Show Placings
Leeds Championship Show
25th Jul 2021
Judge: Mr Neil Straw (Shaolin)
Thank you to the Officer’s and Committee for their invitation to judge at their show and congratulate Liz Stannard and her hard working team for putting on the well organised show. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and your support on the day with only 10 being absent. Temperaments throughout were excellent as you would expect, front movement is still an issue but I felt that some bitches were a tab up on size. All were well presented.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Class Critique
some in this class were at their first show but took it all in their stride
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
1st Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs C Archibald (Dogs) Mrs L M Ward (Bitches) Ref Mr T Tuck
Referee’s Report:
I was asked to make the final decisions for BIS, Res BIS, BOS, and Best Veteran. It was a real pleasure to go over these quality borders.
BIS: I thought that the dog Brewster and Green’s Stowthorney Wicker Man JW, and the bitch Irving’s Dandyhow Pandora, were both eye-catching borders though quite different. The dog was very well constructed throughout, with a typical otter-like head, strong muzzle and large teeth. He had good angulation front and rear, moved well, and was in good coat. The bitch was a handy size, with an attractive outline and balanced overall proportions. She also had a thick pelt and correct coat though I think it was not yet at its best. I just favoured the dog for BIS on the strength of his head, his overall outline, and coat on the day.
Res BIS: I felt that Tuffin’s Hartswelin Veritas with Oatberry edged it over the bitch for similar reasons to those given above. He shared a lot of qualities with BIS, having a lovely outline and angulation, a good otter-like head, and an excellent coat and pelt.
BOS: Irving’s Dandyhow Pandora.
Best Veteran: Both veterans were eye-catching and typical borders, with very good coats. The dog, Jackson’s Clipstone Starshine, had a lovely head and expression, and I liked his outline and overall proportions. The bitch, Dean’s Ch Cedarhill Wish Upon a Star, had balanced proportions and she was very well constructed all through. I thought her neat front and shoulders, plus her hind angulation gave her the edge for Best Veteran.
Referee: Terence Tuck
My sincere thanks to the MBTC for inviting me to judge the dogs at this show. Also thank you to all the exhibitors for their support. A very convivial atmosphere, it was so good to be out and about with dogs again. The weather did it's best to stay fair, ideal temperature for dog showing. I found movement still to be an issue, particularly front, also small teeth, the odd broken or missing tooth, and some dirty teeth too! Size and weight need to be addressed - some too heavy, the other end of the spectrum, needed a good feed!! Jackets at various stages, good to see some exhibits in full coat, a rarity these days. I was very happy with my winners and pleased the referee agreed in part.
Many thanks to the club for the invitation to judge, to the exhibitors for a nice entry and my steward Carol Smith for keeping the ring running smoothly.
As ever at this show the atmosphere was relaxed and friendly but was tinged today with poignancy by the sad loss of so many of our good friends. I must mention Dawn Bladen who has been a close friend since 1995 when we had a litter brother and sister by my dog. On principle Dawn didn’t show under me so would again have been at the ringside today with her camera. We miss them all and hope to continue to see their families and friends amongst us.
There was a noticeable diversity in both type and overall size today. My chief concern was exhibits that came very heavily to hand and often in combination with being very difficult (for a man’s hands) to span. It really needs to be addressed if we are to keep the Border “Essentially a working terrier”, as the standard lays down.
There was only one mouth with misplaced teeth and I was especially pleased to find so many otter-like heads.
Coats were generally good for texture and depth and good undercoats on thick pelts predominated. B/T jackets were especially harsh and dense and I aplaud the breeders who have achieved this huge improvement compared to the B/Ts of the 90’s.
Today tough pads were plentiful but it was a pity that feet on some exhibits appeared to be bigger and flatter than they actually were when this could be easily remedied by trimming.
Tails seem to get thinner and longer each time I judge. In this entry we have overcome the problem of kinks that was evident for some years but with the loss of the desired carroty shape and moderately short length which finishes off the typical Border outline.
Overall I was pleased to find good fitness and muscle tone plus good condition and only one that needed a good dinner and a couple that had obviously enjoyed too many.
I was very happy with my lineup and fully expect to see several going on to the higher honours which they narrowly missed out on today.
My colleague judge and I cordially agreed to disagree when it came to the final accolades (in each case having a preference for the sex we had judged) so referee Tez Tuck was kept busy to the very end with his decisions accepted with good grace by the exhibitors.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Blackpool & District Canine Society
22nd Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs P McLellan (Breconbeds)
My thanks to Blackpool & District Canine Society for the invitation to judge BorderTerriers, and thank you to my two very efficient stewards who kept things moving along in the ring.
Sadly today, rudeness to the stewards and a lack of sportsmanship seem to be on the increase.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Another 6month old baby, slightly smaller in build to the winner. Again, another nice pup in overall good condition.
Darlington Championship Show
17th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to Darlington Committee for the invitation to my ring stewards and the exhibitors for your entries. Not having attended a show since they started up again it was quite a surprize and worry to handle some very big dogs. I know size has always been a talking point in the breed but today it was a problem with some of the dogs, bitches were a much better size with some close decisions in their classes.
Another noticeable difference is some exhibitors deciding to run with their dogs, why I don’t know it’s something never seen or needed in the border ring. With some handlers in a class walking around and others deciding to run its not what is expected. Watching a dog and handler move in unison on a good, collected pace is much more acceptable.
Best Puppy
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Attractive puppy with typical head, with dark ear and eye giving a nice expression. Good shoulder placement and rib shape with good span. Well balanced, she moved out on a good stride, pleased to award her BP.
The Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: (Dogs) Anne Gregory (Remony) (Bitches) Liz Wright (Totherend)
A most enjoyable day judging dogs at this show and I would like to thank the Club for inviting me to do so. Thanks also to my two stewards, John and John, who kept things moving along in a professional and efficient manner. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their support and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs.
Mouths, on the whole, were good and I found only one suspect mouth. There were plenty of typical otter heads but evidence also of stops that were too deep and muzzles that were too short, which is not typical of an otter head.
Movement in some dogs was less than desirable with a few crossing in front, toeing in or flicking wrists. Rear movement was somewhat better but side movement showed some dogs short stepping. I also found some flat, slack feet and loose pasterns, which could well have been improved with proper exercise, and some feet could have been tidied up to better effect.
Generally coats and pelts were harsh and thick but, in some classes, lack of coat was the deciding factor in final placements.
My main concern today was size and weight. Some dogs were very difficult to span, were too heavy and did not come to hand well. This must be addressed to ensure Borders remain fit for the purpose they were intended.
I was pleased with my final line-up and my co judge and I whole heartedly agreed when it came to the final awards.
My thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for offering this my first judging appointment at championship level. I had a really enjoyable day and must thank exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. Huge thanks also to my two stewards, John & John, who kept everything running smoothly.
I was really pleased with the quality of exhibits, unfortunately this meant some good dogs went unplaced.
Coats were at various stages, all acceptable, but I personally prefer more than less. Some of the exhibits would have benefitted from a tidy up, especially feet. Front movement could have been better, a few upright shoulders and over-angulated rear ends. Overall size was OK, but a few were over weight which made them unspannable.
Really pleased with my final line up and final awards.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Another feminine bitch, shown in great coat and pelt. Good size, with a nice expression. Good for rib and moved well.
Class Critique
What a lovely class to start off the day – wish I had more places
The Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
26th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs D Bullen (Fevstone)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the hard work and smooth running of the show. I would also like to thank my two stewards for doing an excellent job. The exhibitors seemed to enjoy the show judging by the popularity of my top honours. Unlike one particular exhibitor who needed his teddy putting back in his cot judging by his unsporting behaviour. 4 were found to be unspannable with a couple of bad mouths, also some were far to thin, which is unacceptable and one or two could have smelled a little sweeter. It's all well and good getting dressed up, you are letting your dogs down if they pong.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
A pretty correct size bitch with a feminine head and neat ears.
Level topline and tailset. Correct double coat and loose pelt. Moved well.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr Jimmy Gilpin (Otterbobs)
I feel honoured to have been elected by the members to have judged their clubs 75 year show, and can I thank Alan and Graham for keeping things running so smoothly for me, and can I especially thank the committee for lunch that they provided and also Mr J Whalton for looking after me and my wife, I am not going to rant on about this and that but where have all the heads and tail sets gone ?
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
17th Oct 2021
Judge: Mrs Nancy Hogg (Raeburnfoot)
It was an honour to judge my favourite show. Many thanks must go to all who made it run so smoothly. Special thanks go to Janice Johnson and Judy Carr for their stewarding. So helpful.
Had some lovely dogs to go over. Temperaments were good. Just a couple of grumbles. A few shown with no coat and placings reflected this. Bites were good. Some teeth larger than others. Front movement in particular let some down. I did find more than a few which were difficult to span. Needs watching.
Minor Puppy - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Showy pup. Just lost out on head to 1 and 2. Enough bone. Spans easily. Narrow all through.
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2022
Judge: Miss J Singh (Vandamere)
I would like to thank the Secretary of the National Terrier Club and committee members for their warm welcome and superb hospitality. I had a nice entry of 113. Inevitably there were some absentees. It was encouraging to see young handlers in the ring and I hope they continue to enjoy the show scene.
I found three wry mouths and one exhibit with a kink tail. A couple of exhibits were in need of muscle tone and condition. This is achievable by good feeding and exercise and not starvation. My thanks go to my very capable stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly.
Yearling - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
maybe not the presence of the winner but still an honest bitch. She is a nice size, feminine head, pleasing expression, neat ears. I was able to span her, her coat was good and was presented in good condition. Movement was positive both ways.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
26th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Trak Fryer (Irton)
Thanks to the exhibitors for a lovely entry, much appreciated in these difficult times. Thanks also to my stewards who not only kept the ring moving well but proved very adept at fielding judging slips, ring cards and prize cards and miscellaneous other bits and pieces flying across the ring in a very blustery wind. I thought it would be better to judge outside, the wind did upset a few dogs and those with a lot of coat were truly blown. The Border is essentially a working terrier that should combine activity with gameness – I thought that worth repeating since some seem to have forgotten it! I managed to find good heads but in general they were not strong, the head and jaw is not a cosmetic addition but an essential part of the terrier’s make up. Feet and pelts were OK but very few could be regarded as really good, again they are an essential feature required for the work the dog was bred for. Coats were all over the place very few being presented in a good sharp deep coat, however most were acceptable.
Movement remains a problem, there were feet flicking out, plaiting in front, bouncing up and down or rocking on the front – all problems with shoulder construction. The best move with that lovely unfussy ground covering drive that is so typical of the breed.
I was surprised to find several exhibits with level bites, I know the standard allows for this but it is undesirable, particularly in young dogs.
Having said all that I did find a good number of excellent very typical dogs, Limit & Open classes in both sexes were excellent and there were some promising puppies coming along.
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Good head, OK in shoulder and bone, shown in a heavy coat of good texture, moved well.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
7th Aug 2022
Judge: Miss Rebecca Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you very much to the committee of the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge this show, it is a club that is very dear to me having been a member for over 30 years and I very much enjoyed my day. Thank you to my three stewards Laura, La and Richard for doing an amazing job of looking after me and keeping me well fuelled! Thank you also to all of the exhibitors who made the decision to enter their beautiful dogs under me, I know that we have to be selective in this current climate and I was absolutely delighted with such a fabulous entry. I felt overall that the dogs were of excellent quality and the majority were turned out beautifully. Heads are good in the main, we are getting away from that bulbus rounded skull and teddy bear expression and going back to a more traditional look. I would say the things that need addressing the most are front angulation, there are still quite a few dogs lacking in upper arm and also poor rear angulation appears to be creeping in a little. However, I found some beautiful dogs and I was very pleased with my main winners, some classes were extremely competitive and some good dogs had to go cardless. I thank you all for persevering in the heat, it was a tough day for me judging in such intense heat, so I am sure it was difficult for the exhibits too. I hope my winners appreciated our crochet efforts with the personalised rosettes, which mum and I took a lot of pleasure in making.
Novice - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Another lovely young bitch in super coat with thick pelt. Nice head with flat skull and strong muzzle. Good front assembly, flat rib with good length to loin, excellent rear angulation. Moved out very well, very close decision between 1 & 2.
Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
24th Sep 2022
Judge: Mrs. Margaret Bailey (Grindelvald)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for asking me to judge the show, also making me feel so welcomed. A big thank you to my 2 stewards Tracey and Kathleen who kept me on track, also to all the exhibits and exhibitors, who gave me a lots of quality Borders to go over. I wish I had more CC’s especially in the dog classes. My concern with in the breed, is their fronts, straight shoulders, with very little angulation, which effects the front movement. All dogs had a good bite, a couple with level bite, but not a problem. All males were entire. Grooming needs to be addressed, tidying their underneath, also the feet need to be neatly trimmed and the nails cut correctly, it makes such a difference when presenting them to the Judge. 1or 2 needed ring craft classes. However, overall what a great representation of the breed. I was very pleased with my main winners.
Yearling - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
8th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs J Carr (Wreighaugh)
My thanks go to the Committee of the NBTC for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I was honoured to receive this appointment and am incredibly grateful to the exhibitors who gave me such a great entry. It was a most enjoyable day and special thanks go to my Stewards, Andrea Pitt and Mark Atkinson, for keeping me on track and helping the ring to run smoothly.
Limit - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Grizzle and Tan. Slightly longer coupled than 1 she has a good head with correct bite, strong muzzle, and moderate width. Slightly wider in front than 1 she has good length of rib and is spannable. Nice feet on well boned legs, she moved soundly and carries her tail well. Not in full coat today however texture coming through, good pelt
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
16th Apr 2023
Judge: Miss Tracey James (Blackmine)
A bit thank to the committee of EABTC for inviting me to judge their championship show. I really enjoyed my day and when I later looked at the catalogue to see my winners I found it interesting reading, as all my major winners were of similar lines.
Limit - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Apr 2023
Judge: Debbie Lorraine (Raleniro)
I would like to thank the Club for the invitation to judge this show. It was originally planned for me to judge in April 2020, but this was rearranged due to the pandemic and other outstanding appointments. I would like to thank the Committee for the wonderful hospitality shown to me throughout the day, and thank you to my Steward who kept things running smoothly. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
I have not judged for just over 4 years, so it was a pleasure to see so many new dogs and new faces around the ring. I was pleasantly surprised by the strength and quality throughout the classes, and pleased to see a return to a more narrow dog, as I was seeing a trend for wide fronts last time I judged.
All dogs were entire and temperaments throughout were good. Bites were correct, with just the odd broken, misplaced or dirty tooth. Coats were, as to be expected, at various stages. There were a few close decisions, and some classes where I wish I had more prize cards to give out. Thank you to all the exhibitors for the privilege of judging your dogs, and also for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions.
Lastly, can I please apologise for the delay in submitting my critique, as I usually have them done within a day or two of the show. There has been an ongoing issue with the health of a close relative which has taken up a lot of my time, so again, apologies for the delay.
Limit - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Just over 2 year old grizzle and tan with good, feminine head and expression. Nice for size, slightly longer coupled than 1. Good layback of shoulder, narrow throughout and spanned easily. Strong loin with good tailset. Balanced angulation. Good, harsh jacket. Moved ok, just not quite the drive of 1 on the day.
Lancashire Sporting Terrier Club Open Show
29th May 2023
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Great Harwood Agricultural Society Open Show
29th May 2023
Judge: Mrs. K. Rimmer (Kylini)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
slightly lighter in build , feminine head dark eye correct bite, well-proportioned with good hind angulation, tight feet, easy to span and good pelt, moved well and close run to first place
Lancashire Sporting Terrier Club Open Show
29th May 2023
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
Limit /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
2 year old grizzle and tan bitch set down in super jacket/condition/muscle. Lovely feminine head and liked her shoulders into flat rib/length of loin. Confident and true on the move. A sound working type bitch that looks the part and pleased to award her Best Of Breed on the day.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
25th Jun 2023
Judge: Mrs Jayne Gillam (Orenberg)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at Blackpool & District Canine Society Championship show. Grateful thanks must go to my very efficient steward Gisela Duran who did an excellent job in making sure everything ran like clockwork. Finally thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such an excellent entry of 142 dogs making 183 entries, the largest entry across all breeds on the day. It really was a privilege to go over such a large entry of dogs and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
The size of dogs has always been a perennial topic, but I was pleased to say overall, many of the dogs were of correct size on this occasion, with very few oversized dogs and only the odd one or two I couldn’t span. Bites were good and only an odd one with teeth out of line, although a few had broken teeth, quite a few had dirty teeth and some had small teeth which is something I really don’t like to see on, essentially a working terrier. It was good to find some really lovely tails, with not too many long thin, spindly tails we have seen in the past, although I was surprised to find four kinked tails in the entry.
Overall I thought it was a good entry, I found some quality exhibits and I was very pleased with my winners, and in particular will watch the progress of my puppy and junior placings with interest.
Limit - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
7th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Norma Ellis (Normbar)
Thank you to the Committee for organising such a well run show. The quality of the the dogs was very good, making my decisions more difficult in a good way. Nice atmosphere plus friendly sportsmanship prevailed.
Limit - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Smart girl close up, best of heads and dark eye, harsh jacket and loose pelt, straight front, ribs well back, drove out well with strong hindquarters, good tail set and angulation, tight feet, plenty of bone.
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
14th Oct 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan)
Firstly I’d like to thank The Border Terrier Club Committee for their very kind invitation to judge this Open show, I felt honoured and privileged . I thoroughly enjoyed my day and the hospitality on offer , the lunch certainly hit the spot..thank you Nancy Hogg. My two stewards, Jane Morton-Shaw and Marina Fleming kept things running smoothly and I am grateful for their support .
To the exhibitors , my thanks go unbounded as I had a lovely selection of good quality dogs to go over and there were certainly some tough decisions in many of the classes. It is an education to finally go over some of the dogs I have admired from the ring side. I am grateful that my decisions were taken, mostly in a sporting manner.
My general findings were , all males were intact , I found no kinked tails ( 1 dog had a bump on the underside of its tail , not a kink in my opinion), jackets were, as usual , at various stages of growth. I was impressed by the fact that all animals before me could be spanned , some a little easier than others.
Once again I feel compelled to comment on the state of nails and feet. In my opinion , many dogs had nails that were too long and some needed drastic fur trimming to enhance the shape of the feet.In my opinion it is a shame to groom your dogs for the ring but forget that ,especially whilst on the table, the judge has a perfect view of any, long nails and/or woolly “ Yeti” feet .
Limit - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Lovely feminine head with good dark eyes, Ears of a nice size and shape,... Lovely moderate neck, correct shoulder placement and narrow front. Ribbed well back ,good loin ….Super crisp double coat and generous pliable pelt …. Topline very good with a nice short tail correctly positioned . Rear angles particularly good, showing the ideal composition of second thigh and hock placement. Moved very well .
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
13th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs P Cox (Cushatlaw)
I would like to say a big thank you to the officers an committee for kindly inviting me to judge this lovely open show and to all the exhibitors for exhibiting their dogs under me. A special thank you to the stewards who kept the ring running smoothly.
Limit - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Class Critique
Toughest class of the day!
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th May 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
Limit - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Red/Grizzle nice earset with correct dentition, lovely length of neck, spannable ribs carried well back tail set well on.tight jacket and pelt to match.
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Margaret Armstrong (Ploughdown)
Thank you to the officers and committee of the Scottish Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their June 2024 Breed Club Open Show. The day was marked by very good weather conditions: a mixture of sunny spells, brisk breezes and cloud. Just right for the dogs. The dreaded rain kept at bay so the Gods smiled down on us. What a super venue to hold a show. There was a large indoor hall if needed. However, given the clement conditions, we were outside for judging on a large paved area surrounded by raised grass banks that afforded for spectators a good view of events. The welcome from officers and exhibitors alike was warm and hospitable and I’d like to thank exhibitors for the super entry I had and for their good grace in accepting their placings. There was a great sense of collegiality among members and good humour was in plentiful supply. The catering was second to none; the poached salmon salad at lunch was super. And I was sent on my way with enough food to see me back over the sea to Northern Ireland. Finally I’d like to thank my two stewards on the day: Kath Lothian and Pete Appleby. They were welcoming and fulfilled their duties with quiet good humour.
Limit - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Grizzle bitch in full double coat. Topcoat harsh and undercoat deep. Thick pelt. Head set off by a flat, moderately broad skull and showing correct balance with length of muzzle. Correct scissor bite. Dark, keen eyes. Narrow, straight front. Well boned, straight front legs with strong pasterns. Neat, thick padded feet. Nice length of body and level topline. Angulation, front and rear, very good. Moved with ease and purpose around the ring.
Blackpool & District Canine Society
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to all of you who entered your dogs for me to judge. I really enjoyed my day and having the privilege of judging your dogs. The weather was kind and our ring was good. I had excellent stewards and I thank them for their hard work.
Limit - Bitch /
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
13th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr. Mark Ord (Marnadee)
Having attended & a long association with this breed club I was very honoured when I received the invitation to judge this show. It is pleasing that the club has such a wealth of supporters who do such sterling work and put on shows that make you want to return to. Walking into this venue today brought back many memories of the past and I am sure the pioneers of the club would be thrilled to see how it has prospered from humble beginnings. The Border Terrier continues to hold its own compared to many of today’s terrier breeds both as a companion and show dog. Breed standards were compiled by looking at the dogs of the time and their working capabilities fitting this purpose, this should still be adhered to now despite hunting no longer being allowed. This being said dogs should be presented for the show ring to the best of an owner’s capabilities, in hard muscular condition and coat presented clean and fit for the purpose of working in rough terrain.
I today found mouths to be good in the majority and I like to see large dentition along with a correct scissor bite. Several had eyes that needed attention in the way of cleaning before coming into the show ring. We still are seeing the incorrect flipping front action due to short upper arms and if not addressed this will become the norm. After my last appointment, I was pleased to only see a small minority where scissoring had been used on the coats which should not be the case. I did find today several coats that I would class as broken rather than the desirable tight harsh top weatherproof coat with undercoat for warmth. On a positive note, the bitches were easy to span and only a minority of males could not be. Pelts were pretty good being both thick & loose.
Limit - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Bolton and Deane K A Open Show
18th Aug 2024
Judge: David Howarth (Moorbrook)
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day.
I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Limit - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
feminine head spans ok coat just coming through. Spans ok. Moved well in profile
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
I would like to thank The Committee for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my very efficient Stewards Mark & Julie for keeping everything on track & The Club for their hospitality & splendid gift.
Limit - Bitch /
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
19th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
Thank you to The Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge The Open Show at Low Hesket, one of my favourite shows and venues. As always hospitality was superb and a lovely enjoyable lunch.
Thank you to Judy and Andrea my two excellent stewards who kept proceedings running smoothly and on time and thank you to all exhibitors.
I had a lovely entry and some lovely dogs to judge. A very enjoyable day.
Limit - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Destiny Angel at Chorbeck
Placing Critique
Grizzle bitch with a good head, dark keen eyes, short muzzle and good dentition. Narrow straight front and well boned standing on neat padded feet.Good length of body and level topline.Good angulation front and rear moving easily round the ring.