Show Placings
Darlington Championship Show
17th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to Darlington Committee for the invitation to my ring stewards and the exhibitors for your entries. Not having attended a show since they started up again it was quite a surprize and worry to handle some very big dogs. I know size has always been a talking point in the breed but today it was a problem with some of the dogs, bitches were a much better size with some close decisions in their classes.
Another noticeable difference is some exhibitors deciding to run with their dogs, why I don’t know it’s something never seen or needed in the border ring. With some handlers in a class walking around and others deciding to run its not what is expected. Watching a dog and handler move in unison on a good, collected pace is much more acceptable.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr Jimmy Gilpin (Otterbobs)
I feel honoured to have been elected by the members to have judged their clubs 75 year show, and can I thank Alan and Graham for keeping things running so smoothly for me, and can I especially thank the committee for lunch that they provided and also Mr J Whalton for looking after me and my wife, I am not going to rant on about this and that but where have all the heads and tail sets gone ?
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
17th Oct 2021
Judge: Mrs Nancy Hogg (Raeburnfoot)
It was an honour to judge my favourite show. Many thanks must go to all who made it run so smoothly. Special thanks go to Janice Johnson and Judy Carr for their stewarding. So helpful.
Had some lovely dogs to go over. Temperaments were good. Just a couple of grumbles. A few shown with no coat and placings reflected this. Bites were good. Some teeth larger than others. Front movement in particular let some down. I did find more than a few which were difficult to span. Needs watching.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
7th Nov 2021
Judge: Frances Chapman-King (Inzievar)
It was a pleasure to spend a day with the Borders. Thank you to the committee for inviting me, and to the exhibitors for bringing their dogs. By way of general comment I found fronts and front movement to be an issue; and size variable with some too big or heavy – making it difficult to span. There was quality too and some promising youngsters.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Placing Critique
Feminine and of good size for age. Pleasing skull & eye, ok in forehand, good to span, good tail & set on, shown in good coat & pelt. Sound.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
13th Nov 2021
Judge: Mr M Ord
Massive Thank You to The Officers & Committee for inviting me to judge your Championship Show today. This club I was a member of in the formative years and have fond memories of the very first Championship Show where I was an exhibitor. It is good to see a club go from strength to strength and the committee worked very hard to put on this event in what has been difficult times to plan ahead. Thank you everyone who entered today and I was honoured with an entry of 150 Dogs, 192 Entries & 0 NFCs. Like every show absentees were inevitable but I hope those present today took my decisions sportingly.
A few general observations on todays entry which are my thoughts and because I care so much for this lovely breed. Driving to the venue today was a perfect way to view the countryside where this breed was developed and all could see the rough terrain they would need to work in. It is essential you judge a breed with the work they were bred to do foremost in your mind and learn why they are built the way they were and why the breed standard exists. It is a dog show and we now want to see them clean, healthy and well presented but I was sad to see today several exhibits with very clear evidence of scissor work on the coats and not just on tidying feet etc. Please stop this trend NOW. Several were scissored from hip to hock, no need to do this & does nothing to enhance the dog. Good otter heads were not in abundance today and I witnessed a lot of fly away ears. We have always witnessed the odd one but today quite a number could be seen when the dog was in action & not always on youngsters either.
Coats as always were in various stages today but you must judge the dog on the day and find evidence of the correct texture and undercoat which is vital to stop the working dog getting wet through to the skin. Mouths were very good today as where tails which have thankfully improved greatly. Some exhibits in my opinion had lovely conformation however where far too big and long in leg. I though ribs were good with only a few that would be unable to be spanned with the average size hands. I did find today the bitches were more uniform for size so just need to work on the males not becoming big, leggy & heavy.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Whitehaven & District Canine Association Open Show
21st Nov 2021
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge at your show and to the Border Terrier Club for their support of the classes. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, there was a friendly ringside atmosphere and lovely exhibits to judge. Some of the entries in the younger classes didn’t settle that well on the move, perhaps due to the distraction of the large amount of bait left on the ground from the previous classes, but they did well enough and were all sound just distracted.
Puppy - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Placing Critique
Very pretty grizzle and tan shown in full coat with harsh texture. Correct in rib making her very easy to span. Could do with a little more ring craft schooling but did enough to secure her place over 3rd who is also a very nice puppy.
Class Critique
None of these exhibits moved that well due to various outside elements which made assessing movement difficult
Burton on Trent KA Open show
5th Dec 2021
Judge: Ms M Sargent (Tegwani)
Puppy /
Second Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
6th Feb 2022
Judge: Mr Peter Armstrong (Atron)
Many sincere thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for the kind invitation to judge at this Show, It really seemed to be a success judging by the happy atmosphere in the venue and congratulations must go to all the hard working Committee for the superb organization on the day despite the Covid regulations and the inclement weather. My thanks must also go to my two efficient stewards, Mr. Richard Wright and Mrs. Joyce Whiting, for their invaluable assistance in keeping the ring running smoothly and keeping me in check.
Puppy - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
26th Feb 2022
Judge: Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow)
I would sincerely like to thank the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge at this lovely well run show and for their kind hospitality on the day. Also for the lovely gifts received from the Club.
Many thanks also to my two stewards Judy and Marina, who were a great help and kept things running very smoothly.
I was extremely flattered by the wonderful entry and would like to thank each and every exhibitor for kindly allowing me to go over their dogs, and for their sportsmanship when accepting my decisions.
Coats, as always were very varied at this time of year, and some had to pay the penalty for not having enough topcoat. Nearly all dogs were spannable, all males were entire and dentition was good overall. I found I had some difficult decisions to make, and I was sorry I could not give more places.
Junior - Bitch /
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
26th Mar 2022
Judge: Dr. Ron Wheatley (Loiriston)
I was very privileged and honoured to judge this excellent show and would like to thank the members of the Border Terrier Club for their invitation, and the committee for their help and hospitality. The committee and members had provided a wonderful range of Specials and mementos to celebrate the Centenary of the Club. Many thanks to my very efficient ring stewards, Carol Mackenzie, and Judy Carr, for their help through a long day. Thanks also to the exhibitors for the large entry of 183 dogs, making 223 entries with 43 absent, which ranged over many types. There was quality in depth in many classes with close decisions. I found no kinky tails, two exhibits with one missing front tooth, and a few bites that had worn even. Coats as might be expected were at different stages, most in good coat and a few with the top just coming through.
Junior - Bitch /
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
9th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr. Tim Ball (Kaitak)
A thoroughly enjoyable day and my thanks go to the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge their well-run Open Show. I was delighted with the excellent entry and what a pleasure it was to spend a day with the Borders and their owners. There were some well-filled classes which gave me lots to think about and some decisions were extremely close. A lovely atmosphere prevailed and applause for the winners was consistent throughout.
Junior - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Placing Critique
This 13 mth old is another who pleased for type, feminine throughout and smaller all round than the winner. She too is nicely balanced with moderate length of neck, correct topline, excellent ribbing, muscular loin and tail set and carried well. Head of good proportions with nice breadth to skull, lovely eye and ear, short strong muzzle and correct dentition. She stands well naturally on good feet with correct width to chest. Moving out nicely on the go around but front action could not match that of winner. Harsh jacket and good thickness to pelt.
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr M. Hollingsbee (Otterwood)
I would like to thank the Committee of the Club for entrusting me to judge this
show. Due to my age I have decided that this will be my last appointment at this
level. I would like to thank my able stewards Sarah Pateman and Kay Tuffin for
keeping me in order and ensuring a smooth running of the show. All of the
Committee worked very hard and I thank them.
Having said that, what a lovely standard of dogs were placed before me. Overall
coats were excellent and I did not detect one bad mouth. The only criticism I have is
that a few exhibits did not have the feet and nails trimmed.
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Placing Critique
Grizzle, good coat and tail set, level topline, moved well
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Open Show
16th Oct 2022
Judge: Mrs M Wanless (Thorneyburn)
This was a last minute appointment for me, as Tina Jones had to stand down at the last moment owing to her Mothers serious illness.
What a super entry she had drawn!!! fifty one 1st entries and six repeats.
All dogs shown had good mouths, almost all had thick pelts and super harsh jackets.
All dogs were entire, and most were easily spanned.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Pollard CS Open Show
14th May 2023
Judge: Mr P Bradwood
Post Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona
Newark & DCS Open Show
23rd Feb 2025
Judge: Cathy Thompson-Morgan
Open /
Name at show: Staynorwood Ramona