First Place in Post Graduate - Dog, Judge: Tracy Butler (Ycart)
Firstly I would like to thank the officers and committee for inviting me to judge there well run show,also many thanks must go to my very capable stewards on an excellent job in keeping the ring running smoothly.
The biggest thanks must go the exhibitors for there entries,and there sportsmanship on my decisions.
In my opinon,my findings where as follows,the standard asks for “essencially a working terrier”,this is a statement that is very close to my heart.
Unfortunatley some do not fit this,short upperarms are still very present,restricting reach in movement.Some dogs would benefit from less food and more exercise.
Muscle tone varied greatly,some dogs lacking,these dogs are bred to do a job.
With the rising costs of entries,some exhibits would benefit greatly from a good tidy up and the mud removed from there under bellies.
I was pleased with my overall winners,some nice quality exhibits.
Very mixed class for type
Blue & Tan,showy dog,plainer in head than some,but balanced proportions,correct dentation,cleanest of necks,good shoulder.striaght front,well ribbed back,strong loin,racy quarters with good muscle tone,harsh jacket & thick pelt ,moves well holding his topline.