CH/Nor/Swe Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15

Name:CH/Nor/Swe Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15 
Colour:Blue and Tan 
Owner(s): Miss A K Jiderlund  
Breeder:Mr & Mrs D J & P M Lockley 
Wintergarden Fly High By Plushcourt (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Plushcourt Priceless (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Mansergh Float To Plushcourt (D)
Nor CH / CH Lyddington Last Supper At Risdene (D)
CH Mansergh Hampos Flaked Oats (B)
Plushcourt In the Picture (B)
CH/Fr CH Plushcourt Renoir (D)
CH Plushcourt Pastel (B)
Wintergarden Kir Royal (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Nor CH / CH Lyddington Last Supper At Risdene (D)
CH Tythrop T'pau (B)
Terhels Toccata At Wintergarden (B)
Chapelfell Corduroy (D)
Tythrop Up Tempo At Bromscar (B)
Chatmoss Working Class Hero MFH JW ShCM (B)
Colour: Grizzle
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Nor CH / CH Lyddington Last Supper At Risdene (D)
CH Mansergh Master Chef at Risdene (D)
Lyddington Lizzie Hooker (B)
CH Tythrop T'pau (B)
Tythrop Tumbling Dice (D)
Tythrop Soloist (B)
Foxthorn Texas Star At Chatmoss ShCM (B)
Colour: Grizzle
Fr/Lux CH Vallemoss Vice President at Champernoune (D)
CH Ashbrae Poacher (D)
Vallemoss Violet (B)
Foxthorn Phenomenom (B)
Vallemoss Van Halen (D)
Ragatam Chasing Dreams At Foxthorn (B)

Show Placings

13th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr W R Irving
It was a great honour to judge the breed at Crufts again - after having done so once before. That was some thirty nine years ago in 1977 when the show was still held at Olympia! The entry this year at 266 from 239 exhibits though down a good deal on last year, was still enough to be going on with and we finished by 3.30 p.m. thanks to my excellent stewards Mr and Mrs Chaston. The exhibitors all seemed very sporting in line with the breed’s sportsmanlike traditions. I thought that the depth of quality was better in bitches than it was in dogs with several classes where I would have liked to have had more prizes. I thought that heads were in the main pretty good and that fronts, though there were still plenty which weren’t great, were rather better than the last few times I had judged. Crufts is always known as a bad time for coats and this year was no exception with very many lacking in coat and others with rather soft coats. Quite a number of dogs and bitches were rather long in body mainly caused by having ribs that were not as the breed standard demands “carried well back” and thus having loins that were long rather than the required “strong”. And finally Border Terriers are supposed to have a tail which is, according to the standard, “set high and carried gaily” Quite a few slink around the ring looking miserable and present no sign of the “activity” required by the standard and with tails that are carried low rather than “gaily”. I like to see a Border Terrier that shows a bit of animation and has what I’d call ‘lines’. My thanks to the exhibitors for entering and for the efficient way that they showed their dogs.
Junior - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15
Bournemouth Canine Association
13th Aug 2016
Judge: Mr N Straw
I would like to thank Bournemouth Canine Association for the invitation to judge at their Annual Championship Show, my steward's who keeping things running smoothly in the 'office' and to the exhibitor's for a lovely entry. Temperaments as always in this breed were excellent. Size varied in both sexes with the bitches having the overall edge on the day. Heads were more uniformed than when I last judged, some were shown without the required 'double' coat and several were un-spannable, there were a few in-correct bites and front movement is still an issue, but the area that concerned me most was dirty teeth not just rear molars but the canines and incisors in particular some of the youngsters
Yearling - Dog / First Place
Name at show: Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15
Placing Critique
(b/t) overall a bigger type, clean skull, good ear set, strong muzzle, correct bite, ok for bone, well balanced neck & shoulders, good ribbing to firm loin, well padded feet, good coat texture,
1st Jul 2017
Judge: Mr Stewart McPherson (Brumberhill)
Firstly, my thanks must go to the committee for the invitation to judge at their show and to those exhibitors who entered, for my opinion, always an honour, to judge their dogs, giving me the highest entry in the Terrier Group. My thanks, also, to my stewards, who kept things running smoothly, with good humour. An interesting entry, most were sound and typical. The thing that struck me most was front profile movement. An alarming number, due to an incorrect shoulder and upper arm placement, lacked full reach on the move, the leg lifting, hackney like, but not straightening out to reach full extension on the move. It may appear to be accurate coming and going, but it doesn’t actually cover much of the ground, so is therefore uneconomical movement, meaning the dog would have to work twice as hard to keep up, as the Standard asks for “capable of” and the “soundness to follow a horse”. Just because it’s possible to win with this type of movement doesn’t make it correct! I was very pleased with my top winners, shown free standing, giving the, in my opinion, correct outlines, with no need to “assemble“ them in to a shape! All were sound, free movers. Typical “old school” Border Terriers! Pleased to hear that their qualities were recognised in their respective Groups!
Open - Dog / Second Place
Name at show: CH/Nor/Swe Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15
Placing Critique
Blue & Tan. Typical head & expression. Good neck, shoulder, front & feet, topline & tailset. Excellent hindquarters. Narrow all through. Super mover, with a good coat & pelt.
National Dog Show
11th May 2018
Judge: Mrs Jane Morton-Shaw (Fehmarn)
My sincere thanks to the Birmingham National Dog Show committee for inviting me to judge at what was my first CC appointment. My thanks also go to my super-efficient stewards on the day. Thanks to all of you exhibitors who gave me an excellent entry, and for your sporting acceptance of my decisions, some of which were difficult, as there were a couple of times when the quality was so good, it was hard to separate them, so I had to look at the minor points to split them. There were a couple of level bites but no kinked tails. My main grumble were the huge ears on too many exhibits, front movement on many left much to be desired, and a number of exhibits were too big overall making some unspannable. A couple of dogs were badly overweight. All exhibits were presented in good clean condition. I had a wonderful time and hopefully the exhibitors enjoyed their day too at this well-run show. The icing on the cake was the fact that my Best Puppy in Breed went on to win Terrier Puppy Group 2, and my DCC/Best Veteran went on the win Terrier Veteran Group 2.
Open - Dog / Reserve
Name at show: CH/Nor/Swe Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15
Three Counties
7th Jun 2018
Judge: Mrs T J Baird
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the society for the invitation to judge and for the wonderful welcome and hospitality. The day was made even more pleasurable thanks to my two lovely stewards Colin and Margret who kept the ring in order and most importantly were pleasant and friendly. The ring was a very good size;it was a joy to judge outside with the beautiful back drop of the Malvern Hills ,even the weather was perfect -not too hot and a slight breeze. The ground however was uneven with the grass rather long, causing some dogs to hop and skip making assessment of some dog’s movement difficult. I found a good breadth of quality in some of the Bitch classes and some nit picking decisions had to be made, notably in the excellent junior bitch class. Size needs to be watched as some youngsters were very difficult to span, coats were on the whole very good with just a few that had recently been stripped out and a couple of blown coats. A of couple of exhibits had kinked tails and a couple of youngsters with level bites, all the males were entire. Thank you to the sporting exhibitors for entering and accepting my decisions, I am honoured to judge so many quality Border terriers and was pleased to watch the best of breed short listed in the group, later hearing the puppy gained Puppy group 4.
Open - Dog / Third Place
Name at show: CH/Nor/Swe Chatmoss Aramis HWW-15 J/BW (B)-15