Show Placings
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs Janet Lee (Tythrop)
My thanks to the Officers & Committee for inviting me to judge their show , & for the excellent ring stewards Mr Brewster & Mrs Armstrong who made the day run smoothly & kept me going with refreshments ! I enjoyed being with fellow BT fanciers & their dogs , as I always do .
I had a very good entry come forward & after such a long time away from the ring , a few were ring rusty & some youngsters were a little overawed , which I considered quite acceptable given so many had missed out on their early education & socialisation & tried to give them opportunity to shine , though a few very nice dogs could have been higher placed but the occasion was too much for them .
I found very good examples , but also had some whose construction fell a little short of the standard …….deep unspannable bodies or brisket below elbow standing or on the move on much shorter than their depth legs , forward placed & too little angulation in their fronts due to upright shoulders & short steep upper arms which shorten their strides or make them goosestep , & flat croups with extra high set tails carried like hound sterns ,or conversely short steep croups with low tailsets , often thin & long tails too & some poor downhill or lumpy/hinged toplines became apparent in profile movement , however the most common thing that struck me was how many have too little bone in pasterns & east-west feet when our standard calls for straight legs & good tight feet . As I lift every dog to see how their fronts ‘’drop’’ into place I found lack of bone through pasterns into feet was a common fault today & so some had feet not facing forward naturally . Most came in good condition , but a few were too thin & their pelvic bones were sticking up & they felt shelly with no depth of loin so their rears lacked muscle accordingly , conversely a handful had indulged during lockdown a little too much ! Coats were as ever , mixed , but the top winners all came in very good order with double coats .
Open - Dog /
Name at show: HR/HCH Axtoca's Crazy Horse On Olderhill
The East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Apr 2022
Judge: Mr M. Hollingsbee (Otterwood)
I would like to thank the Committee of the Club for entrusting me to judge this
show. Due to my age I have decided that this will be my last appointment at this
level. I would like to thank my able stewards Sarah Pateman and Kay Tuffin for
keeping me in order and ensuring a smooth running of the show. All of the
Committee worked very hard and I thank them.
Having said that, what a lovely standard of dogs were placed before me. Overall
coats were excellent and I did not detect one bad mouth. The only criticism I have is
that a few exhibits did not have the feet and nails trimmed.
Open - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: INT/D/VDH/KFT/HR/H CH Axtoca's Crazy Horse On Olderhill
Placing Critique
A nice grizzle dog with good movement. Unfortunate to meet the other two dogs in this class