First Place in Open, Judge: Mrs L.K. Jordan-Smith (Jordith)
Thank you to the committee for the invitation to judge our wonderful breed for the first time at this friendly show. Like many shows this weekend there were a few absentees, likely due to a combination of reasons, nevertheless thank you to all of my entries; I enjoyed my first experience on the other side of the table today
4 year old grizzle and tan dog. Stood alone but much to like about him. Up to size with a straight front and good rear angulation. Deep narrow rib carried well back to a strong loin and well muscled hindquarters. A nice loose pelt, with a new jacket of correct texture coming through. A moderately broad skull with little stop, and a nice strong muzzle housing large teeth with a correct scissor bite. Good movement both ways, even in this small space, helped to complete the overall picture of this masculine dog. BOB and please to see him go TG2.