Show Placings
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Members Limited Show
28th Jan 2024
Judge: Mr. P. Appleby (Hollexby)
Firstly I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge this show, it was an honour and a privilege, secondly thank you to the exhibitors for entering a lovely selection of dogs for me to go over, and lastly but not leastly to my Stewards, Liz Barret and Val Mason for keeping me right.
Puppy - Bitch /
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
24th Feb 2024
Judge: Libby Tanton-Joy (Itsaso)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge their open show held at Jedburgh, the home of the border terrier. It was a great privilege, and I had some amazing dogs present who are a credit to their owners, thank you for bringing them.
Thank you to my stewards for organising the rings so smoothly and keeping me on track so we finished at a reasonable time. The hospitality was second to none and I would like to thank the whole committee for this.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
Placing Critique
7-month-old blue and tan puppy who was presented today in full coat just passing its best. Still needs to develop in head and generally mature but has a lot of promised and moved the best in the class to secure her place today.
Class Critique
A lovely class of young puppies will watch with interested as they progress.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
13th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs P Cox (Cushatlaw)
I would like to say a big thank you to the officers an committee for kindly inviting me to judge this lovely open show and to all the exhibitors for exhibiting their dogs under me. A special thank you to the stewards who kept the ring running smoothly.
Puppy - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
Placing Critique
Blue and tan just over 9 months old. Another pleasing puppy. Good head and expression just preferred the topline and movement of the class winner today
Scottish Kennel Club (Ocober)
16th May 2024
Judge: Mr. Stewart Golding (Beaconpike)
Sorry for delay in critiques, work commitments had to take priority. Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge the October show which was brought forward in conjunction with the May show. Thank you to my two stewards for keeping the ring running smoothly, which wasn’t easy with two shows running side by side. Thank you to the Exhibitors for a lovely entry and accepting my decisions in a sportsmanlike manner. I had some difficult decisions especially in the bitch classes where I just didn’t have enough cards to hand out. Coats from last time I judged had improved and it was a pleasure to see so many in correct double coat of depth. On the whole movement was good. I did find a couple of incorrect bites and one kinked tail
Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
Border Union Agricultural Society
16th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
My thanks to the Society for the invitation to Judge one of my favourite shows, it didn’t all go to plan with the weather playing its part. I would like to thank all the exhibitors for going along with my decision to stay outside despite the weather, and my special thanks to stewards Judy Carr and Audrey Coltart for braving the weather also. Also my thanks to Euan for posting my judging book and critique notes and to whomever handed it in.
Sorry for delay, holidays and work have played their part. I had some lovely dogs to go over and thank you all for bringing them.
Puppy - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
I would like to thank The Committee for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my very efficient Stewards Mark & Julie for keeping everything on track & The Club for their hospitality & splendid gift.
Junior - Bitch /
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
The Terrier Club of Scotland Open Show
13th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs Judy Carr (Wreighaugh)
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
19th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
Thank you to The Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge The Open Show at Low Hesket, one of my favourite shows and venues. As always hospitality was superb and a lovely enjoyable lunch.
Thank you to Judy and Andrea my two excellent stewards who kept proceedings running smoothly and on time and thank you to all exhibitors.
I had a lovely entry and some lovely dogs to judge. A very enjoyable day.
Junior - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Feb 2025
Judge: Andrea Dixon (Otterpaws)
Novice - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Elemcella Give Me Honey