First Place in Open, Judge: Jane Eyeington (Meadowdale)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of this well-run show for their kind invitation to judge. I was delighted with the super dogs that I had the pleasure of judging, all a real credit to you. A huge thank you to the exhibitors for the honour of your lovely dogs. A huge thank you to my 2 very efficient stewards, who also had a very long day, the show could not go on without you, so thank you.
Smart 17 month old B/T dog, so balanced and unexaggerated, with a lovely flow to his outline. Built on racy lines. Good otter head, width to the skull, strong short muzzle, good bite, dark eye with a keen expression. Pleasing length of neck, clean and straight front. Right amount of depth to be able to span, good length to the ribcage with a firm level topline. Not quite the width of thigh of his kennel mate, but strong hindquarters. A lovely true mover in all directions. Shown in a harsh jacket – RBOB