Show Placings
Southern Counties
5th Jun 2010
Judge: Tinna Grubbe (Denmark)
Graduate - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Tufterslodge Pot Pourri
Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th Jun 2010
Judge: Mr J Bainbridge (Risdene)
A pleasing entry of 231 dogs with 55 absent on the day made for a representative entry without the classes being over sized. Generally the classes produced good winners none of whom looked out of place in the final line-ups. All were spannable and generally those in the cards were correct in this respect. Most exhibitors probably know by now what I look for in a typical Border Terrier and this was generally evident in today's entry.
Dog CC and BIS Hobholt Harrier JW (Mrs M A Wallace) such a lithe, mature 4 year old grizzle dog of impressive outline in super double coat and thick pelt, well presented, has a correctly proportioned otter head with keen expression, good length of neck into well laid shoulders, straight narrow front, ribbed back body into racy rear quarters which he used to move out well with long loping stride that is so economical for a dog that could go all day and get anywhere when required.
Dog RCC Brumberhill Blue Tempest (Mr S A McPherson) super outline and so well made throughout, and well presented in good coat and moved out well to take this award, just loved him for type.
BCC and RBIS, Brumberhill Breeze (Mr S A McPherson) in full, double grizzle coat and well conditioned. She has a super well balanced head, keen expression, terrific outline with correct flowing topline and well carried back ribs, shows a good underline, this bitch won the CC after much deliberation as all 3 bitches under consideration met the standard well and were active in movement and would have been worthy CC winners but today maturity held sway.
RBCC Yeomeadow Heather for Tyrian (Mrs K Dean). A lovely B/T bitch who was on top form today and has an excellent otter head and expression which finally decided the RCC over the yearling bitch winner.
BP Cobstoneway River Magic (Miss C Spencer) a mature dog puppy, shown in good coat and condition, well made throughout with good otter head and body lines, moved so well with long free gait to clinch this award.
BV CH Gameway Kiwi JW (Mrs P Clark) who was not showing his years, well presented in good coat and looking his best and a worthy champion
Novice - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Tufterslodge Pot Pourri