First Place in Minor Puppy - Dog, Judge: Mrs Eileen Cole (Towden)
I would like to thank the club for inviting me to judge their open show and what an enjoyable day I had, also for the lovely present and flowers, and to my two stewards who were very efficient and kept the ring running smoothly. I had a very good entry of dogs thanks to the exhibitors with some good quality dogs to go over although rear movement on some could be better but I was very pleased with my top winners.
7 mth grizzle, super masculine otter head nice width between correct set and shape ears, strong scissor bite teeth, narrow front, good length of body and neck, well placed shoulders into level top line, deep in chest and well developed hind quarters, and bend of stifle neat tight feet, well set on carrot tail, in good coat and thick pelt, spanned ok, moved well both ways. RBIS, BD, BP, BOS.