Show Placings
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Sep 2021
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Congratulations to the committee on finding a splendid new venue. It is so nice to be able to evaluate exhibits in natural surrounding and this was ideal. I understand some did not care completely for the ground but while some exhibits did not excel on the terrain those that did displayed good conformation and moved accordingly.
Generally: there were some mouth faults present today which affected some results in the context of the classes they were in and the degree of the fault. Fronts came in many shapes and sizes not all straight and narrow unfortunately and I was surprised at the number of large and rather thin, spreading feet. Finally I just want to get off my chest that for me the term racy hindquarters does not carry with it a high tuck up.
The unexpected heat, especially in the earlier classes, was a little overwhelming and I thought both exhibits and exhibitors coped admirably. I loved my line ups and very much appreciated my entry, thank you.
Thanks also to my stewards who in these strange times were really kept at it all day.
Junior - Bitch /
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Cardiff CS Open Show
29th Jan 2023
Judge: P Fricker
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Placing Critique
Bitch. Excellent head, well proportioned, big teeth, good scissor bite. Nice length of neck into level topline held on the move and stood. Narrow throughout. Good bend of stifle which allowed her to move well from the rear. correct coat
Pontypridd & DCS Open Show
1st May 2023
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock MBE (Sleepyhollow)
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Placing Critique
Femine, workman like 3 year old bitch, with appealing head, expression and finish. Well placed shoulders. Perhaps a touch larger than ideal but spanned OK. Correctly, narrow all through and put down in good hard condition. Excellent jacket. Super mover
The Terrier Club of South Wales Open Show
14th May 2023
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
I would like to start by thanking the Officers and Committee of The Terrier Club Of South Wales for asking me to judge such a well organised and supported show and the wonderful hospitality on the day. Secondly to the exhibitors for the wonderful support and entry on the day of 54 dogs.
I enjoyed having the chance to go over some real quality dogs on the day and in a couple of the classes the placings could easily of been reversed. My Best Of Breed youngster showed himself really well on the day and continued to do so through to the Best In Show line up where he secured the grand honours of being awarded Best In Show by BIS Judge Mark Ord.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Placing Critique
2 Y/O grizzle & tan bitch, up to size on the leg but really liked her for type. Nice head and lovely big teeth. Super narrow throughout and holds a good top line/under line on the move and nice set on tail. Set down in smart fit condition.
Pontardulais Agricultural & Horticultural Society
28th Aug 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Spafford (Dassett)
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Placing Critique
Grizzle bitch, lovely feminine head and expression. Good top line and tail set. Liked her for type, very close decision between top two, only lost out on less coat to 1.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Robert Brewster (Stowthorney & Breckgreen)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of The Southern Border Terrier Club for giving me the honour of judging their Open Show. I first signed the contract for the show in 2017, but due to Covid and the Lockdown I have only just fulfilled my judging appointment. Whist remembering those who are no longer with us due to the Covid Pandemic. I was happy with my entry and would like to also thank the exhibitors for entering under me and thank them all for taking my decisions, some of which were difficult, in a sportsmanlike way. I found most exhibits to be in good order, but I was quite worried that I found some younger exhibits with a build-up of scale on their teeth. This should be addressed as soon as possible. I was also delighted with a young exhibitor, attending her first show, on a whole handling her young dog so well whilst full of nerves and inexperience. We need to encourage these youngsters as they are the custodians of our breed
Post Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan bitch with a good otter head. She had large teeth and a correct bite. Good length of neck into a good lay of shoulder. Nice length of rib. Held her top line on the move. Moved out with drive.
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Mar 2025
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow)
Open - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Glenaig First Lady of Drachenhaus