First Place in Limit - Bitch, Judge: Mrs Anne Gregory (Remony)
My thanks to the Club for the invitation to judge, it was both an honour and pleasure to do so. My thanks also to the committee for their most excellent hospitality, to my capable stewards, Marjorie Wanless and Anjela Cranson, and to the exhibitors for their entries and support.
I had some good quality dogs to go over today and was well pleased with my winners. While I found hind action, on the whole, to be good, I did find a number of poor fronts. Front movement pinning in, weak pasterns, flat feet and feet that turned out or turned in. Some dogs also lacked forward reach. To be fit for the function it was intended, a Border needs, as well as strong sound hindquarters, a sound forehand with tight, thick padded feet.
The best class of the day and a lot of good bitches went card less.
one I have admired from the ringside and she didn?t disappoint. Good otter head with nice dark eye and big teeth, she is narrow throughout with a good layback of rib and well placed shoulders. Straight front, with good tight feet. Strong, racy hindquarters which allowed her to move soundly and freely with drive around the ring. Shown in tip top condition with a first class harsh jacket covering a thick pelt. Was pleased to award her BIS.