Show Placings
West of England Ladies' Kennel Society
25th Apr 2015
Judge: Mrs Su Williams (Hollybridge)
I would like to thank the exhibitors for super entry, it was an honour to go over so many excellent quality border terriers . I had some close decisions in many classes and some quality dogs had to go cardless. Overall I was impressed with the standard of both dogs/bitches and with the condition of them. Almost all were in fit condition with muscle tone,spanning wasn't an issue I'm pleased to say. Which means the breed is in a good way.. Mouths too on the whole were correct with many having good sized and clean teeth. .While coats are of course transient, texture was very good and the vast majority had good thick and loose pelts.
Last but not least Huge Thanks must go to my very capable & experienced Stewards who made my day so much easier.
Puppy - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
National Dog Show
9th May 2015
Judge: Mr John Dace (Cassacane)
I must begin by saying a very sincere thanks to the Kennel Club and the officers and committee of the Birmingham Dog Show Society Ltd for giving me this most prestigious appointment to award Challenge Certificates for the first time.
Also again sincere thanks to the exhibitors for their splendid entry and acceptance of my decisions on the day, and to my very efficient Stewards who ensured that classes moved along which helped in a timely finish.
On reflection of the exhibits I found that teeth and mouths were very good on the whole, feet were variable as was movement. Temperaments were good. All dogs were entire. My main concerns were in the condition of some exhibits who could have been fitter and harder in muscle tone but where has the consistent “head like that of an otter” gone? The variance in head shape and therefore expression was quite evident. I was pleased with my final awards and again many thanks to everyone for making this one of my most memorable days.
The depth of quality particularly in the bitches bodes well for the breed in the future but as already mentioned concentration on heads to achieve the “head like that of an otter” should be one of the paramount objectives.
Puppy - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bath Canine Society
22nd May 2015
Judge: Mr Jack Watson
Puppy - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
nice type with a well proportioned head, dark eye, ears well placed, good neck & shoulders, easy spanned, pleasing outline, moved true both ways
North Devon Agricultural Society Open Show
5th Aug 2015
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Junior /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
West Country Dog Show
31st Aug 2015
Judge: S J Thompson (Beauview)
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
12th Sep 2015
Judge: Mrs Eileen Needham (Titanium)
I should like to thank Richmond committee for my invitation to judge Border Terriers. It is quite a while since I judged the breed and so came to it today with a very open mind. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, with the opportunity of going over some very lovely dogs. I had plenty of choice in choosing my winners, and I would thank the exhibitors for bringing their dogs and receiving my decisions sportingly. My Stewards were excellent, keeping everything moving like clockwork.
Junior - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
20th Sep 2015
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Many thanks to the committee & for all the exhibitors for making my appointment so enjoyable.
Junior - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
lost out on coat today. Correct size & gave a good outline both on & off the move. Tail well set. Moved & handled well.
Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall Open Show
18th Oct 2015
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
Thanks to the officers and committee for inviting me to judge, also thanks to my steward Gordon, who was very effective, efficient and friendly. Also thanks to the Southern Border Terrier Club for their generous sponsorship of the Border Terrier rosettes and prize money.
Junior /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
A good body shape for this strong boned 17 month old grizzle bitch out moved by class winner today.
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
8th Nov 2015
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the officers and committee for the opportunity to judge the Border Terriers at your show and to the exhibitors giving me a super entry.
Junior /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Yeovil & District Canine Society Open Show
30th Dec 2015
Judge: Mr C Wallace (Hobholt)
Thank you to the Society for the invitation, the warm welcome by all and thanks to the exhibitors for a super entry and bringing your Borders’. The quality of exhibits was good, some tough decisions were made, I was really pleased with my final line up and that BOB and BP went well in the Group. It was unfortunate the Veteran class wasn’t called more clearly as not all the Veterans present were in the ring.
Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
B, 19 mths, Gr/T, otter head, big teeth, good jaw, easy span, correct size, excellent front & neck, loved her length of back, flat rib, just in coat. Long, easy stride, effortlessly covered ground, moved well.
Southern Border Terrier Club Members Limited Breed Show
6th Mar 2016
Judge: Mr Colin Girling (Benattivo)
Many thanks to the Committee for the invitation to judge this prestigious event and there support on the day. Thanks also to my Stewards Rachel Larner & David Hunt who helped manage the ring so efficiently and effectively without drama or fuss. Thanks also to Show Manager Jane Roberts and Andrew Mooney for ring stewarding and announcing.
I really enjoyed my day in the spotlight and thank all of the exhibitors who worked so hard to present their dogs and accepted my decisions so gracefully. I was happy with all of my class winners and hopefully people could see my interpretation of the standard on display in the dogs and bitches I selected. There were some really tough decisions and some very close calls for top 3 placings in some classes. I was delighted with my BoB, Reserve and Best puppy. There were many youngsters and older dogs and bitches that were a delight to go over, which gives me great encouragement.
Graduate - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bridgewater and District Canine Society Open Show
27th Mar 2016
Judge: Steven Thomas
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
National Terrier
2nd Apr 2016
Judge: Mrs T Grubbe (Borderhouse)
It was a honour to be asked to judge National Terrier Club Championship Show, awarding CC for the second time. A great entry. I thoroughly enjoyed my day, I was very pleased with my main winners. The overall quality was good. I saw some dogs who could have more drive in the movement and better front.
I send my warmest thanks to the committee and my ring stewards for taking so good care of me and making me feel so welcome.
Yearling - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
National Dog Show
8th May 2016
Judge: Mr Peter Bakewell
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
very typical, nice size, pleasing in outline and overall balance, nice head, straight front, nice ribs and body, good tailset.
West Country Dog Club Open Show
15th May 2016
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Devon County Show
20th May 2016
Judge: Mrs R V Webb (Clane)
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bath Canine Society Championship Show
27th May 2016
Judge: Mr Alan Hedges (Ramblix)
My thanks go to the Officers and Committee of Bath show for inviting me to come and judge Border Terriers for the first time, and on the Bath Billiard Table as well, it was a fabulous day for me and will live long in my memory.
I thought the dogs were better than the bitches although reading through my critique it doesn’t sound like that, but it was. If I may make a couple of points. Nobody who goes to shows goes to lose and some are making it rather easy for the judge to give them a hard time. Long pointed nails are not good news , nor is standing the dog like a rocking horse. If you are going to use bait, the dog needs to think it has a chance of getting it, the idea is to bring him up on his toes and make a much better picture. Every little helps, none of the opposition are going to roll over and make it easy for you!
Hind movement was generally better than front movement, and plenty could have been fitter.
My thanks go to all who entered, you gave me a wonderful day and I was honoured by each and every one of you
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Taunton & DCA Open Show
18th Jun 2016
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Yeovil & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
26th Jun 2016
Judge: Rachel Larner (Hawcoat)
Firstly, I would like to apologise for the lateness of this critique. I would like to thank the society for its warm welcome and to the exhibitors for entering, also to my steward, Sandra Girling, for the smooth running of the ring. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was extremely pleased with the number of dogs entered.
Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Not much coat on this bitch today but has a good pelt. Good body lines with good topline and tail set. Moved and showed well.
Minehead & DCS Open Show
27th Jul 2016
Judge: Mr Stephen Goodwin (Lanola)
Post Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bournemouth Canine Association
13th Aug 2016
Judge: Mr N Straw
I would like to thank Bournemouth Canine Association for the invitation to judge at their Annual Championship Show, my steward's who keeping things running smoothly in the 'office' and to the exhibitor's for a lovely entry. Temperaments as always in this breed were excellent. Size varied in both sexes with the bitches having the overall edge on the day. Heads were more uniformed than when I last judged, some were shown without the required 'double' coat and several were un-spannable, there were a few in-correct bites and front movement is still an issue, but the area that concerned me most was dirty teeth not just rear molars but the canines and incisors in particular some of the youngsters
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Welsh Kennel Club
20th Aug 2016
Judge: Mr S Plane
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall Open Show
16th Oct 2016
Judge: Mrs. Liz Wright (Totherend)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Minehead & District CS Open Show
13th Nov 2016
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
Many thanks to the Society for the kind invitation to judge and also to the exhibitors who trusted me with their lovely Border Terriers. All my class winners were of very good quality and were in super condition which was very pleasing.
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
2 ½ year red bitch, she’s alert and has a keen expression and a dark eye. Narrow body which spans easily she has a level top line and good tail set. She moves well on lovely tight feet.
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2016
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
I would like to thank the committee of Ladies Kennel Association for their kind invitation to the judge the breed at this well organised show and their generous hospitality. It was a real honour and I thoroughly enjoyed my day. I would also like to thank my stewards Tony and Katherine for keeping things running smoothly throughout the day. Thank you also, to all the exhibitors for their entries and the sporting way that they took the decisions that I made.
As for the dogs – as expected, coats varied, all the dogs were entire, in clean condition and well behaved. There were a couple of dogs with teeth not set square in the jaw or with teeth out of line. I was looking for dogs of the correct size, with a typical otter head, a harsh double coat and a thick pelt, plenty of muscle, the correct amount of bone, and shown in hard condition. I also expect to see dogs that move true and with ease around the ring and look physically capable of doing a days’ work, whether they get the opportunity or not. All my winners had these attributes and as often happens many deserving exhibits went without cards on the day.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Taunton & DCA Open Show
7th Jan 2017
Judge: Tina Morgan (Blewecourt)
Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Handy sized bitch with a feminine head, strong jaw and good scissor bite. Lovely straight front, well balanced with good angulation fore and aft. Nice length of rib and fabulous coat and pelt with well set on tail. Excellent condition, moved soundly around the ring with drive whilst maintaining her topline.
Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall Open Show
19th Feb 2017
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Southern Border Terrier Club Members Limited Show
5th Mar 2017
Judge: Mrs Jill Stevens (Cobstoneway)
I would like to thank the committee for giving me the honour of judging at this lovely show, with special appreciation to show manager Jane Roberts, and ring stewards Sandra Girling and Sheila Hales. Most of all, I would like to thank the exhibitors for giving me the privilege of going over their lovely dogs.
With the phrase “Essentially a working terrier” in mind, I was satisfied that my main winners fitted the breed standard and moved soundly with good reach and drive. Coats also played a part, and although I appreciate that coats come and go, they did matter on the day. All the dogs were entire, there were a couple of level bites and the odd tooth out of line, but most exhibits were really nicely turned out. The puppy classes were very promising, and at the other end of the scale it was nice to see the veterans enjoying their day.
Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
2 year old well balanced grizzle and tan with everything in moderation. Acceptable head with good bite, keen expression, straight, narrow front, enough bone, and good body length well ribbed back, easily spanned. She has a level topline with well set on short, carrot shaped tail and neat feet, and moved easily with drive. Showed well.
Bath CS Championship Show
26th May 2017
Judge: Mr P Iversen (Norway)
I would like to thank the committee of Bath CS for inviting me to judge at their show. Many thanks to my stewards, who did an excellent job. I enjoyed my day among Border Terriers and their sporting owners. Many thanks for your entries.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Southern Counties Canine Association
3rd Jun 2017
Judge: Mr Kimmo Mustonen (Finland)
I would like to thank the committee for inviting me to judge at this show. And to my two stewards who were very helpful all the day. I really enjoyed the show. It was a pleasure and an honour to judge my own breed Border Terriers in their home country. It was a day I will remember. Thank you to the exhibitors for their entries!
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
11th Jun 2017
Judge: Mr Arthur Cuthbertson (Ashbrae)
My thanks to the Club for my appointment which I thoroughly enjoyed. Thank you to the Officers and Committee for their hospitality and gift. Thanks to my stewards Tina Morgan and Jane Roberts for the efficient way they kept the show moving along. I was very pleased with my final line ups, which were all presented in very good coat and condition. I would have been happy to have awarded at least 3 CC’s in each sex. All the dogs placed had correct dentition which was very pleasing. Movement has improved since the last time I judged. However I do think more thought should be taken regarding heads as a lot appear to be lacking strength under the eye and jaw, which results in losing the otter like head.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
1st Jul 2017
Judge: Mr Stewart McPherson (Brumberhill)
Firstly, my thanks must go to the committee for the invitation to judge at their show and to those exhibitors who entered, for my opinion, always an honour, to judge their dogs, giving me the highest entry in the Terrier Group. My thanks, also, to my stewards, who kept things running smoothly, with good humour.
An interesting entry, most were sound and typical. The thing that struck me most was front profile movement. An alarming number, due to an incorrect shoulder and upper arm placement, lacked full reach on the move, the leg lifting, hackney like, but not straightening out to reach full extension on the move. It may appear to be accurate coming and going, but it doesn’t actually cover much of the ground, so is therefore uneconomical movement, meaning the dog would have to work twice as hard to keep up, as the Standard asks for “capable of” and the “soundness to follow a horse”. Just because it’s possible to win with this type of movement doesn’t make it correct!
I was very pleased with my top winners, shown free standing, giving the, in my opinion, correct outlines, with no need to “assemble“ them in to a shape! All were sound, free movers. Typical “old school” Border Terriers! Pleased to hear that their qualities were recognised in their respective Groups!
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Taunton and District Canine Society Open Show
8th Jul 2017
Judge: Mr M Regan (Digmoor)
Limit /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Yeovil and District Canine Society Premier Open Show
15th Jul 2017
Judge: Miss Tracey Peacock (Ragatam)
Limit /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Dunster Castle Open Show
26th Jul 2017
Judge: Miss F Snook
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
5th Aug 2017
Judge: Mr Jeff Horswell (Drakesleat)
Great characters and a sporting ringside. I thought there were some size problems, a few being rather bulky. Front action is the biggest problem, not many being accurate coming towards. Feet by and large very good.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bath CS Open Show
3rd Sep 2017
Judge: Mr N S Gourley
Open /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
17th Sep 2017
Judge: Mr Gordon Dyer (Ruffenuf)
Firstly may I thank the SBTC Committee for inviting me to judge this Open Show. I felt very honoured. I thoroughly enjoyed my day. The ring ran smoothly with the help of my stewards and the whole venue had a pleasing and pleasant atmosphere. It was nice to see some old and many new faces. May I also thank the exhibitors for handling their dogs confidently and accepting my decisions. I was very impressed with the quality of the dogs and I only found one bad mouth and two sprung ribs. I had a few challenging decisions to make and uncoated dogs had to be penalised. Mostly the dogs were all in fit condition and able to do a day’s work. I was very impressed with my final line up and to have such sound dogs
representing the breed.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
a neat balanced bitch in good coat with a good topline. Moved with drive. Would have liked a stronger jaw.
Bristol & DDC Open Show
3rd Dec 2017
Judge: Mr Lee Reynolds (Etterbern)
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Taunton and District Canine Association Open Show
7th Jan 2018
Judge: Miss Judith Haydon
My thanks to the Committee at Taunton & District Canine Association for kindly inviting me to Judge the Border Terrier classes at their Open Show in January. I thoroughly enjoyed my appointment, and although I only had a small entry, all the dogs were of an excellent quality and a pleasure to go over. My final decisions were only made on the smallest of margins.
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
A good sized feminine bitch with a lovely head, correct bite and a super reach of neck. Great tail set and shown in harsh double jacket. Just preferred rib and movement of Class winner.
9th Mar 2018
Judge: Mr.Carl Gunnar-Stafberg
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
West of England Ladies' Kennel Society
28th Apr 2018
Judge: Miss Anita Harrison (Iacheslei)
Many thanks to the society for inviting me to judge and to the exhibitors for a lovely entry of 117 making 151. My very efficient stewards did a marvelous job and kept the ring running well throughout the day. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was pleased that exhibitors accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. There was a good atmosphere around the ring and all exhibits displayed good temperaments. I was disappointed to see so many large oversized dogs (and bitches) which were not able to be spanned. Movement was also a concern, I was forgiving of loose front movement in some of the youngsters, but both front and rear movement in some of the adult exhibits was poor. Many exhibits had large ears, low tail sets or short round ribs which had to be penalized. I was pleased with my main winners and delighted to see my Best of Breed shortlisted in the group and the Best Special Beginner placed 2nd in the SB group.
Special Beginners - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Limit - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
West Country Dog Club Open Show
13th May 2018
Judge: Mrs Tracey Stark
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Devon County Show Open Show
17th May 2018
Judge: Miss Helen Axford
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge at this friendly, well-run show, to my stewards Jenny and Sandra and to the exhibitors for both entering under me and the sporting way they accepted my decisions. All dogs were entire and all bites were in accordance with what is required by the breed standard, as is usual coats were at various stages. Some of the exhibits could do with rather less dinner.
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
fantastic coat and pelt, small v shaped ears, good in eye, good bend of stifle, moved ok. Preferred head of 1.
Bath Championship Show
25th May 2018
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett
My thanks to Bath Canine Society for the inviting me to judge at their show also my two stewards who kept things running smoothly.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
nice in outline femmine head good mouth dark eyes, straight front thick pads good coat and pelt well ribbed backed racy in hindquarters won this class on her movement,
Southern Counties Canine Association
2nd Jun 2018
Judge: Mr Frank Nicholls (Halcus)
Thanks to the exhibitors for an excellent entry. Quality was present in many classes especially both open classes and minor puppy dog. My thanks for a job well done go to those excellent stewards Janet and Maureen, who made my job so much easier.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Shorter in back than 1, good shape in outline, narrow build, moved ok. Perhaps a little over angulated at back.
Three Counties
7th Jun 2018
Judge: Mrs T J Baird
I would like to extend my sincerest thanks to the society for the invitation to judge and for the wonderful welcome and hospitality.
The day was made even more pleasurable thanks to my two lovely stewards Colin and Margret who kept the ring in order and most importantly were pleasant and friendly.
The ring was a very good size;it was a joy to judge outside with the beautiful back drop of the Malvern Hills ,even the weather was perfect -not too hot and a slight breeze. The ground however was uneven with the grass rather long, causing some dogs to hop and skip making assessment of some dog’s movement difficult.
I found a good breadth of quality in some of the Bitch classes and some nit picking decisions had to be made, notably in the excellent junior bitch class.
Size needs to be watched as some youngsters were very difficult to span, coats were on the whole very good with just a few that had recently been stripped out and a couple of blown coats.
A of couple of exhibits had kinked tails and a couple of youngsters with level bites, all the males were entire.
Thank you to the sporting exhibitors for entering and accepting my decisions, I am honoured to judge so many quality Border terriers and was pleased to watch the best of breed short listed in the group, later hearing the puppy gained Puppy group 4.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
29th Jun 2018
Judge: Miss Sarah Dandy (Dandale)
I was pleased with the quality of both my dog and bitch line ups, all were worthy winners with several most promising youngsters in both puppy and junior classes. I do like to watch movement in profile not only does it give a good indication of conformation but also the ability to follow a horse efficiently, so essential to the fitness for purpose of this working breed. I noted a lack of angulation front and back in many which restricts reach and drive. Untidy feet with unclipped nails do somewhat spoil the overall picture when an exhibit is standing on the table and can be easily fixed. Temperaments were uniformly sound which is of great importance and I thought the dogs (and exhibitors) coped really well in the extremely hot temperatures today.
Limit - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Minehead & DCS Open Show
25th Jul 2018
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Thank you to everyone that entered and showed on the day in very hot conditions. The ground we very uneven and the grass very spikey do to the extreme heat, some dogs found this a difficult to cope with and thus places on a different day could easily change. Well done to all my winners.
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
4yr bitch, this bitch gave the impression that she would hunt all day, very keen expression Harsh coat and thick pelt, easily spanned. Slightly steep in upper arm but good lay of shoulder and rear angles. Moved well but a little to enthusiastically at times.
4th Aug 2018
Judge: Professor A S Milton
I suspect I shall retire from judging now. I certainly have no intention, when it comes into effect, of paying the Kennel Club to get on their judging lists. I have always assumed, though I may be wrong, that I have been invited to judge because people wanted me to. I have no intention of 'prostituting’ my art by paying money for the privilege. If I may reminisce, I have never sought a judging appointment, indeed in the beginning I had never even thought about judging. Then one day a letter arrived from the secretary of a large open show in Scotland. Would I judge the terrier breeds and the terrier group at their next open show? I have, to this day, no idea who suggested my name. I had never judged before, not even a match or a limited show, I was on no judging list, they didn’t exist in those days, I had never stewarded, and have never done so to this day, I have to this day never attended any hands on or assessment seminar. After my first appointment invitations came at fairly frequent intervals, including two breed clubs, and eventually I received an invitation to judge at a Championship show. However, when I replied, with my judging cv, the committee told me that they couldn't continue with my appointment, as the Kennel Club would not accept the nomination owing to the 'parochial' range of my judging, which had, with one exception, all been in Scotland. Notwithstanding that for example two of the shows had been over 200 miles apart, and from my home to the breed club show in England over 500 miles. Peter Thompson (Thoraldby) and Sybil Churchill came to my rescue and I found myself judging at LKA.
A few thoughts on Border Terriers. Size has always been a problem, right from the beginning of the breed, with there being far too many large dogs, outside the weight standard, and the numbers seem to be getting larger (forgive the pun). I blame the breeders for this. In one class at Paignton, there was only one dog, which I could span. Movement is another problem; the trend at the moment seems to be very narrow hindquarters, with the feet nearly touching. In 1991, I made a video of Crufts with the late R.A. Williams judging. Almost without exception all the dogs are in full coat. (A few years ago there was a pirated video made of this tape). In the book 'About the Border Terrier', Walter Gardner says 'It is difficult to judge Border coats today because so often the dogs are stripped, well nigh skinned'. Two personal gripes, Border should be walked on a loose lead, not strung up, and should stand naturally, I do particularly dislike those exhibitors who are continually fussing with their dogs, moving a foot a cm here, a cm there and the like.
I should like to thank the committee of the Paignton show for inviting me to judge. They were all very helpful, and also the vets at the show who kindly looked after my young puppy which I had, perforce, to bring with me, whilst I was judging.
Open - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Another nice bitch, feminine head, could be stronger. Excellent construction all round. A very good mover, one of the best of the day.
Bournemouth Canine Association
13th Aug 2018
Judge: Mrs Eileen Cole (Towden)
I would like to thank Bournemouth Canine Association for inviting me to judge the Border Terriers and their hospitality on arrival and to my very efficient stewards. I would also like to thank the exhibitors for entering their dogs and giving me the honour of going over them, most were in top condition and movement on the whole was good, coats varied quite a lot and there were a couple of level bite teeth, but I was very pleased with my final line up.
Open - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Welsh Kennel Club
18th Aug 2018
Judge: Mr. David Maggs (Chrydas)
I would like to thank The Welsh Kennel Club for inviting me to judge Borders at their show when the original judge Mr Bill Brown-Cole dropped out through illness, it is 13 years since I judged this show last and I must say that I enjoyed it just as much as the first time. The quality throughout was excellent, I found no bad mouths , movement was fine except for a few who were a little bit loose in front, but coats were very varied.
Open - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Southern Border Terrier Club Limited Show
3rd Mar 2019
Judge: Mrs Karen Stockley (Foxfactor)
I would like to thank the SBTC committee for inviting me to judge their show and for the lovely gift,a day I thoroughly enjoyed with some lovely exhibits to have the pleasure of going over.
A big thank you to my stewards Jill Stevens and Tina Morgan who very efficiently kept the classes running smoothly throughout the day.
Thanks also to all the exhibitors who entered and those present on the day.
I found a great percentage of the exhibits in good muscle tone and condition, coats as always at different stages but many in good harsh double jackets, disappointingly quite a few thin pelts and a lack of real carroty tails, just a couple with incorrect dentition and one kinked tail. All dogs were entire and all dogs and bitches displaying good temperaments in the ring.
I was pleased with both my final line ups. There were some lovely puppies forward which I love judging and some close decisions there.
Limit - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bristol & District Dog Club Open Show
24th Mar 2019
Judge: Brian Shirley (Cherlem)
Best Of Breed
Name at show: BIS, TG1, Clydebeck Solitaire
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Devon County Show
17th May 2019
Judge: Mrs C E Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the Devon County Show for the invitation to judge today. The exhibitors gave me a lovely entry and accepted my decisions in a sporting manner. My stewards Trudi Conibere and Caitlin Channon were very efficient, and did a great job managing to keep the paperwork dry when the weather turned against us.
Reserve Best Of Breed
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Open /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Rising 5 year old grizzle & tan bitch. A lovely size and type, without exaggeration, but quality and fit for purpose. Feminine head, with small, neat ears and dark eye with a keen expression. Correct scissor bite, although I would have preferred a slightly stronger muzzle. Balanced, correct construction, with a level topline and well set tail. Beautifully presented with a harsh, double coat and thick pelt. Moved soundly with purpose. RBOB
Bath Championship Show
27th May 2019
Judge: Miss Felicity Freer (Felfree)
Many thanks to the Officers and Committee for my invitation to judge this superb breed. The weather was not on our side to start but it warmed up and made for a superb day. I have owned or shown this breed for over 20 years and found a real mixed bag today. I found the youngsters to be really pleasing which is promising for the breed. Many thanks to all the exhibitors for taking the time to show under me.
Open - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Southern Counties Canine Assocation
1st Jun 2019
Judge: Miss J Singh (Vandamere)
I was a delighted to receive the invitation to judge at this friendly and well run show The weather was glorious and there was a nice atmosphere around the ring.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day as I had some quality dogs to go over and this was reflected on the impressive results in the Group placings . I was thrilled to learn that the Best of Breed was awarded Terrier Group 1, my bitch CC winner was awarded Terrier Junior Group 2, the puppy gained Puppy Terrier Group 3 and the veteran was awarded Veteran Terrier Group 3. Is this a new record for group placings at one show for the breed?
The day was kept running smoothly by my two stewards Alan McKenzie and Sue Hann,
I was concerned about the number of exhibits with misplaced teeth. In total I found five exhibits each with a misplaced tooth, also two kinked tails and one exhibit with one testicle. Some exhibits were lacking in muscle tone and condition.
Limit - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Three Counties Championship Show
6th Jun 2019
Judge: Mr D Mitchell (Paleside)
Open - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Windsor Championship Show
27th Jun 2019
Judge: Mrs Jena Tuck (Nettleby)
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my two very able stewards who kept everything moving smoothly, and to the exhibitors for giving me the privilege of going over their dogs. I was delighted by my winners, and by the overall quality of the entry.
Open - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Yeovil & District Canine Society Premier Open Show
13th Jul 2019
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the committee of this fantastic, friendly and well organised show for the appointment to judge originally the Border Terriers, but due to the group judge Colin Richardson falling fowl to a dodgy Chinese I was extremely honoured to be able to cover his breed classes with Darwin Martin completing the AV and Group. I wish Colin a speedy recovery. Thank you to the exhibitors for bringing their dogs.
Open - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Grizzle and tan bitch of 5 years old another bitch so well presented. In good jacket of harsh consistency. Typical head with scissor bite. Nice size, easy span and good neck. Moved around the ring effortlessly. I thought her kennel mate slightly cleaner in shoulder when in came to RBOB.
Bournemouth Championship Show
10th Aug 2019
Judge: Mr Alan Small
It was a bit blustery to say the least down at Pikes Farm, with high winds throughout the day. A good crowd round the ring and a pleasant atmosphere prevailed. It was nice to see so many old friends.
Thanks to Officers & Committee of Bournemouth C.A. For the invite, to my Stewards for looking after the Ring & to the exhibitors for such a lovely entry. I enjoyed your Border Terries, thanks for coming.
Open - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Welsh Kennel Club
17th Aug 2019
Judge: Miss T Peacock
I was honoured to be invited to judge the Welsh Kennel Cub Ch. Show. The entry was excellent both in quality and quantity, It was a pleasure to go over such quality exhibits. Movement was variable and some exhibits moved okay coming an going but lacked drive.
Open - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
15th Sep 2019
Judge: Mrs Helen Bakewell (Norwelston)
Thank you to the committee and exhibitors for such a lovely day. Overall the quality was good, a lot of nice breed types, good feet, mouths, and was able to span most on the day.
Limit - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Southern Counties Canine Association
27th Jun 2021
Judge: Mr Kevin Green (Terabyte)
I would like to thank all the Officers and Committee of the Southern Counties Canine Association for inviting me to judge their show for Border Terriers. It was my first judging appointment for a CH Show and I was very pleased with my entry also I would like to thank all the exhibitors who entered and for allowing me to go over their dogs. They all showed and behaved very well. Last but not least I would like to thank my steward who did an excellent job keeping everything flowing very well.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Nice looking bitch with a good front in good coat. presented herself well for a 7 1/2 year old.
Devon County Show
2nd Jul 2021
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
I would like to thank the show committee for offering me this appointment and I was very grateful to both my ring stewards for their help on the day.
This was a lovely show to come back too after such a long time away from the show ring. The weather today got very warm in the ring for some exhibits. I would like to have seen a couple of exhibits which were without coat on another day as I feel this is an important aspect when I judge the breed. All dentition was correct and was shown by the handler, all males had two testicles.
The level of quality throughout the entry was in my opinion outstanding. Which in some classes having only one first prize was not enough! Many of the exhibits today I believe will have bright futures ahead of them.
Open /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bath Canine Society
1st Aug 2021
Judge: Mr T Ball
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
7 yr old who is soundly constructed but could not match head or expression of winner. She pleased in outline with neck of moderate length, level topline, good croup and tail of correct set. Moderate breadth to skull, dark eye but tad bolder than preferred and not strength of muzzle that I was looking for. She stands nice and straight in front on good feet and moves well enough all through.
Paignton Championship Show
7th Aug 2021
Judge: Mr B Aubrey
I only found 1 mouth fault and that was in the bitches, so i won't be mentioning teeth except some could have been cleaner and please watch movement there were some iffy ones here today.
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Thank you for bringing them under me
Bournemouth Championship Show
16th Aug 2021
Judge: Mr J Horswell
I very much enjoyed tackling this entry and found the breed to be in pretty good shape. Quite a relaxed and friendly atmosphere I thought. I did take coats into account, there were quite a lot who were rather naked on the day and as a result went further down the line that they might otherwise have done – you have to judge what you can see, and a good coat is important in a working terrier.
Best Veteran
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Veteran - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
V good b, liked her proportions. In thick, harsh jacket. Quite a good head. Lovely eye and expression. Strong neck. Well laid shoulders. Good legs. Well ribbed. Holds a level topline. Liked her rear.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
18th Sep 2021
Judge: Miss Sally Leslie (Risdene)
Congratulations to the committee on finding a splendid new venue. It is so nice to be able to evaluate exhibits in natural surrounding and this was ideal. I understand some did not care completely for the ground but while some exhibits did not excel on the terrain those that did displayed good conformation and moved accordingly.
Generally: there were some mouth faults present today which affected some results in the context of the classes they were in and the degree of the fault. Fronts came in many shapes and sizes not all straight and narrow unfortunately and I was surprised at the number of large and rather thin, spreading feet. Finally I just want to get off my chest that for me the term racy hindquarters does not carry with it a high tuck up.
The unexpected heat, especially in the earlier classes, was a little overwhelming and I thought both exhibits and exhibitors coped admirably. I loved my line ups and very much appreciated my entry, thank you.
Thanks also to my stewards who in these strange times were really kept at it all day.
Veteran - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
National Dog Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to the committee of Birmingham Dog Show Society for inviting me to judge Border Terriers at their show. Many thanks to all the exhibitors who entered and gave me the honour and pleasure of judging their dogs. I had a fabulous entry and was truly spoilt for choice in many of the classes. One general observation is that there were quite a number of dogs that were, in my opinion, simply too big to do the job that they are bred to do.
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Midland Border Terrier Club 2020 Championship Show
24th Sep 2021
Judge: (Dogs) Anne Gregory (Remony) (Bitches) Liz Wright (Totherend)
A most enjoyable day judging dogs at this show and I would like to thank the Club for inviting me to do so. Thanks also to my two stewards, John and John, who kept things moving along in a professional and efficient manner. Thanks also to the exhibitors for their support and allowing me the privilege of going over their dogs.
Mouths, on the whole, were good and I found only one suspect mouth. There were plenty of typical otter heads but evidence also of stops that were too deep and muzzles that were too short, which is not typical of an otter head.
Movement in some dogs was less than desirable with a few crossing in front, toeing in or flicking wrists. Rear movement was somewhat better but side movement showed some dogs short stepping. I also found some flat, slack feet and loose pasterns, which could well have been improved with proper exercise, and some feet could have been tidied up to better effect.
Generally coats and pelts were harsh and thick but, in some classes, lack of coat was the deciding factor in final placements.
My main concern today was size and weight. Some dogs were very difficult to span, were too heavy and did not come to hand well. This must be addressed to ensure Borders remain fit for the purpose they were intended.
I was pleased with my final line-up and my co judge and I whole heartedly agreed when it came to the final awards.
My thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for offering this my first judging appointment at championship level. I had a really enjoyable day and must thank exhibitors for their wonderful entry and allowing me the opportunity to go over their dogs. Huge thanks also to my two stewards, John & John, who kept everything running smoothly.
I was really pleased with the quality of exhibits, unfortunately this meant some good dogs went unplaced.
Coats were at various stages, all acceptable, but I personally prefer more than less. Some of the exhibits would have benefitted from a tidy up, especially feet. Front movement could have been better, a few upright shoulders and over-angulated rear ends. Overall size was OK, but a few were over weight which made them unspannable.
Really pleased with my final line up and final awards.
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall
17th Oct 2021
Judge: Sarah Richardson
Open - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bristol & District Dog Club Open Show
6th Mar 2022
Judge: Mr M L Vines (Parvodene)
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Minehead & DCS Open Show
27th Jul 2022
Judge: Mrs C E Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of Minehead & District Canine Society for the invitation to judge at their open show, held in conjunction with the Dunster Country Fair. My steward Vicky Prince, was a great help and kept the ring running smoothly. Thank you to the exhibitors for a lovely entry and for accepting my decisions in a sporting manner.
I had some quality borders to go over that were a privilege to judge, and as always, my decisions reflected my interpretation of the breed standard on the day. I was delighted with the winners that came forward for the challenge.
The weather was kind and not too hot, there was a friendly atmosphere and I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Open - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Paignton Championship Show
6th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr Graham Pickering (Picer)
It was an honour to be asked to judge at Paignton & District Fanciers Association. My thanks go to the officers and committee for their kind invitation to judge Border Terriers and their excellent hospitality. I had a lovely day at this well organised show and would like to also thank the stewards, Helen & Norma, for keeping me on track and in order. The weather was exceptionally hot and although I do like to judge outside, I am sure exhibitors, and their dogs were grateful for the shade and cool that being inside gave us.
Although I did not have a huge entry, I was fortunate to have some real quality dogs entered and had some very hard decisions to make, however, at the end of judging I was delighted with my winners. On the downside, I did find some mouths that were not as they should be and some dogs who were deep in chest and therefore difficult to span. However, the most disappointing element was the lack of detail that some exhibitors pay to feet. The standard states that feet should be ‘small with thick pads’, however, quite a few exhibits had untidy feet with long nails. Although this seems minor point, long hair around the feet detracts from the overall look of the Border Terrier.
I was disappointed that I could not stay to watch the group, but unfortunately, I had to leave due to other commitments. I was delighted that all my top winners were shortlisted in the group and very pleased that my Special Beginner winner went Group 1 and the Best Puppy winner went Group 3.
Veteran - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Good, typical otter head, dark and small, well placed ears placed close to the cheek. Good forequarters and front assembly, she moved well around the ring. Ok for coat today
Class Critique
Two very nice older ladies, both shown in good hard condition and not showing their age at all.
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2022
Judge: Mr. David Matthews (Tojamatt)
Many thanks to Bournemouth Canine Association for asking me to judge, and also thanks to my two more than able stewards. It was a really hot day topping 35 degrees C, if I had entered I wouldnt have attened so I understand perfectly why we had quite a few absentees, and a outbreak of covid from a previous show, added to this ,many thanks to everyone who entered. I had some really nice examples of the breed to go over, and some hard decisions. The tent provided us with some much needed shade, and the dogs behaved very well and coped with the heat admirably. I had a couple of dogs not move as well as I know they can so gave them another opportunity to move again, and they put in a much better performance .The dogs were all presented in good order, clean teeth, short nails and tidy coats. A few coats were outstanding, harsh and dense, among the best I’ve come across.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Eight years old Grizzle bitch good for size and type, shown in fine fettle, good head and expression, narrow throughout with straight front and small neat feet, easily spanned, she moved well both ways in excellent coat and pelt
Welsh Kennel Club
21st Aug 2022
Judge: Mr T Johnston
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Pleasing feminine head shape. Dark eye and neat ears. Moderate neck, good bone and feet. Body of good depth also spanable. Tail good and moved with good gait and presented in good coat.
Midland Counties Canine Society
30th Oct 2022
Judge: Mr Alan Small (Bethane)
I thoroughly enjoyed my day judging the Border Teriers at Midland Counties Champ. Show. Thanks to the Officers & Committee for the invite & especially to the exhibitors who presented me with such a wonderful entry of 230 from 174 dogs. It was a quality entry overall and I was particuarly impressed with the quality of the young stock which augers well for the breed. There's no Puppy or Veteran Groups at the Midland, which is a pity because I feel both would have done well. Must not be too greedy, as it was nice to see my BOB, Ch. Otterbobs Tolson top the Terrier Group and my Best Special Beginners, Thistlemead Sundance, take her respective Group as well.....Well done.
Special thanks to my Ring Stewards, Penny Lloyd & Gavin Argyle, who kept things moving along nicely. Border Terriers are dear to my heart having owned & bred them over a number of years. Thanks again for such a wonderful entry, I enjoyed your dogs and a nice atmosphere prevailed.
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Ladies Kennel Association
11th Dec 2022
Judge: Mr John Bainbridge (Risdene)
A very promising entry on paper but unfortunately the weather took its toll !
However I was more than happy with my main winners all were typical of what I look for in a Border Terrier and the proof that careful breeding pays off was demonstrated by the very promising progeny found amongst the youngsters.
As is my approach to critiques, generally the winners in most respects all meet the standard which calls for a working terrier with an otter like head on reasonable length neck set into well laid shoulders, a moderate length body, well ribbed back, strong shortish loin, racy but moderate rear angulation allowing the dog to move with drive, in harsh double coat and with thick pelt. I do not therefore repeat this for each individual dog but I have highlighted the dog’s best points and the reasons for their placings .
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Cardiff CS Open Show
29th Jan 2023
Judge: P Fricker
Open /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Bitch. Short muzzle, good width of skull, correct bite. Correct laid shoulders, good forequarters and rear assembly. Moved well
Terrier Club of Devon & Cornwall Open Show
19th Feb 2023
Judge: Libby Tanton-Joy (Itsaso)
Best Veteran
Name at show: VG4, Clydebeck Solitaire
Limit /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Southern Border Terrier Open Show
5th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr Matt Smith (Alncroft)
Many thanks to the club for the invitation to judge at their show and for their hospitality. Thank you to my stewards, and the exhibitors for entering under me. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and was pleased with the quality present. Many of the classes were close decisions and coats played a big part in final standings. Whilst I didn’t find any dogs that I couldn’t span, having spent a lifetime around working terriers some of the bitches in particular were on the larger end of the scale for preference.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Another veteran in excellent condition. Lovely head with good neat ears. Nice reach of neck with good legs and feet. Nicely balanced. Showed and moved well.
11th Mar 2023
Judge: Mr David Shields (Wilholme)
To judge Border Terriers at Crufts was both a privilege and a honour and I must thank the Crufts Committee for the appointment to judge the breed at what is the greatest dog show in the world. A big thanks go to the exhibitors from both home and abroad for such a super entry which made for a great days judging with quality in depth in many of the classes. Finally I must thank my two stewards who kept things moving in the ring to allow me to finish judging in good time.
On the day I was looking for a workmanlike dog as the standard asks for but one also must remember that in the show ring you also need that attitude and showmanship to complete the picture. I felt my BOB put up a great show in the Group and was so pleased to see him take Group 2 in a quality line up.
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
27th Apr 2023
Judge: Mr Mark Walshaw (Janmark)
Many thanks to the officers and committee for the invitation to judge at WELKS, it was quite a few years ago now, as I was due to judge them at the beginning of lockdown. Due to the heavy rain that had fallen over the preceding days, all judging was inside. It was slightly draughty, but we were allocated a double ring, so plenty of space, to see the exhibits stride out. I must thank the two stewards Lynn Jones and Celia Vines who kept the ring flowing beautifully and the exhibitors for making prompt appearances, we did well for time, starting approx. 0930 and finishing around 14:45. I thank all exhibitors for a wonderful entry (123 dogs making 172 entries} for a Thursday in Malvern and appreciate their time and expense for entering under me. There was plenty of quality to choose from and I was happy with my final decisions. Dentition was very good and a pleasure to judge dogs with clean teeth. I did find muscle tone to be poor/average in a lot of the exhibits, which must be one of the key areas for any working terrier. Jackets were mixed as was movement.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Nice for type, pleasing head, not the neck of 1, well angled throughout, narrow front and sporting her best jacket. Moved tidily.
Yeovil & District Canine Society Open Show
13th May 2023
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan/Sulan)
Thank you to the committee for the kind invitation to judge today , also to my stewards who kept things moving along nicely, your help was much appreciated. A big thank you to all the exhibitors for allowing me to go over your dogs and accepting my decisions
in a sporting manner. General observations were, no kinked tails found and the males were intact . I did see a few animals with slightly untidy bites affecting some placings. On the subject of ring presentation I may suggest that perhaps some animals would have benefitted from more attention being paid to nail clipping and feet trimming … even with the long grass, once on the table the feet are very visible. I thoroughly enjoyed my day and had a quality bunch of Borders before me. Thank you to everyone who made it possible !
Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
The Terrier Club of South Wales Open Show
14th May 2023
Judge: Mr R Wright (Borderexpress)
I would like to start by thanking the Officers and Committee of The Terrier Club Of South Wales for asking me to judge such a well organised and supported show and the wonderful hospitality on the day. Secondly to the exhibitors for the wonderful support and entry on the day of 54 dogs.
I enjoyed having the chance to go over some real quality dogs on the day and in a couple of the classes the placings could easily of been reversed. My Best Of Breed youngster showed himself really well on the day and continued to do so through to the Best In Show line up where he secured the grand honours of being awarded Best In Show by BIS Judge Mark Ord.
Post Graduate - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Devon County Agricultural Association Premier Open Show
18th May 2023
Judge: Justine Monaghan
Post Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bath Canine Society
29th May 2023
Judge: Mrs Anne Gregory (Remony)
My thanks to the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for inviting me to judge today. A big thank you to my two very efficient stewards, Mark and Joyce, who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently. Thank you also to the exhibitors for giving me the opportunity to go over their dogs, it is always a privilege to do so. I was disappointed not to have been able to stay and watch the groups but circumstances outwith my control prevented me from doing so.
While there were plenty of good ‘otter’ heads in evidence, I found some heads lacking in muzzle strength and some with stops that were too deep, neither of which is desirable. Some exhibits were too heavy in frame and consequently didn’t come to hand easily. Some dogs had weak pasterns and feet that could have been tighter. Coats were at varying stages, with some in their underclothes, some just going over the top, and in some cases, this was a deciding factor. Overall, movement was good with correct tracking, plenty of drive off well angulated hindquarters and good length of stride. Some dogs could have benefited from more ring training and, at times, baiting on the table was excessive. A dog scrambling to get to bait makes it more difficult to assess. On a positive note, I did have some quality dogs to go over and was well pleased with my winners and final line-up. I was also pleased to see my Best Veteran win the Terrier Veteran Group, my Best Puppy shortlisted in the Terrier Puppy Group and my Best Special Beginners, Special Beginners Terrier Group 4
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2023
Judge: Professor S P Dean (Tyrian)
My thanks to Windsor Dog Show for the judging appointment. Delayed by Covid, it is a sensible moment to retire from judging at Championship level, especially as the day was very enjoyable and a fine memory to end with. It was in fact a superb entry of high quality border terriers and my thanks to all the exhibitors, especially those who travelled long distances.
It was a delight when my BOB, Ch Otterbobs Tolsen, won the terrier group and an additional pleasure when my Best Veteran, Ch Cynetkoy Pillow Talk, placed third in the Veteran Group. Overall the borders proved to be sound and it was particularly enjoyable to find several dogs with large, strong teeth. Many were in a fit condition with firm muscle and active drive on the move. The majority had good shoulders coupled with hind quarters that looked capable of a day’s work. This correct construction translated into to good movement. The Border Terrier should remain a workmanlike terrier and future breeders need to keep that in mind.
The top decisions were decided by some of these less obvious merits and indeed my personal preferences but, in the end, I was pleased to see an entry of border terriers with so much quality. This bodes well for the future and has left me with memories of a most enjoyable day.
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
26th Jul 2023
Judge: Anne Speake
I would like to thank the officers and committee for the kind invitation to judge some of the terrier breeds at this well run show, set in the beautiful setting of Dunster Castle. My thanks to my two excellent stewards Mel & Vera for keeping the ring running smoothly. A special thank you to all the exhibitors who gave me such a lovely quality entry of dogs over all the breeds to judge, making for some difficult decisions in some classes.
Limit /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Paignton Championship Show
5th Aug 2023
Judge: Colin Powell (Bowtman)
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Bournemouth Championship Show
13th Aug 2023
Judge: Ms Tina Jones (Otterholme)
My thanks go to the committee of Bournemouth Championship Show for inviting me to award tickets for the first time, it was a very special day.
Special thanks to my stewards Gentle Lowe and Brian Aubrey for doing such a sterling job, allowing me to focus on the task in hand.
I was delighted with the entry that awaited me, a huge thank you to the exhibitors for giving me the privilege to go over their dogs, this was a real honour and the sporting way they accepted my decisions, on the whole by most exhibitors.
I was told many years ago, by someone well respected in the breed to judge with the hands, not with the eyes, never did this ring true as today. Some dogs I have admired from the ringside, didn’t live up to expectations, whilst others that hadn’t previously caught my eye, surprised me and did.
Being the daughter of a hunt terrier man I could get no better grounding in the requirements of an earth dog, these were the days long before quad bikes, terriers would be expected to be on their feet from the moment hounds drew off until close of the hunting day, working in landscapes not dissimilar to that of that hunt the breed first originated from.
l tried to look subjectively at the exhibit before me to see if they had the confirmation and condition to undertake such duties. I was surprised how quite a number were difficult to span and far too deep in chest and too wide in front and came up heavy, lacking the narrowness to go to ground, a distinct disadvantage in the working arena, legs bend, chests don’t.
I was finding rear movement was better than front, but more than a few lacked the drive that I looked for with elevated front action that indicates an upper arm that is shorter than ideal.
I look to see feet that are tight with a good thick pad so vital in an earth dog, many were lacking in this important trait.
I found temperaments superb throughout the day, dentition was questionable on several exhibits and all dogs entire.
A plea to exhibitors if you bait them on the table, that is fine if they look hypnotically at the treat, but on several occasions, owners were wrestling with their dogs trying to get at the treat, making it difficult to assess them.
I am always mindful to judge fit for function, and I was happy that my winners fitted that bill and all sporting decent jackets and pelts and meeting my interpretation of the breed standard.
I was delighted to see my BOB going on to third in the terrier group and my BP winning the terrier puppy group.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Different stamp to 1, but many pleasing attributes. Correct in head proportions, pleasing length of neck into correctly placed shoulders I liked her length of rib and she spans easily, in super condition just preferred the rear angulation of 1
The Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
19th Aug 2023
Judge: Jane Morton Shaw (Fehmarn)
I would like to thank the WKC committee for inviting me to judge at this lovely show. It was very well organised with a super friendly atmosphere.
Thank you to all the exhibitors for your entry & accepting my decisions so graciously.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day, but I have to apologise for the late start! I’m always super early for everything, and had arrived on the showground by 8am. Unfortunately my watch battery ran out at 8.20 and I was mortified when I realised it had stopped and to find out that the time was 9.35!!!
I was very pleased to see my BOB, BPIB & BVIB shortlisted in their groups, with Veteran going on to Group 3.
Veteran - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
9 yr old pretty grizzle bitch of nice size. In good coat & pelt nice and thick. Tail well set on off a level top line. Nicely balanced. Moved well & freely. Easily spanned
City of Birmingham Championship Show
2nd Sep 2023
Judge: Mrs K Wilkinson (Otterkin)
Thank you to City of Birmingham for the invitation to judge this show, for the very large ring provided to the breed and to all the exhibitors who entered under me – I was very pleased with the overall quality of the entry of 122 dogs making 144 entries in these days of falling entries, with very few absentees (16 from “new dogs” by my count).
The ring stewards did an excellent job of keeping everything running smoothly – so thank you to John Gardner and Ken Francis.
I would like to send my best wishes to Anna Duxbury (Ridgebow) who had initially been under contract to judge this as her very first Championship Show. Having seen Anna judge at the Border Terrier Club’s Open show in February 2022, I know she is a very experienced and knowledgeable judge as well as an excellent breeder and hope in time that she is able to take on another Championship Show appointment in the future. I had originally been invited to judge this show in 2024 and had sent my acceptance letter, but when the Secretary contacted me, I agreed to bring forward the appointment to 2023.
I have taken the name/s of the owner/s and the dogs’ names direct from the catalogue. Some may have other owners or Kennel Names added, or awards such as Ch or JW added now, but I must use the details from the catalogue.
*Handlers* – please do not stuff food/tubes of treats into your dogs’ mouths just before the judge needs to look at their dentition. Those who stood behind their dogs and held the lead, I had no problem examining their dogs’ mouths, but a small number of others who were stuffing food into their dog’s mouth as I approached, once they moved away, some dogs were up on their hind legs trying to get more food/treats from you. I had to examine the rest of the dog then come back and look in the mouth again when the dogs were not fidgeting about looking for food. If you are doing it to avoid the dentition being checked, it won’t work as a judge will just come back to it!
It was quite hot in the hall. Kudos to all the dogs as they were not put off by the noise made when judge and/or handler stood on whatever was under the carpet making a “clunk” noise. I found when spanning dogs, almost all of them were hot underneath. Never felt that before, even when judging in 90 degree heat outside in America, so just be aware that your dog may be getting overheated.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
Longer cast bitch with a lovely rib shape, easily spanned. Would prefer more fill under the eye, but has a good dark eye. Nice short tail, well set on.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
16th Sep 2023
Judge: Mr Robert Brewster (Stowthorney & Breckgreen)
I would like to thanks the officers and committee of The Southern Border Terrier Club for giving me the honour of judging their Open Show. I first signed the contract for the show in 2017, but due to Covid and the Lockdown I have only just fulfilled my judging appointment. Whist remembering those who are no longer with us due to the Covid Pandemic. I was happy with my entry and would like to also thank the exhibitors for entering under me and thank them all for taking my decisions, some of which were difficult, in a sportsmanlike way. I found most exhibits to be in good order, but I was quite worried that I found some younger exhibits with a build-up of scale on their teeth. This should be addressed as soon as possible. I was also delighted with a young exhibitor, attending her first show, on a whole handling her young dog so well whilst full of nerves and inexperience. We need to encourage these youngsters as they are the custodians of our breed
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
South Wales Kennel Association
13th Oct 2023
Judge: Mr W Shorthose (Cundytyke)
I think hind movement has generally improved though the same cannot be said for fronts. Most were shown in good coat and only one exhibit was clearly of poor temperament.
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Terrier Club of Devon & Cornwall Open Show
22nd Oct 2023
Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
My thanks to the committee for the opportunity to judge a lovely quality entry of Border Terriers. This is a friendly and welcoming show and I was ably assisted by a super Steward who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently.
The acoustics of the building today did have a detrimental effect on some of the exhibits; but of course, it is impossible to find a perfect space for every dog to show themselves at their best.
As mentioned I was honoured to have a super selection of Borders to go over today; especially the Puppy class where many were exhibiting for the first time.
I found all male dogs intact, and no kinked tails and one wry mouth. Coats were in all stages of growth today, and a few lacked a good visible covering of undercoat which naturally affected placings. Temperaments were all excellent and the ‘glint ‘ in the eye that I would like to see- inquisitive and game that looked ready for a day‘s work, which in turn reflected in their positive movement- was pleasingly there with all my main line up; as was the ‘stamp’ of the breed the otter- like head with correct proportions in the head to allow the powerful jaws to do their job, whilst standing on- most importantly, small thickly padded cat-like feet.
Best Veteran
Name at show: BVIS, Clydebeck Solitaire
Limit /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
9-year-old G & T bitch whose movement and attitude belied her years. She was another with a ready to work, can do attitude; with a superb topline, tailset and carrot-like tail. A hint of a stop on a great otter like head that exhibited alertness and attentiveness from her dark eyes. The straightest of fronts on well laid back and in shoulders; good length of back, easily spanned, and narrow throughout, and strong loin and super racy hindquarters. Lovely turn of stifle and well let down hocks drove her around the ring with a strength of a much younger dog. I was pleased to place her as Best Veteran in Breed and delighted to watch her go Best Veteran in Show from a full line up- congratulations!
Bristol & District Dog Club Open Show
3rd Dec 2023
Judge: Mr Stephen Goodwin (Lanola)
Post Graduate /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Ladies Kennel Association
8th Dec 2023
Judge: Mr Ken Bartlett (Dwilencia)
Veteran - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire
Placing Critique
9.5 yrs in good coat, pleaing in head and expression, nicely bodied and good tail carriage, moves well
The Terrier Club of Devon and Cornwall
18th Feb 2024
Judge: Mark Atkinson (Raedwulf)
Limit /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
3rd Mar 2024
Judge: Miss Nicola Foster (Thozow)
It was a great honour to be invited to Judge a Border Terrier Club Open show so I would like to thank the Southern Club for this opportunity. It was a day I had been looking forward too, so I would also like to thank the exhibitors for their entries, allowing me to access their dogs and for accepting my decisions. I was most grateful to my stewards Sian McKay & Marina Fleming who kept the ring running efficiently, and also live streamed the challenges and BIS.
Oldest Veteran
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
Correct head proportions with moderate sized ears, dark kind eye; medium bone, good fore and rear angulation, ribs carried well back, level topline and correct set on of tail. Carrying a harsh double coat in good condition. Moved well.
Class Critique
Both these bitches are in excellent condition, a credit to their owners
Exeter & County Canine Society Open Show
16th Mar 2024
Judge: Gentle Lowe (Rockslade)
Firstly I would like to thank the show and its organisers for the warm welcome and my stewards for their smooth running of the ring during my appointment. I would also like to thank the competitors for giving me the chance to go over their dogs. I had a quality entry of dogs and there were some tough decisions in the classes.
I would just like to point out some exhibits had dirty teeth, some longer untrimmed nails which whilst I didn’t penalise would give a nicer shape and finish to the feet and overall presentation. Overall dogs were presented in good condition.
Limit /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Bridgewater & DCS Open Show
24th Mar 2024
Judge: Libby Tanton-Joy (Itsaso)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge several breeds at their well-run open show. Also thank you to my stewards for organising the rings so smoothly. My thanks also go to those who entered under me on the day.
Post Graduate /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
9 year old grizzle and tan who is a credit to her owner presented in fit condition. Sporting a beautiful jacket she has a good front straight and narrow standing on neat feet. Ribs well laid back and easily spanned. Well muscled hindquarters she powered around the ring with drive. Just preferred head of first on the day.
National Terrier Club
6th Apr 2024
Judge: Miss Elspeth Jackson (Clipstone)
Thanks to the National Terrier Club for their invitation to judge at this prestigious show and to the exhibitors who did me the honour of judging their dogs. I was lucky to have two efficient stewards who kept things running smoothly, thank you Laura and Dave.
The entry showed a good depth of quality. In many classes the places were hotly contested with decisions needing to be made on the narrowest of margins. I was very pleased to find that there were some good coats on thick pelts and the nice thick short tails which set off a good border so well.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Class Critique
I do love my veterans and this class did not disappoint
West of England Ladies Kennel Society
26th Apr 2024
Judge: Mandy Holmes (Bimandi)
Many Thanks to WELKS for asking me to judge at their show, it was an honour, also thank you so much to everyone that entered under me, I had some great dogs to go over. Congratulation to all my winners. Thanks also go to my very competent stewards for keeping my ring running smoothly.
All the males were entire. Apart from 3 level bites all mouths were correct and teeth of good size. Temperaments were all sound except one or two that really didn’t like being in the noisy hall and were a little bit subdued. It’s hard to judge true movement on a slippery concrete floor and in some classes the placings could have changed if we had been outside on grass.
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
The Midland Border Terrier Club Championship Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mrs Laura Illingworth (Thorneyhurst)
Firstly thanks to the Midland Border Terrier Club for inviting me to judge their show, and to all the exhibitors for the massive entry which would of been hard to get through without the help of my two stewards Sharon Pickering and Margaret Bailey who did there best to make sure no exhibitors missed there classes
The quality of the exhibits was exceptional, Most dogs were in fit hard condition and presented well, the old saying many good dogs went without a card was only too true, We were blessed with good weather and a nice sized ring.
Veteran - Bitch /
Very Highly Commended
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
National Dog Show
12th May 2024
Judge: Mr Patrick Glover (USA)
I wanted to thank the committee for the honour of judging your show. I sincerely apologize for the delay of the critique due to ill health. Coming from another country it was especially grateful to have such excellent Stewards to help guide me. And I thank all the exhibitors that came to exhibit under me. It was a pleasure to see so many quality Borders, and have them in hand. I was very satisfied with my final lineup. I enjoyed the depth of type that you have in the UK. Part of that may be seeing Borders with a proper coat. Unfortunately, Borders in the USA are not shown in such coat anymore which I do not understand. I only saw two bad bites, and I see you are battling some of the same issues we are in the US, one being straight fronts. A good Border must have some prosternum to be constructed in a proper way where the legs are under the dog rather than in front of it. The second being is the loss of rib. Your standard states “ribs carried well back” Our standard states the same thing, only adding the word deep “deep ribs carried well back. Both proper fronts and rib are essential to a working terrier, and attention must be paid to both. Overall, I enjoyed going over so many good Borders and again I thank you for the opportunity
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Bath Canine Society
26th May 2024
Judge: Mr Ian Higham (Comberdown)
I would like to thank Mr. Lee Cox and the officers and committee of Bath Canine Society for making my wife and I feel so welcome at their show. Also my two amazingly competent stewards Mark and Joyce who were just brilliant at their job.
I found nothing obviously untoward or concerning, apart from, surprisingly, a few too heavy ones, which cost placings. We need to remember functionality.
In general, overall, this was an entry of terrific in-depth quality. What an absolute privilege it was to go over them. Thank you all so much!
Best Veteran
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Veteran - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
Ten-year-old grizzle, still in fine fettle. Moved very well front and rear and today she turned up in a smashing harsh coat. Best Veteran.
Southern Counties Canine Association
1st Jun 2024
Judge: Dr Ian Gabriel (Gabybryl)
This was my first-time awarding Challenge Certificates in Border Terriers and many thanks to those that entered under a non-breed specialist, and well done for braving what was a bitter wind. If this was a representative entry, then I am heartened by the general health and condition of the breed. Good coats, good pelts and super large dentition were the majority. There are some nice youngsters in the lower classes. Just two points as a non-specialist if I might be permitted, firstly the standard calls for a small ear and I found quite a few otherwise nice exhibits with large houndy ears which did somewhat detract from the overall expression. Secondly several dogs broke quite markedly at the front pastern which spoilt the overall impression on the move, these points need watching.
Veteran - Dog or Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
Ten years of age and defying it. I thought that this bitch was quite lovely and very good for type. Nicely made throughout. Easily spanned. Good pelt and decent topcoat. Moved very well. Won this class on her head and expression despite a lack of furnishing to help her. Pleased to have had her
Three Counties Agricultural Society
8th Jun 2024
Judge: Mr Eddie Houston (Earthwise)
My thanks to the Society for inviting me, to my very capable stewards, Bill and Tricia for their efficiency and helpfulness and especially to the exhibitors who afforded me the honour of going over their dogs.
The weather was kind and the ring of sufficient size to allow dogs to get into their stride.
Overall I felt that there was more quality in the bitches but was more than pleased with my main winners in both sexes. Size and front movement continue to be problems and coats were at all stages of growth-this did affect some placings. I only found one undershot bite and all males were entire. Several dogs were carrying rather too much condition but more worrying were the few who were almost painfully thin which also meant that these dogs couldn’t possibly possess the muscle needed for work. A number of dogs would benefit from more exercise to improve their muscletone.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
At 10 years of age this light grizzle was moving better than many of the younger dogs and has kept her figure well. Nice feminine head, super coat and pelt, good tail.
Class Critique
These more mature ladies were all a credit to their owners.
Windsor Championship Dog Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Sandra Girling (Benattivo)
Thank you to the officers and committee of Windsor Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time at such a prestigious show. I must also thank my two very experienced stewards Bill & Trish Gray who were a great support to me with their calm, friendly and pleasant manner. I would also like to express my sincere thanks to all the exhibitors who entered their border terriers under me and accepted my decisions in a sporting manner.
The weather became very hot as the day progressed with some dogs flagging a little on the move. Fortunately we had some shade via the marquee, the grass had got quite dried out and I felt a few exhibits didn’t move as well as others on it but generally movement was better than I have observed in the past. I must also mention how disappointed I was to find so many exhibits with dirty teeth, cleaning them should be part of a dog’s care and grooming routine.
I was so delighted with my top winning border terriers that I felt had exceptional breed quality and were presented and shown to best advantage.
Many quality exhibits were in some classes down the line or unplaced due to the depth of quality present and on another day may change places.
Veteran - Bitch /
First Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
10 year old lady that has a pleasing head with a keen expression and neat ears. Only a little white muzzle hair gives away her years. She was presented in a lovely harsh coat with a loose thick pelt which covered a fit narrow body. Her forelegs are straight and she has good rear angulation, which helped her move around the ring with an active stride. She had to head this class for being so youthful and remaining animated as she thoroughly enjoyed her day out.
The Southern Border Terrier Club Championship Show
29th Jun 2024
Judge: Mrs Margaret Sneddon (Kersfell)
I would like to thank the Committee for offering me this appointment, I was honoured to be given this opportunity. Thank you also to my stewards for all their hard work keeping the show running as smoothly as possible, for which I was very grateful. There were some lovely dogs present but front movement and lack of correct length and angulation of the upper arm continues to be a problem in some exhibits as well as size and correct coat . We should not forget the first line in the breed standard “essentially a working terrier”.
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Minehead & District Canine Society Open Show
24th Jul 2024
Judge: Mr Kevin Yeates (Bluebabel)
My thanks to Minehead & District for giving me this appointment, which I thoroughly enjoyed
I was pleased with my entries and my winners.
Post Graduate /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Paignton Championship Show
2nd Aug 2024
Judge: Tracey Anscombe (Orangebox)
Thank you to the officers and committee for my first-time appointment at this level. This show is my ‘local’ which made it even more special, If you have never been it is worth the trip down the M5 a warm welcome will meet you.
I was thrilled with the quality of my entry, one observation I did find a lot of untidy feet, splayed toes, long nails and thin pads, I did however find no kinked tails and only one mouth fault.
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
Another super older lady. Not the same overall appearance of 1 but a really sound, good moving individual. Coat just on the change but still harsh, still processed a straight front and is easy to span. Handled well.
Class Critique
I always enjoy a veteran class, and these three ladies are a credit to their owners and a real testament to our breed of being ‘fit for function’
Bournemouth Championship Show
12th Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Wendy Mooney (Chesterton)
Thank you to my stewards, Hayley and Malcolm and to all the exhibitors who endured the heat and accepted my decisions sportingly, on what must have been one of the hottest days of the year. Overall the quality of the entry was good with some lovely dogs. Mouths, tails and size were generally good. Coats varied (as they always do) in both quality and the stage of growth. There were a number of pelts that could have been thicker and loose which was disappointing as this is mentioned in the standard and important from a working point of view. I was surprised and disappointed to see evidence of scissorwork on some coats and grooming was not always done to the dog’s best advantage – this does not affect the ability to work but this is a dog show and presentation therefore does count to a degree when placing the dogs. Compared to the last time I judged, I felt that size had improved and in most cases the dogs today were closer to the standard.
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Welsh Kennel Club Championship Show
16th Aug 2024
Judge: Mr Stuart Plane
Veteran - Bitch /
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
City of Birmingham Championship Show
31st Aug 2024
Judge: Mrs Clare Sansom (Tarkaswell)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the City of Birmingham Canine Association Championship Dog Show for the invitation to judge at this level for the first time.
With storm Lillian resulting in the abandonment of Driffield, the JBTC were also able to hold their show in an adjacent ring. Hall 3 at the Royal Kennel Club building was light, spacious and an ideal venue. A certain amount of flexibility was required when classes clashed, and I am very grateful to my experienced stewards Chris Woolner and Caroline Wise for their hard work. They were calm, efficient and kept the ring running smoothly. With their help we finished in time to ensure that all those who had won major awards could get to their groups.
My sincere thanks to all the exhibitors for giving me such a quality entry and accepting my decisions in a sporting manner. We had very few absentees and I often had difficult decisions to make. In several classes, I would have liked some additional prize cards to award.
Coats did have an influence on the results, with those presented at their best, in a harsh, dense double jacket with thick pelt, being rewarded. A few exhibits would have benefitted from having their feet tidied to have achieved a neater picture. I found two kinked tails, two with incorrect dentition and all male dogs were entire.
I was delighted with my principal winners, who all fulfilled my interpretation of the breed standard on the day. It was a privilege to judge such an entry, and the lovely atmosphere, with applause and cheers for the winners, made it extra special.
I thoroughly enjoyed my day.
Veteran - Bitch /
Third Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
The Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
15th Sep 2024
Judge: Mrs Sue Baxter (Mysulan/Sulan)
I must start by thanking the committee for the invitation to judge at this lovely venue. The weather was kind to us and judging was able to take place outside , a fact I know so many exhibitors enjoy. My thanks also must go to my stewards , Rachel and Rhianne Mitchell , they certainly kept things running smoothly and were a big help keeping me on track ! Thanks ladies!
As usual , my gratitude to all who gave me entries and were able to turn up on the day , all very much appreciated .
I was presented with an array of lovely specimens and some classes made for some tough decisions .Several times I wished there were more red cards to award. The standard , I found, was very good and there was quality in depth in most classes. All males were intact , I found no kinked tails and most mouths were acceptable , coats , as usual , were in differing stages of growth and texture . All were spannable.
Oldest Veteran
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
Super 10 year old lady , larger cast than the 1st , but still in proportions ..great to see her wise old face very much alert and focused on the job ..Great coat with texture and plenty of pelt underneath it . Could still show the youngsters a thing or two .
Southern Border Terrier Club Open Show
2nd Mar 2025
Judge: Mr Tony Allcock OBE (Sleepyhollow)
Veteran - Bitch /
Second Place
Name at show: Clydebeck Solitaire VW
Placing Critique
10 years and another impressive veteran lady. Lovely head with neat ears. Correct neck. Neat front assembly having straight strong legs on super feet. Secure strong topline. Spanned well. Balanced throughout, she moved well. Later I was told I had judged her in her younger days and awarded her top honours. After all this time, it was great to see her in such great condition.