Show Placings
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Championship Show
20th Apr 2024
Judge: Mrs Elizabeth Barrett (Howthwaite)
Thank you to the committee of the East Anglia Border Terrier Club for the honour of inviting me to judge your Championship show and for your great hospitality on the day. It was hit-and-miss as to whether or not I would be judging inside or out, and I’m pleased that the committee took the decision to hold it outdoors. It is far nicer for the dogs to be outside, even with the biting wind, and we are not to forget that they are designed to be outside in that type of weather, which reiterates the importance of a good coat. I hope everyone at ringside managed to keep the chill away, myself having Cumbrian bloodlines, found it rather pleasant. Thank you to my stewards Tracey, Dave and Mike who worked tirelessly to keep the ring moving. My biggest thanks are to the exhibitors who gave me an excellent entry and took all my decisions in a sporting manner. I know it is always said there are too many good dogs for the number of cards and that was especially true of the limit and open classes. I was spoiled for choice in a number of classes and had to split hairs on a number of occasions. Dog’s are never static and can have good days and bad days just the same as us, and condition and coats can change dramatically. Some dogs were out of top coat or had no harshness to their coat on the day which cost them on this occasion. Repeating myself from my last judging appointment, I made mention that true movement isn’t necessarily conducive to good movement if no ground is covered at the same time, ideally of course we want both but I would rather see a dog with a good outline in profile than one very accurate that’s going nowhere. Good construction should be a given, I know not much mention is made to that in our breed standard, but to constitute soundness to follow a horse, the construction must be balanced and correct with no exaggeration. Thankfully, there were not many exaggerations on the day. One or two were big ribbed and not quite spannable, and surprisingly they were not necessarily the ones that looked up to size. Overall, I was very pleased with the quality of the dogs presented.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Blue and tan of seven months old. Still looking very much a baby, but with oodles of quality. Nice size. Good head for his age, good bite and a lovely dark eye. Good neck into well laid shoulders and good return of upper arm. Narrow throughout. Lovely bone with straight front legs, standing on small well padded feet. Good in rib with excellent topline and short well set tail. Another with an excellent harsh topcoat with good undercoat and pelt. He looked fabulous in profile on the move. I’m looking forward to seeing how he develops.
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
See 2nd in MPD
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
See 2nd in MPD
Yorkshire, Lancashire & Cheshire Border Terrier Club Open Show
4th May 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Reserve Best In Show
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Minor Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Blue and Tan with a lovely expression well proportioned head with good jaw strength,correct dentition, which flows into a neckline of correct length.the front assembly is correct and narrow,good lay of shoulder with the narrowness continuing through the body lines,good body length with ribs being carried well back, easily spanned, good jacket of harsh texture with a thick pliable pelt.The hind quarters have good angulation with conditioned muscle.A topline which was held both stood and on the move.short carrot tail finished the side profile off,the feet were well padded and tight in construction,Moved effortlessly around the ring from all angles with purpose and drive making him a very efficient mover. B.P.D R.B.D
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
see minor puppy dog for critique.
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
see minor puppy dog for critique.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Illingworth (Thorneyhurst)
Firstly thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show, and to all the exhibitors for the massive entry which would of been hard to get through without the help of my two stewards Sharon Pickering and Margaret Bailey who did there best to make sure no exhibitors missed there classes
The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, Most dogs were in fit hard condition and presented well, the old saying many good dogs went without a card was only too true, We were blessed with good weather and a nice sized ring.
Minor Puppy - Dog /
Third Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Lovely length and body lines, moved true, dark eye and nice expression
Novice - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Border Union Agricultural Society
16th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
My thanks to the Society for the invitation to Judge one of my favourite shows, it didn’t all go to plan with the weather playing its part. I would like to thank all the exhibitors for going along with my decision to stay outside despite the weather, and my special thanks to stewards Judy Carr and Audrey Coltart for braving the weather also. Also my thanks to Euan for posting my judging book and critique notes and to whomever handed it in.
Sorry for delay, holidays and work have played their part. I had some lovely dogs to go over and thank you all for bringing them.
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG3, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
A blue and Tan dog of good size with head of correct proportions and keen expression. He as a dark eye and a correct bite, with a good reach of neck flowing into nice shoulders, he is easily spanned with ribs carried well back and good topline and tail set. And a good rear assembly he uses so well on the move. He is totally unexaggerated with a narrow straight front and another great example from this kennel. BPIB
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
see puppy dog
The Royal Cheshire County Premier Open Show
19th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG3, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
10 month male blue and tan puppy has nice head with a dark eye and good ear set. He has a correct scissor bite and large teeth. Nice length of neck and a good fore chest leads into a straight front. He is easily spanned and carries his rib well back. He has nicely muscled hindquarters with good angulation and a well set on tail. His pelt is thick and loose and he was shown in good tight double coat. He caught the eye with his sound movement around the ring which secured him the class and his later places in the challenges. Best Puppy Dog, Reserve Best Dog, BPIB
Blackpool & District Canine Society
23rd Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Beverley Barber (Alcumlow)
Thank you to all of you who entered your dogs for me to judge. I really enjoyed my day and having the privilege of judging your dogs. The weather was kind and our ring was good. I had excellent stewards and I thank them for their hard work.
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Another stunning puppy. Beautiful head and expression. Excellent front and rear angulation. Good jacket blue coat coming along nicely. Moved out well.
Class Critique
All five puppies had good attributes and will change places many times through their showing careers.
Boston & District Canine Society
5th Jul 2024
Judge: Julie Green (Breckgreen & Stowthorney)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of Boston and District Canine society for inviting me to give my first set of tickets in Border Terriers. It was such a well-run show and in such a lovely setting. I would also like to thank the exhibitors who entered under me. Thanks also to my two stewards who kept the ring moving for me on the day.
All in all, I was happy with my entry. I found all males to be entire and no kinked tails on the day. A couple of mouths that were not quite correct.
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG4, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Lovely Blue and Tan dog of nice type. Lovely head with neat ears and dark eyes. Big teeth with correct dentition. He has a good reach of neck flowing into well placed shoulders. He is narrow throughout and easy to span. Show in a harsh double jacket with correct pelt. Well angled front and back. Moved with purpose and ease which one him Best Puppy on the day and was happy to find out that he went TPG4 in good company. One to watch for the future.
Novice - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
See Puppy Dog Critique
Scarborough & DCS Open Show
13th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG1, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: BPIS, TPG1, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Special Yearling /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
10 months. Super for size and balance. Pleasing head and eyes, good for neck, shoulders and well ribbed back. Spanned well. Excellent hindquarters. Secure topline. Well set tail held correctly on the move. Impressive pelt. Moved with an accurate and economic gait and clearly 'could go all day! Must have a bright future. BP, BOB & BPIS
York Canine Association Open Show
21st Jul 2024
Judge: Wendell Moore (Cloudside)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: RBPIS, TPG1, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Leeds Championship Show
28th Jul 2024
Judge: Mrs Linda Coleman (Hartswelin)
I enjoyed my judging and appreciated the good sportsmanship around the ring with applause for all class placings, this is so often lacking these days. In the males there were a lot shown in single coat so these were not in contention on the day, also quite a few were difficult to span. I did not find these problems in the bitches However as many judges before me have commented, good front movement is the exception rather than the norm and these Borders would easily tire following a horse all day.
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Blue with a balanced and typical head from this well known kennel. He has a double correct coat and is easily spannable and has a good tailset, he moved ok but gave his handler a hard time and was overstretched on the stand which gave him an incorrect topline on the day
The Midland Border Terrier Club 40th Anniversary Championship Show
4th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the club for inviting me to judge this 40th Anniversary show, and for the hospitality on the day. Thank you also to the hardworking stewards, it was a long and very busy day. Most of all, thank you to the exhibitors for giving me such a fabulous entry. I appreciated each and every exhibit, and had the privilege of going over so many quality dogs that difficult decisions had to be made and many lovely dogs went cardless. Foremost, I see the Border Terrier as ‘essentially a working terrier’ and was therefore looking for construction that would render this possible. A few exhibits were too big, too wide or too deep in brisket which might prevent them from going to ground, or even cause them to get stuck. A few had very thin skin – skin must be thick. Most bites were good, just a few with teeth out of line or missing. Coats come and go, so were understandably at different stages. However, on a working terrier a good hard coat does complete the picture. Good movement and a strong, even, economical gait comes from soundness of construction and the muscle tone of a well exercised dog. Therefore I looked for good layback of shoulder and the correct length and angle of upper arm to give a good reach in front, a strong loin, good bend of stifle and well angulated, well muscled hindquarters to give matching drive from the rear.
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
What a lovely boy, he took my eye as soon as he entered the ring. This eleven month old blue and tan was turned out in a quality coat of correct colour and texture, and moved steadily and so accurately. He had a wonderful head with broad skull and short, strong muzzle housing large teeth, well set on ears and dark eyes. He had a straight, narrow front, was good for bone, had a good length and angle of upper arm and good layback of shoulder. Good bend of stifle and strong in loin, his narrow ribs were carried well back, and his topline level with his tail straight off his back. BPD and BPIS.
Otley CS Open Show
6th Aug 2024
Judge: Jill Peak (Bayard)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Bournemouth Championship Show
12th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to my stewards, Hayley and Malcolm and to all the exhibitors who endured the heat and accepted my decisions sportingly, on what must have been one of the hottest days of the year. Overall the quality of the entry was good with some lovely dogs. Mouths, tails and size were generally good. Coats varied (as they always do) in both quality and the stage of growth. There were a number of pelts that could have been thicker and loose which was disappointing as this is mentioned in the standard and important from a working point of view. I was surprised and disappointed to see evidence of scissorwork on some coats and grooming was not always done to the dog’s best advantage – this does not affect the ability to work but this is a dog show and presentation therefore does count to a degree when placing the dogs. Compared to the last time I judged, I felt that size had improved and in most cases the dogs today were closer to the standard.
Best Puppy - Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG2, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
Blue and Tan, 11 months. Fabulous coat of the correct colour and texture. Beautiful otter head, with a lovely correct front. An excellent topline which was held as he moved. Nicely proportioned with a good length of rib and bend in stifle. Moved well. Pressed hard by second. Both are lovely puppies but preferred the head and expression of 1
Best Puppy and TPG2
Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
16th Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
A B/T of lovely type and size, presents a clean outline, first class head with good expression, lovely shoulder and topline, did not have the carriage of the winner on the move today , must have a good future
Scunthorpe CA Open Show
24th Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Roger Mann (Lynsett / Valger)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: TG2, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Best Puppy
Name at show: TPG1, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Puppy /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
11mth blue dog. Good head for age with width of skull & well set ears. Short strong muzzle correct bite & dark keen eye. Moderate length of neck leads to well placed shoulders. Straight front & narrow all through. Stands on straight limbs & has small neat feet. Not too deep, his ribs reach well back to short strong loin. Well angulated all through with width to his second thigh. Short rear pasterns. Super level topline held on the move with a well set carrot tail. Good coat texture with a thick loose pelt & easily spanned. Moved out well on an even stride. BOB BP GP2 PG1
City of Birmingham Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Clare Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the City of Birmingham Canine Association Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time.
With storm Lillian resulting in the abandonment of Driffield, the JBTC were also able to hold their show in an adjacent ring. Hall 3 at the Royal Kennel Club building was light, spacious and an ideal venue. A certain amount of flexibility was required when classes clashed, and I am very grateful to my experienced stewards Chris Woolner and Caroline Wise for their hard work. They were calm, efficient and kept the ring running smoothly. With their help we finished in time to ensure that all those who had won major awards could get to their groups.
My sincere thanks to all the exhibitors for giving me such a quality entry and accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. We had very few absentees and I often had difficult decisions to make. In several classes, I would have liked some additional prize cards to award.
Coats did have an influence on the results, with those presented at their best, in a harsh, dense double jacket with thick pelt, being rewarded. A few exhibits would have benefitted from having their feet tidied to have achieved a neater picture. I found two kinked tails, two with incorrect dentition and all male dogs were entire.
I was delighted with my principal winners, who all fulfilled my interpretation of the breed standard on the day. It was a privilege to judge such an entry, and the lovely atmosphere, with applause and cheers for the winners, made it extra special.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Puppy - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney
Placing Critique
At nearly 12 months of age, this blue and tan puppy presented a balanced and pleasing picture. He had a lovely head, with broad skull, dark eye, neat ear and short, strong muzzle. He was narrow, with good length and ribs which extended well back. He maintained a level topline when stacked and on the move. He had correct angulation front and rear, and moved steadily, straight and true. He was shown in a harsh double jacket with correct pelt.
Wolsingham & Wear Valley Agricultural Society Open Show
8th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs Norma Ellis (Normbar)
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
Eye catching good sized youngster. Good proportions and keen expression and well set ears, easily spanned, good depth of muzzle with correct bite. Best of fronts and feet, ribs carried well back, level topline and tail set. Well muscled with turn of stifle. Sound mover.
Darlington Championship Show
13th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs L Roberts
Thank you to the Darlington committee For the invitation and hospitality. To Mo my steward for her able assistance on the day.
I really enjoyed my appointment thank you to the sporting exhibitors for the lovely entry
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
another very nice youngster lots to come with this male. Workmanlike scores in head,neck ear. Good jacket and muscular condition. Moved ok.
The Northern Border Terrier Club Open Show
12th Oct 2024
Judge: Mrs. V. Mann (Valger)
I would like to thank The Committee for their invitation to judge their Open Show. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. Thank you to my very efficient Stewards Mark & Julie for keeping everything on track & The Club for their hospitality & splendid gift.
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
13mth blue & tan. Definitely a star of the future, with maturity he should trouble the best. His head is very well balanced with a short strong muzzle well shaped eyes & neat ears lying close to his cheeks. Very little stop evident. Neck of moderate length fits well into close bladed shoulders. Well angulated all through he stands on straight legs & has small, neat feet. His ribs reach well back to a strong deep loin. Level topline & well-set carrot tail. Presented in lovely condition with a harsh Blue & tan double coat. Easily spanned he has a thick loose pelt. Moved out very well with good reach & drive.
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Oct 2024
Judge: Mr Ken Fraser (Ycart)
I would like to thank the committee and the members of the club for allowing me to judge this show, special thanks to the committee for the appreciation gifts. The exhibitors who accepted the results sportingly and finally thanks must also go to the Stewards who made the show run with ease.
Movement unfortunately seems to be lacking in some exhibits namely fronts with a lack of reach due to short upper arms, as too are some rear movements with a lack of drive. This is a very important part of the breed not just to cover the ground efficiently but for the overall construction of the dog to perform its task as a working terrier. coats as always are in various stages which as long as there is evidence of a jacket with texture coming through should not be penalised. temperaments were on the whole good with no signs of aggression, another issue which seems to be creeping into the breed, this too is totally unacceptable for a working terrier and must be discouraged.
Best In Show
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Best Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
Blue and tan keen alert expression with very little stop, nice fill under the eye good ear carriage,strength of lower jaw with correct dentition, lovely length of neck into well laid shoulder narrow front carried through easily spanned with ribs carried well back.good angles to front and rear,level topline stood and held well on the move, covers the ground from all directions with purpose and drive and reach,thick loose pelt with jacket coming through of good texture, short carrot tail set well on , stands on tight neat well padded feet.B.I.S
East Anglia Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Nov 2024
Judge: Sarah Pateman (Lessien)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge their open show. Also, all the exhibitors for such an amazing entry and for allowing me to go over their lovely Border Terriers. It was a great day with a quality entry and a good atmosphere. I was aware people had travelled and some afar and I was given the opportunity not to take a break for lunch to allow those that were driving to possibly not have to drive in the dark, so I think it worked out well in the end. Lots of dogs out of coat but I was aware Crufts is coming up so the timing is crucial for coats to be ready for the big day.
Reserve Best Dog
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
B&T could not fault this lad, loved everything about him, loved his size, easily spanned even by my small hands, good mouth, correct length muzzle, ears and length of neck shoulder correctly angulated allowing him to cover the ground with ease, confident and moved with purpose, turned out and handled to high standard, in good harsh jacket and thick pelt, happy to award him RBD.
Bridlington & DCS Open Show
1st Dec 2024
Judge: Judith Carruthers (Stanegate)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: RBIS, TG1, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Junior /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Ladies Kennel Association
12th Dec 2024
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Name at show: TG3, Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Best Of Breed
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
In my book, I wrote ticks all the boxes and really does exemplify the standard. Gorgeous, well-made young dog of type and quality. Lovely head and expression, masculine without any coarseness. Body and angulation in total balance. Stands on super legs and feet with the best of fronts. Well ribbed back with good underline. Moves with that highly desirable, long, easy stride with the forelegs thrown low over the ground and the hind legs coming under the body to give well controlled propulsion with economy. Really uses his correct well-set tail and carries himself beautifully. Gave me goosebumps and was to be my yardstick all day. Hats off - a totally deserved CC, BOB and TG3
Manchester Championship Show
19th Jan 2025
Judge: Mr Paul Wilkinson
Junior - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
A dog of excellent type & size with a super head, good nostrils, strong underjaw lovely neck excellent shoulders, good length of rib, nice top line and tail set and carriage, racy hind quarters, moved well fore and aft, carrying a lovely jacket
The Midland Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Feb 2025
Judge: Mrs Laura Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
It is both an honour and a privilege to have been invited by the Midland Border Terrier Club committee to judge this open breed club show—my first at this level. I sincerely thank all the exhibitors who entered and took the time to attend at this lovely new venue. My gratitude also goes to my stewards, Peter and Martin, whose efficiency and support ensured the smooth running of the ring; their help was much appreciated.
Overall, most exhibits were in good condition, though a few were carrying excess weight or were simply too large to span. I observed only one kinked tail and two level bites. Given the time of year, it is unsurprising to find coats at various stages of growth, as exhibitors prepare for Crufts and the start of the new show season.
Junior - Dog /
Second Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW
Placing Critique
At 17 months this blue and tan dog is one I have judged before as a puppy and he has matured nicely. He has a good head, correct scissor bite and dark eye. His chest is deep, narrow and easily spannable. The rib is carried well back to a strong loin, which helps him maintain his top line. His front is straight, and he has lovely angulation behind. He moved well both ways but was just short of coat today.
6th Mar 2025
Judge: Mr David Hunt (Ottaswell)
Yearling - Dog /
First Place
Name at show: Brumberhill Bit O’Blarney JW