Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich

Name:Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich 
Colour:Blue and Tan 
Owner(s): Miss A A Lawrence & Miss M Scrimgeour  
Breeder:Messrs D R & G A Alcorn & Ingram 
Ravenside Churchill (D)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Tythrop Timepiece (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Wintergarden Fly High By Plushcourt (D)
Plushcourt Priceless (D)
Wintergarden Kir Royal (B)
Tythrop Time Flies (B)
CH Tythrop Tapas (D)
Bromscars Wasted Time By Tythrop (B)
Borderigg Rewind To Ravenside (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Ravenside Rumours About Caldewgate (D)
Tythrop Tap On Wood For Ravenside (D)
Croalchapel Sariska At Ravenside (B)
Borderxpress Miss Moppet (B)
CH Ravenside Ballymoss (D)
Oxcroft Route to Borderxpress (B)
Etterbern Mrs Bucket (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
Etterbern Edenbank Ranger (D)
Colour: Blue and Tan
Etterbern Sloane Ranger (D)
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Enchanted Evening At Etterbern JW ShCM (B)
Etterbern Truffle Delight (B)
CH Brumberhill Back T' Future JW ShCM (D)
Enchanted Estilo At Etterbern (B)
Etterbern Everglade (B)
Colour: Grizzle and Tan
CH Ravenside Ballymoss (D)
CH Ravenside Mystiko (D)
Ravenside Reams of Verse (B)
Etterbern The Duchess (B)
CH Brumberhill Benchmarked JW ShCM (D)
Enchanted Evening At Etterbern JW ShCM (B)

Show Placings

The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
I would like to thank The Committee for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my very efficient Stewards Mark & Julie for keeping everything on track & The Club for their hospitality & splendid gift.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Second Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Placing Critique
Blue & tan. Just over 6mths & very much the baby. She is well put together with a coat of good texture. Moved out well.
Maiden - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
19th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
Thank you to The Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge The Open Show at Low Hesket, one of my favourite shows and venues. As always hospitality was superb and a lovely enjoyable lunch. Thank you to Judy and Andrea my two excellent stewards who kept proceedings running smoothly and on time and thank you to all exhibitors. I had a lovely entry and some lovely dogs to judge. A very enjoyable day.
Minor Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Placing Critique
7 mth Blue and tan still very much a baby needing to mature. Good length of body and textured coat. Moved ok.
Maiden - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
20th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs Sue Spafford (Dassett)
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Placing Critique
Blue & tan, in good coat, only 7 months old. Could do with a little more bone but lots of time to mature. Moved happily around the ring.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Nov 2024
Judge: Mr A Horner (Stineval)
I would like to thank SCBTC and committee for the privilege of judging this years Championship show and thank my very capable steward Euan Castell for keeping the ring flowing and the exhibitors for their lovely entry. There were some really nice dogs for me to go over. But I must say that looking at them in general heads are starting to stray away from that of the border terrier, the other thing that I think needs addressing is the general cleanliness of their exhibits. I found three suspect mouths and two kinked tails . thank you one and all for an enjoyable day,
Minor Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Novice - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Sunderland and District Canine Society Open Show
24th Nov 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
My sincere thanks to the committee for the kind invitation to judge at this show, and to all the exhibitors who entered and braved the abysmal weather to attend. I appreciate the sporting manner in which my decisions were accepted.
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Placing Critique
A 7-month-old blue and tan bitch with a feminine, well-proportioned head featuring a good bite and correct ear set. She is slightly finer in bone than preferred but has a straight front, standing on small feet with thick pads. Displays a narrow, easily spannable rib, a good short tail, and acceptable hindlimb angulation. Movement is slightly loose in front, as you may expect at this age. Awarded Best Puppy in Breed (BPIB).
Eston & Barnaby Canine Society Open Show
22nd Dec 2024
Judge: Mr John Scanlan (Pantycelyn)
Best Puppy
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Puppy / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Scottish Border Terrier Club Members Limited Show
26th Jan 2025
Judge: Mrs Katrina Golding (Beaconpike)
A big thank you to the Scottish BTC for the invitation to judge their members limited show. This was my first breed club show which I very much looked forward to after being asked previously, but I didn’t quite feel ready at the time. I needn’t have worried as I was made to feel very welcome by the friendly committee and exhibitors, there was a lovely atmosphere in and around the ring. A special mention to my steward Anne Gregory for ensuring everything was in order and keeping the ring running smoothly. Considering the time of year with Crufts approaching I was delighted to find correct double coats with good depth. I forgave dirty teeth in preference for correct bites, sadly I found a number that were disappointing along with small teeth. Movement was on the whole ok though I found some dogs coming towards me had loose fronts though they looked good in profile.
Best Puppy - Bitch
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Puppy - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Placing Critique
10month old blue and tan, still very much a baby, her head needs to mature, she has good length to her body, nice coat with good pelt, and when she settles she moves out well.
Novice - Bitch / Reserve
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Feb 2025
Judge: Andrea Dixon (Otterpaws)
Puppy - Bitch / Third Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich
Novice - Bitch / First Place
Name at show: Comalegy Lady Of The House With Fiadhaich