cushatlaw)
I would like to say a big thank you to the officers an committee for kindly inviting me to judge this lovely open show and to all the exhibitors for exhibiting their dogs under me. A special thank you to the stewards who kept the ring running smoothly.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Almost 9 years old well made grizzle boy, again in fine condition for his age. Much the same comments apply as to the class winner. Just felt that on the day the class winner showed himself better. Could change places on a different day.
Class Critique
Lovely class of veterans, everyone of them a credit to their owners.
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
20th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee of the East Anglia Border Terrier Club for the honour of inviting me to judge your Championship show and for your great hospitality on the day. It was hit-and-miss as to whether or not I would be judging inside or out, and I’m pleased that the committee took the decision to hold it outdoors. It is far nicer for the dogs to be outside, even with the biting wind, and we are not to forget that they are designed to be outside in that type of weather, which reiterates the importance of a good coat. I hope everyone at ringside managed to keep the chill away, myself having Cumbrian bloodlines, found it rather pleasant. Thank you to my stewards Tracey, Dave and Mike who worked tirelessly to keep the ring moving. My biggest thanks are to the exhibitors who gave me an excellent entry and took all my decisions in a sporting manner. I know it is always said there are too many good dogs for the number of cards and that was especially true of the limit and open classes. I was spoiled for choice in a number of classes and had to split hairs on a number of occasions. Dog’s are never static and can have good days and bad days just the same as us, and condition and coats can change dramatically. Some dogs were out of top coat or had no harshness to their coat on the day which cost them on this occasion. Repeating myself from my last judging appointment, I made mention that true movement isn’t necessarily conducive to good movement if no ground is covered at the same time, ideally of course we want both but I would rather see a dog with a good outline in profile than one very accurate that’s going nowhere. Good construction should be a given, I know not much mention is made to that in our breed standard, but to constitute soundness to follow a horse, the construction must be balanced and correct with no exaggeration. Thankfully, there were not many exaggerations on the day. One or two were big ribbed and not quite spannable, and surprisingly they were not necessarily the ones that looked up to size. Overall, I was very pleased with the quality of the dogs presented.
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Nine year old grizzle and tan. Masculine head with short strong muzzle and neat well set ears. Good neck and shoulders. Well off for bone. Good topline and tailset. Excellent hindquarters with strong, well let down hocks. Shown in an excellent harsh dense topcoat with excellent undercoat and thick pelt. Although slightly on the heavy side, he is very sound on the move and balanced.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th May 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Red/Grizzle Dog lovely expression on this old boy,corect dentition,head is moderately broad with little stop,good neck length into a narrow front, lean and muscular body and rear legs,spannable, good rear angulation.thick top jacket and pelt to match,level topline moving and whilst stood.moved well around the ring.B.V
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown)
Thank you to the officers and committee of the Scottish Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their June 2024 Breed Club Open Show. The day was marked by very good weather conditions: a mixture of sunny spells, brisk breezes and cloud. Just right for the dogs. The dreaded rain kept at bay so the Gods smiled down on us. What a super venue to hold a show. There was a large indoor hall if needed. However, given the clement conditions, we were outside for judging on a large paved area surrounded by raised grass banks that afforded for spectators a good view of events. The welcome from officers and exhibitors alike was warm and hospitable and I’d like to thank exhibitors for the super entry I had and for their good grace in accepting their placings. There was a great sense of collegiality among members and good humour was in plentiful supply. The catering was second to none; the poached salmon salad at lunch was super. And I was sent on my way with enough food to see me back over the sea to Northern Ireland. Finally I’d like to thank my two stewards on the day: Kath Lothian and Pete Appleby. They were welcoming and fulfilled their duties with quiet good humour.
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Really lovely lines to this grizzle 9 yr old veteran dog. Flat skull showing good breadth and strong short foreface. Lovely dark eye, lending a keen expression. Scissor bite and strong jaw. Head set off by nice v-shaped ears. In double show coat with depth of pelt. Nice length of neck flowing into a fairly long body with depth of rib. Narrow throughout and easily spanned. Stifles well bent and moved well round the ring.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to all of you who entered your dogs for me to judge. I really enjoyed my day and having the privilege of judging your dogs. The weather was kind and our ring was good. I had excellent stewards and I thank them for their hard work.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
this dog hardly looks like a veteran. Shown in excellent condition. Good head and lovely body shape with excellent front and rear angulation. Moved out really well. Best Veteran
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
13th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr. Mark Ord (Marnadee)
Having attended & a long association with this breed club I was very honoured when I received the invitation to judge this show. It is pleasing that the club has such a wealth of supporters who do such sterling work and put on shows that make you want to return to. Walking into this venue today brought back many memories of the past and I am sure the pioneers of the club would be thrilled to see how it has prospered from humble beginnings. The Border Terrier continues to hold its own compared to many of today’s terrier breeds both as a companion and show dog. Breed standards were compiled by looking at the dogs of the time and their working capabilities fitting this purpose, this should still be adhered to now despite hunting no longer being allowed. This being said dogs should be presented for the show ring to the best of an owner’s capabilities, in hard muscular condition and coat presented clean and fit for the purpose of working in rough terrain.
I today found mouths to be good in the majority and I like to see large dentition along with a correct scissor bite. Several had eyes that needed attention in the way of cleaning before coming into the show ring. We still are seeing the incorrect flipping front action due to short upper arms and if not addressed this will become the norm. After my last appointment, I was pleased to only see a small minority where scissoring had been used on the coats which should not be the case. I did find today several coats that I would class as broken rather than the desirable tight harsh top weatherproof coat with undercoat for warmth. On a positive note, the bitches were easy to span and only a minority of males could not be. Pelts were pretty good being both thick & loose.
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
like his skull & strength of jaw, slightly larger all through than 1, correct ribbing, slightly long in loin but despite this does hold a firm top line both stood & moving, neat compact feet, well set tail of good length & carriage.
The Midland Border Terrier Club 40th Anniversary Championship Show
4th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge this 40th Anniversary show, and for the hospitality on the day. Thank you also to the hardworking stewards, it was a long and very busy day. Most of all, thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such a fabulous entry. I appreciated each and every exhibit, and had the privilege of going over so many quality dogs that difficult decisions had to be made and many lovely dogs went cardless. Foremost, I see the Border Terrier as ‘essentially a working terrier’ and was therefore looking for construction that would render this possible. A few exhibits were too big, too wide or too deep in brisket which might prevent them from going to ground, or even cause them to get stuck. A few had very thin skin – skin must be thick. Most bites were good, just a few with teeth out of line or missing. Coats come and go, so were understandably at different stages. However, on a working terrier a good hard coat does complete the picture. Good movement and a strong, even, economical gait comes from soundness of construction and the muscle tone of a well exercised dog. Therefore I looked for good layback of shoulder and the correct length and angle of upper arm to give a good reach in front, a strong loin, good bend of stifle and well angulated, well muscled hindquarters to give matching drive from the rear.
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
A nine year old grizzle and tan with thick double coat and loose pelt, lovely length of body and good front and rear angulation and pleasing head. He strode out well keeping his level topline, and was strong in loin and well muscled. His front was narrow with plenty of bone, a good lay back of shoulder and narrow ribs carried well back.
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day.
I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Veteran - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
28th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs Anne Heathcote (Saxheath)
I would like to thank the YLCBTC for giving me the honour of judging their Championship Show . My thanks also to my very efficient stewards Tracy and Marvin who kept both the ring and myself in order . It also goes without saying that I very much appreciated the exhibitors who trusted me to go over their dogs , Thank you .
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Another 9 yr old who was shorter coupled than1 . He had a masculine head and good mouth with massive teeth , moderate reach of neck, good topline and hind angulation and a dense gr coat with a thick pliable pelt . He also moved well
Class Critique
3 lovely veterans , a credit to their owners
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
I would like to thank The Committee for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my very efficient Stewards Mark & Julie for keeping everything on track & The Club for their hospitality & splendid gift.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
9yr old grizzle dog with another lovely masculine head. Strong muzzle, well shaped dark eyes. Width of skull & well set close fitting ears. Neck of moderate length leads to well placed shoulders. Well angulated all through with a level topline held on the move. Narrow all through he stands on straight limbs with neat feet. Shown in full coat, it is of a good harsh texture with a thick pelt. Easily spanned his ribs reach well back. Another sound mover showing reach & drive.
Class Critique
A lovely class of veterans
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
19th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
Thank you to The Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge The Open Show at Low Hesket, one of my favourite shows and venues. As always hospitality was superb and a lovely enjoyable lunch.
Thank you to Judy and Andrea my two excellent stewards who kept proceedings running smoothly and on time and thank you to all exhibitors.
I had a lovely entry and some lovely dogs to judge. A very enjoyable day.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Class Critique
Such a lovely class of Veterans.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Nov 2024
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
I would like to thank SCBTC and committee for the privilege of judging this years Championship show and thank my very capable steward Euan Castell for keeping the ring flowing and the exhibitors for their lovely entry. There were some really nice dogs for me to go over. But I must say that looking at them in general heads are starting to stray away from that of the border terrier, the other thing that I think needs addressing is the general cleanliness of their exhibits. I found three suspect mouths and two kinked tails . thank you one and all for an enjoyable day,
Veteran - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
G/tan coming 91/2yr old, just the right size, with a dense double jackets and pliable pelt, typical head, good reach of neck, leading to decent length of ribs and loin , easily spanned, strong hindquarters, good for bone, moved with purpose and drive on neat feet.
Ladies Kennel Association
12th Dec 2024
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Veteran - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Three very likable veterans exhibited in enviable, full, harsh, weatherproof jackets with plenty of undercoat. 1 a true Border in fine form, of good type, well made and stands balanced with pleasing outline. Wears his age lightly and moves like he should.
Manchester Championship Show
19th Jan 2025
Judge: Mr Paul Wilkinson
Veteran - Dog /
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Feb 2025
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
It is both an honour and a privilege to have been invited by the Midland Border Terrier Club committee to judge this open breed club show—my first at this level. I sincerely thank all the exhibitors who entered and took the time to attend at this lovely new venue. My gratitude also goes to my stewards, Peter and Martin, whose efficiency and support ensured the smooth running of the ring; their help was much appreciated.
Overall, most exhibits were in good condition, though a few were carrying excess weight or were simply too large to span. I observed only one kinked tail and two level bites. Given the time of year, it is unsurprising to find coats at various stages of growth, as exhibitors prepare for Crufts and the start of the new show season.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Placing Critique
Grizzle dog of similar age to the first. He has a lovely otter head, good bite and ear set. Though slightly deeper in body than the first, he is still spannable. Shown in correct coat. Although not quite the balance overall of the first he covered the ground with ease.
6th Mar 2025
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
Veteran - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
23rd Mar 2025
Judge: Mr Mark Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Best Veteran
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Chorbeck Chatty Man JW ShCM