Show Placings
Leeds Championship Show
25th Jul 2021
Judge: Mr Neil Straw (Shaolin)
Thank you to the Officer’s and Committee for their invitation to judge at their show and congratulate Liz Stannard and her hard working team for putting on the well organised show. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and your support on the day with only 10 being absent. Temperaments throughout were excellent as you would expect, front movement is still an issue but I felt that some bitches were a tab up on size. All were well presented.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
another balanced p, well made head, keen eye, good dentition, straight forelegs, ribs carried well back, firm over the lion, level topline, well fitting jackets, moved out well
Blackpool & District Canine Society
22nd Aug 2021
Judge: Mrs P McLellan (Breconbeds)
My thanks to Blackpool & District Canine Society for the invitation to judge BorderTerriers, and thank you to my two very efficient stewards who kept things moving along in the ring.
Sadly today, rudeness to the stewards and a lack of sportsmanship seem to be on the increase.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Red grizzle dog in good harsh coat. Pleasing in head but would like to have seen a little more body on him at this stage. Moved out well.
Wolsingham Open Show
5th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs M Armstrong (Carrickfarm)
I would like to thank the committee of Wolsingham Show Dog Section for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at the Open Show. I had a lovely entry and thank the Exhibitors for allowing me the privilege to go over there dogs. I enjoyed the day very much.
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG4, Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
7 mths red grizzle. Pleasing head with a keen eye and good dentition. Well boned with a harsh coat and good pelt.Moved well. BP. G4
Darlington Championship Show
17th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs E Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to Darlington Committee for the invitation to my ring stewards and the exhibitors for your entries. Not having attended a show since they started up again it was quite a surprize and worry to handle some very big dogs. I know size has always been a talking point in the breed but today it was a problem with some of the dogs, bitches were a much better size with some close decisions in their classes.
Another noticeable difference is some exhibitors deciding to run with their dogs, why I don’t know it’s something never seen or needed in the border ring. With some handlers in a class walking around and others deciding to run its not what is expected. Watching a dog and handler move in unison on a good, collected pace is much more acceptable.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
National Dog Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to the committee of Birmingham Dog Show Society for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at their show. Many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and gave me the honour and pleasure of judging their dogs. I had a fabulous entry and was truly spoilt for choice in many of the classes. One general observation is that there were quite a number of dogs that were, in my opinion, simply too big to do the job that they are bred to do.
Special Beginners - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
8-month grizzle & tan puppy with pleasing head. Deep enough for his age and hopefully won’t grow on much more. In good harsh coat and has a nice length of rib.
The Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: (Dogs) Anne Gregory (Remony) (Bitches) Liz Wright (Totherend)
A most enjoyable day judging dogs at this show and I would like to thank the Club for inviting me to do so. Thanks also to my two stewards, John and John, who kept things moving along in a professional and efficient manner. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their support and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs.
Mouths, on the whole, were good and I found only one suspect mouth. There were plenty of typical otter heads but evidence also of stops that were too deep and muzzles that were too short, which is not typical of an otter head.
Movement in some dogs was less than desirable with a few crossing in front, toeing in or flicking wrists. Rear movement was somewhat better but side movement showed some dogs short stepping. I also found some flat, slack feet and loose pasterns, which could well have been improved with proper exercise, and some feet could have been tidied up to better effect.
Generally coats and pelts were harsh and thick but, in some classes, lack of coat was the deciding factor in final placements.
My main concern today was size and weight. Some dogs were very difficult to span, were too heavy and did not come to hand well. This must be addressed to ensure Borders remain fit for the purpose they were intended.
I was pleased with my final line-up and my co judge and I whole heartedly agreed when it came to the final awards.
My thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for offering this my first judging appointment at championship level. I had a really enjoyable day and must thank exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. Huge thanks also to my two stewards, John & John, who kept everything running smoothly.
I was really pleased with the quality of exhibits, unfortunately this meant some good dogs went unplaced.
Coats were at various stages, all acceptable, but I personally prefer more than less. Some of the exhibits would have benefitted from a tidy up, especially feet. Front movement could have been better, a few upright shoulders and over-angulated rear ends. Overall size was OK, but a few were over weight which made them unspannable.
Really pleased with my final line up and final awards.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
National Dog Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to the committee of Birmingham Dog Show Society for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at their show. Many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and gave me the honour and pleasure of judging their dogs. I had a fabulous entry and was truly spoilt for choice in many of the classes. One general observation is that there were quite a number of dogs that were, in my opinion, simply too big to do the job that they are bred to do.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: (Dogs) Anne Gregory (Remony) (Bitches) Liz Wright (Totherend)
A most enjoyable day judging dogs at this show and I would like to thank the Club for inviting me to do so. Thanks also to my two stewards, John and John, who kept things moving along in a professional and efficient manner. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their support and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs.
Mouths, on the whole, were good and I found only one suspect mouth. There were plenty of typical otter heads but evidence also of stops that were too deep and muzzles that were too short, which is not typical of an otter head.
Movement in some dogs was less than desirable with a few crossing in front, toeing in or flicking wrists. Rear movement was somewhat better but side movement showed some dogs short stepping. I also found some flat, slack feet and loose pasterns, which could well have been improved with proper exercise, and some feet could have been tidied up to better effect.
Generally coats and pelts were harsh and thick but, in some classes, lack of coat was the deciding factor in final placements.
My main concern today was size and weight. Some dogs were very difficult to span, were too heavy and did not come to hand well. This must be addressed to ensure Borders remain fit for the purpose they were intended.
I was pleased with my final line-up and my co judge and I whole heartedly agreed when it came to the final awards.
My thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for offering this my first judging appointment at championship level. I had a really enjoyable day and must thank exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. Huge thanks also to my two stewards, John & John, who kept everything running smoothly.
I was really pleased with the quality of exhibits, unfortunately this meant some good dogs went unplaced.
Coats were at various stages, all acceptable, but I personally prefer more than less. Some of the exhibits would have benefitted from a tidy up, especially feet. Front movement could have been better, a few upright shoulders and over-angulated rear ends. Overall size was OK, but a few were over weight which made them unspannable.
Really pleased with my final line up and final awards.
Special Challenge - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
g/t up to size, masculine, well made head, good forelegs and feet, good length of rib, well constructed rear, harsh coat, moved o.k
The Yorkshire, Lancashire and Cheshire Border Terrier Club Championship Show
26th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs D Bullen (Fevstone)
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the hard work and smooth running of the show. I would also like to thank my two stewards for doing an excellent job. The exhibitors seemed to enjoy the show judging by the popularity of my top honours. Unlike one particular exhibitor who needed his teddy putting back in his cot judging by his unsporting behaviour. 4 were found to be unspannable with a couple of bad mouths, also some were far to thin, which is unacceptable and one or two could have smelled a little sweeter. It's all well and good getting dressed up, you are letting your dogs down if they pong.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Another racy type a little deeper in brisket. Spannable. Head okay with a good turn of stifle. Moved okay
Special Beginners - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Scottish Kennel Club (May) Championship Show
1st Oct 2021
Judge: Mrs Trudi Baird (Dowgri)
I was delighted to accept the invitation to judge at the May show postponed to October.
Under Scottish government rules it meant those of us inside had to wear masks & I thank the majority of exhibitors for complying with this legislation.
Thank you to my lone steward who was able to keep the classes coming in and ready for me, it wasn't an easy task with our neighbouring ring hosting the breeds October show but thankfully we didn't get too many clashes.
I always feel immensely privileged to be able to judge your dogs and I hope exhibitors felt that I gave each of you ample time to set up your dogs on the table to show them at their best.
The entry was varied and I felt my top winners were outstanding. As always coats were presented at various stages and bites were generally very good. A number with long flat & untidy feet and a few dogs I just couldn't span even with my large hands!
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Larger minor puppy & well grown for his age, presented in quality jacket with good pelt. Moved well. Shorter in rib & preferred the topline and overall size of the winner.
The Scottish Kennel Club (October) Championship Show
1st Oct 2021
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
My thanks to SKC for holding the show after two changes of date and merging the May and October shows. It can’t have been easy. My grateful thanks to Bob Potts, my sole ring steward for the day, who cheerfully and calmly kept the ring running smoothly with the greatest efficiency.
Whilst my main winners fitted the breed standard I was disappointed with some of the other exhibits. The front movement on some left an awful lot to be desired. (Try videoing your dogs moving) Many were light of bone, on the leg and short coupled giving a square outline. Several had short round ribs. Having said that the majority were spannable. Dentition was generally good. All dogs were entire. Coats were at various stages but those with no coat had to be penalised in several classes. Presentation of some exhibits could have been better. Temperaments on the whole appeared to be okay, with just the odd exhibit displaying a tendency to be over excited in the presence of others.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Lighter grizzle, on the leg with shorter rib than 1.
Border Union Championship Show
4th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr W Shorthose (Cundytyke)
Many thanks go to the exhibitors and my two stewards who kept going throughout a rather damp session during the judging of the bitch classes. One of the essentials of a working terrier is being able to withstand a little rain but there were a few exhibits with thin skins and short of coat. I found that some lacked muscle, particularly behind, which affected the driving movement necessary for the breed’s function. My other main concern was the lack of width in the jaws of some, detracting from the desired, ‘like that of an otter’, head shape. This is a most identifying feature of the breed and needs to be carefully adhered to.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Northern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
9th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr Jimmy Gilpin (Otterbobs)
I feel honoured to have been elected by the members to have judged their clubs 75 year show, and can I thank Alan and Graham for keeping things running so smoothly for me, and can I especially thank the committee for lunch that they provided and also Mr J Whalton for looking after me and my wife, I am not going to rant on about this and that but where have all the heads and tail sets gone ?
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Red grizzle with good dentation, harsh top coat with undercoat , good legs and feet, moved true just preferred the over all size of one.
Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Special Beginners - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Red grizzle with good dentation, harsh top coat with undercoat , good legs and feet, moved true just preferred the over all size of one.
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Club Open Show
16th Oct 2021
Judge: Mr M. & Mrs V Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Mr Mark Atkinson (Raedwulf) I’ve been looking forward to the opportunity of judging at the NCSTA show. This is always a well run show with a dedicated committee and as ever the catering was second to none. Many thanks to my steward who remained in good spirits despite the constant chilly breeze. I was lucky to have the opportunity to spend some time with highly experienced Border Terrier Judges after judging my breed today which rounded off a fantastic day.
Mrs Valerie Atkinson (Raedwulf) Many thanks go to NCSTA for inviting me to judge my beloved Border Terriers following in the footsteps of many esteemed Border Terrier judges, of whom I much admire, who also began their early career judging at this show. As always a really well run show with a welcoming committee and the best of sporting atmosphere.
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
8 month old grizzle dog. Strong head, good scissor bite, excellent pelt and coat, which was in very good condition. Straight front and spannable, good loin and nice length. Moved well around the ring. Up to size for his age. BPD
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
17th Oct 2021
Judge: Mrs Nancy Hogg (Raeburnfoot)
It was an honour to judge my favourite show. Many thanks must go to all who made it run so smoothly. Special thanks go to Janice Johnson and Judy Carr for their stewarding. So helpful.
Had some lovely dogs to go over. Temperaments were good. Just a couple of grumbles. A few shown with no coat and placings reflected this. Bites were good. Some teeth larger than others. Front movement in particular let some down. I did find more than a few which were difficult to span. Needs watching.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Head needs to develop. Touch long in muzzle. Spans ok. Good coat and pelt. Moved steadily.
Special Beginners - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Scottish Border Terrier Club Championship Show
13th Nov 2021
Judge: Mr M Ord
Massive Thank You to The Officers & Committee for inviting me to judge your Championship Show today. This club I was a member of in the formative years and have fond memories of the very first Championship Show where I was an exhibitor. It is good to see a club go from strength to strength and the committee worked very hard to put on this event in what has been difficult times to plan ahead. Thank you everyone who entered today and I was honoured with an entry of 150 Dogs, 192 Entries & 0 NFCs. Like every show absentees were inevitable but I hope those present today took my decisions sportingly.
A few general observations on todays entry which are my thoughts and because I care so much for this lovely breed. Driving to the venue today was a perfect way to view the countryside where this breed was developed and all could see the rough terrain they would need to work in. It is essential you judge a breed with the work they were bred to do foremost in your mind and learn why they are built the way they were and why the breed standard exists. It is a dog show and we now want to see them clean, healthy and well presented but I was sad to see today several exhibits with very clear evidence of scissor work on the coats and not just on tidying feet etc. Please stop this trend NOW. Several were scissored from hip to hock, no need to do this & does nothing to enhance the dog. Good otter heads were not in abundance today and I witnessed a lot of fly away ears. We have always witnessed the odd one but today quite a number could be seen when the dog was in action & not always on youngsters either.
Coats as always were in various stages today but you must judge the dog on the day and find evidence of the correct texture and undercoat which is vital to stop the working dog getting wet through to the skin. Mouths were very good today as where tails which have thankfully improved greatly. Some exhibits in my opinion had lovely conformation however where far too big and long in leg. I though ribs were good with only a few that would be unable to be spanned with the average size hands. I did find today the bitches were more uniform for size so just need to work on the males not becoming big, leggy & heavy.
Puppy - Dog /
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Special Beginners - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
taller than 1 and not as good in top line, scores for good front, has double coat of correct textures, correct in rib but slightly long in loin which spoils top line, tail of correct set & length.
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Eston & Barnaby Canine Society Christmas Open Show
5th Dec 2021
Judge: Andrea Dixon (Otterpaws)
Thank you very much to the club for inviting me to judge and my steward Tommy for keeping the ring running smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for allowing me to judge their dogs.
Puppy /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
masculine G/T dog of 10 months and up to size. A balanced dog that moved well keeping his level top line and good tail set. Shown in good harsh coat, would have preferred tighter feet
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2021
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to everyone who entered their dogs for me to judge. I was pleased with my entry and very pleased that LKA took place in light of the current Covid19 situation. I must admit it was very challenging to judge properly whilst wearing a facemask all day in this indoor venue! I was very pleased with my principle winners. Some of the younger classes were not so good maybe with maturity the exhibits will probably change places many times. My principle of judging is always good sound movement, capable of following a horse, this requires good conformation. A well laid shoulder and a properly angulated rear allows a good free stride . Some dogs were too narrow and so swinging their fronts from side to side, and some were great standing but fell apart on the move, running downhill or rear out of line with front were common faults. Heads were very varied, some very exaggerated or with untypical expression. Bites were mostly okay although I did find misaligned jaws and some had small or uneven sized teeth. Coats were hit and miss but pelts were mostly good and all were spannable, although some were round in rib. But remember you always take the best dog home.
Puppy - Dog /
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
29th Jan 2022
Judge: Miss K. Hamilton (Cromlechs)
Firstly I would like to thank the officers and committee of The Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge and showing a warming hospitality. Thanks also goes to my two stewards who made sure my day ran perfectly. A well ran show with a fabulous atmosphere and venue. Many thanks goes to all the exhibitors for allowing me to go over their dogs and making my day one to remember and thoroughly enjoyable. Bitches outweighed the dogs but I was happy with the overall quality on the day. I would say exhibits were presented well although some could benefit with some general canine care like nail clipping. The last few years haven’t been kind to the show world so let’s not forget that sportsmanship is vital in making the show and atmosphere what it is.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Grizzle Dog with a good coat, head and expression. Narrow throughout with a nice topline and carrot tail. Well presented and shown In super condition. Moved OK.
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
See 2nd Junior Dog
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
26th Feb 2022
Judge: Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow)
I would sincerely like to thank the Officers and Committee for inviting me to judge at this lovely well run show and for their kind hospitality on the day. Also for the lovely gifts received from the Club.
Many thanks also to my two stewards Judy and Marina, who were a great help and kept things running very smoothly.
I was extremely flattered by the wonderful entry and would like to thank each and every exhibitor for kindly allowing me to go over their dogs, and for their sportsmanship when accepting my decisions.
Coats, as always were very varied at this time of year, and some had to pay the penalty for not having enough topcoat. Nearly all dogs were spannable, all males were entire and dentition was good overall. I found I had some difficult decisions to make, and I was sorry I could not give more places.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Larger frame than 1 but still spannable, very good coat and pelt. Nice head, topline sloped off slightly.
Special Beginners - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Novice - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
2nd JD
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2022
Judge: Miss J Singh (Vandamere)
I would like to thank the Secretary of the National Terrier Club and committee members for their warm welcome and superb hospitality. I had a nice entry of 113. Inevitably there were some absentees. It was encouraging to see young handlers in the ring and I hope they continue to enjoy the show scene.
I found three wry mouths and one exhibit with a kink tail. A couple of exhibits were in need of muscle tone and condition. This is achievable by good feeding and exercise and not starvation. My thanks go to my very capable stewards who kept the proceedings running smoothly.
Special Beginners - Dog or Bitch /
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
reserve in SB. Up to size, he has a good coat and pelt, masculine head, scissor bite. Front angulation was a little straight. He has a slight rise over his loin which spoilt the overall picture. Not as positive in rear movement as the winner.
Border Union Championship Show
19th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Jayne Alpe (Pipruda)
First of all I would like to thank the committee for the appointment, the exhibitors for their entry and my stewards for keeping my ring controlled which enabled me to finish judging well in time for the groups. Judy you can steward for me anytime thank you. I was thrilled that my BOB not only won the Terrier Group but went on to Best in Show, my BPIB was placed in the Puppy Group as was my BV in the Veteran Group. Due to COVID this is my first appointment since 2017 and I am pleased to say that I can see a vast improvement in movement since then but overall the quality in bitches was far superior to the dogs, I have large hands and spannability was in the minority in most dog classes. In the standard it says Essentially a Working Terrier, many would be unable to get down a hole let alone get out again!
Junior - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Novice - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
nice type, good coat, head ok with dark eye sound mover but lost top line on the move
Blackpool & District Canine Society
26th Jun 2022
Judge: Mrs Trak Fryer (Irton)
Thanks to the exhibitors for a lovely entry, much appreciated in these difficult times. Thanks also to my stewards who not only kept the ring moving well but proved very adept at fielding judging slips, ring cards and prize cards and miscellaneous other bits and pieces flying across the ring in a very blustery wind. I thought it would be better to judge outside, the wind did upset a few dogs and those with a lot of coat were truly blown. The Border is essentially a working terrier that should combine activity with gameness – I thought that worth repeating since some seem to have forgotten it! I managed to find good heads but in general they were not strong, the head and jaw is not a cosmetic addition but an essential part of the terrier’s make up. Feet and pelts were OK but very few could be regarded as really good, again they are an essential feature required for the work the dog was bred for. Coats were all over the place very few being presented in a good sharp deep coat, however most were acceptable.
Movement remains a problem, there were feet flicking out, plaiting in front, bouncing up and down or rocking on the front – all problems with shoulder construction. The best move with that lovely unfussy ground covering drive that is so typical of the breed.
I was surprised to find several exhibits with level bites, I know the standard allows for this but it is undesirable, particularly in young dogs.
Having said all that I did find a good number of excellent very typical dogs, Limit & Open classes in both sexes were excellent and there were some promising puppies coming along.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
OK for head with a good eye, shown in a good sharp coat. Good tail and tailset. Rather straight behind so not moving as well as 1.
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
25th Feb 2023
Judge: Mrs Julie Fletcher North (Northborders)
Firstly I would like to thank the Committee for my invite to judge my first Club show , also my 2 able stewards Judy and Kathy for keeping me and the ring in order , mostly I thank the exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me to go over their beautiful dogs , I thoroughly enjoyed myself, I was really pleased with both my line ups , I loved all my main winners and look forward to following their futures
Special Beginners - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan boy, up to size but still spannable, good head and correct bite a little heavy in ear but well placed on a broad skull , nice bone , a little short and deep in rib , good pelt and good jacket and moved ok
Novice - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
2nd in Special Beginners
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
25th Mar 2023
Judge: Mrs Charlotte Archibald (Tweedburn)
What an absolute honour and a privilege to be invited to judge this show, my thanks to the Officers and Committee of the Border Terrier Club, and my two excellent stewards for the day, Judy and Marina.
My sincere thanks also, to ALL the exhibitors for making it truly memorable, with 196 dogs, 233 entries.
Some very close decisions had to be made!
On the down side, I found some very short muzzles and small teeth, and quite a number of filthy teeth!! Temperaments were generally good, there were 2 kinked tails and 1 suspect mouth, a lack of muscle tone and condition in some exhibits, which is essential for a terrier to do it’s job.
That said, it was an absolute joy to see so many super dogs.
Special Beginners - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
g/t larger type, with longer muzzle, in good coat/condition, well set on tail, from good topline.
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
26th Mar 2023
Judge: Anne Higham (Comberdown)
I would like to thank The Northern Border Terrier Club for nominating me and the committee of the Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association for inviting me to judge at this wonderful friendly and hospitable show. Thank you to my two stewards who kept everything running smoothly and to the exhibitors for their entry and attendance on such a cold day.
I found all males entire and one level bite.
Post Graduate - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
Up to size grizzle & tan. Strong head and muzzle with scissor bite. Not positive on the move today.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
8th Apr 2023
Judge: Mrs J Carr (Wreighaugh)
My thanks go to the Committee of the NBTC for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I was honoured to receive this appointment and am incredibly grateful to the exhibitors who gave me such a great entry. It was a most enjoyable day and special thanks go to my Stewards, Andrea Pitt and Mark Atkinson, for keeping me on track and helping the ring to run smoothly.
Post Graduate - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Apr 2023
Judge: Debbie Lorraine (Raleniro)
I would like to thank the Club for the invitation to judge this show. It was originally planned for me to judge in April 2020, but this was rearranged due to the pandemic and other outstanding appointments. I would like to thank the Committee for the wonderful hospitality shown to me throughout the day, and thank you to my Steward who kept things running smoothly. I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
I have not judged for just over 4 years, so it was a pleasure to see so many new dogs and new faces around the ring. I was pleasantly surprised by the strength and quality throughout the classes, and pleased to see a return to a more narrow dog, as I was seeing a trend for wide fronts last time I judged.
All dogs were entire and temperaments throughout were good. Bites were correct, with just the odd broken, misplaced or dirty tooth. Coats were, as to be expected, at various stages. There were a few close decisions, and some classes where I wish I had more prize cards to give out. Thank you to all the exhibitors for the privilege of judging your dogs, and also for the sporting way in which they accepted my decisions.
Lastly, can I please apologise for the delay in submitting my critique, as I usually have them done within a day or two of the show. There has been an ongoing issue with the health of a close relative which has taken up a lot of my time, so again, apologies for the delay.
Post Graduate - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Placing Critique
15 month grizzle and tan of slightly larger type than 1. Not quite the strength of head of 1. Good scissor bite. Well put together and easily spanned. Shown in excellent jacket. Moved well holding topline on the move. Another nice young dog, just preferred the head and expression of 1.
Northern Counties Sporting Terrier Association Group Open Show
15th Oct 2023
Judge: Mr Ian Halbert (Marrimay)
I would like to thank the committee for the kind invitation to judge Border Terriers and for the warm welcome I received. Also thanks go to my steward for doing such a good job. My apologies to the Secretary and exhibitors for the delay in submitting this critique due to circumstances beyond my control
Post Graduate - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Border Terrier Club Championship Show
30th Mar 2024
Judge: Mrs Lynda Ward (Roundtown)
It was an honour to be invited to judge this, our parent club’s show. My thanks to the committee who ran such a lovely event with a relaxed and friendly atmosphere. My judge’s gift is much appreciated and will be a treasured momento of the day.
My superstar stewards, Janice Johnson and Liz Barrett, worked hard and unobtrusively whilst keeping the classes moving smoothly over a long day – well done ladies.
Many thanks of course to the exhibitors who made the journey on a major bank holiday weekend giving a large and quality entry of 190 dogs making 229 entries plus 10 NFC.
I had some lovely sound and typical Borders to go over and, had I had them, I would have had no qualms in awarding 4 dog tickets and 5 bitch tickets.
Unfortunately there are always downsides in a big entry and today size was an issue with some overly large exhibits who were not spannable and very heavily built.
There were a number of youngsters which were obviously unused to having their mouths examined and more practice in a calm atmosphere would help to make them comfortable and avoid stress for them and their handlers.
Ears need watching as some were quite large and spoiled the head.
Sadly, as in the past I must complain about long tails. Tails are an integral aspect of the overall picture of a typical Border outline and long is simply wrong. Our breed standard is spartan compared to many others but for tails the description is clear and begins with, “Moderately short; fairly thick at base, then tapering.” Hopefully the issue will be addressed before the untypical becomes the norm.
On a positive note …
Feet were overall small and thickly padded although some would benefit from trimming and shorter nails.
There was a good number of lovely otter-like heads of correct proportions with well placed dark eyes and a keen expression.
As is usual these days coat presentation was generally good and today there were plenty of dense coats of correct texture and thick skins.
Do I think the quality shown in this entry bodes well for the breed? Yes.
Special Beginners - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Eston & Barnaby Canine Society Open Show
22nd Dec 2024
Judge: Mr John Scanlan (Pantycelyn)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
The Border Terrier Club Open Show
22nd Feb 2025
Judge: Andrea Dixon (Otterpaws)
Special Beginners - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet
Limit - Dog /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Foxwater Captain Scarlet