Show Placings
Wealdstone & Northolt Canine Society Open Show
10th Dec 2023
Judge: Dr J Lappin (Ireland)
Puppy /
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Crystal Palace Canine Association Dog Show
14th Apr 2024
Judge: Miss Angie Nettle (Onziemehurst)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at their well run open show. A big thank you to my ring stewards who kept things moving along nicely and many thanks to the exhibitors for allowing me the privilege of going over your lovely dogs.
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG3, Sweet Dancing Lady
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Placing Critique
Lovely grizzle bitch with a short stop and correctly placed ears. Enquiring eyes and correct scissor bite. Good jacket and pelt. Moved okay. Little uneasy on the table but soon settled.
Junior /
Third Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Illingworth (Thorneyhurst)
Firstly thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show, and to all the exhibitors for the massive entry which would of been hard to get through without the help of my two stewards Sharon Pickering and Margaret Bailey who did there best to make sure no exhibitors missed there classes
The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, Most dogs were in fit hard condition and presented well, the old saying many good dogs went without a card was only too true, We were blessed with good weather and a nice sized ring.
Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
National Dog Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mr Patrick Glover (USA)
I wanted to thank the committee for the honour of judging your show. I sincerely apologize for the delay of the critique due to ill health. Coming from another country it was especially grateful to have such excellent Stewards to help guide me. And I thank all the exhibitors that came to exhibit under me. It was a pleasure to see so many quality Borders, and have them in hand. I was very satisfied with my final lineup. I enjoyed the depth of type that you have in the UK. Part of that may be seeing Borders with a proper coat. Unfortunately, Borders in the USA are not shown in such coat anymore which I do not understand. I only saw two bad bites, and I see you are battling some of the same issues we are in the US, one being straight fronts. A good Border must have some prosternum to be constructed in a proper way where the legs are under the dog rather than in front of it. The second being is the loss of rib. Your standard states “ribs carried well back” Our standard states the same thing, only adding the word deep “deep ribs carried well back. Both proper fronts and rib are essential to a working terrier, and attention must be paid to both. Overall, I enjoyed going over so many good Borders and again I thank you for the opportunity
Puppy - Bitch /
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Bath Canine Society
26th May 2024
Judge: Mr Ian Higham (Comberdown)
I would like to thank Mr. Lee Cox and the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for making my wife and I feel so welcome at their show. Also my two amazingly competent stewards Mark and Joyce who were just brilliant at their job.
I found nothing obviously untoward or concerning, apart from, surprisingly, a few too heavy ones, which cost placings. We need to remember functionality.
In general, overall, this was an entry of terrific in-depth quality. What an absolute privilege it was to go over them. Thank you all so much!
Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Ian Gabriel (Gabybryl)
This was my first-time awarding Challenge Certificates in Border Terriers and many thanks to those that entered under a non-breed specialist, and well done for braving what was a bitter wind. If this was a representative entry, then I am heartened by the general health and condition of the breed. Good coats, good pelts and super large dentition were the majority. There are some nice youngsters in the lower classes. Just two points as a non-specialist if I might be permitted, firstly the standard calls for a small ear and I found quite a few otherwise nice exhibits with large houndy ears which did somewhat detract from the overall expression. Secondly several dogs broke quite markedly at the front pastern which spoilt the overall impression on the move, these points need watching.
Puppy - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Junior - Bitch /
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Class Critique
Quality class
Three Counties Agricultural Society
8th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my very capable stewards, Bill and Tricia for their efficiency and helpfulness and especially to the exhibitors who afforded me the honour of going over their dogs.
The weather was kind and the ring of sufficient size to allow dogs to get into their stride.
Overall I felt that there was more quality in the bitches but was more than pleased with my main winners in both sexes. Size and front movement continue to be problems and coats were at all stages of growth-this did affect some placings. I only found one undershot bite and all males were entire. Several dogs were carrying rather too much condition but more worrying were the few who were almost painfully thin which also meant that these dogs couldn’t possibly possess the muscle needed for work. A number of dogs would benefit from more exercise to improve their muscletone.
Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon (Kersfell)
I would like to thank the Committee for offering me this appointment, I was honoured to be given this opportunity. Thank you also to my stewards for all their hard work keeping the show running as smoothly as possible, for which I was very grateful. There were some lovely dogs present but front movement and lack of correct length and angulation of the upper arm continues to be a problem in some exhibits as well as size and correct coat . We should not forget the first line in the breed standard “essentially a working terrier”.
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the officers and committee of Windsor Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time at such a prestigious show. I must also thank my two very experienced stewards Bill & Trish Gray who were a great support to me with their calm, friendly and pleasant manner. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who entered their border terriers under me and accepted my decisions in a sporting manner.
The weather became very hot as the day progressed with some dogs flagging a little on the move. Fortunately we had some shade via the marquee, the grass had got quite dried out and I felt a few exhibits didn’t move as well as others on it but generally movement was better than I have observed in the past. I must also mention how disappointed I was to find so many exhibits with dirty teeth, cleaning them should be part of a dog’s care and grooming routine.
I was so delighted with my top winning border terriers that I felt had exceptional breed quality and were presented and shown to best advantage.
Many quality exhibits were in some classes down the line or unplaced due to the depth of quality present and on another day may change places.
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Thame & Oxfordshire County Canine Society Open Show
17th Jul 2024
Judge: David Alcorn (Lourdace/Comalegy)
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Tunbridge Wells & District Canine Society Open Show
27th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr Matt Smith (Alncroft)
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Horley & DSS Premier Open Show
25th Aug 2024
Judge: Philip Fricker (Calavey)
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
City of Birmingham Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Clare Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the City of Birmingham Canine Association Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time.
With storm Lillian resulting in the abandonment of Driffield, the JBTC were also able to hold their show in an adjacent ring. Hall 3 at the Royal Kennel Club building was light, spacious and an ideal venue. A certain amount of flexibility was required when classes clashed, and I am very grateful to my experienced stewards Chris Woolner and Caroline Wise for their hard work. They were calm, efficient and kept the ring running smoothly. With their help we finished in time to ensure that all those who had won major awards could get to their groups.
My sincere thanks to all the exhibitors for giving me such a quality entry and accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. We had very few absentees and I often had difficult decisions to make. In several classes, I would have liked some additional prize cards to award.
Coats did have an influence on the results, with those presented at their best, in a harsh, dense double jacket with thick pelt, being rewarded. A few exhibits would have benefitted from having their feet tidied to have achieved a neater picture. I found two kinked tails, two with incorrect dentition and all male dogs were entire.
I was delighted with my principal winners, who all fulfilled my interpretation of the breed standard on the day. It was a privilege to judge such an entry, and the lovely atmosphere, with applause and cheers for the winners, made it extra special.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Richmond Championship Show
7th Sep 2024
Judge: Mr Bob Blackley (Vaevictus)
Junior - Bitch /
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Beckenham & DCS Open Show
6th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr Anthony Hadley
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Midland Counties Canine Society
25th Oct 2024
Judge: Professor A S Milton (Baillieswells)
Junior - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
London and Home Counties Terrier Club Open Show
24th Nov 2024
Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
I would like to thank the London and Home Counties Terrier Club for affording me the opportunity to judge at this year’s Premier Open Show, and to my very capable steward Sharon, who kept things moving in the ring.
Regarding the exhibits: I had some lovely examples that exemplified what I look for in a Border Terrier. The stamp of the breed the head- its proportions such, that it is capable of doing its job underground, and a body constructed to deal with the terrain and weather of Northumberland; so, in good fit hard working condition.
I did not find any suspect mouths and no kinked tails.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Placing Critique
Another feminine yet well put together bitch. Kind eye, good proportions throughout. Lovely reach of neck that flowed into correctly placed shoulders. Smart both in silhouette and from rear and front; was slightly straighter in stifle and not so forward on the move as 1 today. Exhibited in a super harsh coat with thick skin and loose pelt.
Woolwich, Bexley & District Canine Association Open Show
1st Dec 2024
Judge: Jo Hughes (Arunmere)
I would like to thank the Committee for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers, and also to my steward for keeping things moving smoothly. I had a quality entry of dogs, and would like to thank the exhibitors for their entry. I was very pleased to see my Best Puppy in breed go on to win Best Puppy In Show. Well deserved!
Junior /
Third Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Ashford, Faversham & DCS Open Show
12th Jan 2025
Judge: Angie Hughes (Ruffntuff)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady
Special Yearling /
First Place
Name at show: Sweet Dancing Lady