Show Placings
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
1st Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs C Archibald (Dogs) Mrs L M Ward (Bitches) Ref Mr T Tuck
Referee’s Report:
I was asked to make the final decisions for BIS, Res BIS, BOS, and Best Veteran. It was a real pleasure to go over these quality borders.
BIS: I thought that the dog Brewster and Green’s Stowthorney Wicker Man JW, and the bitch Irving’s Dandyhow Pandora, were both eye-catching borders though quite different. The dog was very well constructed throughout, with a typical otter-like head, strong muzzle and large teeth. He had good angulation front and rear, moved well, and was in good coat. The bitch was a handy size, with an attractive outline and balanced overall proportions. She also had a thick pelt and correct coat though I think it was not yet at its best. I just favoured the dog for BIS on the strength of his head, his overall outline, and coat on the day.
Res BIS: I felt that Tuffin’s Hartswelin Veritas with Oatberry edged it over the bitch for similar reasons to those given above. He shared a lot of qualities with BIS, having a lovely outline and angulation, a good otter-like head, and an excellent coat and pelt.
BOS: Irving’s Dandyhow Pandora.
Best Veteran: Both veterans were eye-catching and typical borders, with very good coats. The dog, Jackson’s Clipstone Starshine, had a lovely head and expression, and I liked his outline and overall proportions. The bitch, Dean’s Ch Cedarhill Wish Upon a Star, had balanced proportions and she was very well constructed all through. I thought her neat front and shoulders, plus her hind angulation gave her the edge for Best Veteran.
Referee: Terence Tuck
My sincere thanks to the MBTC for inviting me to judge the dogs at this show. Also thank you to all the exhibitors for their support. A very convivial atmosphere, it was so good to be out and about with dogs again. The weather did it's best to stay fair, ideal temperature for dog showing. I found movement still to be an issue, particularly front, also small teeth, the odd broken or missing tooth, and some dirty teeth too! Size and weight need to be addressed - some too heavy, the other end of the spectrum, needed a good feed!! Jackets at various stages, good to see some exhibits in full coat, a rarity these days. I was very happy with my winners and pleased the referee agreed in part.
Many thanks to the club for the invitation to judge, to the exhibitors for a nice entry and my steward Carol Smith for keeping the ring running smoothly.
As ever at this show the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly but was tinged today with poignancy by the sad loss of so many of our good friends. I must mention Dawn Bladen who has been a close friend since 1995 when we had a litter brother and sister by my dog. On principle Dawn didn’t show under me so would again have been at the ringside today with her camera. We miss them all and hope to continue to see their families and friends amongst us.
There was a noticeable diversity in both type and overall size today. My chief concern was exhibits that came very heavily to hand and often in combination with being very difficult (for a man’s hands) to span. It really needs to be addressed if we are to keep the Border “Essentially a working terrier”, as the standard lays down.
There was only one mouth with misplaced teeth and I was especially pleased to find so many otter-like heads.
Coats were generally good for texture and depth and good undercoats on thick pelts predominated. B/T jackets were especially harsh and dense and I aplaud the breeders who have achieved this huge improvement compared to the B/Ts of the 90’s.
Today tough pads were plentiful but it was a pity that feet on some exhibits appeared to be bigger and flatter than they actually were when this could be easily remedied by trimming.
Tails seem to get thinner and longer each time I judge. In this entry we have overcome the problem of kinks that was evident for some years but with the loss of the desired carroty shape and moderately short length which finishes off the typical Border outline.
Overall I was pleased to find good fitness and muscle tone plus good condition and only one that needed a good dinner and a couple that had obviously enjoyed too many.
I was very happy with my lineup and fully expect to see several going on to the higher honours which they narrowly missed out on today.
My colleague judge and I cordially agreed to disagree when it came to the final accolades (in each case having a preference for the sex we had judged) so referee Tez Tuck was kept busy to the very end with his decisions accepted with good grace by the exhibitors.
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Placing Critique
lovely headed dog gr dog, with a super straight front, neat feet, decent length of body covered by a tight jacket. Moved well fore and aft.
Class Critique
Close decision between these two!
Novice - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Driffield Championship Dog Show
28th Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs Linda Coleman (Hartswelin)
I was extremely pleased with my quality entry on this my first occasion awarding C.C.'s in the breed and thrilled to see my B.O.B. go 2nd in the group.
I will not mention teeth and bites in my individual critiques as apart from three which were level all exhibits possessed good strong teeth with excellent bites.Very few animals were difficult to span but far too many bitches in the later classes carried too much condition!
As in many other judges comments over the last few years fronts are still a big problem, if a Border does not have a correctly angled upper arm and shoulder it will not be able to follow a horse all day however well angled the hindquarters might be. A lot of dogs feet were not as small and tight as I would like but this may be due to lack of suitable excercise over the extended lockdowns. On the plus side nearly all were presented in double coat.
It was a very tight decision for me for B.O.B. and it could have gone either way but a choice had to be made so the dog won on being more an ideal size.
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs Janet Lee (Tythrop)
My thanks to the Officers & Committee for inviting me to judge their show , & for the excellent ring stewards Mr Brewster & Mrs Armstrong who made the day run smoothly & kept me going with refreshments ! I enjoyed being with fellow BT fanciers & their dogs , as I always do .
I had a very good entry come forward & after such a long time away from the ring , a few were ring rusty & some youngsters were a little overawed , which I considered quite acceptable given so many had missed out on their early education & socialisation & tried to give them opportunity to shine , though a few very nice dogs could have been higher placed but the occasion was too much for them .
I found very good examples , but also had some whose construction fell a little short of the standard …….deep unspannable bodies or brisket below elbow standing or on the move on much shorter than their depth legs , forward placed & too little angulation in their fronts due to upright shoulders & short steep upper arms which shorten their strides or make them goosestep , & flat croups with extra high set tails carried like hound sterns ,or conversely short steep croups with low tailsets , often thin & long tails too & some poor downhill or lumpy/hinged toplines became apparent in profile movement , however the most common thing that struck me was how many have too little bone in pasterns & east-west feet when our standard calls for straight legs & good tight feet . As I lift every dog to see how their fronts ‘’drop’’ into place I found lack of bone through pasterns into feet was a common fault today & so some had feet not facing forward naturally . Most came in good condition , but a few were too thin & their pelvic bones were sticking up & they felt shelly with no depth of loin so their rears lacked muscle accordingly , conversely a handful had indulged during lockdown a little too much ! Coats were as ever , mixed , but the top winners all came in very good order with double coats .
Junior - Dog /
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Richmond Championship Show
11th Sep 2021
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the committee of the Richmond show for granting my first appointment to award CC’s, I was well looked after on the day and had great support from my stewards which was very much appreciated. It was a real privilege to judge some wonderful examples of the breed and the future looks bright as there were so many wonderful puppies and juniors. I really appreciated all my entries and rewarded those in the best condition on the day, I also acknowledge that many had good breed type and quality even amongst those not in the challenge and some that were not placed in the stronger classes.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Placing Critique
Liked this well turned out youngster too, slightly narrower through than my winner he also has a good head and many good features for the breed he did push hard for top spot. So after writing such nice things about the winner I hope it is clear that I think this dog is also a promising prospect for the future.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Sep 2021
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Congratulations to the committee on finding a splendid new venue. It is so nice to be able to evaluate exhibits in natural surrounding and this was ideal. I understand some did not care completely for the ground but while some exhibits did not excel on the terrain those that did displayed good conformation and moved accordingly.
Generally: there were some mouth faults present today which affected some results in the context of the classes they were in and the degree of the fault. Fronts came in many shapes and sizes not all straight and narrow unfortunately and I was surprised at the number of large and rather thin, spreading feet. Finally I just want to get off my chest that for me the term racy hindquarters does not carry with it a high tuck up.
The unexpected heat, especially in the earlier classes, was a little overwhelming and I thought both exhibits and exhibitors coped admirably. I loved my line ups and very much appreciated my entry, thank you.
Thanks also to my stewards who in these strange times were really kept at it all day.
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Placing Critique
Racy, easy to span and good to handle, true expression, nice all through but not quite as positive in action
25th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr S A Mcpherson (Brumberhill))
Thank you to the WELKS committee for the invitation to judge their show and to my stewards, who did a sterling job, keeping everything moving, to get through the entry.
Wasn’t sure what to expect, being on a Monday, in the current financial climate, so was delighted to receive an entry of 126 dogs, making 181 entries, topping the Terrier Group, by quite a margin. Thank you to those exhibitors, for bringing their dogs, and wanting my opinion. There were very few I’d actually judged before, having last judged at Blackpool ’19.
We were blessed with a lovely sunny day, and a huge double sized ring, giving everyone full chance to show their dogs to full advantage.
I felt it was a high quality entry, especially the bitches, where, I felt, my final bitch challenge line up was one of the best I’ve judged. There were a number of bitches, both there, and in the placings, I have no doubt will gain their crowns, given a fair chance.
Main points of concern, as last time I judged, at Blackpool ’19, are still deep stops, with a rounder eye, giving an untypical expression. A few, with this problem, also had tighter, untidy bites, as they were very short in muzzle.
A few knobbly tails, some too long, carried high, but most were ok and well carried.
On the whole, I thought movement had improved, although still a few high steppers, due to incorrect shoulder and upper arm. Toplines were good, on most. Presentation, on the whole, was good, as most were in good coat, or evidence of texture.
Yearling - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
The Scottish Kennel Club Championship Show
21st May 2022
Judge: Mrs G Vaughan (Holteal)
I would like to thank Scottish Border Terrier Kennel Club and committee for my invite to judge and award my 1st CC appointment,their hospitality and welcome was appreciated greatly for such a long trip from my home county of norfolk i thoroughly enjoyed my day judging and thanks to my 2 great stewards who kept my ring running smoothly.
To have an entry of 87 dogs I believe the 6th highest of the whole show with only 19 being absent on the day which is to be expected was a great honor for myself.
Coats as always were in many different stages,not always easy to target for every show entered,I found no major faults in any of my exhibits thankfully but some dogs lacking good thick pelts and a few longer and not so desirable longer tails. There were some closer choices between some dogs in the stronger classes.
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
7th Aug 2022
Judge: Miss Rebecca Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you very much to the committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge this show, it is a club that is very dear to me having been a member for over 30 years and I very much enjoyed my day. Thank you to my three stewards Laura, La and Richard for doing an amazing job of looking after me and keeping me well fuelled! Thank you also to all of the exhibitors who made the decision to enter their beautiful dogs under me, I know that we have to be selective in this current climate and I was absolutely delighted with such a fabulous entry. I felt overall that the dogs were of excellent quality and the majority were turned out beautifully. Heads are good in the main, we are getting away from that bulbus rounded skull and teddy bear expression and going back to a more traditional look. I would say the things that need addressing the most are front angulation, there are still quite a few dogs lacking in upper arm and also poor rear angulation appears to be creeping in a little. However, I found some beautiful dogs and I was very pleased with my main winners, some classes were extremely competitive and some good dogs had to go cardless. I thank you all for persevering in the heat, it was a tough day for me judging in such intense heat, so I am sure it was difficult for the exhibits too. I hope my winners appreciated our crochet efforts with the personalised rosettes, which mum and I took a lot of pleasure in making.
Open - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Class Critique
Another fabulous class of quality males.
City of Birmingham Championship Show
3rd Sep 2022
Judge: Mrs K Newsome (Kighills)
I would like to thank the City of Birmingham committee for inviting me to judge the Border terriers today. It was a most enjoyable day and to top it off I had some quality dogs and bitches to go over. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for their entries and excepting my decisions.
The quality of borders were good and adhered to the breed standard. All mouths were good and all the dogs were entire. Heads on the whole were very good but some lacked a strong broad muzzle. The movement was good and many moved with drive. Many coats were harsh and thick and pelts were nice and loose. I would like to see some exhibitors pay a little attention to trimming the feet and nails.
It would also benefit a few exhibitors to take their young dogs to ring-craft more to socialise them. This would get them use to unfamiliar situations i.e. hands on the dog etc.
To my surprise my main winners Best Puppy Dog, 2nd Grad Bitch, Bitch CC & Bitch RCC were all related to the Glebeheath Kennels so well done to you.
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Richmond Championship Dog Show
11th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr J A Barney (Romaunt)
Many thanks to Richmond in giving me the opportunity to judge a breed that still has some depth in quality to it. Generally, I felt movement needs to be attended to. It's a breed I've always associated with true movement both ways and a number did tend to pin in front. Coat texture was pretty good throughout but some would benefit from slightly neater presentation. I was able to span nearly all exhibits and pelts good. At the moment I would say that bitches are far stronger than the males.
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
30th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs Hilary Gilpin (Otterbobs)
A very big thank you to the SBTC for inviting me to judge this very well run show, to Marina for stewarding and to the exhibitors for entering under me.
Graduate - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Placing Critique
light red with a harsh tidy coat, broad skull, dark correct shaped eyes, I liked his size over the other two, 1st was tall and 3rd was too small for me, decent length of neck leading to good shoulders, ribs ok strong in the loins, with good hind angulation, a little wide in hind movement.
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Limit - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Placing Critique
Cracking dog who was not over done in any way. Superb size, easily spanned and well balanced. Dark eye, strong muzzle, big teeth, ears carried well and set. Shown in a harsh coat and plenty of pelt. Moved with drive from rear and true in front. A smart dog. Please to award RDCC
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
10th Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Julie Price (Oxcroft)
Thank you to all at the Southern Border Terrier Club for the invitation to judge your championship show this year, it was a great honour and privilege. The weather was hot and the venue was good to gain some shade for the dogs and myself! I had two very capable stewards who kept things running smoothy throughout the day, so thank to Kathleen Haugh and Sophie Liggat for their support. I really enjoyed my day and was more than happy with my winners. Thank you again for your hospitality.
I was looking for type, gameness, soundness and dogs that were fit to do a day’s work whilst not losing any attributes of the breed standard. Some exhibits were rather well muscled around the shoulders which made it difficult to feel the lay of the shoulders and this would also restrict their ability to go to ground. As a breed I think we are losing the otter heads and keen expressions which distinguishes the Border Terrier from other terrier breeds. A lady contacted me a week after the show and explained that she had attended the show during some of the bitch classes as she was looking to purchase a puppy having recently lost two of her old Borders. She explained she was now thinking of buying another breed as the dogs in the show ring did not look like the Borders she had had previously. She felt that they did not have the characteristic otter heads, and sadly I had to agree with her.
Overall, most dogs were fit for purpose and I am sure you all took the best dog home with you. In the current financial climate, all your entries were valuable to the club and it was a pleasure and an honour to go over your dogs.
Limit - Dog /
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Richmond Championship Show
8th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Midland Counties Championship Show
26th Oct 2023
Judge: Mr J Gilpin (Otterbobs)
I would like to thank the officers & committee for giving me the opportunity to judge the Border Terrier classes, & also a big thank you to Penny Winger & Gavin Argill my two ring stewards who kept things in order & also made sure we finished on time, and a special mention to my Best of Breed winner for attending the terrier group, and being rewarded with being short listed in the final seven.
Limit - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
Eastbourne & DCS Open Show
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Vera Harcourt-Morris (Lenacourt)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Nov 2024
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their open show. Also, all the exhibitors for such an amazing entry and for allowing me to go over their lovely Border Terriers. It was a great day with a quality entry and a good atmosphere. I was aware people had travelled and some afar and I was given the opportunity not to take a break for lunch to allow those that were driving to possibly not have to drive in the dark, so I think it worked out well in the end. Lots of dogs out of coat but I was aware Crufts is coming up so the timing is crucial for coats to be ready for the big day.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Chesterton Merlot