Name:Dassett Upsy Daisy JW 
Colour:Grizzle and Tan 
Owner(s): Mrs S Spafford  
Breeder:Mrs S Spafford 
CH Brumberhill Backatcha (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Tythrop Timepiece (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Wintergarden Fly High By Plushcourt (D)
Plushcourt Priceless (D)
Wintergarden Kir Royal (B)
Tythrop Time Flies (B)
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Bromscars Wasted Time By Tythrop (B)
Brumberhill Bang Tidy (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Nor / Du CH/CH Toftahill Game On (D)
Am/DK/Seu CH Otterwise Opie (D)
Seu CH Sub Terram Red Light (B)
Brumberhill Beguiling (B)
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
CH Brumberhill Breeze (B)
Dottie Pip by Dassett (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Reedwater Doc Holliday By Dassett (D)
Colour: Dark Grizzle and Tan
CH Dassett Last Waltz JW (D)
CH Grindelvald In Full Cry JW (D)
Brackenfell Jitter Bug At Dassett (B)
Dandyhow Thyme (B)
CH Quarryway Dill (D)
CH Dandyhow Sonata JW (B)
Mabel Cherry Blossom (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Baillieswells Glengyle At Glebeheath JW (D)
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Baillieswells Stronachie (B)
Tinker Teyla So Brazen (B)
CH Dandyhow Dr Walter JW (D)
Sumo Saffi (B)

Show Placings

The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th Nov 2022
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
I won my first Crufts qualifier at this show 25 years ago and it has always been one of my favourites. It was an honour to be invited to judge and my thanks go to the Scottish Club for their hospitality. Thanks also to my very capable stewards Bill Shorthose and Judy Carr.My sincere thanks to all those who entered and allowed me the privilege of going over their dogs. Today I found there to be a much greater depth of quality among the bitches with there being many promising puppies and some very nice animals in the upper classes,particularly limit and open. This depth of quality was not apparent in a number of the dog classes although I was pleased with my main winners. As would be expected there was some diversity in size and type.A number of exhibits of both sexes were up to size- I have big hands so if I find them difficult to span they are probably too big. I found all males to be entire, no serious mouth faults and one kinked tail.Of most concern was the number of dogs with very poor front movement and the number with atypical heads; some too long in muzzle and a few where the muzzle was too short, the latter giving a rather cat like look. Coats and pelts were generally good and a few dogs would benefit from more exercise to improve their muscletone.A fairly minor fault, but one which detracts from the overall outline, were the dogs which carried their tails curled over their backs i.e “gay tailed” as opposed to carrying their tails gaily. Some of these faults are aesthetic but others such as size and soundness are not and we should be mindful that our breed is “essentially a working terrier.”
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Reserve Best Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Best Opposite Sex Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Just 6 months.Grizzle. Lovely head and expression.Correct size, well balanced, presented in good depth of coat overlying thick pelt.Neatest of feet.Well handled and moving well enough for one so young. Best Puppy Bitch
The Birmingham & District Gundog & Terrier Club
19th Nov 2022
Judge: Mrs. Carolyn Richardson (Staynorwood)
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2022
Judge: Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
A very promising entry on paper but unfortunately the weather took its toll ! However I was more than happy with my main winners all were typical of what I look for in a Border Terrier and the proof that careful breeding pays off was demonstrated by the very promising progeny found amongst the youngsters. As is my approach to critiques, generally the winners in most respects all meet the standard which calls for a working terrier with an otter like head on reasonable length neck set into well laid shoulders, a moderate length body, well ribbed back, strong shortish loin, racy but moderate rear angulation allowing the dog to move with drive, in harsh double coat and with thick pelt. I do not therefore repeat this for each individual dog but I have highlighted the dog’s best points and the reasons for their placings .
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
5th Feb 2023
Judge: Roger Mann (Lynsett)
My thanks go to the committee of Midland Border Terrier Club for their invitation to judge the February Open show. I had some lovely dogs to judge & would like to thank the exhibitors for their entries. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Another very nice puppy. 9mth Grizzle with good eye shape & correct bite. Correct width of skull & well set ears. Good reach of neck leads to level topline & well set tail. Stands on straight legs & neat feet. Good coat texture, thick loose pelt & easily spanned. Moved well.
Newark & DCS Open Show
25th Feb 2023
Judge: Mrs V Mann (Lynsett)
Best Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
9mth Grizzle bitch with a lovely feminine head, having strength of muzzle with correct bite. Neat ears carried close to her cheeks. Moderate reach of neck leads to well -placed shoulders. Balanced angulation fore & aft. Straight front legs & neat feet. Narrow all through with a level topline & correct tailset. Good width to second thigh & short rear pasterns. Good coat texture with a thick loose pelt & spannable. Moved out well. BP TPG1.
The Southern Border Terrier Open Show
5th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr Matt Smith (Alncroft)
Many thanks to the club for the invitation to judge at their show and for their hospitality. Thank you to my stewards, and the exhibitors for entering under me. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was pleased with the quality present. Many of the classes were close decisions and coats played a big part in final standings. Whilst I didn’t find any dogs that I couldn’t span, having spent a lifetime around working terriers some of the bitches in particular were on the larger end of the scale for preference.
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Best Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
eye catching pup with a lovely head. Beautifully turned out and well handled. Front legs perfectly straight, of good bone and very neat feet. Good neck, okay in shoulder. Well ribbed back. Comfortably spanned. Hopefully she won’t grow on too much more. But very promising. Moves well all ways. BPB & BPIS.
Class Critique
Competitive class.
11th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
To judge Border Terriers at Crufts was both a privilege and a honour and I must thank the Crufts Committee for the appointment to judge the breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world. A big thanks go to the exhibitors from both home and abroad for such a super entry which made for a great days judging with quality in depth in many of the classes. Finally I must thank my two stewards who kept things moving in the ring to allow me to finish judging in good time. On the day I was looking for a workmanlike dog as the standard asks for but one also must remember that in the show ring you also need that attitude and showmanship to complete the picture. I felt my BOB put up a great show in the Group and was so pleased to see him take Group 2 in a quality line up.
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Litter sister to the BP and pushed her sibling close for that top honour. Well developed for her age but is so well balanced and just took your eye as soon as she entered the ring. Lovely head, typical throughout with the best of eyes and expression. Pleasing front, good body shape and a firm and level topline that she keeps on the move. Best of hindquarters, put down in the best of coats, moved well.
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
25th Mar 2023
Judge: Mrs Charlotte Archibald (Tweedburn)
What an absolute honour and a privilege to be invited to judge this show, my thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Border Terrier Club, and my two excellent stewards for the day, Judy and Marina. My sincere thanks also, to ALL the exhibitors for making it truly memorable, with 196 dogs, 233 entries. Some very close decisions had to be made! On the down side, I found some very short muzzles and small teeth, and quite a number of filthy teeth!! Temperaments were generally good, there were 2 kinked tails and 1 suspect mouth, a lack of muscle tone and condition in some exhibits, which is essential for a terrier to do it’s job. That said, it was an absolute joy to see so many super dogs.
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Reserve Best Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Best Opposite Sex Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
litter sister to BPD, g/t super head, well proportioned bitch, good for bone, well ribbed, thick pelt/jacket, maintained a level topline , moving so well. Just preferred her litter brother overall. BPB
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
26th Mar 2023
Judge: Anne Higham (Comberdown)
I would like to thank The Northern Border Terrier Club for nominating me and the committee of the Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association for inviting me to judge at this wonderful friendly and hospitable show. Thank you to my two stewards who kept everything running smoothly and to the exhibitors for their entry and attendance on such a cold day. I found all males entire and one level bite.
Reserve Best Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Litter sister to best puppy dog. Well presented with correct double harsh coat. Nicely balanced. Lovely head and good muzzle with correct scissor bite. Good for bone and neat feet. Well ribbed back and level topline which she held on the move. Easily spanned. Preferred front movement of her brother in the puppy challenge.
National Terrier Club
1st Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Sarah Dandy (Dandale)
There was a good depth of quality overall across both sexes which proved for good competition and some very close decisions especially in the larger classes. Thank you to all those who accepted my decisions so sportingly. Temperaments were excellent especially the youngsters with the added challenge of the tannoy right overhead. There were some very promising youngsters which is always pleasing and positive to see, and I was delighted with my winning line up in both sexes, with top honours closely contested. I was disappointed that some exhibits who looked so good standing fell apart on the move, there were quite a few upright shoulders and I felt that efficient ground covering movement so essential for the breeds ability to follow a horse was somewhat lacking. It is encouraging to see quite a few younger handlers taking an interest in our breed today, so positive for the future. Thank you to both my excellent stewards who most competently kept the ring moving all day.
Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Litter sister to the puppy dog winner, she also has much to like and shows promise. Well made, good in outline with balanced sound quarters. An appealing head and expression with good neck into a sound topline, croup and tailset, narrow through with a good underline and a length in rib, easily spanned. Lovely grizzle jacket with thick pelt. Positive, efficient mover who held her topline well on the move.
Class Critique
Two super puppies headed this strong class.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
8th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs J Carr (Wreighaugh)
My thanks go to the Committee of the NBTC for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I was honoured to receive this appointment and am incredibly grateful to the exhibitors who gave me such a great entry. It was a most enjoyable day and special thanks go to my Stewards, Andrea Pitt and Mark Atkinson, for keeping me on track and helping the ring to run smoothly.
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Best Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
11 month old Grizzle and Tan. Litter sister of best dog puppy. Lovely balanced outline. Feminine head with good teeth and correct bite, strong muzzle, nice eye and expression. Good narrow front, straight legs and well cushioned feet. Ribbed well back and easily spanned. She has a good topline, which she held well on the move, and correct tailset and carriage. Lovely double coat and good pelt. Nice racy quarters providing power on the move which is what won her BPB and BPIS over her brother.
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Tracey James (Blackmine)
A bit thank to the committee of EABTC for inviting me to judge their championship show. I really enjoyed my day and when I later looked at the catalogue to see my winners I found it interesting reading, as all my major winners were of similar lines.
Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
grizzle, similar to 1 with nice flowing line, in good coat and moved with purpose. Preferred the rib of 1.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Apr 2023
Judge: Debbie Lorraine (Raleniro)
I would like to thank the Club for the invitation to judge this show. It was originally planned for me to judge in April 2020, but this was rearranged due to the pandemic and other outstanding appointments. I would like to thank the Committee for the wonderful hospitality shown to me throughout the day, and thank you to my Steward who kept things running smoothly. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I have not judged for just over 4 years, so it was a pleasure to see so many new dogs and new faces around the ring. I was pleasantly surprised by the strength and quality throughout the classes, and pleased to see a return to a more narrow dog, as I was seeing a trend for wide fronts last time I judged. All dogs were entire and temperaments throughout were good. Bites were correct, with just the odd broken, misplaced or dirty tooth. Coats were, as to be expected, at various stages. There were a few close decisions, and some classes where I wish I had more prize cards to give out. Thank you to all the exhibitors for the privilege of judging your dogs, and also for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions. Lastly, can I please apologise for the delay in submitting my critique, as I usually have them done within a day or two of the show. There has been an ongoing issue with the health of a close relative which has taken up a lot of my time, so again, apologies for the delay.
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Best Puppy
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Almost 12 months littermate of BPD. Another cracking pup. Grizzle and tan with the harshest of coats and thick pelt. Beautiful head and expression with dark eye and good bite. Good reach of neck and layback of shoulder. Spanned with ease. Moved with purpose giving a pleasing outline on the move. A quality . pup that will surely do well in the future. Just preferred her for size over her littermate. Delighted to award her BPB and BPIS
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
6th May 2023
Judge: Mr Keith Baldwin (Nightstorm)
I would like to thank all the Officers and Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their club open show. It is now 17 years that I have been judging Border Terriers and it was the 6th August 2011 that I attended the Midland Border Terrier Club breed specific seminar when Jena Tuck was the secretary. I was very pleased with my entry of 112 quality dogs and bitches, also I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the exhibitors who entered and for allowing me to go over their dogs. They all showed and behaved very well. I can report back to you that you have overall one of the soundest breeds that I have judged. Last but not least I would like to thank my stewards who did an excellent job keeping everything flowing smoothly between the two shows in the Margaret Everton Pavilion
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Class Critique
This was a class of very mixed movement.
Three Counties Championship Dog Show
9th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs Jane Roberts (Smalesmouth)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at Three Counties Championship Dog Show. My appointment was originally for 2020 but it was worth the wait to be able to judge at this lovely showground at the foot of the Malvern Hills. Many thanks indeed to my stewards Bill and Trish who kept everything moving ringside in an efficient and pleasant manner. My thanks go to all the exhibitors who brought their dogs under me. It was a real privilege and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There were some close decisions and I would like to thank all those who accepted my decisions so sportingly. Based on my entry I felt that the overall quality of the breed was good. Most were fit and I thought that fronts and heads had improved from the last time I judged. There were only a few that I was unable to span and a couple who had missing teeth and one that had a kinked tail. I was particularly pleased with my bitch line-up and I thought there were some very good quality exhibits who on another day could be ticket winners.
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
10th Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Julie Price (Oxcroft)
Thank you to all at the Southern Border Terrier Club for the invitation to judge your championship show this year, it was a great honour and privilege. The weather was hot and the venue was good to gain some shade for the dogs and myself! I had two very capable stewards who kept things running smoothy throughout the day, so thank to Kathleen Haugh and Sophie Liggat for their support. I really enjoyed my day and was more than happy with my winners. Thank you again for your hospitality. I was looking for type, gameness, soundness and dogs that were fit to do a day’s work whilst not losing any attributes of the breed standard. Some exhibits were rather well muscled around the shoulders which made it difficult to feel the lay of the shoulders and this would also restrict their ability to go to ground. As a breed I think we are losing the otter heads and keen expressions which distinguishes the Border Terrier from other terrier breeds. A lady contacted me a week after the show and explained that she had attended the show during some of the bitch classes as she was looking to purchase a puppy having recently lost two of her old Borders. She explained she was now thinking of buying another breed as the dogs in the show ring did not look like the Borders she had had previously. She felt that they did not have the characteristic otter heads, and sadly I had to agree with her. Overall, most dogs were fit for purpose and I am sure you all took the best dog home with you. In the current financial climate, all your entries were valuable to the club and it was a pleasure and an honour to go over your dogs.
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Smart grizzle bitch, heavier in shoulder and wider in front than first two. Stood and showed well.
Novice - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
Won this class on movement today.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
25th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs Jayne Gillam (Orenberg)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at Blackpool & District Canine Society Championship show. Grateful thanks must go to my very efficient steward Gisela Duran who did an excellent job in making sure everything ran like clockwork. Finally thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such an excellent entry of 142 dogs making 183 entries, the largest entry across all breeds on the day. It really was a privilege to go over such a large entry of dogs and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. The size of dogs has always been a perennial topic, but I was pleased to say overall, many of the dogs were of correct size on this occasion, with very few oversized dogs and only the odd one or two I couldn’t span. Bites were good and only an odd one with teeth out of line, although a few had broken teeth, quite a few had dirty teeth and some had small teeth which is something I really don’t like to see on, essentially a working terrier. It was good to find some really lovely tails, with not too many long thin, spindly tails we have seen in the past, although I was surprised to find four kinked tails in the entry. Overall I thought it was a good entry, I found some quality exhibits and I was very pleased with my winners, and in particular will watch the progress of my puppy and junior placings with interest.
Best Junior
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
G&T. Lovely balanced young bitch, well presented in super coat and thick pliable pelt. Very typical with a lovely otter like head, nice eye and expression with a short strong muzzle. Good reach of neck into narrow shoulders, lovely easily spanned rib, level topline and good set on. Racy hindquarters and well let down hocks. Moved and showed well.
Graduate - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2023
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
My thanks to Windsor Dog Show for the judging appointment. Delayed by Covid, it is a sensible moment to retire from judging at Championship level, especially as the day was very enjoyable and a fine memory to end with. It was in fact a superb entry of high quality border terriers and my thanks to all the exhibitors, especially those who travelled long distances. It was a delight when my BOB, Ch Otterbobs Tolsen, won the terrier group and an additional pleasure when my Best Veteran, Ch Cynetkoy Pillow Talk, placed third in the Veteran Group. Overall the borders proved to be sound and it was particularly enjoyable to find several dogs with large, strong teeth. Many were in a fit condition with firm muscle and active drive on the move. The majority had good shoulders coupled with hind quarters that looked capable of a day’s work. This correct construction translated into to good movement. The Border Terrier should remain a workmanlike terrier and future breeders need to keep that in mind. The top decisions were decided by some of these less obvious merits and indeed my personal preferences but, in the end, I was pleased to see an entry of border terriers with so much quality. This bodes well for the future and has left me with memories of a most enjoyable day.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
13 mo. Nicely made all round, typical head and expression. Racy lines with good coat and pelt. Ribbed back and nice length of leg. Moved well.
East of England Agricultural Society
6th Jul 2023
Judge: Joyce Martin (Merumhor)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge Border Terriers at the East of England Agricultural Society Show, which was to be the last one run by this society. It was a super venue with lovely big rings which gave the dogs a chance to stride out. Many thanks to my ring stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong for keeping things running smoothly and efficiently. I was delighted with my entry of 109 dogs making a total entry of 149 and pleased with the overall quality of dogs shown. Thank you to the exhibitors for giving the chance to go over your dogs and for the sporting way the placings were taken. It is indeed a privilege to have the opportunity do so. I was thrilled to be able to watch the terrier group and see my BOB - Stineval Lambert JW take group 1 in a quality line up. I also was delighted to hear that my BPIB - Glebeheath Ophelia went Group 3 in the Puppy Group.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
A lovely headed bitch with little stop and keen expression. A taller bitch but narrow throughout with a nice top line and spannable. Shown in a lovely tight jacket and thick pelt. Would have preferred a shorter tail. She moved well
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
15th Jul 2023
Judge: Mr David Fryer (Irton)
My thanks to the Club for trusting me with a fine entry of dogs at this, one of my favourite shows; to my stewards for their understated efficiency which kept the show rolling; and to the exhibitors for the opportunity to go over their dogs, and for the sporting acceptance of my decisions. The Border Terrier Breed Standard is a very brief document; as such, it needs some interpretation. The clue is in the first clause of it; ‘Essentially a working terrier’. This, together with a knowledge of the work the breed is traditionally expected to perform, gives an idea of the dog required. Thus we need a dog which can keep with the hunt over rough moorland country in what may be inclement weather, and then be able to go to ground and bolt or hold it’s own to a cornered fox. This implies sound, efficient movement, adequate heart and lung room, a weatherproof double coat and a thick, pliable pelt; but at the same time be small enough and flexible enough to follow a fox to ground . Overall, I found most exhibits to be sound, and well presented (sometimes ‘overpresented’ to the extent that coats had more appearance than substance). The most prevalent fault I observed was untidy, converging front movement; an inevitable consequence of short upper arm and upright fronts. I did also find a few faulty bites; one undershot, one youngster with a lower incisor seriously out of line; and several with level bites, which, though permitted in the standard, are not (to my mind) desirable; also undesirable to me were the number of exhibits with small teeth in weak forefaces. There were also a couple of ‘winter noses’, but that, to me, is a purely cosmetic point and not to be penalised. All males were entire.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
more of a together shape of bitch, better tail, well groomed, front movement wayward
Novice - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy
Placing Critique
2nd JB
Leeds Championship Show
29th Jul 2023
Judge: Mr Brian Aubrey (Jenabeck)
Thank you all for a wonderful entry, I had to make some difficult choices on the day, but as always, I judge the dog on the day friend or foe and not what the dog as done in the past or what it will do in the future. a few things did concern me on the day (1 ) so Many dirty teeth, (2) a few unfit dogs due to being overweight, (3) and the most concerning is short legs on one or two of the borders,
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
I had to ask were they sisters, told they were ½ sisters they look so much alike, so similar remarks as 1, they could be twins, again in brilliant condition and moved with drive both ways, they will change places many times
Paignton Championship Show
5th Aug 2023
Judge: Colin Powell (Bowtman)
First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Litter sister to the RCC dog and just as good if not slightly better, a well-balanced bitch with a cracking expression, very typical of the breed, strong but feminine, well-proportioned body with great out-lines, strong racy quarters, good jacket and pelt easily spanned, moves true and effortlessly both ways to secure her Res CC. in great condition.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
6th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr. Bob Wright (Totherend)
It was a real honour to judge my home club’s show and my thanks go to a great committee for the opportunity and the way they run the club with all hands to the wheel. Richard Wright and Sharon Pickering had my back and have my appreciation for a great day’s stewarding. I was disappointed in the early dog classes where what initially looked like an impressive line-up failed to materialise once on the table or on the move. Movement was a weak spot for a surprisingly large number of exhibits, especially front movement. There were three poor mouths and one exhibit that couldn’t be spanned but lots of good pelts, coats and neat feet. However long tails are becoming more common and a true carrot tail is about as rare as hen’s teeth. I was fascinated by some handlers interpretation of a triangle, suffice to say it’s a good job it wasn’t a maths exam. Once again there were only two CCs available which is a great shame when there are so many who warrant them. I can only sympathise with those who went home empty handed. It was most likely a reflection of the strength of the classes rather than their standing. The bitch classes were especially strong with at least six exhibits worthy of much more than I had available to offer. When it came to the line ups I was clearly torn and had to be really picky to get to a decision but in the end I was pleased with all the winners. Whilst there is still much that can be done to improve some aspects of the breed there is a lot to be proud of with some really stunning exhibits out there.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
well presented eye-catching grizzle bitch, feminine but strong head, dark eyes, good reach of neck into level topline and tail set well on, harsh coat, plenty of pelt, moved out well on neat feet, could stand a little less tail and a little more length of rib but even so a pleasure to view
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2023
Judge: Ms Tina Jones (Otterholme)
My thanks go to the committee of Bournemouth Championship Show for inviting me to award tickets for the first time, it was a very special day. Special thanks to my stewards Gentle Lowe and Brian Aubrey for doing such a sterling job, allowing me to focus on the task in hand. I was delighted with the entry that awaited me, a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the privilege to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and the sporting way they accepted my decisions, on the whole by most exhibitors. I was told many years ago, by someone well respected in the breed to judge with the hands, not with the eyes, never did this ring true as today. Some dogs I have admired from the ringside, didn’t live up to expectations, whilst others that hadn’t previously caught my eye, surprised me and did. Being the daughter of a hunt terrier man I could get no better grounding in the requirements of an earth dog, these were the days long before quad bikes, terriers would be expected to be on their feet from the moment hounds drew off until close of the hunting day, working in landscapes not dissimilar to that of that hunt the breed first originated from. l tried to look subjectively at the exhibit before me to see if they had the confirmation and condition to undertake such duties. I was surprised how quite a number were difficult to span and far too deep in chest and too wide in front and came up heavy, lacking the narrowness to go to ground, a distinct disadvantage in the working arena, legs bend, chests don’t. I was finding rear movement was better than front, but more than a few lacked the drive that I looked for with elevated front action that indicates an upper arm that is shorter than ideal. I look to see feet that are tight with a good thick pad so vital in an earth dog, many were lacking in this important trait. I found temperaments superb throughout the day, dentition was questionable on several exhibits and all dogs entire. A plea to exhibitors if you bait them on the table, that is fine if they look hypnotically at the treat, but on several occasions, owners were wrestling with their dogs trying to get at the treat, making it difficult to assess them. I am always mindful to judge fit for function, and I was happy that my winners fitted that bill and all sporting decent jackets and pelts and meeting my interpretation of the breed standard. I was delighted to see my BOB going on to third in the terrier group and my BP winning the terrier puppy group.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Very similar type to one, presents an overall balanced picture, appealing otter head with a super expression, good strength to underjaw, nice length of upper arm into excellent shoulders, lovely length of rib, level topline that she maintained throughout, and strong loin finished off with a thick carroty tail, presented in a super jacket, decent rear angulation and she moves out with drive, very pleasing overall, just preferred the narrowness of front of 1
The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
19th Aug 2023
Judge: Jane Morton Shaw (Fehmarn)
I would like to thank the WKC committee for inviting me to judge at this lovely show. It was very well organised with a super friendly atmosphere. Thank you to all the exhibitors for your entry & accepting my decisions so graciously. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, but I have to apologise for the late start! I’m always super early for everything, and had arrived on the showground by 8am. Unfortunately my watch battery ran out at 8.20 and I was mortified when I realised it had stopped and to find out that the time was 9.35!!! I was very pleased to see my BOB, BPIB & BVIB shortlisted in their groups, with Veteran going on to Group 3.
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Lovely 15mth old bitch, up to size grizzle. Lovely head and expression. In good double coat, being one of the best today. Nice bend of stifle, narrow throughout, nice neat cat like feet. Good pelt & bite. Moved well
Driffield Championship Show
26th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs. Liz Wright (Totherend)
My thanks to Driffield Championship Dog Show Society for the invitation to judge today and thanks to my stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong, who kept the ring running smoothly. Thanks also to the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their dogs. Front movement in the breed still needs some improvement, but overall I had lots of quality exhibits. Bites were good and only one kinked tail.
Junior - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Feminine bitch presented in top condition, a pleasing outline and she moved well, just preferred the narrowness of 1
City of Birmingham Championship Show
2nd Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs K Wilkinson (Otterkin)
Thank you to City of Birmingham for the invitation to judge this show, for the very large ring provided to the breed and to all the exhibitors who entered under me – I was very pleased with the overall quality of the entry of 122 dogs making 144 entries in these days of falling entries, with very few absentees (16 from “new dogs” by my count). The ring stewards did an excellent job of keeping everything running smoothly – so thank you to John Gardner and Ken Francis. I would like to send my best wishes to Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow) who had initially been under contract to judge this as her very first Championship Show. Having seen Anna judge at the Border Terrier Club’s Open show in February 2022, I know she is a very experienced and knowledgeable judge as well as an excellent breeder and hope in time that she is able to take on another Championship Show appointment in the future. I had originally been invited to judge this show in 2024 and had sent my acceptance letter, but when the Secretary contacted me, I agreed to bring forward the appointment to 2023. I have taken the name/s of the owner/s and the dogs’ names direct from the catalogue. Some may have other owners or Kennel Names added, or awards such as Ch or JW added now, but I must use the details from the catalogue. *Handlers* – please do not stuff food/tubes of treats into your dogs’ mouths just before the judge needs to look at their dentition. Those who stood behind their dogs and held the lead, I had no problem examining their dogs’ mouths, but a small number of others who were stuffing food into their dog’s mouth as I approached, once they moved away, some dogs were up on their hind legs trying to get more food/treats from you. I had to examine the rest of the dog then come back and look in the mouth again when the dogs were not fidgeting about looking for food. If you are doing it to avoid the dentition being checked, it won’t work as a judge will just come back to it! It was quite hot in the hall. Kudos to all the dogs as they were not put off by the noise made when judge and/or handler stood on whatever was under the carpet making a “clunk” noise. I found when spanning dogs, almost all of them were hot underneath. Never felt that before, even when judging in 90 degree heat outside in America, so just be aware that your dog may be getting overheated.
Best Junior
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Nice grizzle and tan bitch, totally put together the right way. Appealed as soon as she entered the ring. Loved her head. She has a good neck and shoulders. Super topline and tailset. Easily spanned. Moved well both ways. Liked her racy hindquarters and good bend of stifle, which gave the hair’s breadth of difference in the close decision for her to be awarded Best Junior in Breed.
Class Critique
Some of this class were moving erratically and paid the price.
Richmond Championship Show
8th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
16 mth old grizzle. The larger of the three bitches in this class but she was a delight to go over and so very well balanced with moderate length of neck, firm topline, correct ribbing which can be spanned, strong loins and tail just right for set and carriage. Balanced head with feminine expression; moderately broad skull, very nice eye and ear and short strong muzzle. Soundly built and stands true in front and has very good feet. Gaiting freely with good carriage. Harsh jacket and good pelt.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Robert Brewster (Stowthorney & Breckgreen)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of The Southern Border Terrier Club for giving me the honour of judging their Open Show. I first signed the contract for the show in 2017, but due to Covid and the Lockdown I have only just fulfilled my judging appointment. Whist remembering those who are no longer with us due to the Covid Pandemic. I was happy with my entry and would like to also thank the exhibitors for entering under me and thank them all for taking my decisions, some of which were difficult, in a sportsmanlike way. I found most exhibits to be in good order, but I was quite worried that I found some younger exhibits with a build-up of scale on their teeth. This should be addressed as soon as possible. I was also delighted with a young exhibitor, attending her first show, on a whole handling her young dog so well whilst full of nerves and inexperience. We need to encourage these youngsters as they are the custodians of our breed
Reserve Best In Show
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Reserve Best Bitch
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Junior - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Lovely girl with a lot to like. Beautiful otter head with a dark eye and ears held close to cheek. Good bite with large teeth. Nice reach of neck into a well laid shoulder. In good double jacket. Good top line and tail set which she held on the move. Moved well. Pleased to award her Resv Best Bitch and later Resv Best in Show.
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs J Guvercin (Glebeheath)
Thank you to the committee for this appointment, everyone worked hard to make it an enjoyable day. This venue always has a super atmosphere, however, the ring is too small really to see outlines, being far too near the dogs and side profile movement is very difficult to see, let alone for the dogs to perform really well. Many moved poorly, not liking the smooth mats and although I had to judge them on this today, I think most would move much better outside in a big grass ring.
Junior - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Ladies Kennel Association
8th Dec 2023
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett (Dwilencia)
Yearling - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Feminine in head with keen eye, good mouth and double coat, bibs well carried back, standing on good legs and tight feet.
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr Richard Allen (Penparc)
Open - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Typy bitch in lovely coat and condition, straight front, good bone and feet, well muscled quarters, she showed well and moved ok
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th Feb 2024
Judge: Lesley Armstrong-Rodgers (Atron/Scottsway)
It was a great honour to be invited to judge The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show and therefore my thanks go to the Committee for the opportunity. I thoroughly enjoyed my day at this friendly well run show. It was advantageous in having such a good sized ring in which to watch the dogs move. Borders need room to get into their stride and show their effortless movement and profile when viewed in side gait. A special thank you also to Richard and Sharon, my two stewards for keeping things running smoothly. It is always a great help for any judge to be blessed with competent stewards. Finally a big thank you to all the Exhibitors for bringing their dogs under me for my opinion and for accepting my decisions with good grace. As always coats were at differing stages, often reflected in the placings, but coats do come and go, construction does not !. Overall I found temperaments excellent, as well it should be, which bodes well for the breed.
Open - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Young lady who is the litter sister to my Best Dog and so similar in many ways. For me she is up to size but is still very well balanced and has to be gone over to appreciate her many qualities. She has a feminine head of correct proportions a good mouth with big teeth. She stands on a straight front with lovely length of rib. Strong in loin and adequate rear angulation. Moved out well to take this class. Presented in a quality jacket.
National Terrier Club
6th Apr 2024
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
Thanks to the National Terrier Club for their invitation to judge at this prestigious show and to the exhibitors who did me the honour of judging their dogs. I was lucky to have two efficient stewards who kept things running smoothly, thank you Laura and Dave. The entry showed a good depth of quality. In many classes the places were hotly contested with decisions needing to be made on the narrowest of margins. I was very pleased to find that there were some good coats on thick pelts and the nice thick short tails which set off a good border so well.
Limit - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
26th Apr 2024
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Many Thanks to WELKS for asking me to judge at their show, it was an honour, also thank you so much to everyone that entered under me, I had some great dogs to go over. Congratulation to all my winners. Thanks also go to my very competent stewards for keeping my ring running smoothly. All the males were entire. Apart from 3 level bites all mouths were correct and teeth of good size. Temperaments were all sound except one or two that really didn’t like being in the noisy hall and were a little bit subdued. It’s hard to judge true movement on a slippery concrete floor and in some classes the placings could have changed if we had been outside on grass.
Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Another bitch of good quality. Pleasing head. Level top line, tail carried correctly. Straight in front, angles front and rear ok. Loose pelt with harsh coat, spannable. Moved sound coming and going.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Illingworth (Thorneyhurst)
Firstly thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show, and to all the exhibitors for the massive entry which would of been hard to get through without the help of my two stewards Sharon Pickering and Margaret Bailey who did there best to make sure no exhibitors missed there classes The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, Most dogs were in fit hard condition and presented well, the old saying many good dogs went without a card was only too true, We were blessed with good weather and a nice sized ring.
Open - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
National Dog Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mr Patrick Glover (USA)
I wanted to thank the committee for the honour of judging your show. I sincerely apologize for the delay of the critique due to ill health. Coming from another country it was especially grateful to have such excellent Stewards to help guide me. And I thank all the exhibitors that came to exhibit under me. It was a pleasure to see so many quality Borders, and have them in hand. I was very satisfied with my final lineup. I enjoyed the depth of type that you have in the UK. Part of that may be seeing Borders with a proper coat. Unfortunately, Borders in the USA are not shown in such coat anymore which I do not understand. I only saw two bad bites, and I see you are battling some of the same issues we are in the US, one being straight fronts. A good Border must have some prosternum to be constructed in a proper way where the legs are under the dog rather than in front of it. The second being is the loss of rib. Your standard states “ribs carried well back” Our standard states the same thing, only adding the word deep “deep ribs carried well back. Both proper fronts and rib are essential to a working terrier, and attention must be paid to both. Overall, I enjoyed going over so many good Borders and again I thank you for the opportunity
Open - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Bath Canine Society
26th May 2024
Judge: Mr Ian Higham (Comberdown)
I would like to thank Mr. Lee Cox and the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for making my wife and I feel so welcome at their show. Also my two amazingly competent stewards Mark and Joyce who were just brilliant at their job. I found nothing obviously untoward or concerning, apart from, surprisingly, a few too heavy ones, which cost placings. We need to remember functionality. In general, overall, this was an entry of terrific in-depth quality. What an absolute privilege it was to go over them. Thank you all so much!
Open - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Very pretty grizzle bitch with a superb coat. She moves correctly in all directions and carries herself beautifully. Lovely head, strong but feminine with strength to muzzle and correct bite.
Three Counties Agricultural Society
8th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my very capable stewards, Bill and Tricia for their efficiency and helpfulness and especially to the exhibitors who afforded me the honour of going over their dogs. The weather was kind and the ring of sufficient size to allow dogs to get into their stride. Overall I felt that there was more quality in the bitches but was more than pleased with my main winners in both sexes. Size and front movement continue to be problems and coats were at all stages of growth-this did affect some placings. I only found one undershot bite and all males were entire. Several dogs were carrying rather too much condition but more worrying were the few who were almost painfully thin which also meant that these dogs couldn’t possibly possess the muscle needed for work. A number of dogs would benefit from more exercise to improve their muscletone.
Open - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Class Critique
This was the most challenging class of the day but also perhaps the most enjoyable. There was quality far beyond the placings and I have no doubt that these ladies will change places many times.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge their show, it was an honour. Also for making David and myself so welcomed and the enjoyable lunch. The quality of the Borders were pleasing to go over. Big thank you to my stewards Julie and Robert, keep the classes running smoothly all day. Finally thank you to all the exhibitors who braved the cold weather, it did stay dry and allowing me to go over their dogs. All the males were entire, as usual the coats were at various stages which cost some dogs higher placing. Some wide fronts let them down, large ears were a problem in some exhibits. I was delighted with all my winners such quality.
Mid Limit - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
Another quality bitch, stronger frame than 1, good head, just lacked shoulder angulation, good bend of stifle into well placed hocks. In excellent coat.
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day. I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Limit - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW
Placing Critique
lovely in outline. Correct head with keen expression, lovely length of neck, spans well moved out soundly.
West Midlands Terrier Society Open Show
15th Feb 2025
Judge: Glen Birrell
Limit - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Dassett Upsy Daisy JW