Third Place in Limit, Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
My thanks to the committee for the opportunity to judge a lovely quality entry of Border Terriers. This is a friendly and welcoming show and I was ably assisted by a super Steward who kept the ring running smoothly and efficiently.
The acoustics of the building today did have a detrimental effect on some of the exhibits; but of course, it is impossible to find a perfect space for every dog to show themselves at their best.
As mentioned I was honoured to have a super selection of Borders to go over today; especially the Puppy class where many were exhibiting for the first time.
I found all male dogs intact, and no kinked tails and one wry mouth. Coats were in all stages of growth today, and a few lacked a good visible covering of undercoat which naturally affected placings. Temperaments were all excellent and the ‘glint ‘ in the eye that I would like to see- inquisitive and game that looked ready for a day‘s work, which in turn reflected in their positive movement- was pleasingly there with all my main line up; as was the ‘stamp’ of the breed the otter- like head with correct proportions in the head to allow the powerful jaws to do their job, whilst standing on- most importantly, small thickly padded cat-like feet.
9-year-old G & T bitch whose movement and attitude belied her years. She was another with a ready to work, can do attitude; with a superb topline, tailset and carrot-like tail. A hint of a stop on a great otter like head that exhibited alertness and attentiveness from her dark eyes. The straightest of fronts on well laid back and in shoulders; good length of back, easily spanned, and narrow throughout, and strong loin and super racy hindquarters. Lovely turn of stifle and well let down hocks drove her around the ring with a strength of a much younger dog. I was pleased to place her as Best Veteran in Breed and delighted to watch her go Best Veteran in Show from a full line up- congratulations!