First Place in Post Graduate, Judge: Siân McKay (Redesholt)
I would like to thank the SToY for giving me the opportunity to judge the four classes of Border Terriers on this, my first judging appointment; the exhibitors who trusted me to evaluate their dogs/bitches and to Mr John Thomas, who kindly donated, the £10 for Best of Breed and £10 for the Best Puppy in Breed.
The committee did a sterling job given the last-minute change of venue; and my stewards, Margaret and Julie, kept the ring moving smoothly and effortlessly.
I was pleased with the number of entries, and it was great to see some fine examples of ‘otter – like’ heads – the breed stamp. All dogs were spannable today, and most had correct small tight round feet.
It was gratifying to see many examples of sound fluid movement, and good construction– Movement is so important for the Borders terrier to do its job- “Essentially a working terrier “.
Super 23-month-old bitch. Excellent otter head with good keen expression and dark eye, large teeth in scissor bite- shallow stop and good ear set. Of a handy size and with correct ratios- she had a good reach of neck into well- laid shoulders and strong short loin that ran into a correct tailset and super turn of stifle. Deep chest and well ribbed, she has powerful, natural, smooth movement; maintained topline and moving with purpose in reach and drive. Excellent jacket and coat- Pleased to award her Best of Breed today.