First Place in Post Graduate - Bitch, Judge: Mr R Brewster (Stowthorney)
I would like to thank the officers and committee of the Northern Border terrier club,
for inviting me to judge at this show. I considered this a great honour and privilege.
Many thanks to my two ring stewards Andrea Dixon and Mark Atkinson for keeping the ring running smoothly. I am immensely grateful to all of the exhibitors for a supper entry and the chance to go over so many lovely dogs and for taking my decisions with good sportsmanship. Some decisions could have been different on another day
In general, most were in tip top condition a few were a bit over weight.
Dentition was mostly good. I was happy on the whole with temperaments.
Blue and tan girl with a pleasing head, nice eyes and correct scissor bite. She has little stop and neat ears. Shown in a harsh double jacket today. Level top-line held well on the move. Moved well.