Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst

Name:Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst 
Owner(s): Miss A Nettle  
Breeder:Ms G Tierney 
Thorneyburn Peace Pipe at Wreighaugh (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Earthwise Deuteronomy ShCM (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Akenside Rooster At Talex JW (D)
Quaint Callant With Akenside (D)
Akenside Nonsense (B)
Earthwise Anastasia (B)
CH Holmston Freelancer (D)
Totally Yours (B)
Thorneyburn Minnie the Minx (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Stineval Razamadaz (D)
CH Dazzle 'em Lyndhay (D)
Working Girl of Stineval (B)
Thorneyburn Keyhole Kate (B)
Stineval Summer Gold (D)
Thorneyburn Girling's Gift (B)
Lynsett Sansa (B)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Riseburn Retro (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Orenberg Advocate of Stineval (D)
Stineval Razzamadaz (D)
CH Orenberg Inkling (B)
Alcumlow Miss Sixty at Riseburn (B)
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Alcumlow Sapphire (B)
Mcbrock Miss Amelia (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Plushcourt Picasso (D)
Brumberhill Bequeath (B)
Ellie Jake Here I Am for McBrock (B)
CH Ravenside Ballymoss (D)
Jackson Girl (B)

Show Placings

The Southern Border Terrier Club Limited Show
6th Mar 2022
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Firstly I would like to thank The Southern Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge and for their hospitality on the day. Also many thanks to everyone that gave me the privilege of going over their dogs and congratulation to all my winners. All males were entire. All tails straight. One or two untidy mouths but nothing to be classed as a fault.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin to Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
6 months, very much a baby, straight front, pleasing head, easy to span, very good pelt and harsh coat, well set tail, sufficient angles front and rear, moved with ease.
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
19th Mar 2022
Judge: Ruth Gee (Watercroft)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG4, Ceilloch Griffin to Onziemehurst
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin to Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
7 month old feminine Bitch lovely head and eye, good mouth ears still a little erractic well handled having her first outing , moved more confidently as she went along, spans well. BP.
Wellingborough & DCS Open Show
9th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin to Onziemehurst
Crystal Palace Canine Association Dog Show
10th Apr 2022
Judge: Janet Robertson (Renevis)
Puppy / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin to Onziemehurst
25th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr S A Mcpherson (Brumberhill))
Thank you to the WELKS committee for the invitation to judge their show and to my stewards, who did a sterling job, keeping everything moving, to get through the entry. Wasn’t sure what to expect, being on a Monday, in the current financial climate, so was delighted to receive an entry of 126 dogs, making 181 entries, topping the Terrier Group, by quite a margin. Thank you to those exhibitors, for bringing their dogs, and wanting my opinion. There were very few I’d actually judged before, having last judged at Blackpool ’19. We were blessed with a lovely sunny day, and a huge double sized ring, giving everyone full chance to show their dogs to full advantage. I felt it was a high quality entry, especially the bitches, where, I felt, my final bitch challenge line up was one of the best I’ve judged. There were a number of bitches, both there, and in the placings, I have no doubt will gain their crowns, given a fair chance. Main points of concern, as last time I judged, at Blackpool ’19, are still deep stops, with a rounder eye, giving an untypical expression. A few, with this problem, also had tighter, untidy bites, as they were very short in muzzle. A few knobbly tails, some too long, carried high, but most were ok and well carried. On the whole, I thought movement had improved, although still a few high steppers, due to incorrect shoulder and upper arm. Toplines were good, on most. Presentation, on the whole, was good, as most were in good coat, or evidence of texture.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Special Beginners - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Joint Border Terrier Clubs' Championship Show
30th Apr 2022
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
What a great honour it was to be invited to judge the Joint Border Terrier Clubs’ Show in the Border Terrier’s centenary year. Waiting an extra two years did not decrease my excitement for the appointment and my anticipation was richly rewarded with a super entry both in turns of numbers and quality. My critique must start with several expressions of gratitude to those who made this appointment possible and so enjoyable. To the Committee for inviting me to judge at such a prestigious event. It was truly an honour, and the memory of the day will be one I shall treasure. Further the hospitality that myself and my family were shown at the show and the dinner following was much appreciated. We all had a great time. To the show organisers, especially Show Manger Helen Axford, whose organisation and show layout allowed everything to run smoothly even when the weather was a little less than kind to us. To my capable and efficient Stewards Christine Horner and Sharon Pickering. Having you in the ring with me was both supportive and enjoyable.Thank you to the exhibitors for giving me a lovely entry to judge. I enjoyed judging each and every dog whether in the cards or not. I had some tough decisions to make and in the stronger classes five places was insufficient for the depth of quality. A number of dogs I liked very much went cardless. I loved the line up in both my challenges and was able to find the type I wanted in all classes. I was glad to find some super coats and pelts. The changeable late April Border weather and biting wind certainly showed us the importance of these. It left us in no doubt that for a Border Terrier working the Border country in the colder winter months and at higher elevations a good coat is a must. I understand that it is not always possible to present your dogs at a show in the perfect jacket but when out of coat, personally I prefer to see a dog neatly stripped back rather than left with a few top coat hairs. I found three mouths with teeth well out of line and a couple of tails were questionable but overall the quality was excellent.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Class Critique
Two lovely young bitches lovely to judge and difficult to split.
Tunbridge Wells & District Canine Society Open Show
7th May 2022
Judge: Simon Burton (Glencorrie)
I enjoyed judging this breed for the first time. All dogs were spannable (a couple only just) and had the correct thick, pliant skin.
Puppy / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
This 7 month old puppy bitch had what 1 lacked as she had an excellent harsh, dense coat. Feminine in head and expression, preferred the strength of jaw of 1 but this girl has lovely eye although again, ears could be a bit neater. Front construction ok but not the exceptional shoulder of 1. Correctly narrow in body which still needs to mature. Topline rises to the rear at the moment and she needs to drop into herself. A little more turn of stifle would help as on the move she tucks her rear end underneath her and doesn’t use her quarters or hold her topline as 1. In super condition and one that will probably change a lot as she matures.
Bath CS Championship Show
27th May 2022
Judge: Mrs Jean Willetts (Hanway)
I would like to thank Bath Canine Society Committee for my invitation to judge Border Terriers at their show. I would also like to thank my steward as she was on her own, and did an excellent job of running the ring and dogs smoothly. I’d also like to thank all the exhibitors who entered, I had a very enjoyable day going over each of the dogs. On the whole most of the dogs were in good condition. Most dogs presented had good pelts and coats, however there were a few with thin pelts. There were a few long tails and some large ears. The movement on the whole was sound.
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Reading & District Kennel Association Open Show
1st Jun 2022
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
A big thank you to the committee/officers of Reading & District Kennel Association for asking me to judge the Border Terriers at today’s Premier Open Show. A lovely entry of 20 dogs so a big thank you to the exhibitors for supporting my entry today and presenting some quality dogs. Also a big thank you to my steward for the day Mr Graham Smith who kept the classes moving along not just for the Borders but a number of the Terrier breed classes. It is always nice to have the day to see the Terrier Classes develop and see the quality that comes through into the group and it did not disappoint but always nice to see your Best Of Breed go Terrier Group 1 and to top it off be awarded Best In Show from an entry of well over 1,000 dogs
Puppy / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Southern Counties Canine Association
3rd Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to award my first set of CCs. Although my appointment was originally for 2020, it was worth the wait. Thank you to my stewards Doug and Sue for keeping me in line and the ring running smoothly. And most of all, thank you to all of the exhibitors for your entries and for allowing me to go over your dogs. I also want to thank anyone who made unsporting comments, for doing so out of my earshot. As I would expect, the entry was on the whole very pleasing. Thankfully, I didn’t have many exaggerations, such as ultra short muzzles or over-angulated hindquarters. Unfortunately though, good fronts, and in particular clean, well laid, shoulders and good front angulation, were few and far between. Movement, with both good reach and drive and accuracy was hard to find, so I did find myself forgiving the odd wayward front legs on dogs that otherwise had good construction and an easy ground covering stride. I would rather see a dog a little loose and covering the ground than one very accurate that can only take a three inch stride. All dogs were entire. There were only a couple of less than perfect bites and an ever so slightly kinked tail. Only a select few had a good short carroty tail, and some were very long, something we need to look out for. A few, including some bitches, were big in the rib and far too heavy to pick up and quite a number had very little undercoat and thin pelts. I looked for good construction and movement, balance and no exaggeration. I found several dogs that I would happily award CCs to on another day and had the privilege of having to really nitpick, especially in the dog challenge.
Special Beginners - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
9 months old grizzle and tan puppy. Still very much a baby. She has a good bite, keen dark eye and well set ears. Not too heavy in bone, narrow throughout and well ribbed back. Shown in a tight, but good top coat with good undercoat and thick pelt. Very accurate on the move.
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
4th Jun 2022
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
My sincere thanks to the officers and committee of the Southern Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge at this show on such a special occasion as the Queens Platinum Jubilee Celebration day, I am sure the celebration cakes were enjoyed by all. Thanks also to the various stewards who organised the entries on the day and kept the classes running smoothly. Having been show manager of this show for the past 12 years I appreciate the effort that was made by the committee members present on the day. A final thank you to all the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to assess your dogs. With showers forecast and cool blustery weather outside it was decided to judge inside using a good sized ring that had good lighting with exhibitors/visitors able to view from 3 sides. I thought the entry was of a high quality, with several entries of both dogs and bitches deserving higher honours. In general the entries were in good condition. All males were entire and I found no kinked tails. Bites were of a good standard with just a few misplaced teeth, although teeth size varied considerably. Several exhibits would benefit from attention to feet to produce the small feet as required. Movement in general was better at the rear than in front. As usual coats were at various stages, with some exceptionally thick pelts to examine.
Puppy - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Three Counties Championship Show
9th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs M J Alexander (Glenbucket)
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Windsor Championship Dog Show
1st Jul 2022
Judge: Mr David G Winsley (Davmar)
I last judged the breed in 2017 so most of the dogs were new to me. I felt that the breed is losing that ‘ otter head’ appearance, fore-faces appearing to be too long. Poor front construction in many was a deciding factor in my placing, our ring didn’t help, but the conditions were the same for everyone.
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Horley & DSS Open Show
28th Aug 2022
Judge: Krystyan Greenland
Puppy / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Richmond Championship Dog Show
11th Sep 2022
Judge: Mr J A Barney (Romaunt)
Many thanks to Richmond in giving me the opportunity to judge a breed that still has some depth in quality to it. Generally, I felt movement needs to be attended to. It's a breed I've always associated with true movement both ways and a number did tend to pin in front. Coat texture was pretty good throughout but some would benefit from slightly neater presentation. I was able to span nearly all exhibits and pelts good. At the moment I would say that bitches are far stronger than the males.
Junior - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Special Beginners - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
Slightly smaller bitch. Good dense harsh coat. Correct bone and feet. Moderate rear and moved well enough. Well set tail and carriage.
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society Open Show
16th Oct 2022
Judge: Jane Peakin (Byzantine)
Junior / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Crystal Palace Canine Association Dog Show
27th Nov 2022
Judge: Anne Speake
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at their well run open show. A big thank you to my ring steward George who kept things moving along nicely and many thanks to the exhibitors for allowing me the privilege of going over your lovely dogs.
Junior / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association Open Show
4th Dec 2022
Judge: Mrs Sue Spafford (Dassett)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at this show. I would also like to thank my Steward, for keeping the classes running smoothly and efficiently.
Junior / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Manchester Championship Show
20th Jan 2023
Judge: Mrs Patsy Hollings (Gunalt)
Junior - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Kent County Canine Association Open Show
19th Feb 2023
Judge: Francis Goldfinch
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
18th Mar 2023
Judge: Richard Stafford (Farnfield)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association Open Show
19th Mar 2023
Judge: David Burrage (Sametova)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
16 months bitch well balanced outline, moved well but out of coat
Chichester & DCS Open Show
26th Mar 2023
Judge: Jennifer Millard
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
Very feminine 18 month old bitch, smaller in frame all through, but showing balance. Kind expression from her dark eyes, narrow all through with ribs carried well back. Good width of thigh. Not as clean in her rear movement as winner today
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
27th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at WELKS, it was quite a few years ago now, as I was due to judge them at the beginning of lockdown. Due to the heavy rain that had fallen over the preceding days, all judging was inside. It was slightly draughty, but we were allocated a double ring, so plenty of space, to see the exhibits stride out. I must thank the two stewards Lynn Jones and Celia Vines who kept the ring flowing beautifully and the exhibitors for making prompt appearances, we did well for time, starting approx. 0930 and finishing around 14:45. I thank all exhibitors for a wonderful entry (123 dogs making 172 entries} for a Thursday in Malvern and appreciate their time and expense for entering under me. There was plenty of quality to choose from and I was happy with my final decisions. Dentition was very good and a pleasure to judge dogs with clean teeth. I did find muscle tone to be poor/average in a lot of the exhibits, which must be one of the key areas for any working terrier. Jackets were mixed as was movement.
Yearling - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Chelmsford & District Canine Society Open Show
1st May 2023
Judge: Nicola Sturrock (Forfarian)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society Open Show
14th May 2023
Judge: Mr Paul Richardson (Weisel)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Bath Canine Society
29th May 2023
Judge: Mrs Anne Gregory (Remony)
My thanks to the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for inviting me to judge today. A big thank you to my two very efficient stewards, Mark and Joyce, who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently. Thank you also to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, it is always a privilege to do so. I was disappointed not to have been able to stay and watch the groups but circumstances outwith my control prevented me from doing so. While there were plenty of good ‘otter’ heads in evidence, I found some heads lacking in muzzle strength and some with stops that were too deep, neither of which is desirable. Some exhibits were too heavy in frame and consequently didn’t come to hand easily. Some dogs had weak pasterns and feet that could have been tighter. Coats were at varying stages, with some in their underclothes, some just going over the top, and in some cases, this was a deciding factor. Overall, movement was good with correct tracking, plenty of drive off well angulated hindquarters and good length of stride. Some dogs could have benefited from more ring training and, at times, baiting on the table was excessive. A dog scrambling to get to bait makes it more difficult to assess. On a positive note, I did have some quality dogs to go over and was well pleased with my winners and final line-up. I was also pleased to see my Best Veteran win the Terrier Veteran Group, my Best Puppy shortlisted in the Terrier Puppy Group and my Best Special Beginners, Special Beginners Terrier Group 4
Yearling - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
Femine head of good type, narrow, easily spanned body with good length of rib, presented in a good coat over a thick pelt, sound, steady mover.
Reading & District KA Open Show
31st May 2023
Judge: Mr Richard Bott (Quensha / Allenie)
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2023
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Yearling - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Three Counties Championship Dog Show
9th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs Jane Roberts (Smalesmouth)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at Three Counties Championship Dog Show. My appointment was originally for 2020 but it was worth the wait to be able to judge at this lovely showground at the foot of the Malvern Hills. Many thanks indeed to my stewards Bill and Trish who kept everything moving ringside in an efficient and pleasant manner. My thanks go to all the exhibitors who brought their dogs under me. It was a real privilege and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience. There were some close decisions and I would like to thank all those who accepted my decisions so sportingly. Based on my entry I felt that the overall quality of the breed was good. Most were fit and I thought that fronts and heads had improved from the last time I judged. There were only a few that I was unable to span and a couple who had missing teeth and one that had a kinked tail. I was particularly pleased with my bitch line-up and I thought there were some very good quality exhibits who on another day could be ticket winners.
Yearling - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Border Union Agricultural Society
17th Jun 2023
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
I would like to thank the Officers and Committee for giving me the opportunity to judge Border Terriers in their spiritual home territory. My stewards, Audrey & Judith did a great job in running the class changes efficiently on a hot humid day. It was a lovely entry, with many exhibits that I had not judged before – thank you all. I found some exhibits which could have been better prepared with attention to coat, body condition and clean teeth. A few level bites a couple of kink tails influenced placings but all dogs were entire and overall a nice group of BT’s to go over. My main winners had breed qualities that outweighed any imperfection, that in my opinion wouldn’t impact on its ability to perform its traditional work.
Yearling - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society Open Show
24th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs V. Williams-Wegmann (Essvana)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Open / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Eastbourne & DCS Open Show
25th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs Felicity Snook (Pitcombe)
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2023
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
My thanks to Windsor Dog Show for the judging appointment. Delayed by Covid, it is a sensible moment to retire from judging at Championship level, especially as the day was very enjoyable and a fine memory to end with. It was in fact a superb entry of high quality border terriers and my thanks to all the exhibitors, especially those who travelled long distances. It was a delight when my BOB, Ch Otterbobs Tolsen, won the terrier group and an additional pleasure when my Best Veteran, Ch Cynetkoy Pillow Talk, placed third in the Veteran Group. Overall the borders proved to be sound and it was particularly enjoyable to find several dogs with large, strong teeth. Many were in a fit condition with firm muscle and active drive on the move. The majority had good shoulders coupled with hind quarters that looked capable of a day’s work. This correct construction translated into to good movement. The Border Terrier should remain a workmanlike terrier and future breeders need to keep that in mind. The top decisions were decided by some of these less obvious merits and indeed my personal preferences but, in the end, I was pleased to see an entry of border terriers with so much quality. This bodes well for the future and has left me with memories of a most enjoyable day.
Yearling - Bitch / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
East of England Agricultural Society
6th Jul 2023
Judge: Joyce Martin (Merumhor)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge Border Terriers at the East of England Agricultural Society Show, which was to be the last one run by this society. It was a super venue with lovely big rings which gave the dogs a chance to stride out. Many thanks to my ring stewards Peter and Lesley Armstrong for keeping things running smoothly and efficiently. I was delighted with my entry of 109 dogs making a total entry of 149 and pleased with the overall quality of dogs shown. Thank you to the exhibitors for giving the chance to go over your dogs and for the sporting way the placings were taken. It is indeed a privilege to have the opportunity do so. I was thrilled to be able to watch the terrier group and see my BOB - Stineval Lambert JW take group 1 in a quality line up. I also was delighted to hear that my BPIB - Glebeheath Ophelia went Group 3 in the Puppy Group.
Yearling - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
A lovely grizzle bitch who stood alone in this class but a worthy winner. She has a good head and feminine expression with neat ears. I liked her handy size, narrow throughout with good length of body. She was shown in a tight jacket with thick pelt and moved out soundly.
Southampton & DCS Open Show
22nd Jul 2023
Judge: Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Paignton Championship Show
5th Aug 2023
Judge: Colin Powell (Bowtman)
Yearling - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2023
Judge: Ms Tina Jones (Otterholme)
My thanks go to the committee of Bournemouth Championship Show for inviting me to award tickets for the first time, it was a very special day. Special thanks to my stewards Gentle Lowe and Brian Aubrey for doing such a sterling job, allowing me to focus on the task in hand. I was delighted with the entry that awaited me, a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the privilege to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and the sporting way they accepted my decisions, on the whole by most exhibitors. I was told many years ago, by someone well respected in the breed to judge with the hands, not with the eyes, never did this ring true as today. Some dogs I have admired from the ringside, didn’t live up to expectations, whilst others that hadn’t previously caught my eye, surprised me and did. Being the daughter of a hunt terrier man I could get no better grounding in the requirements of an earth dog, these were the days long before quad bikes, terriers would be expected to be on their feet from the moment hounds drew off until close of the hunting day, working in landscapes not dissimilar to that of that hunt the breed first originated from. l tried to look subjectively at the exhibit before me to see if they had the confirmation and condition to undertake such duties. I was surprised how quite a number were difficult to span and far too deep in chest and too wide in front and came up heavy, lacking the narrowness to go to ground, a distinct disadvantage in the working arena, legs bend, chests don’t. I was finding rear movement was better than front, but more than a few lacked the drive that I looked for with elevated front action that indicates an upper arm that is shorter than ideal. I look to see feet that are tight with a good thick pad so vital in an earth dog, many were lacking in this important trait. I found temperaments superb throughout the day, dentition was questionable on several exhibits and all dogs entire. A plea to exhibitors if you bait them on the table, that is fine if they look hypnotically at the treat, but on several occasions, owners were wrestling with their dogs trying to get at the treat, making it difficult to assess them. I am always mindful to judge fit for function, and I was happy that my winners fitted that bill and all sporting decent jackets and pelts and meeting my interpretation of the breed standard. I was delighted to see my BOB going on to third in the terrier group and my BP winning the terrier puppy group.
Yearling - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
Good overall balance and type feminine head which I found to be of correct proportions. Good length to neck flowing into good shoulder placement, nice length of rib easily spanned, keeps her firm topline throughout .She is of pleasing size, and presented in super coat and pelt, couldn’t quite match reach of 1 on the move today.
Kent County Canine Asociation Open Show
20th Aug 2023
Judge: Debra Wilson (Jandade)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Newton Abbot & South Devon CS Open Show
26th Aug 2023
Judge: Beverly Deacon (Cassencarrie)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Horley & DSS Open Show
27th Aug 2023
Judge: Mr Tan Nagrecha (Chandlimore)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
South West Essex CA Open Show
28th Aug 2023
Judge: Bill Crawley
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG3, Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Special Yearling / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Open / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Norfolk and Norwich Canine Society Premier Show
30th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs Penny Sands (Krakenexis)
Limit / Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Richmond Championship Show
8th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Tim Ball (Kaitak)
Graduate - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
For me, this 2 yr old grizzle was the best for overall type and outline in this class. Neck of moderate length, level topline, lovely ribbing, strong loin and tail set on well. Head of good proportions, dark eyes but a touch prominent, ears good for size and set, strong muzzle and scissor bite. Pleasing angulation both ends and she stands straight in front with just the right breadth to forechest. Moving pretty well all through. Good quality pelt.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Robert Brewster (Stowthorney & Breckgreen)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of The Southern Border Terrier Club for giving me the honour of judging their Open Show. I first signed the contract for the show in 2017, but due to Covid and the Lockdown I have only just fulfilled my judging appointment. Whist remembering those who are no longer with us due to the Covid Pandemic. I was happy with my entry and would like to also thank the exhibitors for entering under me and thank them all for taking my decisions, some of which were difficult, in a sportsmanlike way. I found most exhibits to be in good order, but I was quite worried that I found some younger exhibits with a build-up of scale on their teeth. This should be addressed as soon as possible. I was also delighted with a young exhibitor, attending her first show, on a whole handling her young dog so well whilst full of nerves and inexperience. We need to encourage these youngsters as they are the custodians of our breed
Graduate - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
7th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan)
First of all , sincere thanks go to Hilary and the committee for the kind invitation to judge BT’s at this show and thanks to Kevin my steward who kept things moving along nicely. Also I have grateful thanks for the exhibitors who not only allowed me the opportunity to go over their dogs but accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. General comments are as follows , I didn’t find any bad mouths or kinked tails and coats were at differing stages of growth which is quite normal . I would like to add that during examination of the dogs on the table that it is not helpful for the owner to be feeding or allowing the dog to lick at a treat constantly , attempting to check the bite becomes almost impossible and adds to the confusion for the dog, owner and judge, please keep this practice for the training room and not in the show ring.
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
2 year old G&T bitch. Pleasing head and expression , good dentition and strength to jaw line … Ears small and well set to good effect …Easy transition through correct length neck , to good shoulder angles and nice narrow front , standing on small tight feet that were well cushioned. Correct flat ribs, carried well back with acceptable loin , over which a loose pelt and super new jacket were the topping . Shame that her underline was a tad more tucked up than desired and it was made slightly worse by being shaved back to the skin in that area. Moved well ..
South Wales Kennel Association
13th Oct 2023
Judge: Mr W Shorthose (Cundytyke)
I think hind movement has generally improved though the same cannot be said for fronts. Most were shown in good coat and only one exhibit was clearly of poor temperament.
Post Graduate - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society Open Show
15th Oct 2023
Judge: Paul Eardley (Sherex)
Post Graduate / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
East Kent Canine Society Open Show
5th Nov 2023
Judge: Michael Blay (Longbarrow)
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Crystal Palace Canine Association Dog Show
26th Nov 2023
Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
My thanks go to the committee, volunteers and my steward for the day, for helping to make this show so friendly and welcoming, on a very crisp morning in November. I was satisfied with my final line-up all being good examples of the breed; with the conformation and attributes to make them potentially successful working terriers as well as possessing a degree of showmanship. It was pleasing to note some good movement on show. I was delighted to note that my Best of Breed went on to further honours and gained TG3, and, as I learned later, the Best Puppy was from the same kennel, and went TPG1- Congratulations to the breeder and owner.
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Placing Critique
Two-year-old bitch who was rather unsettled on the move and when freestanding, unfortunately, today. Feminine yet strong head with strong muzzle, sufficient fill under eye and big teeth. Lighter in frame than 1 and a little squarer in outline, but easily spanned. She had well laid back ribs, straight topline and carroty tail with correct tailset. Superb jacket maybe a little over and impressive thick pelt.
Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association Open Show
3rd Dec 2023
Judge: Dale Elliot (Lyndham)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society Open Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Debbie Willett (Debeaux)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Eastbourne & DCS Open Show
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Vera Harcourt-Morris (Lenacourt)
Post Graduate / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon (Kersfell)
I would like to thank the Committee for offering me this appointment, I was honoured to be given this opportunity. Thank you also to my stewards for all their hard work keeping the show running as smoothly as possible, for which I was very grateful. There were some lovely dogs present but front movement and lack of correct length and angulation of the upper arm continues to be a problem in some exhibits as well as size and correct coat . We should not forget the first line in the breed standard “essentially a working terrier”.
Limit - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Tunbridge Wells & District Canine Society Open Show
27th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr Matt Smith (Alncroft)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society Open Show
9th Aug 2024
Judge: Sarah Richardson
My thanks for the committee for their kind invitation to judge at this combined Premier Open Show with Bournemouth Canine Association Premier Open Show. My thanks also to the exhibitors for their entry.
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Great Yarmouth Gorleston & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
28th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs M Fleming (Flegato)
Thank you to the Committee for inviting me to judge at this very well run and friendly show. My ring stewards Michael and Rebecca were very efficient and helpful and organised the ring in the best way – thank you. And finally, thank you to all the exhibitors who entered and who were able to come and bring their dogs – it was a privilege for me to go over them.
Post Graduate / Reserve
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Gravesend and Medway Towns Canine Society Open Show
20th Oct 2024
Judge: Ms Cara Davani (Kebulak)
Post Graduate / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
London and Home Counties Terrier Club Open Show
24th Nov 2024
Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
I would like to thank the London and Home Counties Terrier Club for affording me the opportunity to judge at this year’s Premier Open Show, and to my very capable steward Sharon, who kept things moving in the ring. Regarding the exhibits: I had some lovely examples that exemplified what I look for in a Border Terrier. The stamp of the breed the head- its proportions such, that it is capable of doing its job underground, and a body constructed to deal with the terrain and weather of Northumberland; so, in good fit hard working condition. I did not find any suspect mouths and no kinked tails.
Post Graduate - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Ashford, Faversham & DCS Open Show
12th Jan 2025
Judge: Angie Hughes (Ruffntuff)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Limit / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Guildford & District Canine Society Open Show
1st Mar 2025
Judge: Kathleen Haugh (Oxbeck)
Open / Second Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Folkestone, Hythe & DCS Open Show
2nd Mar 2025
Judge: Mr B Blunden (Licassa)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG4, Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst
Open / First Place
Name at show: Ceilloch Griffin At Onziemehurst